Author Topic: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners  (Read 2412 times)


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2022, 09:41:20 am »
frenzied press coverage about a black conspiracy to kill whites led to a mob lynching the black men, who “had committed no crime.”

Jews also say that they are attacked constantly by the muslims of Palestine while they have advanced machine weaponry and military vehicles more deadly than what the Palestinian muslims have. Should we take it seriously?..... That's the another analogue to answer that Amren's post


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #46 on: November 21, 2022, 11:47:34 pm »
Continuing from:

a rightist responds:

Lee Anderson, Conservative MP for Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, said: ‘I had red hair and freckles as a child. This guy needs to grow up and get a grip.

‘Instead of apologising for the next 3,000 years, the rest of the world should be thanking the UK for leading the way. This great country of ours has been a gift to the world. So he can ‘do one’.’


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2022, 04:29:53 pm »
According to our enemies, it's OK for theft to be "white":

The Rosetta Stone had been built into a wall of an old fort. A Napoleonic officer recognized its importance. When the British took possession after they defeated the French in Egypt, they too recognized its value and today it’s at the British Museum. Without European colonialism and the Western devotion to truth even during wartime, the Rosetta Stone would still be propping up a wall. It belongs to the West.


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #48 on: March 04, 2023, 09:10:07 pm »
Our enemies proudly recall the slave trade:

In the age of sail, it was very hard for Europeans to beat against prevailing winds directly across the North Atlantic. It was much easier to follow the wind south to Africa and exchange manufactured goods for slaves. The next step — the middle passage — was to ride the easterly winds in the lower latitudes to the New World and exchange slaves for sugar, cotton, and tobacco; then run back to Europe on the northern westerlies.

The middle passage usually took seven or eight weeks, but could be made in as few as three.

When the trade began in the 16th century, slavers had to cruise the coast, picking up a dozen slaves here, a score there, and it took time to load. Later, slave-trading ports were established, where a ship could quickly load a full cargo of several hundred. This required fortifications to protect both slaves and landed European trade goods from African raiders. Europeans therefore built forts, such as Gorée in Senegal, and Anamabo and Elmina in Ghana. Elmina Castle was the first — and now the oldest — European-style building south of the Sahara, built originally by the Portuguese in 1482 for the gold and ivory trade.

Today, much is made of the horrors of the middle passage, and a death rate of 15 percent on a voyage was not uncommon. However, many white crew and trans-Atlantic passengers also died. Furnas quotes what he calls “a fairly impartial observer [who] noted in the early 1800s that, thanks (he thought) to their being stowed naked and on a vegetable diet, the average cargo of slaves came ashore in the West Indies in better shape than the average unit of troops.” Furnas points out that it was good business to keep valuable slaves alive and healthy: “Whereas slaver captains and surgeons usually received small bonuses per slave landed, deaths at sea were profitable to emigrant ships, for emigrants paid fares in advance and no longer consumed provisions once their dead bodies had slid over side.”

Later in the trade, the British imposed limits on the number of slaves that could be transported, but: “[the rule of] three slaves to two tons of ship imposed by Britain in 1788 was the same ratio as that for British soldiers on transports 40 years later.” As for fraternization below decks, “the hands were supposed to stay away from the slave women, not for decorum, but to prevent quarrels. In well-disciplined ships the rule was observed.”

Just being in Africa was deadly for whites: “In 1825, a detachment of 108 British soldiers stationed in Gambia lost 87 men in four months.” Furnas notes that on the island of Fernando Po (now called Bioko and part of Equatorial Guinea), the death rate for whites was so high that the commandant always had two details constantly busy, one making coffins, the other digging graves.

To them, the real problem was abolitionism:

Abolition mania

The British abolition campaign was the first “social movement,” of the kind so familiar today. Dedicated people wrote tracts, gave lectures, preached from pulpits, and lobbied Parliament with the goal of ending, first, the slave trade and then slavery itself. One of the goals of ending the trade was to reduce the supply of slaves, who were commonly worked to death, in the hope that their value would increase and owners would treat them better. As in the United States, women were fervent, indispensable supporters.

