True Left

Politics => Issues => Topic started by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 12:05:34 am

Title: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 12:05:34 am

The following enemy article concisely outlines a phenomenon that should not be ignored if we are to avoid more such de facto colour-based caste systems in the future:

After almost twenty generations of intermarriage between whites and Indians, Mexico has ended up with an almost wholly white elite, a vast mixed race (mestizo) working class, and at least 10 million extremely impoverished pure Indians who have never assimilated into Hispanic culture. And the ruling class is becoming ever whiter. How did this happen? And what does it portend for America's dream of colorblind equality?
This will explain the mechanism through which Latin America's seemingly anti-racist freedom to marry across color lines produces such racially hierarchical societies - and what this implies for the U.S.

In Mexico, white conquistadors interbred with Indian women to produce mestizos. Let's assume that in 1519 the Spaniards and the Mexican Indians were equal in IQ and other significantly heritable traits that aid economic success. I'll follow Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs & Steel: The Fates of Human Societies) in stipulating that the conquistadors won solely because by luck they had the guns, germs, and steel on their side, and that the only reason they had superior technology was because Spain was less isolated than Mexico.

Now, imagine a conquistador and his Indian woman have two sons in the 1520s. These two mestizo brothers grow up and go out in the world to seek their fortunes. One is smarter, and he strikes it rich. The other wasn't so lucky in the genetic lottery, and he becomes poor. The rich son has a wide variety of potential wives to choose from. Like most men, and like almost all Mexican men, he is more attracted to blonde women, and thus marries one. (If you aren't familiar with the depths of Mexico's blonde obsession, try watching Spanish-language TV shows. Almost all the women on Mexican TV look like Finns.) His impoverished brother, in contrast, cannot attract a blonde wife. So he marries an Indian girl.

Then, the brothers have children. On average, the smarter, richer brother's kids, who are 3/4 white, are smarter than their underprivileged 1/4 white cousins. They're smarter not because they are whiter, but because their father had more smartness genes than their uncle. This trend continues: in both families, the smartest, most energetic, and most ruthless sons marry the blondest wives, while the blondest daughters marry the husbands with the most Right Stuff. Repeat for another dozen and a half generations. By 2000, this pattern could lead to the most European-looking people being the most naturally formidable, even if they weren't when they arrived in 1519.

Now, in Mexico every century or so, there is a massive upheaval like the Revolution of 1910. The white monopoly is fractured. Up through the cracks come the most talented mestizos and Indians. They start dynasties that persist to this day … but their grandsons and great-grandsons are notably whiter than they were, since the men of the family have been exploiting their social ascendancy to marry white women.
a new class system based on color is also growing more visible in Southern California. Although the men of LA are less prejudiced about women's hair and skin color than the men of Mexico, in LA, like most places, the blonde remains queen. As Hugh Hefner has pointed out, for 85 years Hollywood has pulled in the most beautiful blondes from all over the world, which is why native-born California women are so attractive. For generations to come, the blondes will keep arriving from all over America, Canada, and Europe, and they'll continue to marry the hardest charging, most successful men. This will keep LA's hereditary overclass blonder than is expected by today's Tiger Woods-bedazzled conventional wisdom.

Likewise, the Hispanic influx into California seems to be simply recreating the racial hierarchy of Latin America - rather like the freed slaves who went to Liberia set up an imitation Southern slave-owning society there. America's leading Latino politicians tend to marry Anglos (for example, the last two Latino Cabinet officers, the head of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus, and the last two presidents of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund [MALDEF]). Thus, the Mexican-American elite is likely to become even whiter over the generations.

I have no major academic disagreement with this description of the problem. The question is: how do we solve this problem?


Make "whiteness" a banned identity (similar to how hitler banned jewishness). Sterilize all those who continue to identify as "white". There is simply no other option.


"Sterilize all those who continue to identify as "white"."

This proposal does not address the issue described above.

The rich son has a wide variety of potential wives to choose from. Like most men, and like almost all Mexican men, he is more attracted to blonde women, and thus marries one.

Even if the blonde woman does not self-identify as "white", the rich man will still choose her to marry. The issue here is not identitarianism, but standards of aesthetics left behind by colonialism:

(If you aren't familiar with the depths of Mexico's blonde obsession, try watching Spanish-language TV shows. Almost all the women on Mexican TV look like Finns.)

in conjunction with marital pecking order:

His impoverished brother, in contrast, cannot attract a blonde wife.

The first question which I would ask is: does the poor brother actually have the same aesthetical tastes as the rich brother? We do not know for sure that he does. Sailer (being a rightist) presumes he does, but might there be a positive correlation between aggressive personality (as described as possessed by the rich brother) and blonde obsession? If there is, and hence if the poor brother (who would tend to have a less aggressive personality) would not prefer a blonde wife even if he could attract one, then we are dealing with a simpler problem. But if the poor brother is no less blonde-obsessed than the rich brother (which could well be the case), then the problem is primarily one of discarding colonial-influenced aesthetic standards.

The main point of the article is that the (False Left) notion of interethnic reproduction being by itself sufficient to end Eurocentrism is a delusion. Even if everyone becomes ancestrally multiethnic, so long as attitudes remain unchanged, there will still be phenotypical sorting as described by the article which will ultimately reinforce the Eurocentric narrative.

And look at this ****:

The couple and their friends — a table full of Black men and their White girlfriends — made a toast to “more light-skinned kids.”

They were so proud of their toast that they repeated “light-skinned kids” three times.

I clicked on another article on the same story and found this:

The video, which was originally posted on Nelson's Instagram page, showed the couple with friends, as well as their 1-year-old son, Zion.

I swear you cannot make this **** up.....


Women are no better than men when it comes to reproductive Eurocentrism:


What will it take for former colonized people to get back some pride FFS?!


More of the same:

Black women in the US marry less than others - and the numbers are even lower for darker skinned black women. Is colorism – favoring lighter skin – to blame?

Colorism – the prejudice based on skin tone – has stunted the romantic lives of millions of dark-skinned black women, including me. We are not as valued as our lighter-skinned counterparts when seeking romantic partners, our dating pool constricted because of something as arbitrary as shoe size.

Like other systems of racial inequality, American colorism was born out of slavery. As slave masters **** enslaved women, their lighter-skinned illegitimate offspring were given preferential treatment over their darker counterparts, often working in the house as opposed to the fields. This order has since been perpetuated by systemic racism and internalized by black people.
Dark skin still not only comes with the expectation of lower class but lessened beauty, not to mention uncleanliness, lesser intelligence and a diminished attractiveness. Meanwhile, everywhere we look, women like me see successful black men coupled with fair-skinned female partners who pass the paper bag test – a remnant of the Reconstruction era, where the only black people worthy of attention had to be lighter than a paper bag. This “test” was even instituted in places such as historically black colleges and universities as an informal part of the admissions process.

Today, this gradation discrimination remains. “It’s typical to see light-skinned black women as representing beauty in the black community and therefore being highly desirable for high-status spouses,” says Dr Margaret Hunter, who teaches sociology at Oakland’s Mills College and has studied the relationship between marriage and colorism for over two decades. Hunter sums it up like this: “Black women in general marry less than other races but darker-skinned black women marry men of lower social status than the lightest-skinned black women.”
I talk to Elizabeth, my former sophomore-year roommate, who is now in her third year of law school. I ask if a partner has said anything rude to her because of her skin tone. She names a man I know, to my dismay. “There was just a comment that he made one time. [He said] ‘I want a white family’.

Yet rightists claim that "whites" are the ones who do not have enough self-esteem.....


Someone who gets it:

Growing up in an Latino family, I was told by relatives that I have to 'mejorar la raza'. It means I have to better my race.
To many Latino families, bettering our race means marrying and baring the children of Caucasian Americans or any type of white. Anything, but please, not another ñaño (Ecuadorean male) or not someone too dark. It was normal, and normal for many of us.

This expression says so much more than it actually means. It's a form of racism, and it's degrading to ourselves and our culture. We're purposefully trying to forget where our roots lie. I wanted to erase them because I didn't want to accept who I really was because I was ashamed.

My ancestors are the native or indigenous people of Ecuador. By buying into this mentality, I would be disregarding the hard labor and mental battle everyone who came before me had to go through. They experienced a form of oppression themselves. People were looked down upon for living in the countryside and dressing in traditional clothing. They were called stupid and uneducated. They were 'under-developed'.

It might be an exaggeration for some, but I think that's the reality of what 'mejorando la raza' means.
It's time we stop perpetuating the notion that in order to succeed or appear successful is to be with someone who's white. The Latino culture needs to stop treating white so highly and using color to put others on pedestals.

We deserve respect too and if we can't give it to ourselves, how can anyone else?

We, the children of the sun, have been kissed and coated with warmth. Some a little more, some a little less. Nevertheless, we are united one way or another.

Better yourself by learning about the history of your roots, who oppressed you and why.

(Not coincidentally, the author is also vegan: )


I covered this in the other thread, but for those who aren’t aware, there has been a trend of BS Gentiles marrying “Asian” women on the basis that they are more traditional. The women also seek “White” men as a status boost and as a way to more easily assimilate into western society.

One example is John Derbyshire (Gentile) who bragged about teaching his kids to identify as “White” and telling his kids to be fearful of “black” people.

As such, many half Asians with WN fathers grow up with low self esteem, knowing that their own fathers are racist against them.

Here is an example, where a son of a BS Gentile and “Asian” woman describes his experiences with his parents:

-My father told me to “stop screaming at him like a black man from New York”

-My mother, on the other hand, hated blacks and said that most black people had AIDS and referred to them as “hok wai” (or black ghost in Cantonese).

Reading this made my blood boil. Imagine for a second being the child in this situation, living with these people and believing they are “good” solely because you are economically dependent on them. Gentiles such as the father in question and Derbyshire should suffer a gruesome death, as a normal death would be too kind, which is only possible in a National Socialist State.

The False Left will probably dismiss such childhood trauma and tell one to “grow up”, while promoting the false narrative that interethnic marriage ends racism (impossible if the parents are rightists). Thoughts?


"John Derbyshire"

Yes, Derbyshire is the one behind the extremely dangerous (worse than Duginism) "Arctic Alliance" proposition.

"many half Asians with WN fathers grow up with low self esteem, knowing that their own fathers are racist against them."

But is the low self-esteem really because of their fathers (or their mothers, who after all chose their fathers!), or is it because they themselves actually (at least subconsciously) agree with their parents' assessment? I suspect the latter. If they themselves internally did not believe in "white" superiority, they would not mind not being "white". They would simply despise their parents for believing in something so absurdly stupid. The only reason for them to have low self-esteem, however, is if they themselves wish they could have been "white". When both parents are of bloodlines that believe in "white" superiority, it is likely that the offspring will have inherited by blood an inclination towards the same belief. Their frustration comes from the fact that their parents' very actions, motivated by this belief, are precisely what has ensured they themselves cannot be what they (directed by the same belief) want to be. The author admits this is the case for most "hapas":****-on-white-snow-more-failure-parenting-from-wh/

Many half Asians, as a result, become severely self hating (believing that their Asian blood is inferior or abnormal), severely arrogant despite having little actual accomplishments, very obnoxious and gimmicky, or are openly white supremacist (“I’m not Asian, I’m white”) in order to live up to their parents’ expectations, and their own self-hatred. Many half-Asians flee to Asia where they can pimp out their half-whiteness to Asians and Asian women, despite being utter failures in the west. Other Half Asians remain long-standing, conservative, 30+ year old virgin failures with women who seek an outlet for their insecurity by latching onto white forms of masculinity – such as alt-right causes, MGTOW, MRA, white supremacy, and bashing blacks.

Here is another exhibit:

Even though I am half white myself with European descent. I still can't help but feel like the other half of my race is relatively inferior if you compare them to all those with European descent have done and do currently. Let's just say that my other half is Somewhere from Asia. When I am around whites typically I feel like I am not as good as them simply because of race. I feel like I am naturally the lesser person and since I am not white I have lost the genetic lottery and am cursed.

. However, as half Asian I feel inferior to White people even though I am better than a lot of White people in many different aspects. When I look at other people of my Asian descent, I feel afraid, ashamed and depressed with the realization that I am from their origin. I begin to doubt my intellect, my abilities and worth. I like white people because almost all modern innovations, inventions, science has been discovered by White Europeans and I prefer their looks as well. They have a variety of light hair and eye colors and sometimes this makes me feel a bit jealous and inferior. As some of you may already know I prefer this color in women. This is all probably just irrational thinking but it is a legitimate problem for me and it is ruining my life.

See what I mean?

"false narrative that interethnic marriage ends racism (impossible if the parents are rightists). Thoughts?"

The author claims that "AMWF" marriage is preferable to "WMAF" marriage, which I would argue indicates that what I wrote above also applies to the author himself. His basic argument is that "white" males who marry "non-white" females tend to be "losers" who settle for a "non-white" female due to failure to attract a "white" female (which he suspects (and I agree) would have been their true first choice), whereas "non-white" males who marry "white" females tend to be "winners" who are hence not settling for a second choice but succeeding in attaining their first choice. But if so, then the latter phenomenon is precisely the phenomenon covered in the first post of this topic! What does it say about these "winner" males that, when they can attract females of all ethnicities, tend to choose "white" females? Answer: they are Eurocentrists! This is the real, long-term problem.

I do not care about which way round the genders are in an interethnic ("heterosexual") marriage. What I care about is getting rid of the Eurocentric mentality that "whites" (male and female) automatically have higher value as spouses. The only reason the "loser" "white" male who cannot get a "white" wife can nevertheless (quite easily) get a "non-white" wife is because the Eurocentric "non-white" female is giving him extra points just for being "white". This, and the "winner" "non-white" male tending to prefer a "white" wife (ie. giving extra points to the "white" female just for being "white") when given a choice, are clearly two manifestations of the same sickness. (However, this author only perceives the former as sickness, while the latter he seems to speak of almost as a cure! Why? We all know why.)

