Author Topic: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam  (Read 2586 times)


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Have not watched this yet, but I can already tell you the first face on the left of the title screen is closer to the Aryan phenotype than the rest:

It is possible that the first two people on the left of the title screen are closer racially to each other than they are to the last two on the right.

It's depressing how good humans are at dehumanising others to justify their actions. Even in languages this is seen. Often in tribal languages it's speakers are known as "The People" and of course non-speakers would be called something else. It's crazy to think how small the distances were between tribes considering the other as not humans, maybe even in eyesight. It's the saddest part about the slave trade to me, how some tribes were happy to sell their enemies to the whites, seeing them as animals. Makes me sick.

This is tribalism, Gentiles and Turanians subvert nation-states with their tribalism to this day. The election of Donald Trump in the U.S. is a perfect example of this.


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Adoptee Story: "I Didn't Know I Was Black Until You Told Me"


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If you asked an Englishman in the early part of the 17th century what colour skin he had, he might very well have called it white. But the whiteness of his skin would have suggested no more suitable basis for a collective identity than the roundness of his nose or the baldness of his head. If you asked him to situate himself within the rapidly expanding borders of the known world, he would probably identify himself, first and most naturally, as an Englishman. If that category proved too narrow – if, say, he needed to describe what it was he had in common with the French and the Dutch that he did not share with Ottomans or Africans – he would almost certainly call himself a Christian instead.

That religious identity was crucial for the development of the English slave trade – and eventually for the development of racial whiteness. In the early 17th century, plantation owners in the West Indies and in the American colonies largely depended on the labour of European indentured servants. These servants were considered chattel and were often treated brutally – the conditions on Barbados, England’s wealthiest colony, were notorious – but they were fortunate in at least one respect: because they were Christian, by law they could not be held in lifetime captivity unless they were criminals or prisoners of war.

Africans enjoyed no such privilege. They were understood to be infidels, and thus the “perpetual enemies” of Christian nations, which made it legal to hold them as slaves. By 1640 or so, the rough treatment of indentured servants had started to diminish the supply of Europeans willing to work on the sugar and tobacco plantations, and so the colonists looked increasingly to slavery, and the Atlantic-sized loophole that enabled it, to keep their fantastically profitable operations supplied with labour.
Toward the end of the 17th century, this scheme witnessed a significant shift: many of the laws that regulated slave and servant behaviour – the 1681 Servant Act in Jamaica, for example, which was later copied for use in South Carolina – began to describe the privileged class as “whites” and not as “Christians”.

One of the more plausible explanations for this change, made by Rugemer and the historian Katharine Gerbner, among others, is that the establishment of whiteness as a legal category solved a religious dilemma. By the 1670s, Christian missionaries, including the Quaker George Fox, were insisting that enslaved Africans should be inducted into the Christian faith. The problem this posed for the planters was obvious: if their African labourers became Christians, and no longer “perpetual enemies” of Christendom, then on what legal grounds could they be enslaved? And what about the colonial laws that gave special privileges to Christians, laws whose authors apparently never contemplated the possibility that Africans might someday join the faith?

The planters tried to resolve the former dilemma by blocking the conversion of enslaved Africans, on the grounds, as the Barbados Assembly put it in 1680, that such conversion would “endanger the island, inasmuch as converted negroes grow more perverse and intractable than others”. When that didn’t work (the Bishop of London objected) they instead passed laws guaranteeing that baptism could not be invoked as grounds for seeking freedom.
As late as 1694, a slave-ship captain could still question the racial logic newly employed to justify his trade. (“I can’t think there is any intrinsick value in one colour more than another, nor that white is better than black, only we think it so because we are so,” Thomas Phillips wrote in his diary.)
The economic utility of the idea of whiteness helped spread it rapidly around the world. Du Bois was not wrong to call it a religion, for like a religion, it operated at every psychological, sociological and political scale, from the most intimate to the most public. Like a religion, too, it adapted to local conditions. What it meant to be white in British Virginia was not identical to what it would mean in New York before the American civil war, in India during the Raj, in Georgia during Jim Crow, in Australia after Federation, or in Germany during the Third Reich. But what united all these expressions was a singular idea: that some group of people called white was naturally superior to all others. As Benjamin Disraeli, the Victorian prime minister and one of the most committed race ideologists of his time, put it, “race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance”.