In both countries, abolition was overwhelmingly Christian. Furnas describes the influential British abolitionists who became known as the Clapham Sect: “In their view, the principal reason for thinking West Indian slavery evil was not so much that it whipped and bullied Negroes — though that was a crying shame too — as that it denied their souls opportunity for salvation and tempted masters to cruelty and fornication.” It did not much matter whether abolition improved the lives of slaves; the goal was to convert them.
Furnas argues that many abolitionists, Christian or not, were mentally unbalanced. The movement had:

    An enticing savor of infallibility that attracted schizoid arrogance — a crucial ingredient in most crankishness — though often below the pathological level. It lent antislaveryism a greater appeal to those secretly proud of possessing the higher sensitivity, greater intelligence and social courage implied by their previous espousing of such glowing causes as phrenology and vegetarianism. The religious crank often added to the above theology a deep conviction that the end of the world was nigh and his battle against others’ sins had to be frantically intensified, lest the great day find him and his allies unfaithful stewards.

Furnas writes that “many an abolitionist of Old [John] Brown’s time thus piled multiple causes, some admirable, some freakish on one another, and combined antislaveryism with behavior that was, to say the least of it, neurotic.”

Abolition thus united legions of cranks: “Practically every reformer was antislavery . . . and conversely, Abolitionism derived much of its special momentum from the abnormally vivacious energies of the Reformers,” who were full of “wishful credulity, mistrust of objective reality, self-dramatization.”

They were like anti-racists today: all-purpose fanatics. Today, whatever else he is, every climate-change nut, militant nudist, Covid-commissar, story-hour drag queen, Antifa militant, anarchist, or Trotskyite is sure to be an anti-racist. And just like his psychological forebears, he is determined to force his views on everyone.
For British and American abolitionists, the Haitian revolution was the model for what they hoped for elsewhere. Furnas notes that “the greatest effort that the Negro slave ever made in his own behalf, left his country ruined — ruined still to this day,” but abolitionists touted it as a great success.
Furnas argues that abolitionism eventually veered from Christian duty into hatred: “Fervid reprehension of others’ sins leads almost irresistibly to sinner hating.” William Lloyd Garrison said of Southern congressmen: “We do not acknowledge them to be within the pale of Christianity . . . of humanity.” He called slaveholders “human hyenas and jackals who delight to listen to Negro groans, to revel in Negro blood, and to batten upon human flesh.” Abolitionists thrilled to every tale of slaveholder cruelty, real or imagined; it justified hatred.
For evidence of the near-insanity of some of the abolitionists, Furnas explains how Haiti assumed a new and different significance:

    Hayti’s failure to stabilize herself gradually grew so glaring that fewer and fewer stateside antislaveryites, however careless about the facts, could respect the new nation. The immense impact of Hayti on them came rather from the blood-lustful assault of Negroes and affranchis [freed blacks] on the whites. These were taken to mean that a slave economy necessarily seethed with readiness to conspire and rebel; that such risings stood a good chance of success; that they inevitably meant looting, arson, torture, death and **** after the Haytian example.

One of John Brown’s backers was Thomas Parker, a deeply religious man, whom one of the leading abolitionists, Lydia Maria Child, called “the greatest man, morally and intellectually, that our country ever produced.” He wrote: “The fire of vengeance may be waked up even in an African’s heart, especially when it is fanned by the wickedness of a white man; then it runs from man to man, from town to town. What shall put it out? The white man’s blood!”

James Redpath was an abolitionist journalist who promoted John Brown and later wrote his biography. For him, there was no price too high to pay for freedom for blacks: “If only one man survived to relate how his race heroically fell, and to enjoy the freedom they had won, the liberty of that solitary Negro would be cheaply purchased by the universal slaughter of his people and their oppressors.”
The most fanatical abolitionists came so to hate slaveholders that they regretted having even to live in the same country with them. Garrison began to despise the American nation itself because it countenanced slavey. The Union was “conceived in sin,” “brought forth in iniquity,” “a covenant with death,” “an agreement with hell,” a “refuge of lies.” Many abolitionists wanted to sever ties with the South because slavery was a disease “too deep for cure without amputation.”
In the 1830s and ’40s there had been proposals for gradual and sometimes compensated abolition, but this annoyed abolitionists. As late as 1857, Elihu Burritt, a diplomat and reformer of considerable stature, called for federal action to free the slaves and compensate owners by selling federal land. Garrison called this “paying a thief for giving up stolen property, and not acknowledging that his crime was a crime.”

