Author Topic: Non-Aryan aggressiveness  (Read 7522 times)


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Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« on: July 24, 2020, 01:27:08 am »

Facial width-to-height ratio (WHR) is determined by measuring the distance between the right and left cheeks and the distance from the upper lip to the mid-brow. A high WHR means the width of the face is greater that the height -- in other words, a wide face.

During childhood, boys and girls have similar facial structures, but during puberty, males develop a greater WHR than females. Previous research has suggested that males with a larger WHR act more aggressively than those with a smaller WHR.
volunteer subjects estimated a higher aggression assessment to photographed faces with higher WHR ratios -- the greater the WHR, the higher the aggressive rating, suggesting that we may use this aspect of facial structure to judge potential aggression in others.

Another thing we already know. Furthermore:

We present three studies examining whether male facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is correlated with racial prejudice and whether observers are sensitive to fWHR when assessing prejudice in other people. Our results indicate that males with a greater fWHR are more likely to explicitly endorse racially prejudicial beliefs, though fWHR was unrelated to implicit bias. Participants evaluated targets with a greater fWHR as more likely to be prejudiced and accurately evaluated the degree to which targets reported prejudicial attitudes. Finally, compared with majority-group members, racial-minority participants reported greater motivation to accurately evaluate prejudice. This motivation mediated the relationship between minority- or majority-group membership and the accuracy of evaluations of prejudice, which indicates that motivation augments sensitivity to fWHR. Together, the results of these three studies demonstrate that fWHR is a reliable indicator of explicitly endorsed racial prejudice and that observers can use fWHR to accurately assess another person's explicit prejudice.

I told you so.

Quick example:


The problem:

Guys with bulldog-like faces have been chick magnets throughout human evolutionary history.

A recent study of the skulls of human ancestors and modern humans finds that women, and thereby, evolution, selected for males with relatively short upper faces. The region between the brow and the upper-lip is scrunched proportionately to the overall size of their heads.
Men with "mini mugs" might have been most attractive to the opposite sex and thus most likely to attract mates for reproduction, passing along the striking features to the next generation and so forth, said lead study author Eleanor Weston, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London.

"Our study shows that within three minutes of meeting in real life, women find more dominant, wider-faced men attractive for short-term relationships, and want to go on another date with them," says psychological scientist and lead researcher Katherine Valentine of Singapore Management University.
"High male fWHR has previously been associated with surviving in hand-to-hand combat, aggressiveness, self-perceived power, and CEO's financial success," says Valentine. "Our study shows it's also a reasonably good indicator of perceived dominance – not only that, it piques women's interest in a face-to-face speed-dating setting."
"The fact that women wanted to see these men again suggests that our findings are robust – women aren't just saying they are interested, they're actually willing to be contacted by these men," says Valentine.

Thus, under natural selection, non-Aryans will have greater reproductive success.

This can be solved with state control over reproduction. If only the minority fraction of women in each generation who spontaneously prefer men with low FWHR are allowed to reproduce, bloodlines which sexually select for high FWHR (and hence for aggressiveness) could be phased out, following which bloodlines for high FWHR (and hence for aggressiveness itself) will phase out automatically as they fail to be selected by Aryanized women, thus Aryanizing the men too.


A paper recently published by researchers at the University of Central Florida and Singapore Management University looks at the relationship between testosterone (a hormone associated with competitiveness and risk-taking) and investment performance. Using over twenty years of data on hedge-fund returns and thousands of images collected from Google, the authors find that fund managers with wider faces, a proxy for testosterone levels, tend to trade more frequently, invest in riskier securities and hold onto losing bets longer. As a result, between 1994 and 2015, high-testosterone fund managers (with an average facial width-to-height ratio of 2.10) underperformed low-testosterone ones (with an average ratio of 1.57) by 5.8% per year.

Is there anything investors can do to avoid testosterone-fuelled traders? One approach might be to seek out fund managers with long, thin faces.

Take one guess where the term hedge (verb) comes from in the first place:

The market values of wheat and other crops fluctuate constantly as supply and demand for them vary, with occasional large moves in either direction. Based on current prices and forecast levels at harvest time, the farmer might decide that planting wheat is a good idea one season, but the price of wheat might change over time. Once the farmer plants wheat, he is committed to it for an entire growing season. If the actual price of wheat rises greatly between planting and harvest, the farmer stands to make a lot of unexpected money, but if the actual price drops by harvest time, he is going to lose the invested money.


Huh? Then why are the wealthiest hedge fund managers Jewish?


Official answer:

Jews have undergone millenia of selective pressure for financial skills, which would probably include selection for ability to control their aggression when making financial decisions, thus a high fWHR Jew would probably outperform a similarly high fWHR non-Jew. Nevertheless, we should still expect among Jews the low fWHR ones outperforming the high fWHR ones, albeit perhaps by a smaller margin.

Real answer:

Tribal insider trading, duh!


Turns out their ability to do this isn't so good after all:
Jim Cramer (Jew):
On November 13, 2005, Dan Rather interviewed Cramer on 60 Minutes. Among the topics of discussion were Cramer's past at his hedge fund; including his violent temper.'s_investments
On the March 11, 2008, episode of Cramer's show Mad Money, a viewer named Peter submitted the question "Should I be worried about Bear Stearns in terms of liquidity and get my money out of there?" Cramer responded "No! No! No! Bear Stearns is not in trouble. If anything, they're more likely to be taken over. Don't move your money from Bear." On March 14, 2008, the stock lost more than half of its value on news of a Fed bailout and $2/share takeover by JPMorgan Chase.

"Real answer: Tribal insider trading, duh!"

Admission of market manipulation

In a December 2006 interview, Cramer described activities used by hedge fund managers to manipulate stock prices—some of debatable legality and others illegal. He described how he could push stocks higher or lower with as little as $5 million in capital when he was running his hedge fund.

Amazing how Cramer (Jew) is almost a caricature of what you described in your analysis, everything from his behavior down to his phenotype!:

Yet despite having zero data on Cramer, you were able to paint an accurate picture of his archetype. Proof that rationalism > empiricism.


BUFFALO, N.Y. – Research on the communication trait of verbal aggressiveness, which includes behavior like name calling, ridicule, insults, racial epithets and threats, has tended to focus on its social causes.

However, a new study by a team of researchers led by Allison Z. Shaw, PhD, assistant professor of communication at the University at Buffalo, has found that verbal aggression may have biological causes that can be identified by the ratio of length of a person’s ring finger (second digit) to the length of the index finger (fourth digit).

It is the first study to use the 2D:4D ratio – considered a measure of prenatal testosterone exposure – as a determinant of verbal aggression.
The team found that men and women with smaller 2D:4D ratio reported themselves to be more verbally aggressive.


As requested, here are some papers from the BlackPillScience subreddit:

Women who espouse feminist beliefs are just as likely to have fantasies of forced sex as are other women (Shulman & Horne, 2006)

Hence why we see feminists promoting PUAs

The paper (access is restricted but here is the abstract):
This study estimated a path model of women's forceful sexual fantasies. Constructs examined were childhood sexual abuse, feminist beliefs, sexual guilt, erotophilia, and sexual experience. The study clarifies how these factors mediate one another in relationship to forceful sexual fantasies and is first to examine the effects of feminist beliefs on forceful sexual fantasy. Adult women (N = 261) participated by completing an online survey. A path from sex guilt to forceful sexual fantasy, mediated by erotophilia, was found, wherein low levels of sex guilt and high levels of erotophilia were found to predict forceful sexual fantasy. A direct path between childhood sexual abuse and forceful sexual fantasy was also found. The resulting model is discussed in relation to previously‐proposed theories on the role of force in women's sexual fantasies.

The second phrase in bold says it all: the tormented child grows up to worship her tormenter. This is traditionalism. This is slavery.


"This is slavery."

A related study:

Revictimized women with histories of intimate partner violence (IPV) rated men with larger fWHRs and higher values of actual aggression to be more attractive than did revictimized women without IPV histories. A reduced appraisal of threat signals as threatening and an attraction to wider-faced and more aggressive men might increase the risk for revictimization.

The desire to expel unselfish members from the group.

Parks, Craig D.,Stone, Asako B.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 99(2), Aug 2010, 303-310

"An initial study investigating tolerance of group members who abuse a public good surprisingly showed that unselfish members (those who gave much toward the provision of the good but then used little of the good) were also targets for expulsion from the group...A fourth study suggested that the target is seen by some as establishing an undesirable behavior standard and by others as a rule breaker. Individuals who formed either perception expressed a desire for the unselfish person to be removed from the group."

To put it in simpler terms, being altruistic and friendly is just as likely to cause people to reject you as those who are completely selfish and purely look out for their needs only. The study found no significant difference. This contradicts the mainstream advice that having a "good personality" will cause people, including women, to like you. They will hate you just as much as someone who practically steals from them. This is also reflected in the workplace, as "agreeable" men (peaceful and friendly) are paid significantly less than their disagreeable counterparts.

"Overall, across the first three studies, men who are one standard deviation below the mean on agreeableness earn an average of 18.31% ($9,772) more than men one standard deviation above the mean on agreeableness. Meanwhile, the “disagreeableness premium” for women was only 5.47% ($1,828). Thus, the income premium for disagreeableness is more than three times stronger for men than for women."

So as we could see, the price of being nice when you are a man is a staggering 18% of your income throughout life. It is also far stronger in males than females. So this means that nice men in the first study would have been rejected even more often than the nice women. This suggests that nice men are rejected more often than men who are completely selfish and practically steal off of everyone. Now, let us focus more on the effects of being "mean" or "evil" on attracting a woman. "A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire" is a book by two neuroscientists that combines countless research by Alfred Kinsey and experiments found on the internet that has a data on over half a billion people to see what are the raw sexual desires of humanity. The book quotes quite a few unnerving conclusions of the sexuality of women based on many individual experiments:

“It turns out that killing people is an effective way to elicit the attention of many women: virtually every serial killer, including Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and David Berkowitz, have received love letters from large numbers of female fans” (p. 98).

“[Their] inner cavewoman knows Doormat Man would become Sabertooth Tiger Lunch in short order” (p .97).

Psychology Today had an article that confirmed and analyzed how women desire men who are violent, mean, and show criminal behavior, with much thanks to the book mentioned above.

"women demonstrate a strong erotic preference for dominant men. Or toward what’s now commonly referred to as alpha males—in the authors’ words, men who are 'strong, confident, [and] swaggering [as in 'cocky,' and the pun is intended].' Unfortunately, what these descriptors often imply is behavior sufficiently bearish, self-centered, and insensitive as to often cross the line into a physical, mental, and emotional abuse that can be downright brutal."

"there’s something in their native wiring that makes a great many of them susceptible to 'bad boys.'"

"many women (at least secretly, or subliminally) can’t help but be drawn toward cold-blooded, controlling, 'bad boys' whose dominance symbolizes quite the opposite of what in relationships they’re consciously seeking."

"many women experience as enticing the idea of surrendering to a powerful male figure because of its very riskiness. Curiously, such an acutely felt threat can actually be eroticized by women’s minds into exceptional sexual excitement so compelling that (at least on a fantasy level) it’s almost irresistible."


Perhaps in the incel forums we could find some Aryanists?

Then again as with anti-PUAers, it appears many of those who post these types of studies actually only envy these types of men.


"Perhaps in the incel forums we could find some Aryanists?"

Their main complaint seems to be that too many women are only willing to give a chance to good-looking men. I have no problem with this. My problem is that too many women use the wrong definition of "good-looking" (Eurocentrism being one aspect of this). If women could be corrected to use our definition instead, I would want them to be even more idealistic about whom to date than they currently are. Incels, in contrast, want women to lower their standards, which means abandoning their idealism. Incels are fundamentally anti-idealistic, in this sense.

"it appears many of those who post these types of studies actually only envy these types of men."

Yes. Worse, they think any man who doesn't look hyper-masculine and who claims not to want to is being dishonest. It is impossible to communicate meaningfully with people like that.

And for the record:


"if they (women) are Eurocentrists, they are not idealists, no?"

A woman who thinks, "I will not date anyone who does not look like my dream guy!" is an idealist (with respect to dating).

The same woman who additionally thinks, "My dream guy must be white!" is a Eurocentrist.

So it is theoretically possible for an idealistic woman to be a Eurocentrist.

"When you say "corrected to use our definition instead" what do you mean?"

"My dream guy must be a reincarnated Golden Age Aryan prince!"

"Demographically engineered?"

Unless we discover it can be done with pop culture influence alone!


"I this applicable to those who prefer high sexual dimorphism also?"

Which is why I said:

My problem is that too many women use the wrong definition of "good-looking"

I, unlike incels, want women to refuse to settle for anyone other than their dream guy. I just want their concept of what constitutes their dream guy to be drastically different than the currently popular concept.

"Only insofar as what she considers "white" features are congruent with Aryan features, such that she only perceives "white" men as having those features."

No. Idealism (in dating) simply means refusing to settle for less. This position contains no information about the content of the ideal. You are the one presuming that she prefers Aryan features, which may or may not be the case.


"But does this not mean that idealism,minus the Aryan ideal, when pursued on its own is bad?"


Jews too can be considered a product of racial idealism in this sense, though their selection process is much more complex, being steered by how Judaism has directed Jews to interact, always with Jewish tribal interests in mind, both with other Jews and with non-Jews.

From the above examples, it is evident that the term “racial idealism” on its own nowhere implies that the ideal itself is automatically a good one.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 10:34:42 pm by 90sRetroFan »

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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2020, 01:29:05 am »

Beards have been described as a sign of masculinity and “social dominance”, suggesting they play a role in “male contest competition” for a partner.

Some experts have claimed beards may play a similar role to a lion’s mane, which is thought to protect its jaw and throat from attacks.
As with other great apes, most fights occur between men, with the face usually being the target.
“The results of this study indicate that hair is indeed capable of significantly reducing the force of impact from a blunt strike and absorbing energy,” wrote the scientists.

“If the same is true for human facial hair, then having a full beard may help protect vulnerable regions of the facial skeleton from damaging strikes, such as the jaw.”

Beards may equally protect against cuts and other injuries, they added.

The “protective nature” of beards may give men a competitive edge, which could explain why facial hair is linked to “high masculinity, social dominance and behavioural aggressiveness”.


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2020, 03:35:37 pm »
In connection with the above article on predicting verbal aggressiveness from faces, I was just reading this news article about rightists deliberately mispronouncing Harris' name:

and it included this picture:

« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 03:38:23 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2020, 05:07:30 pm »
I have seen some False Leftists who don't like her do this as well. Harris is married to a Jew BTW. This seems to contradict the personality archetype of her phenotype. Perhaps it could have something to do with her slave-owning ancestors on her Jamaican father's side?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 05:13:24 pm by rp »


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2020, 12:26:40 am »
Harris is married to a Jew but did not reproduce with him. (Though this also be her husband's decision due to her not wanting "non-white" blood in his Jewish bloodline. Or it could simply be her age by the time they married.) Her absence of biological offspring fits her phenotype, at least (especially compared to Palin's spawn). Her sister has one child; compare their faces:

I repeat: I am in no way recommending that we assume Harris is any better than she is just because of her face. But if her face can help her win the election, great!

While we are at it:

« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 12:43:18 am by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2020, 11:51:50 pm »
The people who would most find Harris's demeanor and phenotype appealing would be True Leftists, as she is at least (outwardly) conveying the message that she is sincere/honest/etc. Whether or not it is true and to what extent we will know only after we win the election. She has not reproduced (and probably never will) so IMO she is still redeemable. What do you think?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 11:54:25 pm by rp »


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2020, 09:10:11 pm »
Also, one thing I noticed about Maya (Kamala's sister) is that her big jaw is very distinct from individuals who simply have pointy chins. I say this because it is easy to conflate a heavy jawline with a pointy chin, and thus classify the latter as non-Aryan also, when it is in fact possible for an Aryan individual to have a pointy chin.


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2020, 11:42:31 pm »
"it is easy to conflate a heavy jawline with a pointy chin"

I'm not sure I understand. Isn't Kamala's chin more pointy than Maya's? I would have thought a small jaw correlates positively with a pointy chin, since the smaller the angle leading into the chin. Palin's jaw is even bigger and her chin is almost being consumed by her jaw!


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2020, 11:54:55 pm »
"I would have thought a small jaw correlates positively with a pointy chin, since the smaller the angle leading into the chin."
Yes! This was what I was trying to say. I was merely saying that people often mischaracterize pointy-chinned individuals as "heavy jawed" while giving actually heavy jawed people a pass.


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2020, 09:43:53 pm »
Palin needs that wide ass jaw to get through the grit and cartilage : (You know I couldn't resist, sorry not sorry...)


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2020, 12:13:30 am »
The photo you posted is of Bachmann, not Palin. Though it is true that Bachmann looks primitive also (and has five offspring, ugh.....):

And of course:,_education,_and_early_career

Bachmann graduated from Anoka High School in 1974 and, after graduation, spent one summer working at kibbutz Be'eri in Israel.[15]

Also, returning to the earlier subject, here is more verbal aggressiveness from Trump mispronouncing Harris' name:
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 12:25:11 am by 90sRetroFan »
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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2020, 01:41:58 pm »
Funny, I do get both confused often. I find them indistinguishable.


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2020, 11:25:31 pm »
Palin wears glasses.
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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2020, 12:56:59 am »
More verbal aggressiveness:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. David Perdue mocked Kamala Harris, his Senate colleague and the Democratic vice presidential nominee, on Friday by repeatedly mispronouncing her name at a Georgia rally for President Donald Trump.

Perdue was wrapping up his remarks at an event in Macon when he referred to Harris as “KAH'-mah-lah? Kah-MAH'-lah? Kamala-mala-mala? I don’t know. Whatever.” The audience laughed.

And he has the bully face to go with it:

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 11:54:49 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2020, 11:43:31 pm »

The data for sexual behavior more clearly supported our hypothesis that bullying behavior predicts an increase in sexual opportunities even when accounting for age, sex, and self-reports of attractiveness, likeability, and peer victimization. These results are generally congruent with the hypothesis that bullying perpetration is, at least in part, an evolutionary adaptive behavior.

Remember, Yahweh deliberately designed it this way.

A behavioral genetics study calculated that 61% of the variability in bullying perpetration was due to genetic rather than environmental factors
We have predicted that bullying is associated with at least three benefits, reputation, resources, and reproduction, all of which are likely to be associated with passing on one’s genes to future generations
To begin with, bullies are perceived as being more popular than adolescents who do not bully others
Bullies can also gain access to greater economic (e.g., Flanagan, 2007) or physical resources
Finally, as we have suggested, bullies may also benefit from having more mating success (Volk et al., 2012, 2014). Given that the selective regime used by evolution is whether a gene increases or decreases in frequency, reproduction is a key evolutionary variable
this same study found a positive link between social status seeking and sexual (but not dating) behavior (Kelly et al., 2012). As previously mentioned, status and sex are two goals that are also believed to be outcomes associated with bullying behavior (Volk et al., 2014). This suggests that perhaps there may be common goals that link some adolescents’ desire to bully others (i.e., gain status) and their desire to have sex.

State control over reproduction prohibiting reproduction by both bullies and (more importantly) those attracted to bullies could solve the entire problem in a few generations.

From an evolutionary perspective, there are many potential reasons why bullies should enjoy increased reproductive benefits. Bullies generally elevated social and physical attributes may offer a signal of good genes

This is what a eugenicist (which we are not) sounds like. If evolutionarily adaptive = "good", we do not want such "good". We want noble genes.

In addition, the confluence of increased bullying (Volk et al., 2006) and dating (Zimmer-Gembeck, 2002) during adolescence may help explain why antibullying interventions often fail to work



In one of only a few studies to directly measure bullying and dating, Connolly, Pepler, Craig, and Taradash (2000) found that bullying (in both sexes) was associated with an earlier entrance into puberty and dating at a younger age, more activity with members of the opposite sex, greater dating opportunities, and being more likely to be in a dating relationship.

Which fits our racial model of Aryans entering puberty late (as well having higher standards for dating).

Reports of sexual behavior may still be indirect as they do not directly measure number of viable offspring, but they are likely to be more strongly correlated with ultimate reproductive success than dating variables

I would not be surprised if, even controlling for the quantity of sexual activity, bullies (ie. non-Aryans) reproduce more, in other words are more biologically fertile. This would also fit our racial model.

There were several significant univariate relations between bullying and dating, suggesting that bullying is related to an increased interest in dating (Study 1), an increased likelihood of having dated, and a greater number of dating partners.

See also:

It all fits together.

Our data suggest that bullying is associated with a 1.5–2x greater likelihood of having had sexual intercourse (see Table 3). Bullying was also a small but statistically significant predictor of the number of sexual partners in both linear regressions (see Table 4). These findings, in two separate samples, offer converging support for our prediction that bullying would be related to sexual opportunities, independent of age, sex, self-reported attractiveness, victimization, and likeability. They suggest that the act of bullying itself, or some intrinsic character of bullies beyond those mentioned above, predispose and/or facilitate bullies’ access to sexual opportunities.

While this is true, I would add (something that the authors have apparently neglected) that I expect bullies to be less likely than non-bullies to turn down available sexual opportunities. By exclusively discussing access to sexual opportunities, the authors seem to assume that everyone will take every sexual opportunity available! This tells us something about the racial inferiority of the authors themselves.....

Finally, remember that colonialism is just a scaled-up version of bullying. You figure out the rest:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 03:56:48 pm by 90sRetroFan »