The idea of whiteness, in other words, was identical to the idea of white supremacy.

That final sentence captures an important fact about the formation of a tribal in-group identity.

And, regarding Disraeli, it is no surprise he is a professional tribalist:
Disraeli was born on 21 December 1804 at 6 King's Road, Bedford Row, Bloomsbury, London,[n 1] the second child and eldest son of Isaac D'Israeli, a literary critic and historian, and Maria (Miriam), née Basevi.[3] The family was mostly from Italy, of Sephardic Jewish, mercantile background (of Italian-Jewish descent).

Even Gandhi, during the early part of his life, accepted the basic lie of whiteness, arguing that “the English and the Indians spring from a common stock, called the Indo-Aryan” and that “the white race in South Africa should be the predominating race”.
For all their evident success, the devotees of the religion of whiteness were never able to achieve the total vision they longed for. In part, this was because there were always dissenters, including among those who stood to gain from it, who rejected the creed of racial superiority.
Yet if the religion of whiteness was never able to gain acceptance as an unchallengeable scientific fact, it was still hugely successful at shaping social reality. Some of this success had to do with its flexibility. Thanks to its role in facilitating slavery, whiteness in the US was often defined in opposition to blackness, but between those two extremes was room for tactical accommodations. In 1751, Benjamin Franklin could claim that only the English and Saxons “make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth”, and nearly 80 years later, Ralph Waldo Emerson would insist that the Irish, like the Chinese and the Native American, were not caucasian. Over time, however, the definition of who counted as culturally white expanded to include Catholics from southern Europe, the Irish and even Jews, who for centuries had been seen as quintessential outsiders.

The religion of whiteness also found success by persuading its adherents that they, and not the people they oppressed, were the real victims. In 1692, colonial legislators in British Barbados complained that “sundry of the Negroes and Slaves of this island, have been long preparing, contriving, conspiring and designing a most horrid, bloody, damnable and detestable rebellion, massacre, assassination and destruction”. From there, it was a more or less straight line to Woodrow Wilson’s claim, in 1903, that the southerners who started the Ku Klux Klan were “aroused by the mere instinct of self-preservation”, and to Donald Trump’s warning, when he launched his presidential campaign in 2015, that Mexican immigrants to the US were “bringing drugs. And they’re bringing crime. And they’re rapists.”
Political appeals to white solidarity diminished slowly but certainly. In 1955, for example, Winston Churchill could still imagine that “Keep England White” was a winning general-election theme, and even as late as 1964, Peter Griffiths, a Conservative candidate for parliament, would score a surprise victory after endorsing a nakedly racist slogan. By 1968, however, when Enoch Powell delivered his “Rivers of Blood” speech – in which he approvingly quoted a constituent who lamented that “in 15 or 20 years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man” – he would be greeted by outrage in the Times, which called it an “evil speech”, and expelled from the Conservative shadow cabinet.

Similarly, rightist political strategists in the US felt the same way:
Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N*gger, n*gger, n*gger." By 1968 you can't say "n*gger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N*gger, n*gger."

In only a decade, the Counterculture was able to kill the supreme grip white supremacy held for 300 years, although the white supremacists remained:
This gradual rejection of explicit, government-enforced white supremacy was hugely consequential in terms of public policy. Yet it did not mean that whiteness, as a political force, had lost its appeal: in the weeks after Powell’s speech, to take just one example, a Gallup poll found that 74% of Britons supported his suggestion that brown-skinned immigrants ought to be repatriated. It also left unresolved the more difficult question of whether whiteness was truly separable from its long history of domination.

Instead of looking too hard at the sordid history of whiteness, many white people found it easier to decide that the civil rights movement had accomplished all the anti-racism work that needed doing. The result was a strange détente. On the one hand, whiteness retreated as a subject of public attention, giving way to a new rhetoric of racial colour-blindness. On the other hand, vast embedded economic and cultural discrepancies allowed white people to continue to exercise the institutional and structural power that had accumulated on their behalf across the previous three centuries.
Even the phrase “white supremacy”, which predates the word “racism” in English by 80 years and once described a system of interlocking racial privileges that touched every aspect of life, was redefined to mean something rare and extreme. In 1923, for example, under the headline White Supremacy Menaced, the New York Times would print an article which took at face value a Harvard professor’s warning that “one of the gravest and most acute problems before the world today” was “the problem of saving the white race from submergence in the darker races”.

See also:
The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy (1920), by Lothrop Stoddard, is a book about racialism and geopolitics, which describes the collapse of white supremacy and colonialism because of the population growth among "people of color", rising nationalism in colonized nations, and industrialization in China and Japan. To counter the perceived geopolitical threat, Stoddard advocated restricting non-white immigration into white-majority countries

By the 80s and 90s, however, at least in white-dominated media, “white supremacy” was reserved only for the most shocking and retrograde examples of racism. For many people who grew up at that time, as I did, the phrase evoked cross burnings and racist hooligans, rather than an intricate web of laws and norms that maintained disparities of wealth, education, housing, incarceration and access to political power.

And now we have the misfortune of the clunky vocabulary "white privilege" replacing the original meaning of white supremacy. "Privilege" imples there could be some unprivileged form of whiteness, or a state wherein "non-whites" cease being unprivileged and equal to the supposed "privileges" of "whites". In reality, the mere existence of "white" tribal identity is the root of the problem, not the abstract concept of "privilege".

In the 80s and 90s, a group of legal scholars that included Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Cheryl Harris and Richard Delgado produced a body of research that became known as critical race theory, which was, in Bell’s words, “ideologically committed to the struggle against racism, particularly as institutionalised in and by law”.

Alongside critical race theory, and in many ways derived from it, a new academic trend, known as whiteness studies, took shape. Historians working in this subfield demonstrated the myriad ways in which the pursuit of white supremacy – like the pursuit of wealth and the subjection of women – had been one of the central forces that gave shape to Anglo-American history. For many of them, the bill of indictment against whiteness was total: as the historian David Roediger put it, “it is not merely that whiteness is oppressive and false; it is that whiteness is nothing but oppressive and false.”

In the fall of 1992, a new journal co-founded by Noel Ignatiev, one of the major figures in whiteness studies, appeared in bookstores around Cambridge, Massachusetts. Called Race Traitor, the magazine wore its motto and guiding ethos on its cover: Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity. The issue opened with an editorial whose headline was equally provocative: “Abolish the white race – by any means necessary.” This demand, with its echoes of Sartre by way of Malcolm X, was not, as it turned out, a call for violence, much less for genocide.
For Ignatiev and Garvey, whiteness had been identified with white supremacy for so long that it was folly to think it was salvageable. “So long as the white race exists,” they wrote, “all movements against racism are doomed to fail.” What was necessary, in their view, was for the people called “white” – people like them – to forcefully reject that identification and the racial privileges that came with it.

And when WNs won't give up their racial identity, what then? Who will be the hero willing to implement the Final Solution ending white supremacy and racism?


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Continued from above.

When I was in graduate school during the early 00s, toward the end of the whiteness-studies boomlet, I often heard – including from my own mouth – the argument that the real problem was that white people weren’t talking enough about their racial identity. If you could get people to acknowledge their whiteness, we told ourselves, then it might be possible to get them to acknowledge the unfair ways in which whiteness had helped them.

How does trapping anti-white pale-skinned people into the mindset that they are forever and unchangably tainted by "whiteness" help to abolish "whiteness"?

In 1860, a man who called himself “Ethiop” published an essay in The Anglo-African Magazine, which has been called the first Black literary journal in the US. The author behind the pseudonym was William J Wilson, a former bootmaker who later served as the principal of Brooklyn’s first public school for Black children. Wilson’s essay bore the headline, What Shall We Do with the White People?

The article was meant in part meant to mock the white authors and statesmen who had endlessly asked themselves a similar question about Black people in the US. But it was not only a spoof.
In a tone that mimicked the smug paternalism of his targets, he laid out a comprehensive indictment of white rule in the country: the plunder and murder of the “Aborigines”; the theft and enslavement of Africans; the hypocrisy embodied by the American constitution, government and white churches. At the root of all this, he wrote, was “a long continued, extensive and almost complete system of wrongdoing” that made the men and women who enabled it into “restless, grasping” marauders. “In view of the existing state of things around us,” Wilson proposed at the end, “let our constant thought be, what for the best good of all shall we do with the White people?”

Much has changed since Wilson’s time, but a century and a half on, his question remains no less pertinent.

In his 2019 book Whiteshift, Kaufmann argues that the history of oppression by white people is “real, but moot”, and he advocates for something he calls “symmetrical multiculturalism”, in which “identifying as white, or with a white tradition of nationhood, is no more racist than identifying as black”. What shall we do with the white people? Kaufmann thinks we should encourage them to take pride in being white, lest they turn to more violent means: “Freezing out legitimate expressions of white identity allows the far right to own it, and acts as a recruiting sergeant for their wilder ideas.”

Another usual suspect:
Eric Kaufmann was born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and Japan.[1] His ancestry is half Jewish, one-quarter Chinese and one-quarter Costa Rican.[2][3] His father Steve Kaufmann is of Jewish descent

From another perspective – my own, most days – whiteness means something different from other racial and ethnic identities because it has had a different history than other racial and ethnic identities. Across three-and-a-half centuries, whiteness has been wielded as a weapon on a global scale; Blackness, by contrast, has often been used as a shield.

That's because, "whiteness" (like Jewishness) is not a mere ethnic group. It is a tribal identity. An in-group specifically defined to differentiate the tribe from, and broadcast the belief in supremacy over, out-group members.

And "blackness", despite being a crude category, was created by whites (and not by "blacks" trying to form a tribal in-group), explaining the asymmetry.

Nor is there much reason to believe that whiteness will ever be content to seek “legitimate expressions”, whatever those might look like. The religion of whiteness had 50 years to reform itself along non-supremacist lines, to prove that it was fit for innocuous coexistence. Instead, it gave us Donald Trump.

The religion of Jewishness has had at least 3000 years to reform itself along non-tribal lines and prove it was qualified for innocuous coexistence. Instead it has given us Eric Kaufmann (and Jared Kushner, and Jason Miller, and the apartheid state of Israel, and Disraeli, etc. etc. etc.).

Yet even this does not fully answer Wilson’s question.  [...] Late in his life, James Baldwin described whiteness as “a moral choice”, as a way of emphasising that it was not a natural fact. But whiteness is more than a moral choice: it is a dense network of moral choices, the vast majority of which have been made for us, often in times and places very distant from our own. In this way whiteness is a problem like climate change or economic inequality: it is so thoroughly imbricated in the structure of our everyday lives that it makes the idea of moral choices look quaint.
As with climate change, however, the only thing more difficult than such an effort would be trying to live with the alternative. Whiteness may seem inevitable and implacable, and Toni Morrison surely had it right when she said that the world “will not become unracialised by assertion”. (To wake up tomorrow and decide I am no longer white would help no one.)

Here's what the moral choice to abolish "whiteness" looks like on the individual level:

Here's what it looks like on a policy level:
It is said the South will never submit — that we cannot conquer the rebels — that they will suffer themselves to be slaughtered, and their whole country to be laid waste. Sir, war is a grievous thing at best, and civil war more than any other ; but if they hold this language, and the means which they have suggested must be resorted to ; if their whole country must be laid waste and made a desert, in order to save this Union from destruction, so let it be. I would rather, Sir, reduce them to a condition where their whole country is to be re-peopled by a band of freemen, than to see them perpetrate the destruction of this people through our agency. I do not say it is time to resort to such means, and I do not say that the time will come, but I never fear to express my sentiments. It is not a question with me of policy, but a question of principle.

And, well, this:


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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2022, 02:40:52 am »



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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2022, 09:54:02 pm »


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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #51 on: November 26, 2022, 05:16:23 pm »

One family's photo album includes images of a vacation, a wedding anniversary and the lynching of a Black man in Texas
As a historian and director of the Lynching in Texas project, which has documented more than 600 racial terror lynchings, I receive regular emails from journalists, scholars and activists who want to discuss the history of racial violence.

My conversations with reporters and historians did not prepare me for one of the emails I received last winter. The writer, a Chicago memorabilia dealer, offered to mail me a photo album that included a picture from a Texas lynching.

I responded that I would appreciate the opportunity to review the album and to help identify the victim.

About a week later, I opened the envelope and found five photos, a small cartoon and a key labeled “Teddie’s pictures.”

Each of the photographs was numbered.

The first was a 6-by-5-inch image of what appeared to be burning wood. It proved difficult to decipher. But the description clarified matters.

It read: “Burning of negro in front of old City Hall, Waco, Texas.”
official state interpretation holds that slavery, racism and racism’s deadly manifestation, lynching, did not serve as systemic forces that shaped Texas history but were instead aberrations without any fundamental meaning for Texans – or even beyond the state.

Teddie’s photo album, which also included pictures of Teddie and her husband doing normal, everyday things like riding donkeys and going to wedding anniversary dinners, presented a direct challenge to this interpretation.
Why would an educated white woman from Pennsylvania include a picture of a Black lynching victim in a personal photo album?

Why would she take her photos out of chronological sequence and place the lynching picture as the first photo in the album?

One thing is for sure: lynching was not motivated by hate for "black" people. Similarly, riding donkeys was not motivated by hate for donkeys. Here is the donkey-riding photo:

Do the "whites" look like they hate the donkeys they are riding? Or do the "whites" look like they just think it's OK to be "white"? (Also note the sexually dimorphic riding postures (which have nothing to do with hating the donkeys either). See also: )

"Whites" hate no one. Bullies never hate their victims. Their victims are their  entertainment. Why would they hate their own entertainment? Hate is a leftist emotion:


The answers to these questions reveal a great deal about Texas just 100 years ago.

In my view, the album exposes the priority that Anglo Texans – even new arrivals to the state – placed on white supremacy and Black subjugation.

Teddie likely pasted the picture of Jesse Thomas’ burning body at the beginning of her album because it featured an electrifying, adrenaline-charged event that viscerally illustrated the nature of her new Texas home.

I agree.

In May 1922, for example, white Texans carried out in one month at least 10 lynchings, more lynchings than in any other state but Georgia for the entire year.

Eight of the Texas victims killed in 1922 were burned at the stake in a form of torture that most people today associate with the so-called Dark Ages.

But these horrific acts happened in modern Texas, just a few generations ago. And white people caught the events on film and put the photos in their own family albums.


Woke comments:

white people who went to church the following Sunday and pretended to be moral human beings.

It was sport. They had picnics. It’s entertaining for the masses.

These Ritualistic Tortures and Human Sacrifices are  among their most-loved and prized memories.

and no atonement for this, yet black people are told over and over again to get over it!

The "normalcy" of lynch photos in pale people's photos album is atrocious. They don't even SEE that there is something wrong with this.

Bet these all those white people went to church too.

Now these racists go around wearing red hats and calling themselves MAGA.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2023, 06:41:22 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #52 on: December 05, 2022, 03:29:28 pm »
(Have not listened at time of posting).

Seattle Says "White People are Like the Devil" | Former Employee Files CRT Lawsuit on Seattle

Here's what I would do if someone proved to me beyond a reasonable doubt that the identity that had been forced on me was in fact evil: I would instantly stop identifying with that identity, and then spend the rest of my life denouncing it publicly whenever possible. I figure that would be the least I should do in order to attempt to right the wrong for those who had been wronged by the evil identity that had been forced on me without my consent. To not do so would only mean that I actually do consent to said evil identity and that I have no problem with the evil, would it not?
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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #53 on: December 22, 2022, 10:53:18 pm »

New York was a slave state, starting with 11 Black Africans “purchased” by the Dutch West India Company in 1626. Slavery was especially popular on Long Island because the area needed labor. Most slave owners on Long Island enslaved just a handful of people. They worked on farms, in homes and sometimes as tailors, whalers or other skilled jobs.

Long Island’s two counties, known then as Suffolk and Queens (most of today’s Nassau County) had the highest enslaved population in the North during most of the Colonial era, according to historian Christopher Claude Verga, author of “Civil Rights on Long Island.” Or, as WSHU public radio in Westport, Connecticut, put it in 2020, “Slavery was not just a ‘southern’ thing. It played a central role on Long Island.” The station called it “the history that we forget to remember.”
This “racial caste system,” as Verga calls it, was still in place a century later when Long Island became a hotbed of Ku Klux Klan activity. The historical record includes jarring documentation of the Klan as a highly visible part of life on Long Island. KKK members in robes and hoods, their faces fully exposed, attended funerals, held rallies, sponsored fire department events and marched in community parades.

This, too, like slavery, was not just "a 'southern' thing."

During the 1920s, as it grew more Catholic, Jewish and Black, Long Island had the largest Klan membership in New York and the Klan had “a strong presence on most of Long Island” until the late 1970s, according to Verga. Klan members “infiltrated local real estate markets and law enforcement and gained political influence.” Real estate brokers, mortgage bankers and insurance companies were their “financial backbone,” Verga wrote.

The wording of this paragraph makes it sound like KKK membership increased because they disliked Jews. In reality, KKK membership increased because Jews were joining up:!/msg607/?topicseen#msg607!/msg843/?topicseen#msg843


This unholy segregationist alliance locked Black people out of the post-World War II housing boom and white neighborhoods. In Levittown, the archetypal mass-produced suburb that sprang up after the war barely 10 miles from Syosset and spread quickly across the country, developer William Levitt rented and sold affordable homes to white families only. They agreed in their leases and deeds “not to permit the premises to be used or occupied by any person other than members of the Caucasian race,” except for domestic servants.

Levitt was previously covered here:

Levitt was born in 1907 to a Jewish family. His generation was the second since immigrating from Russia and Austria;[2] the paternal grandparents who immigrated to the United States had been a rabbi grandfather from Russia and a grandmother from Austria-Germany.[3]


It sounds like an outrage now, but as historian Joshua Ruff wrote in American History magazine, it was national policy then: The Federal Housing Administration supported “nationwide racial covenants and ‘redlining’ – or devaluing – racially mixed communities.”

Covenants barring Black or nonwhite residents were common all over the country, including in and around the Washington, D.C., neighborhood where I live today. In 1930, one nearby development promoted itself on a billboard as “restricted” (to whites only). Early in the 20th century, the Chevy Chase Land Co. required that no property “shall ever be sold, leased to or occupied by any person of negro blood.” Except, as in Levittown, your domestic servants could live in your house.
It is impossible to overstate the damage done by governments, banks, developers, realtors and countless other players in creating segregated residential suburbs all across America. Though housing discrimination has been illegal for decades, its legacy is very much present.
“The official policy was that you do not mix the races in housing. And one way to ensure that is to have a policy that says you can’t get a loan if you’re an African American. You will not be able to get a government-backed mortgage. And you can’t leave the segregated areas and go to another area.”

These policies have reverberated through the generations in lost opportunities for Black families to own homes and build wealth.


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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2023, 07:37:29 pm »

Presidents have a long history of condescension, indifference and outright racism toward Black Americans
Here are a few examples:

•  Rutherford Hayes, president from 1877-1881, claimed to be a friend of African Americans’ rights. At his inauguration, he said “a true self-government” must be “a government which guards the interests of both races carefully and equally.” But he cut a shady deal to win the presidency in the 1876 election, whose result was as hotly disputed as the 2000 Bush-Gore contest. In that deal, he agreed to withdraw federal troops from Southern states where they’d been protecting Blacks from the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist depredations. Over the next two decades, Southern whites drove virtually all Black elected officials from office, often by fraud and sometimes at gunpoint, and about 1,500 Southern Blacks were lynched.

• William McKinley, president from 1897-1901, delivered an inaugural address extolling equal rights and declared, “Lynchings must not be tolerated.” However, he remained silent when white supremacists in Wilmington, North Carolina, staged an 1898 coup that ousted all Black elected officials and killed at least 60 Blacks. His lack of response to lynchings prompted a Black-owned newspaper to observe, “The Negroes of this country turn with impatience, disappointment and disgust from Mr. McKinley’s fence-straddling and shilly-shallying discussion of lynch law.”

• Theodore Roosevelt, president from 1901-1909, believed in white superiority while simultaneously advocating educational opportunity regardless of race. In a letter to a friend, he wrote, “Now as to the Negroes! I entirely agree with you that as a race and in the mass they are altogether inferior to the whites.”

• Woodrow Wilson, president from 1913-1921, promised fair treatment for African Americans in his 1912 campaign. But once elected, he defended his Southern Cabinet members who segregated workers in federal departments that hadn’t been segregated, writing, “It is as far as possible from being a movement against the negroes. I sincerely believe it to be in their interest.” Black Democrat Robert Wood of New York unsuccessfully urged Wilson to reverse the segregation policy: “We resent it, not at all because we are particularly anxious to eat in the same room or use the same soap and towels that white people use, but because we see in the separation in the races in the matter of soup and soap the beginning of a movement to deprive the colored man entirely of soup and soap, to eliminate him wholly from the Civil Service.” In a testy White House exchange, Wilson chastised William Monroe Trotter and other Black leaders, asserting that, “Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen. If your organization goes out and tells the colored people of the country that it is a humiliation, they will so regard it … The only harm that will come will be if you cause them to think it is a humiliation.”

• Franklin Roosevelt, president from 1933-1945, was widely admired among African Americans. While his New Deal programs did not benefit Blacks and whites equally, Blacks did receive benefits. But FDR’s actions were always guided by his need to appease Southern segregationists in Congress to pass his other agenda items. And his attitude could be condescending, as when he met with Black leaders about integrating the military. He advised a gradual approach, particularly with the Navy: “We are training a certain number of musicians on board ship. The ship’s band. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t have a colored band on some of these ships, because they’re darn good at it.”


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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2023, 11:59:31 pm »


At last, after decades of silence, the California Association of Realtors is apologizing for its role in promoting our state’s racist housing policies. Leaders of several California real estate organizations gathered at a press conference Oct. 21, 2022, to focus on next steps to correct years of discriminatory acts that segregated our cities, reduced the ability to build affordable housing and promoted redlining. In 1964, the association attempted to prevent the passage of the Rumford Fair Housing Act that removed discriminatory practices in housing.

Evidence of racism in housing is reflected in the Modesto area. Over half of the subdivisions in our area contained restrictions on their deeds that prevented people of color, especially Black people, from purchasing homes. Many restrictions read as follows: “Occupants must be white or Caucasian: no Negroes, Mexicans, Hindus, Filipinos.”

Jews are welcome, of course, because they are not POC.!/


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Re: The "Black" and "White" Identity Politics Scam
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2023, 05:44:26 pm »
Will Jews and "whites" ever realize that having certain videos removed from Youtube when those same videos are logged on various other sites just ultimately makes them look even more guilty than they already do?
National Socialism ≠ Nazism

Aryan ≠ 'White'.

Race = Quality && Race ≠ Ethnicity.

History is written by the victors.

The truth fears no investigation.

(He) who controls the past controls the future; (he) who controls the present controls the past.



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The Counter Revolution of 1776 and the Construction of Whiteness – Gerald Horne, (3/6)
On Reality Asserts Itself Mr. Horne says that the defense of massive profits from the slave trade and fear of slave rebellions was an important impetus for the American Revolution


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Finding Your Roots: How Italians became White
Finding your roots? We delve into the forgotten history of Sicilian and Italian immigrants in the Jim Crow South of the United States. Initially welcomed as a source of cheap labor after the Civil War, Sicilian immigrants faced discrimination and persecution as they sought better wages and living conditions. Despite their efforts to assimilate and build successful businesses, they were viewed as not fully white by white Southerners, who imposed on them the same persecution that was customarily inflicted upon African Americans. Shedding light on a dark chapter of American history that is often overlooked, let's find out how (and when) Italians became "White" in American.

The documentary- series "Finding Lola" is done, but is the journey over?

Who is Native American? Who is Black?
The documentary- series "Finding Lola" is done, but is the journey over? This new mini series will explores the history and impact of DNA blood quantum for Native American communities and compare it to the one-drop rule, a similarly problematic concept that was used to define blackness in the United States during the era of slavery and Jim Crow. I speak with Professor and author Andrew Jolivétte, former department chair of American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University (2003-2019). He currently serves as the Board President of the American Indian Community Center in San Francisco, California where he was also Interim Executive Director from 2016-October 2018.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 11:33:52 am by 2ThaSun »


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People of Italian origin living in American land have to stop being "white" and need to be re-mediterraneanized asap. I  feel like the America's are severely lacking in culture, and instead what we have here is a all pervading, cancerous business mindset and ethos. It's a duty for all people of Mediterranean  blood to destroy their inner "white" and other blood poisons so that they can start bringing culture to this place, which will reduce racial and tribal tensions.