I agree that the abolitionists can be accurately called Christians.


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #49 on: March 13, 2023, 06:55:50 pm »
I agree with the following litmus test designed by our enemies:

There’s a litmus test for those still believing some sort of compromise can be made with the tidal wave of insanity remaking our insanity, and it’s direct: Christopher Columbus is a hero, who advanced European civilization on what is known as the North American continent.

His spirit animated white men to aspire for not just Manifest Destiny, but the heavens.

We must realize the footsteps of Columbus were not in vain, but worthy of perpetuating.

I agree there is no compromise. Anyone who considers Columbus to be a positive figure must have their bloodline eliminated.


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #50 on: April 04, 2023, 04:10:29 am »
How "non-white" westerners see colonialism

Westerners's view of Colonialism (Rightist)

Anonymous - I’ll have to go anonymous for fear of being labelled a sell-out:) I can not speak for all countries, because every country had a different colonial experience. As for my country, which is Morocco, I would have to say that colonialism was an entirely good thing. Yes, the French came as brutal conquerors and oppressors, I’m not denying that, but the Moroccan authorities were themselves brutal and oppressive, so it was just another authority doing what our own leaders had done for centuries. The Moroccan rulers who lost the country to the French were corrupt, sectarian thugs. The only difference was that your oppressor suddenly had another religion than yourself. ‘

The French invested quite a lot in Moroccan infrastructure, building roads, railroads, docks and pumping out entire cities. Casablanca is France’s gift to Morocco. We also have France to thank for Morocco’s centralized, effective bureaucracy. Without the French, Morocco would still be a Medieval feudal state.

I can’t speak for our neighbors, but Algeria and Tunisia are both countries that are much better off than Morocco, in terms of development. The French did a lot to build up those countries as well. Tunisia in particular is a French-built success story. Because of France (and the Tunisians) it is the most developed country in Africa.

Other countries have entirely different experiences, but North Africa really benefited from colonialism.

Anti-westerners view of colonialism (1) (Leftist)

Khalid Elhassan- Good for the colonists, bad for the colonized, with varying degrees of just how bad. E.g.; I doubt there was any “good” done by Belgian colonizers that could come anywhere close to balancing the horrors they visited upon the Congo, where the natives were forced to work on plantations as de facto slave labor,


with widespread mutilation and murder as penalties for refusal to joyfully slave away for the colonial authorities.

About 10 million Africans died in the Belgian Congo as a result of colonialism, with millions more mutilated and tortured.

Nor would the Hereros or Namas of German South-West Africa, subjected by their German colonial masters to the now nearly forgotten Herero and Namaqua genocide , have thought the benefits of colonialism outweighed the costs.

Except in the rarest of instances, enclaves that were created from scratch by the colonialists such as Singapore or Hong Kong, I don’t think any benefits of colonialism outweighed the costs of colonization.

Also, I think it’s a fallacy to simply assume that colonial “benefits” such as infrastructure and education systems and what have you, could only have spread to the colonized lands via colonization. E.g.; Turkey and Iran were not colonized, but still managed to get such benefits and they’re not doing so bad by the standards of their neighborhood. Indeed, they’re doing better than many other countries in the region that had been colonized.

Japan and China (except for tiny enclaves) weren’t colonized, while India and Pakistan were. I don’t think India or Pakistan are faring much better than China, let alone Japan.

It is possible for countries to receive and enjoy the supposed benefits of colonialism without having been colonized.

False-Leftist view of Colonialism (1) (Centrist or Moderate)

Jakub Handlíř- I think that the views on colonialism are often very extreme

Your opinion is extreme in a way that you forget the suffering, exploitation and injustices that the colonial powers often brought on their colonies.

The other extreme stance is that colonialism was a pure evil that’s responsible for everything that’s wrong with this world. This stance is often represented by many of the citizens and also rulers of the former colonies who find it more easy to blame the evil Western colonial powers than admit their own mistakes and faults.

This stance is also connected to the myth of “noble savage” which is idealisation of the pre-colonial life of the native people while ignoring all negative aspects of that life.

My own opinion is that the colonial powers did what countries were doing for the entire history; expanding their territory and bending the weak countries to their will.

Sure, some colonial powers brought better technology, medicine etc. to their colonies but it wasn’t done from the goodness of their hearts but because of an feeling of superiority that it’s the colonial power’s moral burden to civilize the natives whether they want to or not.

