Author Topic: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences  (Read 4921 times)


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Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:35:41 am »

men’s preferences for female facial sex-typicality show a much more systematic 94
pattern. Although there is some research showing environment-related variation in facial femininity 95
preferences (38), more feminine female faces are perceived as more attractive unanimously across 96
cultures (12, 39–41). This may be because it could reveal reproductive potential (i.e. fecundity), as 97
women with more feminine faces may have higher levels of estrogen (42).
weaker preference for feminine-looking women has been found to be 401
positively correlated with level of national health (38).
An interesting finding is that all European countries revealed 420
larger differences between male and female average faces than in all the other populations.


What are your opinions on this about Japan?


Well, there's no denying it any more: the size of Japanese mammaries have become larger. We know this thanks to a survey by lingerie manufacturer Triumph International Japan, which recently made public the results of its research.

According to Nikkan Gendai (Aug 7), the subjects of the survey were Japanese females between the ages of 20 through 60 years. And when the data was confirmed, Triumph found that while only 4.5% of its customers had required a D-cup size bra or larger back in 1980, that percentage had expanded to 17.6% by 1990. By 2018, the percentage had swelled impressively to 53.1%. Or in other words, a remarkable twelve-fold increase over 40 years.

Interestingly, the 17.5-centimetre average measurement from the underside of the breast to the top had not shown any appreciable change during those four decades. Which means the size of the breasts themselves had definitely become larger.

Naturally, Nikkan Gendai's reporter wants to know why.

"There are two reasons for this," explained Shuko Sakata, manager of brand marketing at Triumph. "The first is changes in the diet, such as increased meat consumption and westernization in general. The other is because we manufacturers have become better at teaching customers the correct way to select a brassiere. When putting on their bras, women tend to lean forward and by so doing gravity collects fleshy parts on the sides of their torso to fill up the cup. That alone can increase cup size by as much as two sizes."

Mutsuko Taniguchi, a veteran stylist with some 40 years in the trade, is in agreement.

"These days when women put on their bra, they press in their flesh from four directions -- from the sides below their arms, up from their stomach area and then downwards from their collarbones. Doing this produces more cleavage and posture benefits from an overall improvement," she said.

Japan has a culture of exposure, says Taniguchi, so women here want to emphasize their cleavage, whereas these days western females tend to dress in a way that enables their left and right breasts independent movement.

Arata Samon, a doctor and author, estimates that 70 to 80% of women's breast sizes are determined by heredity.

"But for the remaining 20% or so, nutrition has a certain effect," he says. "About 90% of a breast is composed of fat cells. The levels of body fat are determined at three life stages: while still an embryo, while nursing up to around age 3, and then at puberty. If one's mother ingests a lot of beef or pork during pregnancy, the number of fat cells in the fetus will increase. Then what they consume as children and adolescents, such as meat, dairy products, fried chicken, convenience store sandwiches and so on, will enhance the size of the breasts. If you look back at dietary changes over the past 40 years, the greater ingestion of fats has definitely had an impact on women's breast size."

And no doubt we can look forward to continued growth in the future, the writer says.

© Japan Today


I agree with the article that both heredity and Westernized diet are likely to be contributing factors to this phenomenon, which aesthetically should be considered a negative development, as it is an increase in sexual dimorphism. However, I am more concerned with what is considered ideal than what is going on with averages. So long as low sexual dimorphism remains the ideal, it will be returned to over time, even if current average sexual dimorphism is high. The real problem is if high sexual dimorphism has become the ideal, which I fear may be the case.

The bra itself is a colonial-era Western invention intended to accentuate sexual dimorphism:


Batres and her colleagues found that women with higher levels of attraction to other women were more likely to view less masculine-looking male faces as more attractive.

This agrees with my anecdotal observations. I also suspect that the converse is true as well. I have a somewhat primitive male cousin who, whenever asked about which of several male celebrities etc. he considers best-looking, literally says that this is not a valid question. The notion that he could consider any male to be good looking is alien to him, in other words his idea of "beauty" is 100% equated to sexual arousal. And guess what? The type of women he prefers is ultra-feminine.


"So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" - Tanakh


Whereas we are all about:

"When you make the male and the female one, so that the male will not be male nor the female female ... then will you enter the Kingdom.” - Jesus

But until then, this **** will continue:

Here we show, based upon female assessment of digitally projected life-size, computer-generated images, that **** size interacts with body shape and height to determine male sexual attractiveness. Positive linear selection was detected for **** size, but the marginal increase in attractiveness eventually declined with greater **** size (i.e., quadratic selection). **** size had a stronger effect on attractiveness in taller men than in shorter men. There was a similar increase in the positive effect of **** size on attractiveness with a more masculine body shape (i.e., greater shoulder-to-hip ratio). Surprisingly, larger **** size and greater height had almost equivalent positive effects on male attractiveness. Our results support the hypothesis that female mate choice could have driven the evolution of larger penises in humans.

