Author Topic: Argentina  (Read 465 times)


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« on: June 03, 2021, 11:15:46 pm »

“Mexicans descend from the Aztecs, Peruvians from the Incas – but Argentinians descend from the ships,” goes an old saying that encapsulates Argentina’s perception of itself as a nation of transplanted white Europeans.

But that Eurocentric view is being vehemently disputed as not only outdated but also factually untrue by a generation of young Afro-descendant researchers and activists who wish to rewrite the accepted version of Argentinian history.

“Argentina needs to understand that it is both very racist and very Afro,” said black activist and researcher Alí Delgado.

University lecturer Patricia Gomes is another Afro-descendant researcher intent on demolishing Argentina’s mythical self-image as a white nation. “In Argentina it used to be said that here there were no blacks, therefore there was no one to be racist with – and hence there was no racism,” she said.

Delgado and Gomes point to recent studies of population surveys and genetics that paint a far different picture from Argentina’s accepted history: one recent study concluded that up to 9% of today’s Argentinians may have ancestry from Africa.

The reason is simple: between the 16th and 19th centuries – long before the wave of European migration – more than 200,000 enslaved Africans arrived at the twin ports of the River Plate, Buenos Aires and Montevideo, capital cities of what are now Argentina and Uruguay.

“The number of slaves who arrived to the region of the River Plate is almost half of those who arrived in the US, which gives an idea of the magnitude of slave traffic in the River Plate region,”
according to Alex Borucki, a Uruguayan academic at the University of California Irvine, who co-manages the SlaveVoyages website that traces every ship carrying enslaved people that reached the Americas.


In 1778, Africans and Afro-descendants made up 37% of the population of what is now Argentina, according to a census by its Spanish colonialist rulers. In some major provinces the proportion was more than 50%.

That number did not drop significantly after independence from Spain in 1816: Afro-descendants accounted for 30% of the population of Buenos Aires for decades after independence. But after that, the number is unknown, because Argentina’s census bureau stopped collecting racial information.

“Census data was manipulated to erase us first from the statistics – and then from the history books,” says Gomes. “From the end of the 19th century the state meticulously began to make us invisible to present Argentina as homogeneous and of European descent.”

Argentina’s “whitening process” has been studied in depth by US academic Erika Edwards in her book Hiding in Plain Sight, published last year by University of Alabama Press.

“The whitening project was a successful endeavor in terms of the erasure of blackness,” said Edwards. “The idea that somebody could be the descendant of a slave is just not there.”

That belief in a strictly European Argentina continues to percolate. “We are all descendants from Europe,” said President Mauricio Macri at the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos.

It wasn’t until the 2010 census that an option was included for Argentinians wishing to self-identify as Afro-descendants. “That inclusion was very important but unfortunately it was restricted to only a small segment of the population, with the resulting projection suggesting that only half a percent of the population self-identify that way,” said Gomes.

Delgado and Gomes prefer data from a 2005 study conducted by Afro-descendant researchers that projects 5% of the population as having at least one African forebear.

A genetic study conducted by the University of Brasília in 2008 reached a different conclusion, finding that 9% of current-day Argentinians are of African ancestry.

Argentina’s pro-European immigration policy was initiated under its 1853 constitution at a time when the country’s post-independence thinkers and politicians were obsessed with the dichotomy of Civilization and Barbarism – the title of a 1845 book by Domingo Sarmiento, the country’s seventh president. In this Manichean view, Afro-descendants were placed squarely on the barbarism end of the scale.

That would make it an anti-Manichaean view. Actual Manichaeans believe materialism is evil. Even those who dislike "blacks" do not accuse them of affinity for material success.

“If it was not possible to physically eliminate Argentina’s Afro-descendants, the decision was to at least eliminate them symbolically, to create a discourse that there are no blacks in Argentina, that Brazil has that problem,” says Edwards.

The entrenched poverty of many Afro-descendants goes hand in hand with Argentina’s structural racism, says Delgado.

“There are no black journalists or politicians, but Argentina’s poor barrios are full of Afro-descendants. So are our prisons, just like in the United States.”

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« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2022, 09:53:35 am »
Argentine were victim of gentrification and economic liberalism through Spanish and British colonialism. See the written documenter's content below :

If you not have many time, read only the written sentences which given bold

Source : Why Argentina is not rich - CaspianReport (11th October 2022)

(Minute 03 : 27 until 04 : 33)

When measuring a state's living standards there are lies, damned lies, and GDP per capita statistics. Productivity measures can be useful but alone they reveal nothing of a society's actual conditions. Argentina is a case in point, though by 1900 it ranked highly on standard metrics, land policy remain rooted in the 16th century. And though land is the source of all wealth in Argentina, land distribution led to development mediocracy. Like all settler societies, Argentina's land policy was determined by colonization patterns. Violence and the prerogative of force guided land transfers from the indigenous peoples to the conquerors ... Soldiers and the politically well-connected carved out vast estates called estancias. And this top heavy system of proprietorship ensured wealth, status, and political power.