But this feeling isn’t unique. All civilizations thought that they were superior to other. The Western powers just had such a massive technological advantage that it allowed them to expand their colonial empires further than anyone has ever done before.

But the colonial past isn’t an excuse for the current state of affairs. Especially if the population of the former colonies often doesn’t know European history and think that all European countries had colonies. It’s quite the opposite in fact.


My entire point is that colonialism is a complicated issue that can’t by extreme stances. Nothing in the world is purely white or purely black. Everything is in the various shades of grey. Colonialism included.

False-Leftist view of Colonialism (2) (Centrist or Moderate)

Mithun Karmakar- Ruined? can’t say for sure.

destroyed intrinsic cultures? yes.

killed millions in the process? yes yes.

Drained of their resources? Yes yes yes.

In Australia they reduced indegeneous population by 90% .. over 7million dead

In America Natives were reduces by 95%.. Over 130 millions dead.

In Africa, over 9 million dead and countless taken as slaves.

…just a few examples. With them gone their cultures and values.

Where would the world be if Europeans were not a mass murdering colonizing burglars? Well, a lot of people today would probably wont be dieing of hunger and having to live in a crippled economy.

Technology would have spread way better due to having more ability to buy, advancement of human values would have advanced much better if they didnt have to recover from 100s of years of colonization backlog, Countries in the world would have better cooperation and collaboration if colonizing conflicts didnt have to give birth to a hundred other problems.

Did it ruin though? probably!

Anti-westerners view of colonialism (2) (Leftist)

Harshhh Agarwal. - When I went to UK last year, I looked the city and beautiful building, beautiful street great infrastructure and many great things.When I saw these giant cities I also think about other side of it ,i think of famine of bengal our ancestor struggle to british,jute worker in india,sending jute to britisher.I think of human who was slaved in Africa brought from other cities of Africa,all profits are sponged in city like london.Within 200 year britisher stoled 45 trillion dollar,we never got paid for that in compensation.When britisher left India ,our literacy rate was 13 percent,so much of so called civilization,our land were destroyed,people were killed,coil was foisted on India.Then they left us in such condition where we can never think how to reorganise us.When I listen people like boris johnson,joe biden,immanuel macron lecturing us on human right.How condoscending u are ,you condoscended to us for 400 years.They are condoscending today too bcz these have colonial mentality and for them colonoialism in past was a so called civilization.These people want to lecure us that we are responsible for our colonization bcz they will never accept that they are the people who are to be blame.They want to make us believe that we all were together in this colonization .They love lecturing us bcz they have a colonial mentality.They lend us money and every time say that we are lending u ,it was ours money.

There are climate justice movement in which they try to tell us that we have a future,what future u are talking about children in africa,asia,latina america dont have a present.These children are not worried about future because they dont have present.Its a western illogical bourgeois slogan to justify everything.2 billion people dont have food to eat and they are lecturing us on future and reduce your consumption.Have they ever thought how does it sound to a child who havent eat from few days.These people want to tell u what are their issue is but are they willing to listen?

They want to justify every thing.

Every monument of civilization is monument of barbarism.

False-Leftist view of Colonialism (3) (Centrist or Moderate)

Andrés Parzanese - Edit: The question’s details before the merge contained something along the lines of: “It brought technology to primitive societies. I think people who think it’s bad need a history lesson.”

Yeah maybe it was a good thing, after all.

But I think you should get off your cloud because you are the one who needs a history lesson.

Are you aware that some of those “Primitive societies” were actually culturally rich? And that some of them, like the Aztecs, had fortunes that were sacked and taken back to Europe?

Did you know that whole empires and civilizations were destroyed because of Colonialism?

When you are the bully things seem great, but I think that exterminating people is also pretty primitive.

Things aren’t black or white, Colonialism might have the good effect you, in your condescending manner mention but it also brought instability and death to many regions.

Ultimately I think things could have been done better, but sadly things were different back then.

Source :

Homeworks, match their views to Hitler's view. Which views are same like Hitler's view on colonialism?


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #51 on: April 04, 2023, 05:23:47 am »
I think it’s a fallacy to simply assume that colonial “benefits” such as infrastructure and education systems and what have you, could only have spread to the colonized lands via colonization. E.g.; Turkey and Iran were not colonized, but still managed to get such benefits

The above attitude is False Leftist. True Leftists should not want Western infrastructure/education/etc. at all, even if obtained without colonization.