(Note the website acronym.)


Is Yamato Nadeshiko (Japanese ideal women) considered to be feminine in your book?

The Yamato nadeshiko is renowned for her bihada (美肌, beautiful skin), bihatsu (美髪, beautiful hair) and yanagigoshi (柳腰, willowy hips), not to mention a patented okuyukashisa (奥ゆかしさ, a deep and abiding modesty) that both defines her personality and adorns her being. She’s also about practicality. According to my own observations, 75 percent of the typical Yamato nadeshiko is made up of an unshakeable devotion to kaji (家事, household chores) — whether she’s married or not.


"beautiful skin"
"beautiful hair"

If skin is beautiful by being neotenous, then it is not feminine. But if skin is beautiful by being estrogen-enhanced, then it is feminine.

"willowy hips"

Willowy usually means slender, which would not be feminine, since estrogen widens hips.

"deep and abiding modesty"

If modest in the same way that men are expected to be modest, then it is not feminine. If modest in a way that men are not expected to be modest, then it is feminine.

"household chores"

If also expected of men, then it is not feminine. If not expected of men, then it is feminine.

Our general principle is that any trait considered positive for females should be considered just as positive for males, and vice versa, or else it is not a trait worth having in the first place.


"The sad fact is people cannot choose their bodies."

But we can choose which bodies reproduce. This is one of the most important things we are promoting.


And then there is this **** (I told you so):

Past research has highlighted links between meat consumption and masculine gender role norms such that meat consumers are generally attributed more masculine traits than their vegetable-consuming counterparts. However, the direct link between gender roles and men’s food choices has been somewhat neglected in the literature. Three studies conducted in Italy investigated this link between meat and masculinity. Studies 1 and 2 analyzed female mating preference for vegetarian and omnivorous partners, confirming that women preferred omnivorous men (Study 1 and 2), rated them as more attractive (Study 1 and 2), and felt more positive about them (Study 1) than vegetarians. Moreover Study 2 showed that the attribution of masculinity mediated this relationship, such that vegetarian men were considered less attractive because they were perceived as less masculine. Study 3 tested the relationship between the endorsement of food-related gender norms and food choices in a sample of Italian men. The results showed that men who perceived vegetarianism as feminine preferred meat-based dishes for themselves and expected their female partners to choose vegetarian dishes. Together, these findings show that gender role norms prescribing that men eat meat are actively maintained by both women and men and do in fact guide men’s food choices.

This is consistent with my personal experiences of hearing even some vegan women prefer men to not be vegan.

Yes, vegan men are less masculine. That is a sign of racial superiority. The solution is not for vegan men to try to become more masculine. The correct solution is to prohibit reproduction by women who find less masculine men less attractive (which is a sign of racial inferiority).



What's your opinion on Patrik Baboumian, vegan strongman?


Women who find him more attractive than me should not be allowed to reproduce either.


"But what if that person is bad, even though they are androgynous? Shouldn't reproduction based on the reproducers' merit?"

If by merit you mean behaviour, then the problem is that a bad person with a strong desire to reproduce and who is aware that selection is based on good behaviour will be willing to feign good behaviour solely for the sake of being selected for reproduction. Thus we will not achieve the objective of Aryanization (ie. eliminating heritably ignoble bloodlines), but instead will tend to select in favour of people with the strongest desire to reproduce, which is the opposite of our goal!

The only behaviour that can be used reliably to decide who should be allowed to reproduce is behaviour during early childhood, prior to those being selected becoming aware that state control over reproduction even exists.


Patrik Baboumian is promoted amongst vegans for being strong like this without consuming animals.


If he can convert to veganism people that otherwise would not consider it, I of course support this on a pragmatic level, as every former non-vegan becoming vegan - irrespective of their reason for doing so - reduces the total number of victims of the meat/dairy/egg industries.

This does not diminish my point that those who would only become vegan after seeing him (as opposed to, for example, seeing violence against animals, duh!) are, among vegans, the biologically inferior fraction who should not be allowed to reproduce.


Fertility is racist:

fertile women were more biased against men of different races and men of different social groups than men of their own group.
McDonald and Navarrete said their team's findings are consistent with the idea that women's prejudice may reflect the workings of an evolved psychological system that once functioned to protect them from sexual coercion, particularly when the costs are highest – that is, when women are fertile.