(Minute 05 : 01 until 06 : 50) lands were granted to settlers but the lion's share went to the already wealthy. Advances in refrigeration technology and the absence of a domestic market monthly estanciearos relied on exports to realize profits. Most were destined for the industrial hub of Britain, as such British investments began to seep into Argentina, monopolizing the country's railways to ensure export stability. Britain thereby stepped into the imperial role that Spain once occupied here the Estancia Rose's self interest clashed with development priorities. Having acquired their land by less sophisticated means, their wealth and influence dependent on Argentina remaining a source of raw, agricultural commodities. There was thus no impetus to move up the value chain or industrialize, instead these function were left to Britain confining Arentina to stagnation.

Moreover, as immigrants poured into the River Plate, many became tenant farmers on the estancias. Here excessive rents gobbled up the surplus of farmworks and this undermined the consumer demand that would have made domestic manufacturing economically viable. While this led to an agricultural boom, long term it halted Argentine development. The ruling estancieros were untroubled by this though, most were happy to watch their export revenues and ground grants roll in, thus by 1900 Argentina entered a relative GDP per capita peak. Yet this apparent prosperity was profoundly unequal and dependent on export markets.


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Re: Argentina
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2022, 04:39:02 pm »
Enemy discussion:

Another 2015 study of 175 Argentines found 67% white, 28% Amerindian, 3.6% black and 1.4% East Asian.
Buenos Aires is culturally highly European (e.g., we attended a performance of Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov at the famous Teatro Colon opera house).

See also:


I have the vague impression that Argentina has gotten more mestizo since then due to immigration from poorer South American countries such as Bolivia and Paraguay.

So, Argentina is kind of like Mexico, only less Amerinidian. Mexico still have distinctly indio populations who speak Indian languages and wear Indian clothes. In contrast, practically everybody in rural Argentina speaks Spanish and wears European clothes.
it’s hard to find much about Argentina Indians. Mexico has been fairly solicitous intellectually of its indios since the Revolution, with the government devoting a lot to training anthropologists, restoring their mighty pyramids, and building impressive ethnographic museums as part of the national ideology of la raza cosmica. But Argentina hasn’t showed much interest in their own Indians
White Argentine leaders such as Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, ex-president of Argentina (1868-1874), crafted a different narrative to erase Blackness because they equated modernity with whiteness. Sarmiento wrote “Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism” (1845), which detailed Argentina’s “backwardness” and what he and others perceived as the need to become “civilized.” He was among those who shared a vision for the nation that associated it more strongly with European, rather than African or Amerindian, heritage.
    With its history of slavery behind it, Argentina’s leaders focused on modernization, looking to Europe as the cradle of civilization and progress. They believed that to join the ranks of Germany, France and England, Argentina had to displace its Black population — both physically and culturally.

    In many ways, this was not unique to Argentina. This whitening process was attempted throughout much of Latin America, in places such as Brazil, Uruguay and Cuba.

    What makes Argentina’s story unique in this context, however, is that it was successful in its push to build its image as a White country.

    For example, in the 1850s, the political philosopher and diplomat Juan Bautista Alberdi, who was perhaps best known for his saying “to govern is to populate,” promoted White European immigration to the country. Argentine president Justo José de Urquiza (1854-60) supported Alberdi’s ideas and incorporated them in the country’s first constitution. Amendment 25 clearly stated: “The federal government shall foster European immigration.”
In fact, ex-president Sarmiento remarked toward the end of the 19th century: “Twenty years hence, it will be necessary to travel to Brazil to see Blacks.” He knew that Black Argentines existed but suggested that the country would not recognize them for long. Argentina’s landscape was soon transformed, as 4 million European immigrants answered the government’s call to migrate between 1860 and 1914. That clause remains in Argentina’s constitution today.
Morocho, an inoffensive label, continues to be used in Argentina today. This term, which references those who are “tan-colored,” has been used as a way of distinguishing non-White people.

Recall additionally:


Argentina Designates Hezbollah a Terror Group
    The public registry is a historical landmark containing over 1,000 entries of individuals and entities tied to terrorism in Argentina, including Hezbollah.
    Just a day after the registry was created, the Financial Intelligence Unit of Argentina (UIF-AR), led by Mariano Federici, ordered the country-wide freeze on Hezbollah's assets in our country.

