Author Topic: Nusantara's Kristallnacht  (Read 210 times)


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Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« on: July 19, 2022, 09:57:30 pm »
See this post content below :

Source :

On Nusantara Language :

"Dalam memoarnya, Elien juga mengenang peristiwa kekerasan yang menimpa orang-orang Belanda yang baru saja bebas dari kamp tahanan Jepang. Mereka menjadi sasaran kemarahan orang-orang Indonesia yang dibakar semangat kemerdekaan. Orang Belanda yang mengalami masa-masa tersebut di Indonesia menyebutnya sebagai periode "bersiap". Sebuah zaman saat orang Indonesia menjadi kalap dan akan menyerang warga kulit putih, Indo, Tionghoa, Ambon atau siapa pun yang mereka nilai sebagai kolaborator kolonial. Benarkah demikian?


Di Banten, pergolakan dimulai lebih awal. Pada 16 Agustus 1945, sehari sebelum Proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia, sejumlah rakyat Banten di Cinangka, mengepung rumah camat Cinangka, Tubagus Mohamad Arsad. Mereka menuntut Arsad membagikan beras kepada rakyat. Arsad yang menolak keinginan tersebut melarikan diri dari rumahnya yang kemudian dijarah oleh rakyat yang lapar. Tak lama kemudian Arsad kembali bersama wedana Raden Sukrawadi disertai dua polisi untuk memadamkan kerusuhan. Nasib malang tak dapat ditolak, Arsad dan Sukrawadi tewas di tangan warganya.


Pada era revolusi, sejumlah warga Cina mengalami kekerasan. Mereka dipersepsi sebagai antek Belanda, pemuja keuntungan ekonomi yang akan bergantung kepada rezim manapun yang sedang berkuasa. Praduga ini menjadi alasan mengapa banyak warga Cina di Indonesia terbunuh semasa revolusi. Padahal ada begitu banyak tokoh Cina yang justru jadi garda terdepan membela kemerdekaan Indonesia."


On English Colonial Language :

In his memoirs, Elien also recalls the violence that befell the Dutch who had just been released from the Japanese detention camp. They became the target of the anger of the Indonesians who were fueled by the spirit of independence. The Dutch who experienced this period in Indonesia called it the "prepared" period. An era when Indonesians went crazy and would attack whites, Indos, Chinese, Ambonese or whoever they saw as colonial collaborators. Is that right?


In Banten, the upheaval started early. On August 16, 1945, the day before the proclamation of Indonesian independence, a number of Banten people in Cinangka surrounded the house of the sub-district head of Cinangka, Tubagus Mohamad Arsad. They demanded Arsad distribute rice to the people. Arsad, who refused this wish, fled from his house which was then looted by the hungry people. Not long after, Arsad returned with the wedana Raden Sukrawadi accompanied by two police officers to quell the riots. The unfortunate fate could not be denied, Arsad and Sukrawadi died at the hands of their citizens.


During the revolutionary era, a number of Chinese citizens experienced violence. They were perceived as Dutch stooges, worshipers of economic gain who would depend on whichever regime was in power. This presumption is the reason why many Chinese in Indonesia were killed during the revolution. In fact, there are so many Chinese figures who are actually at the forefront of defending Indonesia's independence.


Explaining again on another trusted source

Source :

On Nusantara Language :

Masa-masa setelah 17 Agustus 1945, di mata orang Indonesia, dianggap masa perjuangan. Setelah 3,5 tahun pendudukan Jepang yang kejam, dan ratusan tahun kolonialisme Belanda, banyak orang Indonesia merasa merdeka.

Semangat kemerdekaan itu, di kalangan sebagian orang Indonesia, dicampuri nafsu balas dendam kepada segala hal berbau Belanda. Orang-orang ini tidak menyukai orang-orang yang dekat dengan Belanda. Mereka yang bekerja untuk orang Belanda, terutama orang Belanda yang bekerja untuk NICA, dijuluki sebagai Andjing NICA.