When I went to UK last year, I looked the city and beautiful building, beautiful street great infrastructure and many great things.

This is also False Leftist. True Leftists should see ugliness in Western buildings/infrastructure/etc..

Hitler is the only True Leftist in your post.


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2023, 06:51:05 pm »
From our enemies:

Western history shows a remarkable post-Renaissance arc. In the 18th Century, new forms of thought and government conceived in the salons of Paris and the meetinghouses of colonial America challenged ideas about the relationship between man and government. This unleashed an unparalleled growth in productivity, which fueled a new round of European colonization around the world.

Today, the remarkable innovation and creativity that built the great expansive European empires — British, Dutch, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and German — have come under attack.
Rather than celebrating the unmatched global prosperity driven by white ingenuity, we find ourselves now asked to apologize for it.

The new dogmas have supplanted the traditional figure of the aged white man made wise by a lifetime of experience with that of the wizened black woman
Today, Indian activists and their white fellow travelers are demanding what they call “land acknowledgments” — public admissions that a given parcel of land was stolen. If one were to suggest to our white ancestors who conquered North America the idea of such land acknowledgements, their response would be total befuddlement. We conquered the land; it is ours. Now, however, we seem intent on giving it away.


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2023, 11:19:33 pm »
From our enemies:

Western history shows a remarkable post-Renaissance arc. In the 18th Century, new forms of thought and government conceived in the salons of Paris and the meetinghouses of colonial America challenged ideas about the relationship between man and government. This unleashed an unparalleled growth in productivity, which fueled a new round of European colonization around the world.

Today, the remarkable innovation and creativity that built the great expansive European empires — British, Dutch, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and German — have come under attack.
Rather than celebrating the unmatched global prosperity driven by white ingenuity, we find ourselves now asked to apologize for it.

The new dogmas have supplanted the traditional figure of the aged white man made wise by a lifetime of experience with that of the wizened black woman
Today, Indian activists and their white fellow travelers are demanding what they call “land acknowledgments” — public admissions that a given parcel of land was stolen. If one were to suggest to our white ancestors who conquered North America the idea of such land acknowledgements, their response would be total befuddlement. We conquered the land; it is ours. Now, however, we seem intent on giving it away.

Compare White Nationalism with Authentic Communism. We will see similarity


Slavery, at its time, represented a great leap beyond barbarism. Slavery was a necessary stage in the development of the productive forces, culture and society. As explained by Hegel: "It is not from slavery, but through slavery that humans become free". (Hegel, Philosophy of History)

Likewise capitalism is also a necessary and progressive stage in society. However, like slavery, primitive communism and feudalism (see section 2), capitalism has long ceased to represent a necessary and progressive social system. It is already rickety because of the deep contradictions that lie within it, and will in time be overthrown by the rise of socialism, which is represented by the modern proletariat. Private ownership of the means of production and the nation-state, which are the basic features of capitalist society, which originally marked a step forward, now only hinders the development of the productive forces and threatens all the progress that has been made after centuries of human development.


An abundant economy will be made possible by the application of socialist planning to industry, science and engineering, which has been established by capitalism, on a global scale

Source :

"Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe out North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy— the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations.10- Karl Heinrich Marx

What Marx was saying in effect was that Negro slaves were needed to produce raw cotton; cotton was the basic raw material of modern capitalist industry; therefore, Negro slavery was necessary to the survival of America and to the survival of modern civilization.

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 75

The point is, White Nationalism, similarly to Communism, see western colonialism and its so-called progress as a good thing regardless its oppression and it's evilness to the colonized

They will embrace and enforce authentic Marxist-Socialism someday if they win

Compare White Nationalism with Winston Churchill, leader of the Liberal-Capitalist British Empire on viewing "European Empires" and westernization

In 1937, he told the Palestine Royal Commission: "I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."

Churchill certainly believed in racial hierarchies and eugenics, says John Charmley, author of Churchill: The End of Glory. In Churchill's view, white protestant Christians were at the top, above white Catholics, while Indians were higher than Africans, he adds. "Churchill saw himself and Britain as being the winners in a social Darwinian hierarchy."