    Before this executive action by President Macri, Hezbollah was not officially recognized [as a terrorist organization] in Argentina. If someone wanted to raise their flag, they would have been able to do so. Previously, the only people in Argentina labeled as terrorists were those considered terrorists by the U.N. Security Council.

The Jewish population in Argentina is the largest in Latin America, the third largest in the Americas, and the world's seventh largest outside Israel.

After Bolivia finishes taking over Chile:

we should support it taking over Argentina also.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2023, 02:16:14 am by 90sRetroFan »
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Re: Argentina
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2022, 06:21:10 pm »

The political angle to this world cup is almost parodic lol

"The all white team suspiciously descended from Germans are all Catholic and only eat high quality meat"

It's like if twitter invented a soccer team

Our world champions have been grown eating healthy animal protein-based diets! Argentine meat, sustainable meat. Thanks to our animal farmers, thanks to our champions!

If you know the level of hāte Argentinians have for Błacks, you wouldn’t be rooting for Messi to win the World Cup.

They have no błack player, they view Latįnos as inferiors, they staged genøcide against B!acks, they’re super racïsts.

Read Full Thread

Proof that Hungary is a meme, vol.5638

Fidesz politician congratulates Argentina: “A white, Christian country representing European values became the world champion.”


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Re: Argentina
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2023, 05:10:00 pm »
Eurocentrist Xi being Eurocentrist Xi:

China backs Argentina's Falklands claim, calls for end to 'colonial thinking'

This is the country Eurocentrist Xi supports:

In Argentina, an extensive racist ideology has been built on the notion of European supremacy.[30] This ideology forwards the idea that Argentina is a country populated by European immigrants bajados de los barcos (straight off the boat), frequently referred to as "our grandfathers", who founded a special type of "white" and European society that is not Latin-American.[31] In addition, this ideology holds forth that cultural influences from other communities such as the Aborigines, Africans, fellow Latin-Americans, or Asians are not relevant and even undesirable.

White-European racism in Argentina has a history of government participation. The ideology even has a legal foundation that was set forth in Article 25 of the National Constitution sponsored by Juan Bautista Alberdi. The article establishes a difference between European immigration (which should be encouraged) and non-European immigration.

Article 25: The Federal Government will encourage European immigration; and will not restrict, limit, nor tax the entry of any foreigner into the territory of Argentina who comes with the goal of working the land, bettering industry, or introducing or teaching sciences or the arts.

Constitution of Argentina

Alberdi, the article's sponsor and the father of the Argentine Constitution of 1853, explained in his own words the basis for White-European discrimination:

If you were to put the roto (literally "broken"), the gaucho, the cholo, the basic element of our popular masses, through the finest educational system; in one hundred years you would not make him an English worker who works, consumes, and lives comfortably and in a dignified manner.

Juan B. Alberdi[32]

The discrimination between European and non-European immigration established by Article 25 of the Constitution has survived all subsequent constitutional reforms (1860, 1868, 1898, 1949, 1957, 1972 and 1994).

Alberdi claimed that the "races which could improve the species" in Argentina where those that originated from Northwestern Europe, chiefly England and France. Alberdi was of Basque descent and as such carried a special grudge towards Spain where Basques were often an oppressed minority. Alberdi was also very partial to France where he spent much of his life in exile and where he died in 1884. In this way, despite the predominantly Hispanic, Mediterranean, Latin, and Catholic culture of Argentina, Alberti proposed a semi-nordicist policy somewhat similar to the later White Australia policy and the United States Immigration Act of 1924.
To govern is to populate in the sense that to populate is to educate, to better, to civilize, to enrich and enlarge spontaneously and rapidly, like what has happened in the United States. In order to civilize by means of the populace it is essential to do it with civilized populations; in order to educate our America in liberty and in industry it is essential to populate it with people from Europe who are more advanced in the matters of liberty and industry... there are foreigners and there are foreigners; and if Europe is the most civilized land on the planet, there is in Europe and in the heart of its brilliant capitals, more millions of savages than in all of South America. All that is civilized is European, at the very least in origin, but not all that is European is civilized; and it is easy to imagine the scenario of a new country populated by Europeans more ignorant of industry and liberty than the hordes of the Pampas or the Chaco.

Juan B. Alberdi[34]

over this country:

A group called Topple the Racists want statues across Britain removed and street names changed.

Theirlist includes some of Britain’s most famous historical figures including King James II, Oliver Cromwell and Christopher Columbus.