Semangat kemerdekaan itu, di kalangan sebagian orang Indonesia, dicampuri nafsu balas dendam kepada segala hal berbau Belanda. Orang-orang ini tidak menyukai orang-orang yang dekat dengan Belanda. Mereka yang bekerja untuk orang Belanda, terutama orang Belanda yang bekerja untuk NICA, dijuluki sebagai Andjing NICA.

“Kalau badan lagi apes dan kita dicurigai sebagai “andjing NiCA” (mata-mata Belanda), nasib kita akan jelek sekali. Sudah bagus kalau cuman dihajar dan digebukin saja,” tulis Kwee Thiam Tjing dalam Indonesia Raya (15-17 Agustus 1972), seperti dimuat dalam Menjadi Tjamboek Berdoeri: Memoar Kwee Thiam Tjing (2010).

“Masa Bersiap ditandai maraknya tindakan kriminal dan kekerasan dengan sasaran orang Belanda dan Indo-Belanda. Keadaan ini terjadi hampir di seluruh Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera,” tulis Tri Wahyuning M. Irsyam dalam Berkembang dalam Bayang-Bayang Jakarta: Sejarah Depok 1950-1990-an (2017).


“[Para korban] yang mati tak hanya ada di antara orang-orang Belanda yang baru dibebaskan dari kamp—sekitar tiga ribu lima ratus lebih jiwa—melainkan juga orang-orang Ambon, Cina kaya, dan yang disebut Indo,” tulis Mischa de Vreede dalam Selamat Merdeka: Kemerdekaan yang Direstui (2013).

Pembunuhan terhadap orang-orang pro-Belanda atau yang dianggap pro-Belanda itu, menurut Gert Oostindie dalam Serdadu Belanda di Indonesia 1945-1950 (2016), “disertai penyiksaan keji dan pemerkosaan. Perkiraan jumlah orang Eropa yang dibunuh berkisar antara 3.500 sampai 20.000 orang."

Cerita lain: Bahaya terhadap orang-orang Tionghoa dalam Masa Bersiap juga membuat mereka rela dipersenjatai oleh Belanda menghadapi Republik.

“Sekutu dan NICA membentuk Poh An Tui (ada yang menulisnya Pao An Tui), yang artinya: Pasukan Keamanan Lingkungan Cina,” tulis Abdul Baqir Zein dalam Etnis Cina Dalam Potret Pembauran di Indonesia (2000).

Pasukan itu terbentuk untuk menjaga keamanan daerah Pecinan dari kelompok-kelompok yang mereka sebut sebagai "kaum perampok dan ekstremis."

On English Colonial Language :

The period after August 17, 1945, in the eyes of Indonesians, was considered a period of struggle. After 3.5 years of cruel Japanese occupation, and hundreds of years of Dutch colonialism, many Indonesians feel free.

The spirit of independence, among some Indonesians, was mixed with a desire for revenge for all things Dutch. These people don't like people close to the Netherlands. Those who work for the Dutch, especially the Dutch who work for NICA, are known as Andjing NICA.


The spirit of independence, among some Indonesians, was mixed with a desire for revenge for all things Dutch. These people don't like people close to the Netherlands. Those who work for the Dutch, especially the Dutch who work for NICA, are known as Andjing NICA.

"If the body is in bad shape and we are suspected of being "NiCA dogs" (Dutch spies), our fate will be very bad. It's good to just get beat up and beat up," wrote Kwee Thiam Tjing in Indonesia Raya (15-17 August 1972), as published in Becoming Tjamboek Berdoeri: Memoirs of Kwee Thiam Tjing (2010).

“The Bersiap period was marked by rampant criminal and violent acts targeting the Dutch and the Indo-Dutch. This situation occurs in almost all of Java and Sumatra," wrote Tri Wahyuning M. Irsyam in Developing in the Shadows of Jakarta: The History of Depok 1950-1990s (2017).


“[The victims] who died were not only Dutch people who had just been released from the camp—about three thousand five hundred and more—but also Ambonese, wealthy Chinese, and the so-called Indos,” wrote Mischa de Vreede. in Happy Merdeka: A Granted Independence (2013).