So what does this say about the majority of men who prefer fertile women?

a growing body of evidence that suggests that men are able to not only detect when women are ovulating, but find them more attractive

(I personally find even the idea that a menstrual cycle exists to be disturbing. I have always been disgusted by sanitary pad/tampon/etc. commercials especially, and can never look in the same way afterwards at the celebrities who star in the commercials. Fortunately, celebrities picked for such commercials tend to be high in sexual dimorphism anyway, and hence not ones that I particularly liked in the first place.)


When we're judging aesthetics, the main focus is not actually about the individuals in the images. It's about the perceptions of the individuals who are viewing the images! How a viewer reacts to the images and how attractive they consider the images is a test revealing the quality of the viewer's aesthetics.

We must use photos of actual people to discuss about aesthetics, because artistic depictions and computer-generated images are not always available and not always able to evoke the same emotions and reactions as images of real people.

In other words, when we have these sorts of discussions, we are not discussing the ethical quality of someone like Baboumian and whether or not he personally should be allowed to reproduce, but rather people who view photos of him and find his physical type the most attractive.

If instead of using photos of Baboumian, we used some random person from the street, there would be no way to determine the ethical quality of that individual solely from looking at them. The only thing we could determine is the aesthetic quality of whoever looks at the photos! And, indeed, that is what we are testing.

We judge highly masculine and highly feminine body types to be aesthetically inferior because these body types are correlated with ignoble character traits (i.e. see all the scientific studies that have been posted here. Factors such as high testosterone/estrogen are often what are influencing both the body types and behaviors). Therefore, we hypothesize an individual who prefers highly-sexually-dimorphic body types will have a higher tendency towards those ignoble character traits as well.

Additionally, over time, selection for highly-dimorphic body types will also decrease the average ethical quality of the population (again, because selecting for these body types will increase average testosterone/estrogen levels in the population). This is why racial idealism matters in the long run.

It is not because these body/face types themselves inherently cause ignoble behavior. As you point out, Baboumian is vegan, and therefore ethically superior to an androgynous-looking person who has always preferred a meat-heavy diet. But, we aren't judging him as an individual, but instead the people who find his body type the most attractive.


"Additionally, over time, selection for highly-dimorphic body types will also decrease the average ethical quality of the population (again, because selecting for these body types will increase average testosterone/estrogen levels in the population)."

It's even worse than you describe:

Recent evidence suggests that in sexual selection on human males, intrasexual competition plays a larger role than female choice. In a sample of men (N = 164), we sought to provide further evidence on the effects of men's physical dominance and sexual attractiveness on mating success and hence in sexual selection. Objective measures and subjective ratings of male sexually dimorphic traits purportedly under sexual selection (height, vocal and facial masculinity, upper body size from 3D scans, physical strength, and baseline testosterone) and observer perceptions of physical dominance and sexual attractiveness based on self-presentation video recordings were assessed and associated with mating success (sociosexual behaviour and number of potential conceptions) in a partly longitudinal design. Results from structural equation models and selection analyses revealed that physical dominance, but not sexual attractiveness, predicted mating success. Physical dominance mediated associations of upper body size, physical strength, as well as vocal and facial physical dominance and attractiveness with mating success. These findings thus suggest a greater importance of intrasexual competition than female choice in human male sexual selection.


One in three women in Europe inherited the receptor for progesterone from Neandertals -- a gene variant associated with increased fertility, fewer bleedings during early pregnancy and fewer miscarriages. This is according to a study published in Molecular Biology and Evolution by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.
Progesterone is a hormone, which plays an important role in the menstrual cycle and in pregnancy. Analyses of biobank data from more than 450,000 participants -- among them 244,000 women -- show that almost one in three women in Europe have inherited the progesterone receptor from Neandertals. Twenty-nine percent carry one copy of the Neandertal receptor and three percent have two copies.
The study shows that women who carry the Neandertal variant of the receptor tend to have fewer bleedings during early pregnancy, fewer miscarriages, and give birth to more children.

Carriers should be prohibited from reproducing.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 01:31:16 am by 90sRetroFan »

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Re: Non-Aryan maturity
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2020, 07:20:27 am »
From the amusing, yet totally stupid Incel Wiki

A beauty scale:

Note the male ideal presented: "Square face, with masculine features, and hunter eyes."
AKA: GigaChad, who is idealized on this site.

The female ideal also has a square face and is suggested that fashion modelling has the ideal look. :o
Crapitalism Alert!That said, guy #8 (Ryan Gosling) looks like he's an oval face, which should by default put him higher than others.


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Re: Re: Non-Aryan maturity
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2020, 08:10:38 am »
Some incels idealize non-square face having female models as HQNP (high quality non primitive) over square-foot having ones. However it should be noted that these models are nonetheless high in serial dimorphism.


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Re: Re: Non-Aryan maturity
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2020, 02:18:22 pm »
Humanity is pathetic, especially western humanity. That's my major take away from all this. Just reading that chart above made me want to stick my finger down my throat....

Absolutely abysmal. If I were an alien with the means to vanish humanity in the blink of an eye I would do it without even thinking twice.


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2020, 12:37:03 am »

"Note the male ideal presented: "Square face, with masculine features, and hunter eyes.""

Do you know Stargate?

Compare Ra's face with Colonel O'Neill's. Only Counterculture fans understand Sun god >>>>>>>>>>>>> Chad.

A fundamental problem with the incel approach is seen in how they say the 10-rated men are "considered attractive by 99% of females", even as incels simultaneously claim to despise females. So if they despise females so much, why do they accept the standards of "99% of females" as the correct standards? The simple answer is that they don't really despise females; they merely want to look like Chad (but do not).

In contrast, I do not care if 99% of people are aesthetically Eurocentric; that only tells me they are all psychologically colonized idiots:

Therefore I can truly say that I despise Eurocentrists. Which includes incels, by the way:

"The female ideal also has a square face"

Emma Watson has a short face for sure, but I would say nearer to round than square:

This is consistent with incels preferring high sexual dimorphism, as they certainly would not give a 10-rating to a man who looks like Watson!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 03:48:02 am by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2020, 10:31:21 pm »
Do you know Stargate?

Yes, I saw the movie a while back. Only now did I realize that the likeness for Ra was Akhnaton. Though the Sun God is portrayed antagonistically here has a slave-driver pharaoh of Jewish lore. So, the filmmakers could be venting their frustrations with the Demiurge while projecting it onto a Sun God/Solar Monarch... sad. Any positive portrayals or such kings?

Also, @90sRetroFan... how would you rate Ryan Gosling (#8 on the male side of the chart)? Out of the males presented, he seems to be more ovular/Aryan.

Also also, I just noticed the preference for male facial hair. 5 out of 10 presented males have it, including the top 4 ranks.


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2020, 12:37:22 am »
"how would you rate Ryan Gosling"

I dislike ratings (1-10) as such because it turns individuals into statistics, but I am happy to comment on Gosling's face shape. Let's get a bigger picture first:

His face is long but tending oblong - note how the two sides of his face are almost like parallel straight lines until the jaw. For oval, we want a face that starts narrowing from the eyes down (such that [width at mouth] < [width at eyes]). In the past you asked me about Edward Norton, remember? Contrast:


I was discussing the oblong face with Zea_Mays over email one time. Here is our dialogue:

Whenever in doubt, I recommend going back to neoteny. While we agree that Oblong is less robust than Square, do you not think that Oblong is actually the LEAST neotenous of all the shapes, even less so than Square? I have seen children with Square, Pentagon, Round and Oval faces, but have you ever seen a child with an Oblong face? I haven't. Therefore Oblong could be viewed as a terminal group for selective pressure that minimizes neoteny.

From a face shape standpoint I agree Oblongs are the least neotenous (I've also never seen a child with such a shape), but if we also take into account somatotype, many Oblongs seem to be rather tall/skinny. This leads me to think that they must have at least some interplay with Ovals (who are the 'core' ectomorphic type). Perhaps Oblongs are a terminal group rather than a 'transition' group, but if shapes like the Square and Pentagon--which are associated with core racial groups--can transform, surely Oblongs could too?

Again let's look at how children's face shapes change as they become adults.

Square adults were Square or Round children.

Pentagon adults were Pentagon, Oval or Round children.

Oval adults were Oval, Round or Pentagon children. (Note that this is the same set as the Pentagon.)

Round adults were Round, Oval or Pentagon children. (Same set again.)

Oblong adults were Oval or Square children.

Not only is the Oblong the odd one out in terms of not being able to map onto itself, but also the Pentagon, Oval and Round taken together map onto themselves. This suggests to me that the Oblong is a dead end.

That is a very good argument. I suppose if I look at the transitions in a more "fluid" manner, then having shapes take a "detour" through a group like the Elongated Pentagon before transforming into Oval makes more sense than going directly through the Oblong.

It is interesting that you mention a connection between Rounds and Ovals. It is technically possible for an Oval to be reduced to a Round, although I'm not sure how common this is in real life.

"Also also, I just noticed the preference for male facial hair."