Thegroup said: “We believe these statues and other memorials to slave-owners and colonialists need to be removed so that Britain can finally face the truth about its past – and how it shapes our present.
“We must learn from, not venerate, this terrible chapter in British colonial history.”
« Last Edit: June 21, 2023, 07:51:01 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Argentina
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2023, 03:44:58 am »
In return, this is what happens:

Argentina Presidential Frontrunner Calls China an ‘Assassin’

(Bloomberg) -- Argentina’s presidential frontrunner Javier Milei would freeze relations with China and pull South America’s second-biggest economy out of the Mercosur trade bloc with Brazil, foreign policy proposals that are as radical as his economics.
It’s not the first time a prominent Argentine politician has insulted China: In 2015, then-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner caused a furor by mocking the Chinese accent in a tweet. Her comments came while she was on a state visit to China seeking investment.

Will Eurocentrist Xi ever learn?

See also:


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« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2023, 12:47:14 am »
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Re: State subverters
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2023, 08:47:43 pm »

Far-right outsider Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidency
Javier Milei has won Argentina’s presidential elections in provisional results, wrenching his country to the right with a bombastic anti-establishment campaign that drew comparisons to former US President Donald Trump – all against the backdrop of one of the world’s highest inflation rates.

His rival Sergio Massa conceded the run-off vote on Sunday evening in a brief speech even before official results were announced. “Milei is the president elected for the next 4 years,” said Massa, adding that he had already called Milei to congratulate him.

Provisional results so far show Milei with over 55% of votes (13,781,154) with more than 94% of votes counted, according to data from the country’s National Electoral Chamber, which has not yet declared an official winner.

Milei’s victory marks an extraordinary rise for the former TV pundit, who entered the race as a political outsider on a promise to “break up with the status quo” – exemplified by Sergio Massa.

His campaign promise to dollarize Argentina, if enacted, is expected to thrust the country into new territory: no country of Argentina’s size has previously turned over the reins of its own monetary policy to Washington decisionmakers.
Similarities to Trump have not gone unnoticed in the United States as it prepares for its own presidential elections. Milei succeeded in attracting attention at home not only because of his political style – including wielding chainsaws and raging outbursts – but also because of the novelty of his positions and eagerness to upset the status quo.

Echoing the Trumpian slogan, ‘Drain the swamp’, Milei’s supporters shout “¡¡Qué se vayan todos!!” which translates as “May they all leave!” – an expression of fury at politicians from both sides of the spectrum. Argentina’s left is currently in government, following rule by the right from 2015 to 2019.

Outside of his controversial plan for dollarization, Milei’s political program includes slashing regulations on gun control and transferring authority over the penitentiary system from civilians to the military; both measures part of a tough-on-crime approach. He proposes using public funds to support families who choose to educate their children privately and even privatizing the health sector, which in Argentina has always been in public hands.

Several outspoken comments landed Milei in hot water, without deterring his most ardent supporters. He triggered an uproar when it appeared Milei was in favor of opening a market for organ transplants, although he later retracted his declarations. He was similarly forced to apologize after calling Pope Francis, who is from Argentina and is seen as an icon of progressive politics in South America, “an envoy of Satan” in 2017.
Entire article:


Apparently that's what "draining the swamp" looks and sounds like to rightist Argentinians as well...  ::) :o

Why is it the swamp monsters always want to "drain the swamp"? That's the part I'm having a hard time understanding.

"I'm here to drain the swamp!"


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Re: Argentina
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2023, 09:05:49 pm »
More about Milei:

Milei supports former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and former United States president Donald Trump
Milei endorses the Madrid Charter, a document drafted by Vox that characterizes left-wing groups, such as the São Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group, as enemies of Ibero-America and accuses them of engaging in "a criminal project under the umbrella of the Cuban regime" that "seeks to destabilize liberal democracies and the state of law".[253][254][255] He signed the document alongside other far-right politicians across the region, including Eduardo Bolsonaro from Brazil, Rafael López Aliaga from Peru, and José Antonio Kast from Chile.[255] On foreign policy, he stated that the United States and Israel would be his primary allies if elected president. He also expressed his intention to relocate the Argentine embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.[256][257]
In May 2022, he stated: "I will not be apologizing for having a ****. I don't have to feel ashamed of being a man, white, blond with light blue eyes."[152]
He also reads the Torah daily and has visited the grave of Orthodox rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Milei expressed contemplation about converting to Judaism but said that observing the Jewish Sabbath could pose challenges if he were to become president.[264]


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Re: Argentina
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2023, 11:14:52 pm »
Not parody: