Author Topic: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences  (Read 4928 times)


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2022, 11:27:36 am »
Reading the study on hormonal contraceptives making females attracted to less masculine males reminded me about the change in behaviour of the YouTuber Contrapoints. She’s a male to female trans person who in the last few years has started taking hormonal replacement therapy.  Now prior to medically transitioning, she was focused on debunking rightest bs. She also has an oval face and low body mass, indicating low testosterone. But since using HRT, meaning her body is receiving high amounts of estrogen, her behaviour has done a complete 180. She’s become anti-woke, arguing against cancel culture, attacking leftists over rightists. How the estrogen has actually caused this change I couldn’t say, especially given her ectomorphic appearance, but I find it too much of a coincidence to put it down to anything else.