The true cure is ending Eurocentrism.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 12:20:02 am

I see. So rather than solve the problem this will merely reinforce the WN view that “races shouldn’t breed with each other”. The real reason why “whites” are valued is because of Eurocentric bias. However, the WNs will not admit to this as the bias works in their favor! They like to pride themselves for being “conquerors” of “non white” women, while viewing “non white” men as sexual competitors.

“However, this author only perceives the former as sickness, while the latter he seems to speak of almost as a cure! Why? We all know why.”

Usually it comes back to some foppish argument about matrilineal DNA, but is ultimately Eurocentric as they only value the AMWF couple because the offspring are more “white” looking.


Hapas who feel like crap because they're only half white deserve to!


Looking at this again:

I like white people because almost all modern innovations, inventions, science has been discovered by White Europeans and I prefer their looks as well.

we here already address both issues. By opposing complexification, we destroy the (Western) presumption of innovation as automatically positive, and indeed we demonstrate that modernization has overall been colossally negative:

By valuing neoteny (and hence low sexual dimorphism), we derive an aesthetic standard actually rather unfavourable to "whites" (with rare exceptions, of course). In particular, my principle of judging male and female beauty using identical criteria wreaks instant havoc on Eurocentrism (which totally depends on judging male and female beauty using contrary criteria). So in theory, we have it all covered.

But does it work? I am not too optimistic. Does anyone here remember that fiasco time back on the old blog when I had to explicitly remind longtime commenters that "small ****" should be a compliment, not an insult?

You'd have thought this was something they could have figured out by themselves? But they did not. So I can't help but wonder, how much else of what I say (or, more pertinently, what I don't say because I presume everyone already understands it) is not obvious at all to most people, even on our own side?

It was a shock to me the first time I encountered women who keep as thin as possible themselves yet do not want men to be similarly thin, for example. Or men who are turned off by body hair in women yet who are proud of their own body hair. And so on. (Of course, all of this pales in comparison with vegan women who are turned off by vegan men, but let's not even get started with that.....) How much more of this is going on (with regard to other traits) that I haven't yet encountered, and do I really have to explain one trait at a time why it is wrong?


"(Of course, all of this pales in comparison with vegan women who are turned off by vegan men, but let's not even get started with that.....)"

Rightists often brag about their ability to easily seduce "leftist" women, including vegans. This illustrates the difference between False Leftism and True Leftism.


Typically HBD sites that discuss "aesthetics" such as explicitly state their preference for high dimorphism. For example, they will rate a female model positively for having "high E (estrogen)" hormonal profiles, but then rate a male model negatively for having "low T (testosterone)" hormonal profiles! This was when I realized that such standards are not really aesthetics at all, but merely evaluation based on sexual (i.e. reproductive) criteria.

This is in line with the pro natalist ideologues of the alt right who also only value aesthetic traits insofar as they are conducive to reproduction (e.g. youth in females, but age in males).


"their preference for high dimorphism"

It wouldn't be too bad if they made it clear it was solely their preference and nothing more. What's most annoying is when they make it sound like everyone is "biologically hard-wired" to value high sexual dimorphism, and anyone who claims not to value it is lying. And nothing we can say can convince them that we are sincere. This comes from their half-baked grasp of evolution that fallaciously equates heritable traits not favoured by natural selection with such heritable traits being nonexistent in the first place.

I agree that - all other factors being equal - those who value high sexual dimorphism will be more successful under natural selection than those who value low sexual dimorphism. But that does not mean that individuals belonging to the latter group do not exist! Even heritable traits that fail to be intergenerationally transmitted via reproduction do not vanish permanently, because they can recur via solar-induced mutation of bloodlines that formerly did not possess them. (Or if you want to be theological about it, the Sun God infuses nobility into our DNA, and then Yahweh eliminates that DNA because it does not conform to his creation.)

"such standards are not really aesthetics at all"

Another thing I despise is the "1-10" rating system (basically a simplified version of percentiles). This is not what I consider to be aesthetics either, since it measures people merely relative to one another, instead of compared to an archetype. Genuine aesthetics should be about: 1) distance of real-life individuals from the nearest archetype; 2) the ranking of the archetypes. We should probably demonstrate this sometime.


False Leftists also stereotype "non white" ethnicities such as "Asians" as being more neotenous and thus aesthetically inferior.


This is the same pattern we keep seeing: False Leftists are aesthetically Westerners. The only thing we are not yet sure of is how much of this is due to conditioning and how much due to biology. But we are here to at least undo as much of the conditioning as possible, so that by the end of it we might be able to say that whatever remains is probably biological.

"Rightists often brag about their ability to easily seduce "leftist" women, including vegans. This illustrates the difference between False Leftism and True Leftism."

Yes, if you mean only False Leftist women would be seducible by rightist men:

This problem will not be solved until masculinity itself is considered a turn-off by women. While culturally promoting low sexual dimorphism may help to an extent, full success will require state control over reproduction (wherein only women who spontaneously prefer low sexual dimorphism men would be allowed to reproduce), in order to undo all the millenia of natural selection involving high sexual dimorphism men (esp. Turanians) raping women and the fraction of women who did not commit suicide in order to avoid impregnation (surely including those who found their rapists attractive!) being the fraction which reproduced.


A first-person Eurocentrism experiment: (read the whole thing)

I Pretended To Be A White Guy On Tinder And This Is How Kenyan Ladies Threw Themselves At Me

As a fake white guy, almost every swipe I made to the right ended up being a match. I was barraged with options. All girls wanted to talk to me. I had so many matches I didn't even know who to pay attention to. My phone was buzzing with so many messages, it was unbelievable. As an African guy, consider yourself lucky if you get more than five matches in a week, yet as a mzungu, I had over 30 matches in a few hours. Some even swiped right on me first. And these were super fine ghels.

Since it was an experiment, I proceeded to chat with them in the most aggressive way possible. I got extremely naughty and composed explicit flirt messages that would normally be met with insults or blue ticks if they came from a local black mouth like mine and yours. But guess what? These Kenyan girls were very warm and accommodating. Nearly all of them were ready to part thighs for me within the first few minutes of chatting.

The results of my little experiment are worth examining in detail for the clarity they provide to men who rely on the local dating marketplace as the fulcrum of their mate selection strategy.

The worst part is that, on average, even those who don't consciously think of themselves as being Eurocentric are subconsciously (and hence in practice) just as Eurocentric as those who admit it. As such, how do we even go about finding the authentic non-Eurocentric minority?

(Can we even be sure that we have no Eurocentrism among the members of this forum?? If anyone wants to come out of the closet, please feel free.)


Here we go again:

The Indian obsession with 'white skin' begins early these days. Now, childless Indian couples aspiring for offspring have a large roster of demands: fairer skin, light hair and blue/green eyes. And they're thronging sperm banks and fertility centres across the country looking for "firangi" donors to ensure they get it. So, foreigners visiting India or residing here are being tapped for gametes—to beget, by proxy, children with lighter skin pigment and eye tone. "We get about 10-15 requests every day for fair babies," says Dr Anoop Gupta of the Delhi In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Fertility Research Centre. "They include almost all couples from South India and a large number of nris ."

The sperm bank at Gupta's centre too has a large number of foreign donors. "We encourage foreign donors," he says. "Most of them are exchange students studying medicine and engineering who are commercial donors back in their countries and donate here regularly." Male donors get anywhere up to Rs 2,000; women who donate their eggs get between Rs 30,000 and Rs 45,000.
Dr Naina Patel of the Akanksha IVF centre in Anand, Gujarat, points to an instance where a Christian couple from Rajasthan came to her asking for a fair baby with blue eyes. "The religion of the donor did not matter to them—they just wanted a foreign donor."Dr Naina Patel of the Akanksha IVF centre in Anand, Gujarat, points to an instance where a Christian couple from Rajasthan came to her asking for a fair baby with blue eyes. "The religion of the donor did not matter to them—they just wanted a foreign donor."

We all know what "foreign" is a code-word for.

"In India, the government sees sperm as a commodity," says Dilip Patil of Cryos International, a Denmark-based sperm bank which opened up a branch in Mumbai last month. "Last year, we imported sperm from Denmark and paid custom duty on it."

Do you think they could do the same with sperm from Kenya? Why not? We all know why not.

"It will also pose a problem for couples who do not want to tell their child that he or she was born out of this procedure but whose appearance is going to be a sure giveaway," says Patil. The Pals are facing that problem already. Every time they're questioned about the distinct difference in the colour of their skin and that of their daughter, they're quick to reply that their ancestors were very fair.

Ugh..... Every time I thought I must have already seen the limit of low self-esteem in "non-whites", I come across an even worse story.....

I am sure there must be some individuals from formerly colonized peoples who have (or at least want to have) higher self-esteem, but where are they? All of them need to be on this forum FFS!
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 12:34:33 am

What Eurocentrism leads to:

Many Africans see all westerners as very wealthy people who can change their lives. They easily give in to all their requests and desires and are taken advantage of.
“Good morning Africa 24, I have a confession to make about the havoc I have wreaked in six African countries, including Cameroon, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire, Nigeria, Ghana and Guinea. I am not proud of what I have done. These were unfortunate experiences.
“I began having sex with girls every day. Sometimes, I would sleep with three girls at the same time. It was a marvelous experience.

“I worried less about my health. All I wanted was to have fun. My friends and I were in a night club in the town every day looking for girls.

“One time, I met a girl and gave her money, and she told me to be engaged to her. She was ready to get pregnant for me. I don’t know whether it was the money they liked or the fact that I was from France that attracted them.

Neither. Get a rich "black" French guy to try the same thing and see if he succeeds.

“I spent three months in Ivory Coast, spent 60, 000 euros and slept with more than 80 girls.

“After leaving Ivory Coast, I went to Togo where I slept with over 100 girls and spent 40, 000 euros.

“I spent three months in Togo and went to Nigeria.

“Nigeria was where I got more girls. I did not speak English, and it seems Nigerian girls love foreigners.

That convenient code-word again: "foreigners". Togolese are foreigners to Nigeria too. Do Nigerian girls love Togolese? No? How come? (We all know the answer.)

“I rented a furnished apartment in Nigeria and I was in Lagos for six months. I spent 100,000 euros and slept with 230 girls. Nigeria was the place I appreciated the most. Girls were always available and easy to deceive.

“From Nigeria, I went to Ghana, and then Cameroon and ended what I describe as my sex tour in Guinea.

“I was in those three countries for more than a year and spent over 200, 000 euros. If I told you I slept with more than 700 girls in those three countries, you won’t believe me, but it was unbelievable!

“In all, I slept with more than 1,400 girls in six different African countries. I have all their pictures in my photo album, including the dates we met, their names and phone numbers. I opened a Facebook account only for them.

“Since I returned to France, I have had more than 600 of them who told me they got pregnant for me. Some committed abortion, and I do not know exactly how many finally gave birth.

“Africa is a marvelous continent. Girls are beautiful and very sexy. All they want is a man who has money, and the worst is when he’s white.

“I realised that they love having mixed race babies. I do not know why, but many would do anything to get pregnant for you. 100 euros is plenty of money in Africa.
“I know many of you would judge me, but I do not care about your insults. I know that what I did is not good, but I enjoyed my stay in Africa, and I am planning another trip to Senegal, Mali, Gabon, Benin, Niger and Democratic Republic of Congo.

And this is going to keep happening until formerly colonized peoples regain self-esteem, which is what we are here to help with.


Another statement of the problem:

How Latin America’s Obsession With Whiteness Is Hurting Us

If you’re Latinx person, chances are you grew up hearing the very racially-charged phrase “mejorar la raza.” The term literally translates to “better the race” which is really alluding to “whitening the race.” Despite the fact that Latinos come in all races and colors, this mindset has still managed to survive centuries after colonization and slavery. It’s the idea that you should marry or have children with someone lighter or “whiter” than you so that your children don’t just come out “better looking” but are granted the power and privileges that come with being a “white passing” or “white presenting” person in this world. It’s 2018 and Latin America’s obsession with blanqueamiento still prevails. We hear it when our abuelitas tell us to marry a whiter man or when someone tells us a curly haired Latina looks more beautiful when she straightens her hair and it’s even clearer when colorism rear it’s ugly head. What many don’t realize is that this ideology hurts all Latinos, regardless of skin tone and ultimately harms us as a community.
The obsession Latin America has with whiteness stems directly from our colonial history.

“Whiteness in a western sense began and was mastered in Hispaniola (which is now known as the Dominican Republic and Haiti). It was loosely experimented on in western Europe and within the Spanish inquisition and their conquests within continents in Africa, but it wasn’t until they came to this side of the world that this idea of whiteness developed because societies of mix race were on the rise and it was happening so fast that whiteness became the backdrop and they became the minorities,” Rodriguez-Solomon says. “But it also became the foundation of this idea of what a human being was. They had to develop societies where regardless of whether or not they were the minority or the majority, they had to place themselves in power. So they developed laws, they set up rules and they divided society throughout numerous countries in the western hemisphere where whiteness and essentially white supremacy was central.”

Rodriguez-Solomon points out how the Europeans in power had to create structures to keep whiteness on top and they did it with everything from religion—by centering a white male god—and through education by erasing our African and indigenous history. “There was this understanding, whether it was clearly articulated or not, that whiteness had to always remain on the top and in the center of people’s consciousness in order to dominate,” she says.

Even still today—in 2018—lighter skin is perceived to be more attractive, more powerful, more trustworthy and like Rodriguez-Solomon points out—more marriage material. All you have to do is look at Latin American television programs. Even in countries like Brazil, Dominican Republic, Colombia or Puerto Rico with large populations of darker skinned or Black Latinos, white Latinos are the protagonists in their films, television shows and telenovelas. White or “white presenting” Latinos still hold most positions of power in politics, government and finance.

Many of us have relatives who subscribe to Eurocentric standards of beauty. We hear abuelas, tias, or even mothers encouraging their children not to marry a darker skinned, indigenous, or black Latino in fear that they will bring “ugly kids” into the world with dark skin, wide ethnic facial features, and curly, kinky hair that’s still often referred to as “pelo malo” (bad hair). This not-so-subtle form of racism is so ingrained in Latin American culture that it’s often ignorantly defended or ignored.

"Wide ethnic facial features"?? As if wide facial features do not occur among "whites":








etc. etc.

or curly hair, for that matter:


(And why is curly hair on "whites" never referred to as "bad hair"? Ever wondered about that?)

All this just goes to show the sheer blindness that Eurocentrism leads to, as I previously explained. It is inaccurate to even speak of "Eurocentric standards of beauty", because as I have just shown, there are no standards as such. If there were standards, curly hair would be deterministically either good or bad irrespective of whom it is on. But when curly hair is bad when on a "non-white" but good when on a "white", it is just blind Eurocentrism.


“I have looked at countries like the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Colombia or Cuba that have a very dynamic racial history and across the board there’s been moments in each of the these countries where white migration was encouraged to physically whiten the country,” Rodriguez-Solomon says.
Rodriguez-Solomon is referring to national policies in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil among others that encouraged European and Jewish immigration in an effort to “dilute the black race” and whiten communities. This not only held up the concept of “Mejorar La Raza” but also impacted social blanqueamiento, and resulted in Latinos of indigenous or African descent choosing to identify as white to benefit from “white passing” privilege. In fact, a Pew Research study found that Latinos of both African and Indigenous descent still identify as white. Close to 11% of American adults with Hispanic ancestors don’t even identify as Hispanic or Latino.
The obsession with whiteness harms all Latinos—even white ones—in the long run. Those of us living in the states in today’s intense political climate and the anti-immigrant sentiment that’s been proliferating since Donald Trump became president is just one way that ideas of white supremacy hurt all Latinos.

Screw Eurocentrism.


More of the same again:

You see, my old man always liked to tease me that he wanted me to end up with a white man—but it never quite felt like an actual joke. His reasoning varied over the years, most commonly ending with the fact that marrying my white, American mother was the best decision he ever made.
Sadly, this way of thinking is not uncommon in the Latino community. The phrase "No atrases la raza" translates to “don’t set back the race.” Evelyn Almonte, a Licensed Social Worker and Bilingual Mental Health Clinician, explains that essentially, this means: “Internalized racism is so ingrained in the Latino community that many are not able to identify this way of thinking. For many, there’s still an internalized notion that white is superior.”

Almonte can recall her own Dominican parents pushing her to date anyone more lighter skinned than she was. In high school, one of her fellow Afro-Dominican classmates was forbidden by her dark-skinned mother to date anyone who was not white.
My father’s own internalized racism makes him believe I won't have as stable of a life if I end up with a fellow person of color—especially not a Uruguayan. Each time I told him I’d met an Uruguayan (a rare feat given that there are only 3.3 million people living in the country itself), he'd tell me I should stop seeing them immediately because they probably only wanted sex.
I wound up in a relationship with a Spanish guy whose mother is from Honduras. My father was less than pleased, constantly questioning whether or not he was good enough for me. It brings me shame to say it, but the truth is, my father has a deep prejudice against Central Americans.

Things ended with the Spaniard about 2 years ago, while we were living together in Thailand. I was heartbroken and didn’t know what to do with myself, so I flew back to the States to see my father. At the airport, after letting out a slew of sentence-long curses in Spanish, he looked me dead in the eye and told me he hoped that I’d now finally marry a white, American man.
And more often than not, I’ve often felt fetishized by white men who called me exotic and referred to me first by my looks and curves instead of my passions, career, and ethics. I’ve had white men actually tell me I’m mistress material, but not wife material, but I refuse to be someone’s token Latina.

In other news:

Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 12:43:50 am

Before we even start, stop saying "overseas". Nigeria is overseas relative to China. Do single Chinese women seek sperm from there?

Looking at page after page of childhood photos, Xiaogunzhu was drawn to an image of a French-Irish boy with smiling dark blue eyes.
Her choice made -- donor #14471 on the website of a Californian sperm bank -- Xiaogunzhu flew to the US to begin the first rounds of treatment.
Danish sperm and egg bank Cryos International has created a Chinese website and added Chinese-speaking staff. American and European sperm banks told AFP that they have increasing numbers of Chinese clients.
In China, sperm donors must remain anonymous.

But international sperm banks offer women details like hair colour, childhood photos, and ethnic background.
Carrie said that international sperm banks are more sophisticated than Chinese ones, and "able to meet consumer demand".

Peter Reeslev, CEO of Cryos International, told AFP that given the extra choices, "Chinese women tend to choose Caucasian donors."

Most Caucasians in the world are "non-white". Do Chinese women tend to choose Indian sperm donors, for example?

Reeslev said one possible reason is that sperm banks outside of China have fewer Chinese donors -- Cryos has only nine donors out of 900 who identify as Chinese.

US sperm bank California Cryobank has 70 available donors out of 500 who self-identify as Chinese.

But experts say regardless of the availability of Chinese or Chinese-American donors, women are still chosing to have mixed-race children.

"Basically, the selected sperm donors are mostly white," said Xi Hao, a clinical coordinator in Beijing who helps Chinese customers access a fertility clinic in California.

At least this guy is able to be honest about what is going on. So no, they are not choosing to have multiethnic offspring, they are choosing to have offspring of partial "white" ancestry.

Zhan Yingying, a co-founder of the Diversity Family organisation, said it was rare for her to come across a mother who chose a sperm donor of Chinese ethnicity.

Traits such as double eyelids and pale skin are often valued according to Chinese beauty standards.

"Before choosing the sperm donor I had not considered a particular race," insisted Carrie, but after seeing the catalogue she realised she had a preference for foreign physical traits -- and now has two half-Danish children.

Do you think her preference extends to "non-white" foreign physical traits? We all know the answer.

For baby Oscar, Xiaogunzhu said personality was the major factor in her decision as the donor was listed as "full of joy".

But on her Weibo blog, photos of Oscar with the hashtag #mixed-race baby draw admiration.

"I personally don't care about the colour of the skin," she said.

"I only care that the eyes are big and the features are good."

Would the hashtag draw admiration if the baby was "non-white" multiethnic? We all know the answer. (By the way, plenty of "non-white" people have big eyes, so STFU.)

Just cut the bullshit and admit you are utterly pathetic Eurocentrists already. If the Chinese government were even marginally competent, it would not allow Eurocentrists to reproduce at all.


To reiterate, I have no problem with interethnic marriage in itself. What I have a problem with is "non-whites" Eurocentrically thinking that getting a "white" spouse is marrying "up". Besides being insulting, it leads to the phenomenon described in the first post which then further reinforces Eurocentrism in a never-ending cycle.


They do this so their potential offspring will be more “white” and will therefore have reproductive access to a greater pool of women, since “white” men are treated with reverence by “non white” female Eurocentrists.


Why only mention the advantage to their sons? Do not their daughters also receive the same advantage? But yes, and the reason why "non-white" female Eurocentrists treat "white" men with reverence is the same one again: they too want "whiter" offspring.

Look at this example:

They actually mention robustness explicitly as a positive trait..... Yet how often do we see "non-white" women being praised by Eurocentrists for being robust? (More often, robust "non-white" women are invariably compared to ogres, etc..) Which goes back to what I was saying earlier:

It is inaccurate to even speak of "Eurocentric standards of beauty", because as I have just shown, there are no standards as such. If there were standards, curly hair would be deterministically either good or bad irrespective of whom it is on. But when curly hair is bad when on a "non-white" but good when on a "white", it is just blind Eurocentrism.

Same thing here: robustness is considered bad when on a "non-white" but good when on a "white". Blind Eurocentrism.

Our first task is to exclude from being taken seriously those who are incapable of consistency. I personally dislike robustness no matter whom it is on, but I have more respect for someone who likes robustness no matter whom it is on than for someone who likes robustness only when on a "white". The former I can even have an enjoyable aesthetical discussion with, even though we have different tastes. The latter is not worth wasting time on other than to ridicule in public.


Brazilian women want to be impregnated from the sperm of white American men, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

Wealthy Brazilian women and lesbian couples are requesting white male sperm from the U.S. so their kids will have more Caucasian features, the Wall Street Journal reported.

If anyone was hoping that LGBT people are less Eurocentric, you can stop hoping now. One thing is for sure, though: LGBT Eurocentrists should be disqualified from "Pride" events, as they obviously have none.

At least 50 percent of Brazil’s population is black or mixed-race, but women are selecting young sperm donors who will more likely produce children with blond hair and blue eyes. The number of American sperm donors to Brazil surged at least 3,000 percent in the past seven years. It is also illegal to pay men for their sperm in Brazil, which allows American donors more opportunity in the market.

The carefully vetted process of selecting American sperm and then the in vitro fertilization process starts at around $7,000.

If I had an extra $7000, I'd rather save it up for the child to choose how to spend it later!

The rationale for wanting white children is reportedly due to racism and tense race relations throughout Brazil’s history. Brazil took in 10 times as many slaves as the U.S. and it was the last Western country to make slavery illegal in 1888. Now, 80 percent of the richest one percent of Brazil’s population is white, according to WSJ.


The psychology of low self-esteem:

I stand in the aisle of the school bus while the other seventh graders snicker and block me from sitting next to them, as they have for the entire school year. Taking my seat next to the bus driver, I look out to the road with resignation. My great-aunt, adorned in a colorful sari, waves goodbye to me while the entire school bus looks on. I want to disappear into the dingy brown vinyl bus seats. With the newfound cruelty of adolescence, I scoff and loudly tell my classmates, “That crazy lady is just my maid.”

I am still ashamed of how I treated my great-aunt. I also know it was a form of preteen self-preservation. I desperately wanted what so many other children that age do: to be as bland and vanilla as possible, just so that I could get through the day without being ostracized.

I now find myself in a mixed marriage, mother to a 3-year-old mixed-race girl who easily passes for white. Her fair skin, auburn hair and light brown eyes do not even hint at her Pakistani background.

… When I went to school, I would toss my chicken tikka sandwiches, lovingly made by my mother, in the trash, so as not to infuse the school with the odor of cumin and suffer my classmates’ incessant jokes. …

A few years later, those glorious Manhattan pillars of American might crumbled. Though I did not know what the world held in store for us in the coming years — the threats, the insults, the judgmental looks — what I did know was that we were already tried, convicted and sentenced before we even knew what our crime was. …

But I didn’t pass. As I sat in large leather chairs at medical school interviews all over the country, with sweaty palms peeking through a navy business suit, I was asked whether I would wear a burqa as a doctor. (I have never worn a head scarf.) I was told that my religion was the reason Nigerian women were stoned every day, and was asked whether my father had taught me how to make bombs in our garage.

Luckily I came armed with Norman-Rockwellian-Americana stories filled with glorious tales of the grateful immigrant: hardworking and nonthreatening. I became a caricature of what they wanted.

This is the tumultuous conflict that my daughter will never have to know. I only wish it was because cultural attitudes had shifted, rather than because she has less melanin than I do. Her skin color has given her a sense of belonging, something I never had. Instead, I worry whether she will be the one snickering, not allowing her classmate to sit next to her on the bus. After all, my bullies in school all looked like the daughter I have now. …

I have had to fight for this identity in a way my daughter, who easily passes for white, never will. My daughter has the privilege of choice, or of not choosing race at all; her default is white, and the power dynamic is in her favor. She will have a seat reserved for her on the school bus before she even gets on. However, I’ve found myself worried that she will internalize what the world tells her about her mother — that because of my darker skin, I am worth less. I remain terrified of the day that she tosses her kebab sandwich in the garbage and jeers at me — her brown-skinned, Urdu-speaking mother waving goodbye to her — and loudly tells her classmates, “She’s my nanny.”

If that does happen, you deserve it. You were the one who worshipped your own bullies in school. Given your attitudes, it is perfectly likely that your husband also bullied "non-whites" back when he was in school. You could have chosen to not reproduce. But clearly the prospect of getting a "whiter" daughter outweighed the prospect of getting a daughter carrying her parents' inferior genes.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 01:06:49 am

So-called "princess" of formerly colonized country has as low self-esteem as the commoners:

Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein ran into the arms of her hunky bodyguard as her marriage to Dubai's billionaire ruler Sheikh Mohamed al Maktoum collapsed.

The princess embarked on a two-year affair with her close protection officer Russell Flowers behind the sheikh's back, which sparked the couple's £4.5billion divorce.

Family Court judge Sir Andrew McFarlane said the princess began an adulterous affair with the infantry soldier in 2017 and that her husband had been aware of the 'inappropriate relationship' for some time.


Then again, when both she and her husband (and, sadly, also their son, probably not by his own choice) wear Western clothes, why would we expect her to not be Eurocentric when it comes to sexual partners? This is why we also have this topic:

Such prideless "royalty" needs to be deposed ASAP and replaced with new royalty possessing actual dignity, or else decolonization will never succeed.


"One thing I noticed was that "non white" female Eurocentrists will only criticize the Eurocentrism of their male counterparts, and similarly "non white" male Eurocentrists will only criticize the Eurocentrism of their female counterparts."

This is merely a particular form of a common behaviour in which women will only criticize men for having high standards in choosing women, and men will only criticize women for having high standards in choosing men. From an economic perspective, the mediocrities on each side are trying to get a better deal out of their limited buying power. While undoubtedly hypocritical, it is usually harmless, and often amusing.

The only problem here is that high standards have become equated with Eurocentrism! This is what we are here to end. I myself have high standards (and proudly so), and I would prefer a world in which both men and women have higher standards than most currently have, but I assure you that no one whom I assess will ever receive a free score boost just for being "white", and I hope everyone else can follow my example.

Of course, this may take a while. Look at this ****:

We filled out our father’s name, his age, his county of death, his Social Security number. And then we reached Question 11: decedent’s race.

“White,” one of my sisters said. She said it quickly, as if it were a formality, a diversion from our steady progress toward Question 12: Was the decedent ever in the U.S. armed forces?

Wait, I thought. What part of our father—who was born, in 1932, in Cairo, Egypt—was white?
“I’m pretty sure that nobody ever thought he was white,” I said.

We looked at the form again. My mother pointed to its text. “Check one or more boxes to indicate what the decedent considered himself to be,” she said. She smoothed the fabric of her jeans. The gold tassels of her rings struck each other as she worked her hands back and forth. “It’s what he thought he was,” she said. “Isn’t it?”

I found it difficult to look at my mom. “Maybe he would have wanted to be listed as Arab-American,” I said.

Even as I said it, I knew I was lying. Although Egypt had declared its independence from the United Kingdom ten years before my father was born, the vestiges of British and French colonial life had marked his adolescence. In Cairo, he’d attended Le Collège de la Sainte Famille, a French-language school run by Jesuits, and this had given him a sense of apartness from the society in which he lived. He was from a branch of the family that had converted to Catholicism in the nineteenth century, and he grew up within a narrative of cultural difference. He was exceptional in Egyptian society, the priests of Sainte Famille told him. Specially chosen. Dad’s experience was not unusual. When Jean-Paul Sartre said that colonialism “selected adolescents, branded the principles of Western culture on their foreheads with a red-hot iron, and gagged their mouths with sounds, pompous and awkward,” he was largely pointing to the upper-middle class of North Africa. “Every effort is made to bring the colonized person to admit the inferiority of his culture,” Frantz Fanon warned, at the Congress of Black African Writers, in 1959. He might as well have been talking about my family.
Neither my father nor I would have been welcomed in America before the twentieth century. In 1876, the Supreme Court declared that immigration was under the authority of the federal government, and, from that point forward, for decades, the House and Senate passed laws limiting admission to the country according to race. President Chester A. Arthur signed the Chinese Exclusion Act into law in 1882; the Senate floor debate for that bill astonishes me every time I read it. “They are parasites, like those insects which fasten themselves upon vegetables or upon animals and feed and feed until satiety causes them to release their hold,” Senator George Graham Vest, of Missouri, said. In a letter published in the New-York Tribune, Senator James G. Blaine, a Republican of Maine, wrote, “If as a nation we have the right to keep out infectious diseases, if we have the right to exclude the criminal classes from coming to us, we surely have the right to exclude that immigration which reeks with impurity and which cannot come to us without plenteously sowing the seeds of moral and physical disease, destitution, and death.”
Barred from entry to America, would-be immigrants appealed again and again to the country’s judicial branch. Residents of Burma, Japan, Mexico, Syria, Armenia, India, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Korea, and the Arabian Peninsula pleaded their cases at the state and national levels. Known as racial-prerequisite cases, the fifty-two rulings that resulted add up to a gradual, inexorable, legal construction of whiteness. Applicants who were ruled white were allowed to immigrate.
The story of the Syrian national Costa Najour is particularly poignant. In 1909, Najour’s suit for naturalization was rejected on the basis of his skin color. He appealed. Later that year, on a viciously cold December day in Atlanta, Najour appeared before the circuit-court judge William T. Newman. In the course of four hours, Najour’s attorney presented an extensive argument as to why his client was a “free white person.” The government attorney sat at his table. He waited. When it was his turn to speak, he had a simple request. Would Najour please remove his clothes, and show the court the color of his body? Najour—in what emotional state the historical record does not reveal—rose out of his seat and began to comply.
Perhaps it’s also not surprising that my father married two women of European descent: his first wife, an Irish-American, and then my mom, a Latvian refugee. In his children, he created what he yearned to be.

This is what low self-esteem looks like.


Twitter was the end-stage of Dad’s politics. “I’ve joined the Tweeter,” he told me, in January, 2012. His handle was @truthlovin, and his bio described him like this: “Retired teacher, M.A of Education U of W, In U.S. since 1946. 7 wonderful grandchildren. D. Trump will make America great again tweets are my personal opinions.”


The night before my father’s funeral, our family gathered for the vigil of the open-casket rosary. I arrived early, and stood alone in the room with Dad’s body, looking down at him. He was wearing a suit.



I’m Darker Than My Daughter. Here’s Why It Matters.

Breaching colorism with my little girl sent me reeling back into my childhood shame.
Some 35 years earlier, after being teased by white classmates because of my brown skin, I ran home from school crying inconsolably and pleaded with my mother: Why am I not white? Can I be white, like them? Her laughter is all I remember from our exchange.

Growing up in 1950s Mexico, among the calcified disdain for its Indigenous past, left my mother without the skills and necessary self-reflection to guide me through the maze of color consciousness.
“What’s wrong with my skin color, honey?” My hue is raw almond-like in the winter, darkening to an unpeeled macadamia nut shade by summer’s end.

“It’s ugly,” she blurted.

What spilled from my mouth next was false, though I wished it wasn’t: “I love the color of my skin.” I desperately wanted her to believe me, and maybe even a little more than that, I wanted to believe myself. Yet having been silenced by laughter and left alone to process years of slights, by both white and Latinx individuals because of my color, I was submerged in shame.

The truth is: I have a fraught relationship with my brownness. Tortured, actually.
Seemingly repulsed, she scooted even further away. I inched closer. She stuck a stiff arm out to stop me, as if to protect her porcelain skin from my muddied shade. Could she smell my shame? I felt pulled to apologize for being ugly in her eyes, for being brown. I yearned to tell her I understood why she disliked the way I looked, and to share that I disliked myself sometimes too. I resisted.

All I wanted to do was peel my skin off, to hang it up for someone else to wear. Anything to avoid the absolute humiliation and reminder that my pigmentation made me untouchable in the eyes of someone I loved so much, someone I assumed would accept me in the same unconditional way I accepted her. Someone I made. Someone who could have looked like me but doesn’t.

You should not have reproduced. No one who worships "whiteness" should reproduce.

“What skin color do you think is beautiful?” Without pause, she chirped, “White! Like daddy’s belly.” She coveted the whitest part of his body, the color furthest from mine.

I repeated, “I love my skin color.” She said nothing. Her silence felt equal parts dismissive and contemplative. I was unsure if my words had seeped in.

Was I the only brown mother being shunned by her light-skinned preschooler?

Young children can effortlessly sense insincerity. You can say as many times as you want that you love your skin colour; your daughter knows as well as you do that it is not true. You were the one who chose her "white" father to reproduce with, after all! Your daughter will learn from your actions rather than from your words.

If your daughter finds us, we might be able to save her mind:

But even then we would advise your daughter to not reproduce, as she carries your Eurocentric blood.


There are a ton of these types of tweets:


"Something about the rope"
Think about this statement. The individual in question literally fetishizes her own slavery. She probably would have been the type of person to get **** by her slavemaster and enjoy it.





"L saw herself as the opposite of racist - someone working to build a world free of racism, of all the isms. She'd been raised by a working-class, single mom who'd emigrated from China. And L was proud to be Chinese-American. She was studying gender in college through an intersectional lens, learning about systematic oppression and white privilege. Plus, she was creating safe spaces online for other Asian-American women to process the racism and misogyny they had to deal with every day, so the call-out blindsided her."

"One thing, I started to realize - as I was swiping past faces - was that it was, like, almost this instantaneous thing where I would see, like, a black face or, like, someone who looked like Latinx and I would, like, almost instinctually start to swipe. I was unconsciously, like, rejecting people because of, literally, like, the color of their skin. I was literally giving white faces a chance that I was not giving black and Latinx faces."


We need similar comics ridiculing male Eurocentrists also.

But is ridiculing such behaviour alone enough to curb it? I am doubtful. Deeper countermeasures are required, which is what we are here to develop. Additionally, as the comics above highlight, being politically anti-racist does not inoculate against reproductive Eurocentrism. So the solution must be found elsewhere.

(Also, some of the research papers linked to from the subreddit may be worth reposting in our Human Evolution forum.)


Could we also expect to find fellow Aryanists there? In this thread, for example, several members express their discontent for PUA or "redpillers" as they find it simply too demanding of them to act aggressive:

However, there are other members on the thread who also oppose PUA but because it is not effective enough, so they would still be Eurocentrists.


"Could we also expect to find fellow Aryanists there?"

Unlikely. I have explained in the past that our attitude to relationships is not:

1) want to have a partner
2) find someone to fill the vacancy

but instead:

1) encounter an individual
2) want that individual (and no one else) to be your partner (and if unsuccessful, not wanting anyone else continues to apply)

whereas PUA from the outset presumes the former attitude. Therefore anyone who would even be interested in PUA is not one of us.


Now that I think of it, I was never really drawn to PUA either, although I didn't know why at the time. Probably because I was not interested in sexual relationships.


It should be noted that it is not only incels that consciously select for these traits. I have seen even parents of some people advise their children to discriminate in favour of these traits because it will afford their offspring high status.

Moreover, it should also be noted that preference for these traits often supersedes preference for wealth. For example, a "non-white" female Eurocentrist would relinquish economic prosperity by refusing to marry a wealthy "non-white" individual and choosing to marry a poor "white" person instead, thus proving that Eurocentrism trumps economics.

A more pertinent example of this phenomenon that I have observed is several "non-white" female Eurocentrists choosing to fit in with their social clique of "white" friends, rather than aspire towards success and monetary wealth, the latter of which would generally be expected to be the case if her reproductive choices were motivated purely by economic reasons and not Eurocentrism.


The most ironic part of this is that, in turning down monetary wealth, they sincerely think of themselves as motivationally purer(!) than the "mere" gold-diggers. This is how screwed up Eurocentrism is.


Are you aware of the LMS (looks, money, status) theory? At the end of the day, I think that looks and money are ultimately not valued in and of themselves, but rather as a means to obtain status. For example, monetary wealth is valued only insofar as they allow the woman to rise in the social hierarchy, while "looks" are only valued insofar as they approximate Eurocentric phenotypes, which again would afford more social status.

What I'm getting at is that nowadays attractiveness is purely judged based on materialistic criteria, such that "looks" have become synonymous with "whiteness", and "wealth" has become synonymous with money. As such, I think that those who evaluate their  prospective partners based on such "standards" should be discarded altogether in any serious discussion of aesthetics/economics.


"At the end of the day, I think that looks and money are ultimately not valued in and of themselves, but rather as a means to obtain status. For example, monetary wealth is valued only insofar as they allow the woman to rise in the social hierarchy, while "looks" are only valued insofar as they approximate Eurocentric phenotypes, which again would afford more social status."

This may be the case for some individuals, but I would caution against general claims. If your claim is generally true, it would imply that a woman who already possesses securely high status would be unconcerned with a man's looks and money. Is this consistently the case? More obviously, how do you account for married women cheating, which is a risk to status in societies which frown on extramarital affairs?

""looks" have become synonymous with "whiteness""

That's taking it a bit far. If you show Eurocentrists two "whites", they will still find one better-looking than the other according to their other standards. It is only when comparing "whites" with "non-whites" that Eurocentrists toss all their other standards out of the window.


I kept hearing how white foreigners are treated in some east asian countries, and how the girls here have the hots for white guys. I ended up trying tinder and my god the matches kept rolling in I felt like royalty. So I decided to come here to do my graduate schooling. In the states I dated a few girls and I think For reference I'm 29 years old decent looking athletic body 5'9" so it wasn't for a lack of interest back home. But coming here opened up pandoras box for me, its just TOO **** EASY. Like, dangerously easy. Before this corona business I was meeting a new chick almost every other day and all it took was a couple of drinks between us before we were back in her or my place. Didn't even matter I barely spoke her language (Japanese) somehow everything I said was funny and it felt I couldn't do anything wrong


I (19F+Latina) recently learned I really love race play during sex. I had a hookup with a white guy and he called me a "beaner ****" and that I belong to him and I actually really liked it. I ended up exploring more with that and I absolutely like it. How do I bring it up to guys I date without scaring them away??

First tell them you do not plan to reproduce, so that at least they will not be scared of creating offspring with low self-esteem inherited from you.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2020, 01:14:32 am

When I (a Japanese-Taiwanese American woman) married my husband (a Jewish white man) I kept my last name, wanting to maintain that visible part of my identity. Our background and cultures are important to both of us, so when our daughter was born, we chose her names carefully — so carefully that she ended up with four names. Her first name honors my dead father, Charlie. Her first middle name is both Hebrew and Japanese, her second middle name is my Taiwanese last name, and her last name is my husband’s Germanic last name.

At first I thought her four names were a beautiful compromise. But at 18 months old, her eyes are bluish-gray, her hair is light brown. While I’ve tried to wrestle with what it means for her to appear so light in a society that hugely privileges whiteness, I’ve grown more uneasy about her name. Her first and last names, the most salient parts, look and sound as white as her features. This might seem like a benefit at a time when racism against Asian-Americans is rising again. To me it seems like a loss of the part of her that is me, of the part of her that is our history.

So why did you reproduce?

When I wonder, When will she know who she is? I also mean, When will I know who she is? Daily we accumulate data. Stuck at home in the pandemic, we watch her develop with the precision of zookeepers overseeing a caged animal: the way my gestures are refracted in her wild, lumbering movements, the way she modulates her reactions to what my husband finds most hilarious. Our daughter, our tiny mirror. Perhaps this choice is so fraught because our names — mine, my husband’s, our daughter’s — are functioning as proxies for not only our cultures, but ourselves. Underneath the question, Should we change her name is the question, Can we control who she becomes? I equivocate so long over the former because I cannot yet face the answer to the latter.

Just give her one of these to wear:


The only hope now is for her to voluntarily refrain from reproducing, thereby belatedly rectifying your mistake.


The Spanish conquest of the Americas was devastating for native peoples. Many native men died in conflicts with the invaders. Male Spanish colonists often came without their wives and took native women as partners. A new genetic analysis of Panamanian men by a team including a Smithsonian scientist shows this historical legacy: only 22 percent had Y-chromosomes of native origin, even though most Panamanians are of female indigenous ancestry.
A team of geneticists from the University of Pavia including Antonio Torroni found that among the 408 Panamanian men whose genetics were analyzed, 60 percent had Y-chromosomes that originated in West Eurasia and North Africa (probably mostly from Europe). About 22 percent were of Native American origin, 6 percent from sub-Saharan Africa and 2 percent from South Asia (probably China or the Indian sub-continent). In contrast, a large majority of this group—including nearly all those with Native American, African and Asian Y-chromosomes—had mtDNA of indigenous origin. Among men with Eurasian Y-chromosomes, 13 percent had mtDNA from sub-Saharan Africa and only a very few had European mtDNA.

To reproductively decolonize Panama, it is not enough to get the 60% down to 0%, which is the easy part. The hard part is to eliminate the Eurocentrism within the remaining gene pool.


Until now, I was unaware that the phenomenon we are fighting against here has its own Wikipedia entry:

Blanqueamiento, branqueamento, or whitening, is a social, political, and economic practice used in many post-colonial countries in the Americas and Oceania to "improve the race" (mejorar la raza)[1] towards a supposed ideal of whiteness.[2] The term blanqueamiento is rooted in Latin America and is used more or less synonymously with racial whitening. However, blanqueamiento can be considered in both the symbolic and biological sense.[3] Symbolically, blanqueamiento represents an ideology that emerged from legacies of European colonialism, described by Anibal Quijano's theory of coloniality of power, which caters to white dominance in social hierarchies.[4] Biologically, blanqueamiento is the process of whitening by marrying a lighter-skinned individual to produce lighter-skinned offspring.[4]

Wanting racial improvement is a good thing. The bad thing is to equate improvement with "whitening". As I have warned in the past, racial idealism does not imply that the ideal is the correct one.

Peter Wade argues that blanqueamiento is a historical process that can be linked to nationalism. When thinking about nationalism, the ideologies behind it stem from national identity, which according to Wade is "a construction of the past and the future",[5] where the past is understood as being more traditional and backwards. For example, past demographics of Puerto Rico were heavily black and Indian-influenced because the country partook in the slave trade and was simultaneously home to many indigenous groups. Therefore, understanding blanqueamiento as it relates to modernization, modernization is then understood as a guidance in the direction away from black and indigenous roots. Modernization then happened as described by Wade as "the increasing integration of blacks and Indians into modern society, where they will mix in and eventually disappear, taking their primitive culture with them".[5] This kind of implementation of blanqueamiento takes place in a societies that have historically always been led by 'white' people whose guidance would carry "the country away from its past, which began in Indianness and slavery"[5] with hopes of promoting the intermixing of bodies to develop a predominantly white-skinned society.

This is why I insist on regressivism, and not progressivism, as a foundation of True Leftism:

It is incorrect, on the other hand, to associate the past with tradition, as I have also explained previously. Tradition is what managed to survive from the past until the present, hence likely to be the worst of the past. A radical regressive should be infinitely more interested in seeking out that in the past which failed to survive to the present, which is likely to include content of far higher quality.

In any case, modernization merely means replacing the local tradition with Western tradition, therefore even to genuine anti-traditionalists is no improvement. Thus the only people who think modernization is improvement are Eurocentrists pretending to be anti-traditionalists.

The formation of mestizaje emerged in the shift of Latin America towards multiculturalist perspectives and policies.[6] Mestizaje has been considered problematic by many U.S. scholars because it sustains racial hierarchies and celebrates blanqueamiento.[6] For example, Swanson argues that although mestizaje is not a physical embodiment of whitening, it is "not so much about mixing, as it about a progressive whitening of the population".[7]

Another possibility when considering mestizaje as it relates to blanqueamiento is by understanding mestizaje as a concept that encourages mixedness, but differs from the concept of blanqueamiento on the basis of the end goal for mestizaje. As Peter Wade states, "it celebrates the idea of difference in a democratic, non-hierarchical form. Rather than envisioning a gradual whitening, it holds up the general image of the mestizo in which racial, regional, and even class differences are submerged into a common identification with mixedness."[5] On the same coin, when thinking about blanqueamiento, the future goal takes up the same theme of mixing. The difference between them is that while mestizaje glorifies the mixing of all people to reach an end goal of having a brown population, blanqueamiento has the end goal of whiteness. The outcome of mestizaje mixing would lead to "the predominance of the mestizo" and is not "construed necessarily as (a) whitened mestizo".[5] Most importantly, both of these ideologies link emerging nationhood with the predominance of the mestizo or the whitened population.

It is stupid to care about skin colour, period. The real issue is that homogenization cannot eliminate the colonialist ancestry (and hence the colonialist personality traits associated with it) from the gene pool. Only state control over reproduction can achieve this. While "mestizaje" may have less slavish intentions than "blanqueamiento", it is still misguided, and distracts from the true solution.

Blanqueamiento was enacted in national policies of many Latin American countries at the turn of the 20th century. In most cases, these policies promoted European immigration as a means to whiten the population.[8]

Blanqueamiento ("branqueamento" in Portuguese) was circulated in national policy throughout Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[9][10] Blanqueamiento policies emerged in the aftermath of the abolition of slavery and the beginning of Brazil's first republic (1888–1889). To dilute the black race, Brazil executed public measures to increase European immigration,[9][11] where more than 1 million Europeans arrived in São Paulo between 1890 and 1914.[12] The state and federal government funded and subsidized immigrant travels,[11] where immigrants arrived from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands.[13] Claims that white blood would eventually eliminate black blood were found in accounts of immigration statistics.[13] Created in the late 19th century, Brazil's Directoria Geral de Estatistica (DGE) has conducted demographic censuses and managed to measure the progress of whitening as successful in Brazil.[13]


At the beginning of the 20th century, the Cuban government created immigration laws that invested more than $1 million into recruiting Europeans into Cuba to whiten the state.[14] High participation of blacks in independence movements threatened white elitist power and when the 1899 census showed that more than ​1⁄3 of Cuba's population was colored, white migration started to gain support.[15] Political blanqueamiento began in 1902 after the U.S. occupation, where migration of "undesirables" (i.e. blacks) became prohibited in Cuba.[16] Immigration policies supported the migration of entire families. Between 1902 and 1907, nearly 128,000 Spaniards entered Cuba, and officially in 1906, Cuba created its immigration law that funded white migrants.[16]


Blanqueamiento is also associated with food consumption. For example, in Osorno, a Chilean city with a strong German heritage, consumption of desserts, marmelades and kuchens whitens the inhabitants of the city.[20]


Blanqueamiento can also be accomplished through economic achievement. Many scholars have argued that money has the ability to whiten, where wealthier individuals are more likely to be classified as white, regardless of phenotypic appearance.[5][21][22] It is by this changing of social status that blacks achieve blanqueamiento.[23] In his study, Marcus Eugenio Oliveira Lima showed that groups of Brazilians succeeded more when whitened.[12]


Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 11, 2021, 01:11:07 am

This guy prefers to trash Indian genetics and culture than trash the girl for being a Eurocentrist..... Which probably means he is a Eurocentrist himself.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 13, 2021, 12:35:43 am

why are far right men married to women of color?

For one, it’s question of the chicken and the egg.

    With strong social problems, these men are offputting to their real prize – white women*. This causes them to blame either white women or “Jewish” conspiracies to “corrupt” white women (especially for leaving them for men of color). Their far-right behavior further isolates them from white women, causing further problems.

    They need sex and companionship, though, since this is the driving force for male motivation.

    In comes a horribly insecure woman of color, who wishes she lived up to the supposed beauty and cultural prestige of whites and white women. She’ll defend her choices to the death, though, since, you know, nobody (including my own mother) wants to admit they made a mistake.

    Biiiig problem, though, since this guy technically was unmarriageable within his own culture, it doesn’t magically make him sexually attractive to his wife, especially not one with a strong agenda towards survival and pathological inability to see herself as a sexual being. The dead bedroom, profound understanding of his own undesirability, and nagging sense that he solved nothing causes Proud Boys like Nick to visit the capital in a highly dangerous, life-ruining act of desperation and sexually-repressed agitation.

Again, now we have millions of biracials with non-white moms and openly racist white dads, inheriting both their mother’s self hatred as well as their father’s mental illness, and yet I’m the bad guy for pointing this out. Cry me a river, this was society’s responsiblity years ago but this kind of thing just got lost in the muck of intersectionality.

Remember, white supremacy is taught, specifically by ones parents. No where along those lines does it say one of ones parents can’t be non-white.

*Cue the whinelord who says, “oh ET, you’re obsessed with white women!” The reality is (yes, the actual reality, like it or not), there is a tremendous subset of society that de facto believes that whiteness is the ideal, at least in terms of physicality. Spin it as somehow my fault, but everyone knows this is what goes through the minds of most people.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: guest5 on January 16, 2021, 03:23:54 pm
Also, if sex and companionship are your only motivating force as a male, or female even, you need to take a really good look in the mirror. You are a slave! You are a slave to nature and genetics. You are a slave to the material world.

I can also state unequivocally the greatest humans that have walked among us were not motivated by sex and companionship at all!
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 17, 2021, 02:49:27 am
The thing is, for these Eurocentrists, it isn't even foremost about sex/companionship, but above all about "whitening" their offspring, as proven in the posts above about sperm buyers.


They have them in Delhi, Madras, Mumbai, and also in the UK among the Indian expats. The breeding parties are for Indian women, usually very upscale and immerses in Western circles, who want white babies but don't want a white husband, or at least don't want to divorce their Indian husbands. If they have the consent or at least tolerance of their husbands and families, then they're set up with a breeding party. The goal here is for the Indian woman to get pregnant by a white man, and that man has to be tall, blue eyed, handsome, intelligent, usually a businessman who's in India for a time.


Don't forget this either:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 27, 2021, 11:01:53 pm

I'm A First-Generation Indian American Woman. I Married Into A Family Of Trump Supporters.
 I watched as my brother-in-law, a usually mild-mannered man, picked a gift and then shook it at the camera in our direction, a taunting glint in his eye. I looked closer. Whoever had wrapped it had meticulously taped a $2020 bill to the top, with Donald Trump’s smug face glowering on it. I grimaced. I didn’t look at the then-president’s face or listen to his voice if I could help it anymore.

My sister-in-law was next. She unwrapped her gift and held it up for all of us to see. It was a red football jersey with “Kaepernick” printed in big white letters across the back. The three of us on our side of the screen reacted with excitement before realizing that what we thought were cheers from the rest of the family were, in fact, jeers. They laughed with derision as they passed the jersey around and heckled the Black football player who had dared to peacefully protest police brutality and racism. Only one of my in-laws claimed the jersey and wore it with pride. Something sunk inside of me.
It suddenly became harder to breathe. I knew that tossing a jersey around was not the same as a lynching, but those actions stemmed from a similar sinister place. It was “good” people who lynched those boys. It was “respectable” people who stood by and watched as it happened. I thought of the violent history of this country and the rhetoric that has inspired these kinds of unforgivable actions and how alive those beliefs still are today. I thought of how quickly thoughts and feelings and “jokes” can evolve into the unthinkable ― a lynching. An insurrection.

For several years now, some of Eric’s family have brought “Make America Great Again” paraphernalia, Trump bobbleheads and the like, to the annual gift exchange, hoping to get under the skins of their left-wing family members. It’s a move similar to their spreading of coronavirus misinformation online, calling us self-righteous for insisting on the efficacy of masks before we gathered for his grandfather’s funeral and intentionally sending GIFs of Trump to the family message thread.

And yet you still married Eric.

Eric’s family was a chance to experience something different ― a family that lived within minutes of one another, spent their weekends grilling at each other’s houses, who seemingly could not get enough of each other. I imagined my children would grow up with cousins who were like siblings and that I would have in-laws who were both friends and family. There would be no lack of people to turn to and be supported by.

Above all, you imagined your children could be "whiter" than you are. Just admit it.

We put each other in boxes and labeled one another “good” or “bad,” “racist” or “liberal snowflake” for what we posted on social media, what jokes we found funny, what we chose or chose not to respond to. We tried to have conversations about issues of race, class and gender both in person and from afar, but those conversations often devolved on both sides. My blood began to simmer. Then Ahmaud Arbery was killed. And Breonna Taylor. And George Floyd. I knew that some of them believed the ahistorical, racially charged rhetoric: “But he had a criminal record.” “Why was he running there anyway?” “Blue lives matter.” “Black Lives Matter are the ones who are violent.” My blood began to boil.

How could they love me, a brown-skinned woman, if they believed lies that placed whiteness and the power of empire above all else? Above me?

Good question. But neither do you love yourself, or else you would not have voluntarily joined such a family.

Would they love me only if I stayed quiet and looked the other way from their racism and support of institutions that have been hurting Black and Brown people since they began?

If you loved yourself, you would not want to be loved by racists in the first place.

And then on Christmas morning, I boiled over. My brother-in-law, who had once marveled at my father’s migration story, waved the Trump dollar at our faces, and my two middle fingers raised themselves at the camera in protest. I walked away. I don’t know if anyone noticed the gesture in the hubbub of paper tearing and children chattering. You shouldn’t have done that, the immigrant daughter in me immediately said with remorse. They’re elders. You’re supposed to respect your family. But another voice roared, Respect?! Respect the colonizers? Respect the ideology of whiteness being spewed through that screen? No.

So will you divorce Eric, since he will not disown his family?

The thing is, I still want my in-laws to love me and I, them.

I will take that as a "No", and I am not surprised. You are genetic trash just like your in-laws.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 08, 2021, 10:49:52 pm
As I feared!

What Alba examines is how these mixed-race populations understand themselves and behave within American society, and his conclusion is that our current situation resembles our assimilationist, melting point past much more than we currently believe. “In some fundamental ways,” Alba argues, “such as educational attainment, social affiliations, and marriage tendencies, the members of mixed groups appear closer to the white side of their background than to the minority side.”

This is particularly true with respect to the offspring of Latino-Anglo and Asian-Anglo couples, who are increasingly assimilated into the new bi-racial and multiracial mainstream. The only exception to this rule, alas, are black-white mixed children — who are more likely to be in single-parent homes, to be poorer and to have bad experiences with law enforcement, and thereby tend to identify with the non-white part of their identity. But even here, Alba notes, white-black children “not infrequently marry whites.” And the core difference between these kids and others is as much about class and family structure as it is about racism.
Key here is the role of the Latino population, and how it is defined. Most demographic estimates of the “white” population are based on the Census definition: “non-Hispanic white.” But what of “Hispanic whites” — those whose lineage may come from South or Latin America in ethnicity but who also identify racially and socially as white? If you include them in this category, America remains two-thirds “white” all the way through 2060 and beyond

Then what happens to Demographic Blueshift?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on March 18, 2021, 10:17:46 pm
As racism becomes more and more stigmatized we can expect closeted racist "Whites" to cryptically conceal their racism as an attempt to pass on their genes by reproducing with their Eurocentric "non-White" counterparts.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on March 30, 2021, 02:01:45 am
More people are getting it (I recommend you read the full article):
Sex as utility is an integral and intentional part of white supremacy. The way sex is used and has been used to reify white ascendant ideals of personhood is revealed in the ways that entire Black communities and lives have been destroyed under the guise of protecting white women from Black men’s sexual appetites—consider Emmett Till, the Scottsboro Boys, the Central Park Five, and many more unnamed and unknown to us. It is also revealed in the practice of Black men beholding white women as “upper echelon” sex objects, usually as a (sub)conscious means of conquering what Black men have long been forbidden from, sometimes even under pain of death. We see it in the coveting of mixed babies, especially ones with light skin and “good hair.” Reproduction and building families becomes another means of valuing whiteness and proximity to whiteness while devaluing Blackness.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on April 04, 2021, 06:40:23 pm
This guy gets it:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 04, 2021, 10:51:04 pm
I really like how this photo from your link also contrasts Counts' (Aryan) face shape with the bully's (non-Aryan) face shape:


Who is the real subhuman?

See also:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on April 05, 2021, 08:35:26 pm
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 05, 2021, 10:17:20 pm
Can someone remind TV and Film that mixed race couples don't have to include a white person

A lot of people seeing a "white"/"non-white" multiethnic couple will say stuff like: "Their kids will be beautiful." I have never heard the same said about the hypothetical offspring of a "non-white"/"non-white" multiethnic couple. Eurocentrism strikes again!

(By the way, can you please paste quotes with your Twitter links to make discussions easier to read?)
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on April 05, 2021, 10:22:39 pm
Yes. I will do that. I am kind of a perfectionist so I previously would only quote tweets when I could copy all the formatting from the original tweet.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: acc9 on June 02, 2021, 05:46:43 am

White supremacists boosted by Youtube to spread Asian Hate

Never understood why Chinese girls would fall for them....and have children with them too.....especially when this guy's from South Africa...How could she not know about Apartheid...
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on June 02, 2021, 11:28:33 am
SexPat YouTuber "Black Pigeon Speaks" promotes reproductive Eurocentrism:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 03, 2021, 12:47:30 am
"Never understood why Chinese girls would fall for them....and have children with them too.....especially when this guy's from South Africa...How could she not know about Apartheid..."

I increasingly suspect that "non-white" Eurocentrists don't just want to reproduce with "whites", but they specifically want to reproduce with "white" supremacists, because they want to make sure their offspring are even more Eurocentric than they are, so that their offspring in future also seek out "whites" (and preferably "white" supremacists again) for reproduction. What they want to avoid are their offspring reproducing with "non-whites" (thereby reversing their 'gains'), which would become more likely if they themselves were to reproduce with insufficiently Eurocentric "whites".

This would be consistent with another observation I have heard from others that "non-white" mothers tend to be much more keen on their half-"white" daughters reproducing with "white" men than on their half-"white" sons reproducing with "white" women, since it is their daughters who carry their matrilineal bloodline. The unifying motive is to interweave their own matrilineal bloodline as inextricably as possible with "white" patrilineal bloodlines.

I wonder if the converse is true for "non-white" fathers with half-"white" offspring?

On a different note, however, this also goes back to how all aesthetics are related. In contrast to serpentza, I like the blue tarp (19:13) look. My guess is that anyone who likes the blue tarp look would be less likely to be Eurocentric, reproductively or otherwise. Therefore, if we want to weaken reproductive Eurocentrism, getting more people to like the blue tarp look could be part of building the broader aesthetical disposition inclined in that direction.

The bad news is that China is at present aesthetically going in the opposite direction, as the following is considered by most to be progress instead of contamination:


Thus I sadly predict that Eurocentrism (including reproductive) in China will only increase in the near future.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: acc9 on June 03, 2021, 02:59:56 am

June 1 is children's day in China. Here are photos of children in the early 1980s, not long after the opening-up of China under Deng Xiaoping's  leadership.

What we see in these children - the simple smiles on their faces, the straightforward look in their eyes, the contented and peaceful happiness that blends so well with the surrounding ambience - since when have we lost them?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 03, 2021, 03:57:15 am
Yes! This is why I keep saying the Deng era was the best era of modern China. This is what we need to get back to!

But think about it: the kids in these photos would be in their 40s now. To put it bluntly, their generation is literally the one actively building up "New China" (even as we speak) into the machine monstrosity it is increasingly becoming:

In other words, my guess is that few of them are likely to be nostalgic for the kind of lifestyle depicted in your link.

I honestly believe "New China"'s entire mentality is wrong. Their long-term plan seems to be to keep competing against the West in innovation and keep winning indefinitely, thereby perpetually holding off the threat of being recolonized despite the West's perpetual existence. They do not understand that, just by being forced to compete endlessly in this way, they are already being Westernized. What they should be thinking about instead is how to end Western civilization once and for all, following which the innovation can stop forever.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 10, 2021, 12:26:08 am

I lettered in multiple varsity sports, joined every club at school, made sure I did not speak Chinese outside of my home, lectured my own parents to take English lessons and even snuck out of the Chinese school I was forced to attend on Friday nights, dashing my parents’ hopes and dreams I would be fluent in reading and writing Mandarin. My parents were ashamed and disappointed in my actions, and in the ultimate irony, they refused to assimilate into a country they wanted desperately for me to do so flawlessly. Meanwhile, I felt ashamed to be too closely associated with my immigrant roots. If there was this much conflict of identities inside my home, and within myself, how could I possibly manage it in the outside world?

Eurocentrism is a common ailment.

But as I got older, I felt compelled to embrace all parts of myself, including my culture. When I moved away to college, I started to seek out learning about my identity and heritage on my own terms. As a freshman at UCLA, I joined every Asian American club there was, and for the first time in my life, started exploring the complex dynamics of my Asian Americanness. With like-minded company, I began to fully appreciate the delicious array of Chinese foods available in Los Angeles, learned cultural dances, renewed old traditions like Chinese New Year and the Moon Festival and felt pride and confidence to embrace my heritage.


After college I did not have as many Asian friends — I married a white man who had an incredibly accepting and open-minded white family

And this is why we will not take you seriously. The fact that you feel the need to emphasize that your husband's family is "incredibly accepting and open-minded" merely for being OK with you joining (as if they are doing you a favour) reveals how low your self-esteem actually is, despite claiming in the previous paragraph to feel pride.

Fast forward to present day, recently divorced but blessed with three beautiful daughters

Why would you consider your daughters a blessing given that you did not get along with your husband after all? Unless, of course, it was all about acquiring the "white" blood.

I am reclaiming my own unique story by returning to my Chinese surname, Wei 魏 – which means “high, lofty, towering,” as a reminder to always keep my head high with elevated self-worth and to carry myself as a tower, strong and proud.

You will never be taken seriously again as long as you live.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on June 10, 2021, 12:34:49 am
The author's face:* (*)

Fuxishi blood?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 14, 2021, 10:24:51 pm
Our enemies take pleasure in knowing they will continue to walk all over us in the long-term despite Demographic Blueshift:

As I discussed in 2018, Brazil has, in effect, a kind of racial caste system. At the top are the “whites.” They have remained separate because mixed-race unions are, in general, extremely rare.
Mixed-race unions were common out of necessity in many Spanish-speaking Latin American countries because European immigration was so heavily disproportionately male and because females will tend to sexually select for high status males—that is for the successful invaders [Exchanging fluids, by T. Cabeza de Baca et al., Politics and Life Sciences, 2020].

But this was not the case in Brazil—whole families emigrated from Portugal, making it much more comparable to the US. Thus the southern state of Santa Catarina is 85% white.

Beneath the Brazilian whites, there are the “Pardos.” These are a mixture of white and Native American, with some of them being up to 80% white. As Genetic Similarity Theory would predict, and as happens with Hispanics, they tend to marry each other, creating a “cline”: a distinct group between two races.

In much the same way, we would expect America’s increasing population of “Hapas”—usually the products of a white male and an Asian female [Trends and patterns in intermarriage, by G. Livingston & A. Brown, Pew Research Center, May 18, 2017] to marry each other, gradually creating a distinct cline.

This has happened before in America. “Mulattos” used to identify as such. They perceived themselves as clearly distinct from blacks, and married other Mulattos, always taking pride in their light skin [Our Kind of People, by Lawrence Otis Graham, 1999].

Most of South America is a “pigmentocracy” in which Amerindians are the bottom of society and people become gradually lighter-skinned as you move towards the top [Pigmentocracies, by Edward Telles, 2014]. A meta-analysis of this racial caste system found that, in South American samples, Native American or Black ancestry was negatively associated with socioeconomic status while European ancestry was positively associated with it [Biogeographic Ancestry and Socioeconomic Outcomes in the Americas: A Meta-Analysis, by Emil Kirkegaard et al., biorxiv, 2016].

Thus, Rutilio Martinez and Vish Ayer of the University of Northern Colorado write: 

    Latin American societies are structured in a fuzzy racial caste system. Whites are at the top. Next are individuals of mixed European and Indian or mixed European and African ancestry, the Mestizos and the Mulattos, respectively. At the bottom are the Indians and the blacks. Integral to this system is an overt preference for European appearance and, among many whites, the firm conviction that the dark-skinned are racially inferior

    [Latin America’s Racial Caste System, by Rutilo Martinez & Vish Ayer, International Business and Economics Research Journal, 2008].   

The world’s best known caste system—that of India—involves a clear racial element.
As we would expect, there is evidence that, on average, the higher is your caste rank then the more genetically similar you are to Europeans; to the Indo-Europeans who invaded India around 5000 years ago and established the caste system. Genetic distance to Europeans increases as you descend the caste hierarchy [Genetic Evidence on the Origins of Indian Caste Populations, by Michael Bamshad et al., Genome Research, 2001].

Bottom line: multiracial societies tend to develop caste systems in which genetically similar people inter-marry and increasingly see themselves as separate and distinct. There is no reason to think America will be any different.

We are here precisely to ensure this does not happen in America. Key to this is to counter the Eurocentrism that, by overvaluing "white" bloodlines for reproduction, causes this entire phenomenon in the first place. To achieve this, Eurocentrists (of all ethnic backgrounds) should be prohibited by the state from reproducing at all.

The more False Leftist reproductive Eurocentrists I encounter, the more I despair. Rightist reproductive Eurocentrists I have discussed above, and they are already bad enough, but the False Leftists are worse in that they are able (apparently sincerely) to get angry at Western colonial history, yet simultaneously want their own offspring to have "white" blood, and "white" cultural Eurocentrist blood at that (ie. prefers Western classical music etc.) - just not outright white supremacist blood. You cannot make this **** up.....
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 04, 2021, 12:20:00 am
Scammers take advantage of Eurocentrism:

Police said the gang came to India on business and tourist visas and were living in a rented room in New Delhi. “They learned about various frauds on Facebook including matrimonial frauds. They downloaded pictures of European men and women registered on matrimonial apps with fake names and profiles using those pictures,” an official said, adding that the gang then posed as foreigners and targeted women on matrimony sites. After promising to marriage, they cheated the victims in the guise of sending gifts, medical expenses and being caught by customs officials at airports.

"Posed as foreigners"? The scammers (Nigerians) are foreigners (to India)! What the article means is "posed as "whites"".

Now imagine how much more scammers who are actually "white" can get away with. I have seen it happen.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 20, 2021, 01:29:59 am
You can't make this **** up - when the reproductively (and psychologically) colonized decide to adopt:

I always thought I was a regular black woman. In fact, anybody looking at me would suppose that I am fully black. My mother is black. She married a black man before I was born, and I was raised to believe that he was my biological father.
My dad died in a car accident in January 2020, and I felt I had lost a part of myself. Mourning was hard, but — and I hate to say it — the lockdown let me grieve his death better, as I stayed at home with my mom. In May, she confided that Dad wasn’t my biological father. My real father was a white man with whom she had a short affair before meeting my “dad,” and she never told him.
I am a mixed woman who looks black. I don’t plan to marry anytime soon because I feel that I’d be a white man’s burden, and I’m not attracted to black men. The world doesn’t need more mixed people who’ll be confused and resentful towards a part of themselves, so maybe I’ll adopt a white child — cuter, calmer, and smarter than a black child. I’ll teach him about how great his race and civilization are; but for now, I’ll be a pro-white advocate in my own ways. I don’t know what my white father is up to or even if he’s still alive, but I want to preserve his heritage.

So even when "non-white" Eurocentrists don't reproduce, they presumably prefer their eventual heirs to be "whiter" than themselves. Thus in the grand scheme of things, the effect is no different than what was described back here, namely "white" bloodlines getting free ride after free ride just for being "white":
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 25, 2022, 09:24:42 pm

Chinese female Weibo users expressed outrage online after several men "jokingly" said they were willing to accept female Ukrainian refugees amid the Ukraine crisis in eastern Europe.
One of the men who commented on the topic said he only cares about “the girls in Ukraine.” Another one wrote, “I am withdrawing myself from participating in the discussion about Russia’s attacks on Ukraine. But due to my humanitarian beliefs, I am open to taking in Ukrainian teenage girls who become homeless because of the war.”

“I am saddened by what Ukrainian citizens have to deal with. I propose that China should give entry to 10,000 Ukrainian refugees. Unmarried Ukrainian girls need to be protected from the misery of the war,” one user wrote.

“I only care about whether pretty women from Ukraine can be safely imported into China,” another said.


these men are delighted that a new group of women will become available to them,” one of the comments in her trending post read. “Their brains are completely dictated by their d*cks.”

Yes, but the important question is: would these same Chinese men have the same attitude towards Somali female refugees, for example? If not, why not? We all know why not. The worst problem is not that men's brains are dictated by their dicks, but that colonized men's brains are dictated by Eurocentrist dicks.

Read in conjunction with:

When refugees are "white", not only do the "white" tribalist countries positively want to accept them, but the "non-white" Eurocentrist countries positively want to accept them too! In short, it's OK for refugees to be "white".
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 02, 2022, 08:51:53 pm
Finally a reproductive anti-Eurocentrist!

when Ms. Jenkins, who is Black, narrowed the search down to Black donors, only six remained.
When she realized how difficult it is to find a Black sperm donor, Ms. Jenkins said she expanded her search, adding, “I knew there were other colors in the spectrum that would give me a brown child.” She now has two daughters, ages 7 and 2 1/2, using different donors—one with Egyptian ancestry, the other with Indian ancestry.

Hopefully Jenkins' anti-Eurocentrist personality is heritable, and her daughters after they grow up will also exclude "white" (including Jewish) sperm. We should check back to see if this is the case.

Next, when can we get a story about a man who wants to exclude "white" (including Jewish) eggs? Then we need to see if this personality is heritable by his sons.

Once we have both anti-Eurocentrist patrilineal bloodlines and anti-Eurocentrist matrilineal bloodlines, we can breed them together.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 16, 2022, 04:05:32 am
It is getting harder to have sympathy even for Palestinians these days:

At a Palestinian wedding, Vladimir Putin is encouraged to “increase attacks on Ukraine” and “banish Ukrainians to ‘Palestine’ so we can marry their women


To be clear, I too want Putin to increase attacks on Ukraine, but I actually want the Ukrainian women (and men) to be blown up before they can reproduce so that the gene pool of the next generation can be less Turanian.

Meanwhile, continuing from:

Chinese continue their ongoing fail:

The owner of a matchmaking service that sets up Chinese men with European women says interest in Ukrainian women doubled during Russia's invasion
Stepanets told Vice that Chinese men prefer Eastern European women because "they are not as demanding about wealth" as Chinese women are.

Women from any country poorer than China are likely to have lower wealth standards than Chinese women on average. Do these same Chinese men therefore prefer Somalian women over even Ukrainian women by this logic? We all know the answer. Please stop insulting our intelligence.

Beauty standards also play a role: Marrying blonde, white women is seen as a symbol of a Chinese man's success.

This is Eurocentrism.


Ulove, which stands for "Ukrainian Love," was founded in 2018 by Max Mei, per the South China Morning Post. Mei's matchmaking service aims to introduce "high quality" Chinese men to Ukrainian women.

So the Chinese men have to be "high quality" (whatever that is supposed to mean*) but the Ukrainian women do not? This is how bad the Eurocentrism is.

(* Truly high-quality Chinese men (and women) would be anti-Eurocentrist, of course.)

Mei is married to a Ukrainian opera singer, according to Mail Online. He got the idea for the service when he received many comments from Chinese men saying he is a "winner in life," per SCMP.

He is a loser in self-esteem. Those who praise him are even worse. He also looks like what we would expect (note also the bow tie):


Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on March 18, 2022, 03:56:16 am
"It is getting harder to have sympathy even for Palestinians these days:"
These are the type of Palestinians who would probably defend the "good Jews" and "Israeli civilians" against alleged "anti-Semitism" in the anti-Zionist movement.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on April 03, 2022, 01:38:47 pm
Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 03, 2022, 08:31:59 pm
To be fair, Thomas has not reproduced with Lamp. But I agree Thomas is clearly a Eurocentrist based on his other behaviour. Perhaps his intention was to reproduce with Lamp but he merely did not succeed.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 18, 2022, 09:43:47 pm
Our enemies discuss the phenomenon of reproductive Eurocentrism:

Even the most committed racial equalitarian can hardly deny that the physical traits of the idealized Nordic stereotype are deemed desirable by most whites and many nonwhites.[1] The current sociological line, partly derived from Marxism, is that these traits are not favored because of an inborn or universal aesthetic preference, but because they are typical of the dominant population group and ipso facto bestow higher social status upon their possessors.

It is not difficult to find holes in the materialistic theory of aesthetics. The first documented evidence of blondism is an Egyptian wall painting of a daughter of Cheops, Queen Hetep-Heres II.[2] If one of the earliest and greatest Egyptian pharaohs had a blond daughter, both he and his wife must have had some blond genes.[3] Blondness, consequently, must have been attractive or prestigious as far back as 3075 B.C. in a highly civilized land of brunet Mediterraneans and never ruled, as far as anyone knows, by a blond race.
Of the medieval Caliphate of Cordova it has been written, “Most of the Caliphs were fair or ginger-haired with blue eyes,”[9] a coloration perhaps due to intermarriage with the earlier Visigothic nobility.

While I believe that the history of Western colonialism has contributed to present-day Eurocentrism, I have also theorized before that there is a heritable factor that causes non-Giant Gentiles to consider Giants to be superior to other Gentiles:

and hence "non-white" individuals with Gentile blood memory would want to reproduce with "whites" in order to acquire the Giant blood for their offspring. This would adequately account for pre-colonial-era Eurocentrism.

Although the Majority is in the descendant, the most up-and-coming minority males seem driven to marry or seek out the company of Majority females. For proof one has only to look at the couples who throng the most expensive nightclubs, restaurants, and resort hotels. Moreover the Nordic physical ideal has not only been the marriage ideal of the minority “New Rich” in America, but of European social climbers for at least a thousand years.

Social climbers are aggressive types, thus likely to have less Aryan blood. What I am still waiting for is a survey of exclusively non-aggressive types to see if blond-worship is indeed weaker among them than among the aggressive types, as I was wondering all the way back here:

The first question which I would ask is: does the poor brother actually have the same aesthetical tastes as the rich brother? We do not know for sure that he does. Sailer (being a rightist) presumes he does, but might there be a positive correlation between aggressive personality (as described as possessed by the rich brother) and blonde obsession? If there is, and hence if the poor brother (who would tend to have a less aggressive personality) would not prefer a blonde wife even if he could attract one, then we are dealing with a simpler problem.

Back to enemy article:

Orientals of all sizes and shapes are greatly attracted to blondes

Is it really "all sizes and shapes", though? I would be willing to bet that gracile types would be less attracted to blondes than robust types.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: guest78 on June 18, 2022, 11:21:12 pm
Even the most committed racial equalitarian can hardly deny that the physical traits of the idealized Nordic stereotype are deemed desirable by most whites and many nonwhites.

As a National Socialist and a post-mortem Aryan who fits the Nordic stereotype (minus obvious giant DNA, or square jaw line) I do not feel like I can ever find an ideal non-"white" partner of the opposite sex, or even same sex, because I cannot trust that most non-"whites" are self-aware enough to accept me for who I truly am. While most non-self-aware-"whites" revel in this fact subconsciously, myself a self-aware Aryanist and National Socialist am forced to die alone because I cannot trust that most non-"whites" are self-aware enough to understand why they are so attracted to me for no apparent reason... 
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on July 05, 2022, 10:30:00 pm
Priscilla Chan, wife and reproductive mate of Mark Zuckerberg (Jew):
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 01, 2022, 04:10:07 am


Those Chinese Eurocentrists are not in any way "nationalists". Actual nationalists would remember who colonized China ("whites") and who never colonized China ("blacks") but on the contrary are fellow victims of the same Western colonial powers. Actual nationalists would always prefer reproducing with fellow victims rather than with the colonizers. Actual nationalists would not be satisfied with anything less than seeing every last colonizer bloodline in the world being eliminated.

China can only be said to have decolonized when its mainstream comparative valuation of "black" and "white" blood becomes the total inversion of what it currently is.

At least many commenters see the problem:

as a fellow asian this kind of racism towards people with darker skins are sadly all too familiar. here in Indonesia, there are still a large portion of the population who thinks darker skin tones are inferior in terms of appearance, and discrimination towards people who are of eastern indonesian ethnic groups are still way too common and normalized which is crazy.

The sad thing is as an Asian (west) I still feel in Asia everywhere there is still stigma around mixed kids who aren't mixed with Europeans  - not only in China, I know in Kuwait there was a case where a teen committed suicide because she had east Asian features from her Filipino mother and got bullied, while kids who are mixed with white in the same country are called beautiful and ideal.

same applies to japan, korea, taiwan , singapore etc

I remember this Chinese mother wouldn’t allow her daughter to be friends with my little sister and her friends because they were black. Sad thing is, her daughter wanted to be friends with my little sister and her friends because they saw her as a friend but her mother wanted her to be friends with these white students that bullied her and made fun of your culture/facial features/skin colour and “how she smelled”… It blew my mind how delusional and racist this mother was. Mind you, my sister and her friends were straight A students but because of skin tone, her mother made a judgment that those white students that won’t straight A students and had trouble in school were some how better!
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: christianbethel on August 01, 2022, 12:40:10 pm
How do you know if a European LSP (light-skinned person) is 'white' or not? What if they see a 'nonwhite' and genuinely find them attractive or legitimately befriend/fall in love with them? What if they fall in love despite, say, their racist family members telling them not to marry the 'nonwhite'? Does every interracial couple have to be Eurocentric?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 01, 2022, 07:21:11 pm
"How do you know if a European LSP (light-skinned person) is 'white' or not?"

If our enemies are willing to accept them in a "white" ethnostate, they are "white".

If they have "white" parents yet themselves intend to reproduce or have already reproduced, they are "white".

Skin colour is irrelevant:

"What if they see a 'nonwhite' and genuinely find them attractive or legitimately befriend/fall in love with them?"

They may want to learn from NSFAN:

I do not feel like I can ever find an ideal non-"white" partner of the opposite sex, or even same sex, because I cannot trust that most non-"whites" are self-aware enough to accept me for who I truly am. While most non-self-aware-"whites" revel in this fact subconsciously, myself a self-aware Aryanist and National Socialist am forced to die alone because I cannot trust that most non-"whites" are self-aware enough to understand why they are so attracted to me for no apparent reason...

In practice, as long as they do not reproduce, I do not care (and certainly the state should not interfere in people's private lives).

"What if they fall in love despite, say, their racist family members telling them not to marry the 'nonwhite'?"

This often has the effect of further convincing the "non-white" Eurocentrist of how valuable the "white" blood is, and thus redouble their determination to acquire that blood for their offspring.

In practice, as long as they do not reproduce, there is no problem with them marrying (again, the state should not interfere in people's private lives).

"Does every interracial couple have to be Eurocentric?"

No. If neither person is a Eurocentrist, their coupling would logically not be motivated by Eurocentrism. However, if reproduction is involved, it could still have long-term Eurocentric consequences as described in the first post of this topic:

They start dynasties that persist to this day … but their grandsons and great-grandsons are notably whiter than they were, since the men of the family have been exploiting their social ascendancy to marry white women.

Speaking of which, the video above mentions (10:30) Jay Chou. It turns out his Eurocentrism goes beyond MV casting choices:


Instant example! You can't make this **** up.....
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: SirGalahad on August 02, 2022, 12:45:18 am
@90sRetroFan So even if the white-passing person in question were phenotypically Aryan, you’d still be opposed to them reproducing? Or are you referring specifically to white-passing people who are phenotypically non-Aryan despite their rejection of whiteness?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 02, 2022, 03:20:33 am
"So even if the white-passing person in question were phenotypically Aryan, you’d still be opposed to them reproducing?"

The problem here is not with the blood quality of the "white"-passing Aryan, but with the blood quality of the heritable Eurocentrist who would like to reproduce with them on account of their "white"-passingness. Again, refer to NSFAN's analysis. What kind of offspring could easily result if NSFAN were to reproduce with a heritable Eurocentrist? They might inherit the good stuff from NSFAN, but also inherit Eurocentrism from the other parent. The offspring would hence be likely to Eurocentrically jump to the conclusion that the good stuff is what comes from "whiteness"! What kind of reproductive strategy will this offspring be likely to choose? And we are back to the first post of this topic.