Source :

Recall on Hitler's view on westernization. Never forget

« Last Edit: April 15, 2023, 11:40:25 pm by antihellenistic »


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #55 on: April 22, 2023, 07:28:38 pm »

See also:

The salmon also "could have families".

Dennis Prager behaves like Karl Marx who still attempting to shows positive opinions on "black" slavery by the "whites"


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2023, 06:26:27 pm »
Worthless arguments such as the following, not so long ago found only on far-right blogs, are now found in mainstream journalism:

There is no moral case for Britain paying slavery reparations

I say that reparations are not the best thing for victim bloodlines to be demanding (instead, they should demand that all colonizer bloodlines be eliminated), but I definitely agree that Britain needs to be held accountable for its past actions.

the call for Britain to pay reparations for slavery is absurd. It is true that some Britons, including, it seems, at least one of the King’s distant ancestors, were involved in trading and owning African slaves from about 1650 to the early 1800s.
But the context was this. Slavery was a universal institution, practised on every continent by people of every skin colour.

Except for the inconvenient facts that:

a law of Ine of Wessex stated that anyone selling his own countryman, whether bond or free, across the sea, was to pay his own weregild in penalty, even when the man sold was guilty of a crime.[20]

In 1102, the Church Council of London convened by Anselm issued a decree: "Let no one dare hereafter to engage in the infamous business, prevalent in England, of selling men like animals."[27]

Some historians, like John Gillingham, have asserted that by about 1200, the institution of slavery was largely non-existent in the British Isles.[25]

So why did Britain, which centuries prior to the colonial era had already decided that slavery was bad (back when the enslaved were "white"), suddenly practice it from the beginning of the colonial era (when the enslaved were "non-white")? Being subjected to this double-standard is what reparations are being demanded for.

Africans were capturing and selling other Africans to Romans and Arabs centuries before Europeans entered the market in the mid-1400s.

Yes, but without the double-standard. Therefore they can argue that slavery was a institution they regarded as acceptable no matter who was being enslaved, whereas Britain (and the other Western colonial powers with similar "white"/"non-white" double-standards) cannot. It is similar to how a state in which meat-eating is legal so long as it is not human meat being eaten is far more systematically unjust than another state in which eating human meat is legal along with other meat-eating.

If some Britons profited from it, so did those Africans involved in slave-trading.

No one is saying Britain should not have purchased "non-white" slaves. But, once purchased, Britain should have treated them the same way they treated "white" slaves for whose release they paid ransom to Barbary corsairs etc.. They did not. Being subjected to this double-standard is what reparations are being demanded for.

Finally, the double-standard continues:

The idea of reparations can sometimes make good sense. No one disputes that Germany’s post-1945 government should have restored stolen property to its owners or compensated them for its loss. In those circumstances, the identities of the Jewish wronged and the Nazi wrongdoers, and the relationship between original victims and surviving family members, were clear. And the harm done was definite and quantifiable.


(But at least this paragraph proves that Jews are "white".)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 07:45:40 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #58 on: May 27, 2023, 05:18:39 pm »
Enemy conversation:

If it weren't for the White Race Western Civilization wouldn't exist, anything great in the world wouldn't EXIST. We wouldn't be living in a warm house with HEATING invented and built by White Men!

This part about heating is correct:

which is why we need to kill Western civilization ASAP.

Our enemies literally thinks the Western way of heating (diagram on the right) is superior FFS.....

Here are some of their based responses:

Truth! I like to say that we have Manifest Destiny in our hearts. No one else has the desire to invent, conquer, build, and improve our surroundings like those descended from White Europeans.

we find valuable resources and utilize them whilst the Natives just stare at us with a dumb look on their faces.

Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl (1859 – 1938) German philosopher says:

“Naturally the “Europeanization of all foreign parts of the world” is the destiny of the earth. God made Europe in His own image and now the rest of mankind will be made in the image of Europe.”

Husserl also looks like what we would expect:


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Re: Colonialism as viewed by Westerners
« Reply #59 on: May 27, 2023, 08:30:15 pm »
God made Europe in His own image and now the rest of mankind will be made in the image of Europe.”

That word sounds like description of Yahweh in the Old Testament. Therefore to defeat the West we must defeat Judaism, Western Civilization is result of Judaic philosophical worldview, therefore the West will not defeated if Western Civilization not yet die