For me it's not about whether they shave or not, but the size of their facial hair area (which is merely easier to see when they don't shave). Someone with a small facial hair area who doesn't shave is still lower in sexual dimorphism than someone with a large facial hair area who does shave; shaving merely temporarily hides it.

Here is a drawing of Jomon, Yayoi and Yamato (ie. mixed) facial hair areas, for example:

See what I mean?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 03:24:23 am by 90sRetroFan »
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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2020, 06:00:12 am »
Incels are inferior by the simple fact that they do not rebel against the established norms of women attracted to men with inferior features but feel a strong resentment at the idea of not being like them.
They are nothing more than failed tribalists and would seize any opportunity to be part of bullies. That is why I consider them enemies and feel no pity for them.


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2020, 04:24:42 pm »

Jimmy Kimmel noticed Monday how President Donald Trump gestured when he said he might nominate a woman to replace Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died last week. (See the monologue below.)

It seems the president moved his hands in the shape of an hourglass ― an outdated gesture for denoting a woman’s curves.

“Who does that?” the talk show host said. “His mouth is always lying but his little hands tell the truth.”

The comedian then showed an example from earlier in the coronavirus pandemic. The president spoke of research “models.” And once again his hands went to work.

Well spotted!

Remember, the hourglass shape for women (ie. high sexual dimorphism) is an exclusively Western preference. Only Western clothes are designed to emphasize this shape:

The corset first became popular in sixteenth-century Europe, reaching the zenith of its popularity in the Victorian era. While the corset has typically been worn as an undergarment, it has occasionally been used as an outer-garment; corsets as outer-garments can be seen in the national dress of many European countries.[2]:22

For that matter, it wasn't that long ago when even women wearing trousers was considered unacceptable in Western civilization (whereas women in other civilizations have worn trousers alongside men uncontroversially):

Based on Deuteronomy 22:5 in the Bible ("The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man"), some groups, including the Amish, Hutterites, some Mennonites, some Baptists, a few Church of Christ groups, and most Orthodox Jews, believe that women should not wear trousers. These groups permit women to wear underpants as long as they are hidden. By contrast, many Muslim sects approve of pants as they are considered more modest than any skirt that is shorter than ankle length.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 04:41:56 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2020, 10:52:34 pm »
"Well spotted!"
Too bad it had to be followed up ridiculing Trump's "small hands". I guess you can't wish for everything.


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2020, 11:26:09 pm »
Nixon reveals his inferiority (preference for high sexual dimorphism):

New Delhi: A set of newly declassified tapes from the White House reveal the stark hostility former US President Richard Nixon had towards India and Indians. Nixon referred to Indians as the “most sexless” and “pathetic”, and called Indian women the “most unattractive women in the world” during a meeting with senior officials at the Oval Office on June 17, 1971, reports say.
Nixon's antipathy towards Indians was also fanned by Henry Kissinger, the National Security Adviser during that time, who also determined US policy towards New Delhi in the early 1970s, Indian Express reported. Richard Nixon, a Republican, was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 until 1974.


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2020, 10:48:32 pm »
Evidence that (as I have asserted for years) Francis is nothing but False Left genetic trash:

A Brazilian bikini model has joked that she is “going to heaven” after a photograph of her in a skimpy schoolgirl outfit was ‘liked’ by the official Instagram account of Pope Francis.

The model:

« Last Edit: January 31, 2023, 01:30:48 am by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2020, 12:51:48 am »
I was laughing at the sheer inferior taste over here:

Looking good = being dimorphic. How can you not understand this?

Foids want a man whose arms are as thick as her torso, who can kill other men with his bare hands, not some chinky fag who produces as much testosterone as a **** chihuahua.
This is a top-tier white Chad. His SMV is basically infinite. He can point at a foid and she’ll be sucking his dick within seconds.

show me their K-pop equivalents and tell me that dimorphism doesn’t matter

Everyone here knows I hate K-pop. Alan Tam, on the other hand, I am a fan of (thank you Counterculture!):

Dimorphism does matter: low sexual dimorphism is superior. Note how much more gracilized Tam is compared to the ugly female model (2:23-2:27), who on the other hand would look about facially matched if paired with "top-tier white Chad" above instead - that is how ugly "top-tier white Chad" actually is. Tam's facial match, on the other hand (repost):

« Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 02:11:41 am by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2020, 07:01:29 am »
« Last Edit: November 22, 2020, 07:03:44 am by Prite »


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Re: Sexual Dimorphism Preferences
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2020, 10:44:01 pm »
They do not appear in his music videos, so it doesn't really matter what they look like. It is only when someone is chosen to represent supposed "beauty" that I worry about their whether or not their looks justify it.