The killings of pro-Dutch or pro-Dutch people, according to Gert Oostindie in the Dutch Army in Indonesia 1945-1950 (2016), “are accompanied by heinous torture and ****. Estimates of the number of Europeans killed range from 3,500 to 20,000."

Another story: The danger to the Chinese people in the Bersiap also made them willing to be armed by the Dutch against the Republic.

“The Allies and NICA formed Poh An Tui (some wrote it Pao An Tui), which means: Chinese Environmental Security Forces,” wrote Abdul Baqir Zein in Ethnic Chinese In Portrait of Assimilation in Indonesia (2000).

The troops were formed to keep Chinatown safe from groups they described as "robbers and extremists."

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Re: Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2022, 10:50:55 pm »
"Nusantara Language"

By the way:

The arrival of European colonial powers brought the Latin alphabet to the Malay Archipelago. As the Malay-speaking countries were divided between two colonial administrations (the Dutch and the British), two major different spelling orthographies were developed in the Dutch East Indies and British Malaya respectively, influenced by the orthographies of their respective colonial tongues.[citation needed] The Van Ophuijsen Spelling System used in the Dutch East Indies and later Indonesia was based on the Dutch alphabet. It was replaced by the simpler Republican Spelling System in 1947.

When are you going to get back to your pre-colonial writing systems?

Historically, various scripts such as Pallava, Kawi and Rencong or Surat Ulu were used to write Old Malay, until they were replaced by Jawi during Islamic missionary missions in Malay Archipelago.

Until you do, it does not deserve to be called "Nusantara language".


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Re: Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2022, 11:07:45 pm »

When are you going to get back to your pre-colonial writing systems?

We in Nusantara already implement Javanese language as a speaking language. Majority of people here mostly speak with Nusantara local language rather than modern "Indonesian" language. Only in a occasion when they meet people from a Nusantara region which has other local language to speak, they will use "Indonesian" language, or Bahasa...


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Re: Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2022, 11:23:03 pm »
I am talking about writing.


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Re: Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2022, 12:12:11 am »

I am talking about writing.

Officially, Nusantara still use Indonesia language which means using words from Melayu people on most writings. So, it still less Westernized rather than using "Jaksel" language, the type of communication and writings which using mixture between "Indonesian" and English colonial language. It usually used by metropolitans and the fortunate rich people.


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Re: Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2022, 12:27:19 am »
No, I am talking about the actual script used for writing. You need to get back to, for example:

Rencong is any native writing system found in central and south Sumatra, including Kerinci, Bengkulu, Palembang and Lampung.[1] These scripts lasted until the 18th century, when the Dutch colonized Indonesia. These scripts were used to write manuscripts in native languages and in Malay, such as the Tanjung Tanah Code of Law.

or at least:

The script became prominent with the spread of Islam, supplanting the earlier writing systems. The Malays held the script in high esteem as it is the gateway to understanding Islam and its Holy Book, the Quran. The use of Jawi script was a key factor driving the emergence of Malay as the lingua franca of the region, alongside the spread of Islam.[15] It was widely used in the Sultanate of Malacca, Sultanate of Johor, Sultanate of Brunei, Sultanate of Sulu, Sultanate of Pattani, the Sultanate of Aceh to the Sultanate of Ternate in the east as early as the 15th century. The Jawi script was used in royal correspondences, decrees, poems and was widely understood by the merchants in the port of Malacca as the main means of communication. Early legal digests such as the Undang-Undang Melaka Code and its derivatives including the Codes of Johor, Perak, Brunei, Kedah, Pattani and Aceh were written in this script. It is the medium of expression of kings, nobility and the religious scholars. It is the traditional symbol of Malay culture and civilisation. Jawi was used not only amongst the ruling class, but also the common people. The Islamisation and Malayisation of the region popularised Jawi into a dominant script.[16]


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Re: Nusantara's Kristallnacht
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2022, 01:02:13 am »

No, I am talking about the actual script used for writing. You need to get back to, for example:

The script became prominent with the spread of Islam, supplanting the earlier writing systems. The Malays held the script in high esteem as it is the gateway to understanding Islam and its Holy Book, the Quran. The use of Jawi script was a key factor driving the emergence of Malay as the lingua franca of the region, alongside the spread of Islam.[15] It was widely used in the Sultanate of Malacca, Sultanate of Johor, Sultanate of Brunei, Sultanate of Sulu, Sultanate of Pattani, the Sultanate of Aceh to the Sultanate of Ternate in the east as early as the 15th century. The Jawi script was used in royal correspondences, decrees, poems and was widely understood by the merchants in the port of Malacca as the main means of communication. Early legal digests such as the Undang-Undang Melaka Code and its derivatives including the Codes of Johor, Perak, Brunei, Kedah, Pattani and Aceh were written in this script. It is the medium of expression of kings, nobility and the religious scholars. It is the traditional symbol of Malay culture and civilisation. Jawi was used not only amongst the ruling class, but also the common people. The Islamisation and Malayisation of the region popularised Jawi into a dominant script.[16]

I'm recently know that Javanese or Jawi language historically have ever been used by all of Nusantara people. So I'm glad about that

So, I'm also need to gradually make Nusantarans to write and speak with the local Nusantara language which contain less Eurocentric meaning other than "Bahasa Indonesia". Which needs more time to accomplish that.


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Re: Hitler: The Face of Anti-Tribalism
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2022, 07:08:55 pm »
Even the Nusantarans during 1930s ever created the Fascist Party which it's song were same like Hitler's party song. And the strange was, they keep named our homeland "Nusantara" meanwhile the other national parties were using "Indonesia" as a national name to our homeland. See this video link/URL below to hear the song :

Nusantara's Fascist Party Song 1933

Again, and the strange was, they keep named our homeland "Nusantara" meanwhile the other national parties were using "Indonesia" as a national name to our homeland. See their party's national symbol below

The written sentence from the national symbol : Nusantara Raya Abadi (English Colonial Language : Eternal Greater Nusantara)


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Ideal Malaysia would be Anti-Western Malaysia
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2022, 12:52:58 am »
We can know that today's Malaysia are politically and ideologically Western. See this information below :

We commit to a closer coordination through multilateral fora, including the United Nations, the Commonwealth and within the framework of ASEAN. This will include exchanges on promoting the rules based international system; ... human rights; democracy; media freedom;

We together with Australia, Singapore, and New Zealand will continue to support the long-standing multilateral defence relation under the Five Power Defence Arrangements.

Source : Malaysia–United Kingdom Strategic Dialogue, February 2022 - Published 24 February 2022 (

They must remember that it's them who colonized them hundreds of years until their freedom during the end of World War 2. See this historical information below :

In 1511, Malacca fell into the hands of the Portuguese and that was the beginning of the colonial era in Malaya. After that, Malaya fell into the hands of the Dutch in 1641 and British in 1824 through the Anglo–Dutch Treaty. British colonization was the longest compared to others. The British had integrated all the Malayan administration which was previously managed by the Malay Rulers with the help of state dignitaries. The British intervention had aroused dissatisfaction among the local population. Some individuals rise up against the colonial yet it was easily defeated by the British as their efforts were more towards individuality. Among the heroes that went against the colonialists were Dol Said, Tok Janggut, Datuk Bahaman, Rentap, Dato Maharajalela, Rosli Dobi and several others.

Source : Government of Malaysia's Official Gateway (


Muslim chief Mat Salleh fought expanding British power in North Borneo from 1895 to 1900. ... British officials believed that the rural Malay farmers needed to be protected from economic and cultural change and that traditional class divisions should be maintained. Hence, most economic development was left to Chinese and Indian immigrants, as long as it served long-term colonial interests.

Source : The impact of British rule - Britannica (

If the Malaysians are realize that they ever suffered under British colonialism, they should implement a political system which contrary to the current political system which they use. That's liberal democracy which resulting opportunistic economic way of life, social gentrification, social imbalance, and unopposed westernization. And their alliance with the Anglophiles will insult the victim and the heroes who resisted their colonial rule in the past