The only way to get around this is to eliminate heritable Eurocentrism first. Theoretically, if we freeze NSFAN's sperm, we could leave it unused until the ludicrous 95.4% skew here:

has vanished, and then we could use it.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: SirGalahad on August 02, 2022, 03:09:11 pm
That makes sense. Honestly, the massive preference for "white" sperm doesn't even surprise me in this case. The kinds of people who would go so far as to receive sperm donations when all else fails, just so that they can reproduce, are bound to be significantly more inferior than the rest of the Brazilian population as a whole, which already suffers from a Eurocentrism problem to begin with. These are the more staunch natalists. Many would simply drop the issue or become less passionate about it, if they could not reproduce through conventional means. It goes without saying that sperm banks should not be public, and if it weren't for western civilization "gracing" these barbarians with non-conventional means of reproduction, such people wouldn't be able to reproduce at all
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 02, 2022, 05:24:01 pm
See also:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: Zhang Caizhi on December 13, 2022, 05:19:06 am
How about ex-Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan? His first wife whom he has children together is Jemima Goldsmith who has Jewish descent.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: guest19 on December 13, 2022, 12:32:27 pm
Is heritable Eurocentrism a product of the colonial era or was there heritable Eurocentrism even before the colonial era?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 13, 2022, 02:40:56 pm
Eurocentrism in an individual in a former colony as a direct consequence of the colonial era is unlikely to be heritable and more likely to be cultural, except in the case of individuals with partial "white" blood inherited from a Western colonialist:

Therefore the origin of the heritable component of Eurocentrism is likely to predate the colonial era:

However, when looking at a formerly colonized population as a whole, it is probable that the colonial era exerted selective pressure for this pre-existing heritable component and/or against any anti-Eurocentric heritable component, with the overall effect of demographically reinforcing heritable Eurocentrism (in addition to installing cultural Eurocentrism).
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: guest19 on December 13, 2022, 06:20:38 pm
So does Eurocentrism come from the root race of the cro-magnon or giant peoples? Also are giants the same as gentiles except for being larger and more robust(i.e more sexually dimorphic)?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 13, 2022, 10:12:04 pm
"So does Eurocentrism come from the root race of the cro-magnon or giant peoples?"

Not necessarily. I currently speculate that the heritable component of Eurocentrism comes from Gentile blood memory in general. Even a non-Giant Gentile from a part of the world where there was previously no Giant presence can encounter a Giant for the first time and immediately sense that the Giant would be a more effective hunter, and hence that reproducing with the Giant would tend to produce offspring who are more effective hunters than offspring produced with the local Gentile type.

"Also are giants the same as gentiles except for being larger and more robust(i.e more sexually dimorphic)?"

Giants are one type of Gentile.

Also, robustness and sexual dimorphism are not the same thing. If a population evolves such that one gender becomes on average less robust over time, average robustness has decreased but average sexual dimorphism has increased.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 16, 2022, 04:54:48 pm
Even our enemies are now highlighting this phenomenon:



The difference is that whereas we despise the Eurocentrists, our enemies think the Eurocentrists are smart:

rich chinese are marrying white (mostly russian women) and its very common trend among them. Chinese are very pro eugenic so they obviously try to create new elite like that.

did you notiec how they promote mixing with whites and not negroes and arabs

They won't promote Asians with other non-Whites.

They would never promote an asian with a black or other non-white race. They view mixing with whites as an upgrade for them.

All want to be us.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 19, 2023, 03:58:16 am
Reproductive Eurocentrist:


gets corrected by reproductive decolonizers:

People know that them mixing with white people still means white people will still be present in the genes right?

Imagine thinking you're ending a race by keeping the race in the gene pool lol

This is what I have been saying all along.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 22, 2023, 08:24:32 pm

Many commenters get it:

Priyanka Chopra's parents didn't have a problem with Nick Jonas
He's outside of their race and religion...but since he's not black....ok🙄

They were beyond happy

His white skin was all they needed for acceptance

Everytime I see a Southeast Asian  (India) man he's with a Becky.

They should be fighting the British not us

WS in b.r.o.w.n. skin. They forgot what the WS did to their country.

They didn't forget anything. They actually admired the way the British dominated them.

Indians have felt the pang of white racism but they can and will say rather proudly at least I am not black and on the bottom of the heap.

I've picked this up from them while working with them...they act like this because of Caucasians

I had a colleague who is of Indian descent, she thought she was better than us until we were in Sacramento and a homeless person called her the “N” word for not giving him change. She was sooo distraught I think she got ptsd for finally figuring out she wasn’t an exemption.. go figure

Was the homeless guy white?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on May 22, 2023, 10:36:47 pm
"Priyanka Chopra"
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 22, 2023, 11:13:26 pm
Living the reproductive Eurocentrist dream:

Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on July 06, 2023, 09:52:40 pm
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 06, 2023, 09:59:47 pm
This goes back to what I said here:

I do not care about which way round the genders are in an interethnic ("heterosexual") marriage. What I care about is getting rid of the Eurocentric mentality that "whites" (male and female) automatically have higher value as spouses. The only reason the "loser" "white" male who cannot get a "white" wife can nevertheless (quite easily) get a "non-white" wife is because the Eurocentric "non-white" female is giving him extra points just for being "white". This, and the "winner" "non-white" male tending to prefer a "white" wife (ie. giving extra points to the "white" female just for being "white") when given a choice, are clearly two manifestations of the same sickness.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on July 06, 2023, 10:03:06 pm
The comics are part of the "Redpill comics" series by Eurocentrist Hapa AsianTiger, who advocates "AMWF" relationships.

The comics are still pretty accurate regardless, especially the Elliot Rodger reference with the kid.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 06, 2023, 10:29:18 pm
"advocates "AMWF" relationships."

I addressed this earlier in the same post:

The author claims that "AMWF" marriage is preferable to "WMAF" marriage, which I would argue indicates that what I wrote above also applies to the author himself. His basic argument is that "white" males who marry "non-white" females tend to be "losers" who settle for a "non-white" female due to failure to attract a "white" female (which he suspects (and I agree) would have been their true first choice), whereas "non-white" males who marry "white" females tend to be "winners" who are hence not settling for a second choice but succeeding in attaining their first choice. But if so, then the latter phenomenon is precisely the phenomenon covered in the first post of this topic! What does it say about these "winner" males that, when they can attract females of all ethnicities, tend to choose "white" females? Answer: they are Eurocentrists! This is the real, long-term problem.
Title: Re: Reproductive Decolonization
Post by: rp on July 08, 2023, 11:41:47 pm
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: guest98 on July 09, 2023, 04:12:51 pm
I thought most little kids didn't even notice or pay that much attention to skin colour, I guess his dad must be a self hater.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on July 16, 2023, 07:50:55 am
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 29, 2023, 02:31:08 am
Reproductive Eurocentrism taken to its logical endpoint:

Y'all gotta understand that, for every one ethnic who procures a 'snowbunny' and race mixes successfully bleaching his bloodlines, there are at least 1000 others who have tried the same and given up.:dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels: As we are all aware, ethnics who get white women are usually the chads of their respective race settling for bottom of the barrel white foids. Basically a white man's trash is an ethnic man's treasure. That is simply the unfortunate state of affiars I am afraid:fuk::fuk::fuk:

So here comes the real problem: Simple snowbunny economics suggests that the numbers don't tally. There aren't enough snowbunnies to go around:ha..feels::feelsmega::giga:. White people comprise around 8% of the total world's population. Even if less than 10% of all white women dated ethnics (according to most dating sites this number is lower) - that is nothing compared to the amount of ethnic women who readily spread their legs for JBW ****.:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: You ethnics need to understand that the numbers simply aren't in your favour when it comes to getting a white woman.

Are you ready for the punchline?

Like say for example, if currycels and ricecels who are renowned for their STEMcel expertise:bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain: join forces to genetically engineer stacys in test tubes en masse - we could all have young stacy girlfriends/wives/baby mamas in 20-30 years time.:feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil: This would mean there is an endless surplus of genetically engineered white stacies flooding the market and everyone - whites and ethnics alike can ascend on a long enough timeline (average lifespan of 80 years). :hax::hax::hax:


we need to work together to bolster the number of pure white women being born at any given moment. So now to you, do you agree with the proposition?

Of course not!

what do you suggest we do to solve this problem of there not being enough white woman?

As always, my solution is never about increasing supply, but always about decreasing demand. In fact I have already proposed the correct solution here:


If all the orange fractions are prohibited from reproducing, that would be a solid start.

Back to enemy topic:

I am suggesting the Brazlian Blanqueamiento scientific experiment but done on a MASSIVE scale where the control variable is genetically enginered white stacys for every ethnic on the planet to solve the inceldom problem - Ethnicels you can thank me for being a benevolent white ally:feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:


The white woman obsession isn’t going anywhere. It’s universal and inherent in my opinion

Applying my solution will end it.

I am only advocating a whiter future by suggesting this.

It would be wise for us to join forces with ethnics to create a whiter world.

I figured this out within seconds of starting to read. But the "non-white" incels are rallying behind this:

The only way to increase the amount of white **** in the world would be to export European women to ethnic countries while making sure European countries dont have brown/black people in them

And all of a sudden, "non-whites" supporting WN. ::) In their excitement, they are even doing calculations:

This. Races which can easily bleach - latinos, currys, arabs and other 'brown' phenos require 2-3 generations of white blood to bleach them. The more 'stronger' races like blacks from africa require 5-6 generations of controlled bleaching

Arabs take like 1 generation to bleach, considering many Arabs already look vaguely white or white themselves curries and asians 2-3 depending on the mixture of ethnicities

This is what it means to be reproductively colonized.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 01, 2023, 11:54:32 pm

Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: Mujahid on August 06, 2023, 05:34:00 am
Who should people who are half-“white” reproduce with? Maybe not at all… Even if they’re not as Eurocentric as one of their parents they’re still going to be fetishised by those who have no “white” blood.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 06, 2023, 03:05:40 pm
"Who should people who are half-“white” reproduce with? Maybe not at all"

This is correct. However, if they want to help us, they could try to marry "whites" (and then not reproduce) in order to reduce the probability of their spouses reproducing with others. This strategy can actually be used by anyone on our side irrespective of ethnic background.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 07, 2023, 01:27:12 am
"Black" man gets roasted by "Black" hairdresser for dating "White" woman, Eurocentrist "Black" woman steps in to defend the "White" woman:

Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 07, 2023, 01:35:49 am
What if the "black" man is trying to do what I recommended in the previous post?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 07, 2023, 01:37:07 am
It looks like it was a setup, but the reactions of the "Black" woman are genuine. It shows you how eager those who are psychologically colonized are to defend "Whites".
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 07, 2023, 01:44:00 am
How do you know the defender isn't also trying to do what I recommended?
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 07, 2023, 01:45:36 am
Fair point.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 07, 2023, 07:13:37 am
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 07, 2023, 05:52:14 pm
It's always doubly embarassing when it's "royalty" doing it:

the queen came to visit me
"O God, thou hast created this man white like the sun, thou hast created my husband black, my son also is black, and I am black. Would to God that this man were my husband. Would to God that I might have a son like this man." And saying these words she wept continually and sighed

The king of the said city does not cause his wife's virginity to be taken by the Brahmins as the king of Calicut does, but he causes her to be deflowered by white men

(See also: )

They are literally putting down their entire own people! If they are supposed to be the best of their people, and they consider themselves inferior to any random "white", what does that imply about those whom they rule over? At this point, the only correct response to restore national dignity is to replace this disqualified "royal" house with an explicitly anti-Eurocentrist one.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 19, 2023, 08:30:37 pm

There seems to be this pattern of "non-White" women reproducing with "White" men out of the belief that "non-White" men are "toxic" and "patriarchal"
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 19, 2023, 08:44:21 pm
There is no mention of reproduction in that video.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 19, 2023, 09:22:57 pm
Not in that video, no, but I checked that she has in fact reproduced with that man from seeing her other videos.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 19, 2023, 09:39:08 pm
Many "non-white" women (especially living in non-Western countries, or recent immigrants from such to Western countries) do not understand what patriarchy is. They fail to perceive patriarchy behind many exclusively Western behaviours, such as men opening doors for women:


thus instead mistakenly conclude the opposite: that those whose pre-colonial societies lacked such behaviours are the patriarchists.

See also:
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: SirGalahad on August 20, 2023, 01:20:36 am
The good thing is that the newer generations have significantly reduced the sex-based double standard, to the point where other men or even women holding the door for me isn’t that rare of an occurrence. But what’s funny is that you’ll still have those few cultural stragglers. I’ve heard stories of men simply refusing to walk through the door when another man holds it open for them. I like holding the door for people or offering them my seat if they came into a building and have nowhere to sit. It doesn’t matter if they’re women or not
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 21, 2023, 04:07:34 pm
Protect your bloodline
I of course disagree with the ethnopreservationist argumentation. We should be arguing against the image on the left on the basis that it results in a net increase in "White" blood, which we should be trying to prevent at all costs.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 21, 2023, 05:47:21 pm
"I of course disagree with the ethnopreservationist argumentation."

Anyone who uses this argument should remember that they are logically also supporting "white" ethnopreservationism.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on August 21, 2023, 06:05:13 pm
Yes. I have heard some of these ethnopreservations even say that they "understand" why "Whites" would want to preserve their bloodline, and that it would be okay for them to do so so long as "Blacks" would be able to do the same.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 14, 2023, 12:05:39 am

From the comments:

I have heard this from a couple latinas I dated. They did say that they wanted mixed kids too.

I am Latina and White and always wanted mixed children my self growing up. I have two sons they really look White because I prefer White guys.

When "non-whites" say they want "mixed" offspring, >99% of the time they mean they want partially "white" offspring. The possibility of multiethnic offspring of different "non-white" ethnicities does not occur in their minds at all. When I suggest it to them in response to them saying they want "mixed" offspring, they often do not know how to continue the conversation.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 23, 2023, 08:56:03 pm
It's not just parents who want partially "white" offspring, but also relatives who want partially "white" extended family members (and "white" in-laws):

I have this mid tier Becky aunt who used to had lots of suitors and orbiters back in the day. She didn't settle for any of them. She used to proudly tell that her preferences are white men only, being the white worshipping race traitor she is, she met a cracker from south of Cali and eventually they got married. Everytime they take a vacation here my relatives seem to be subconsciously drawn to my cracker uncle and their hapa kid

Our enemies draw accurate conclusions:

Foids here probably want the status of having a white husband alongside having hapa kids so they still opt for the traditional means of marriage and procreation. But if having hapa kids through artificial insemination is normalized here, then I assure you that all foids here would immediately be getting pumped here and there with white sperm.

there are still people who would claim they they were conquistadorz and sheeit because supposedly being part Spanish is still a status symbol to some extent here.

The only difference between us and our enemies is that they interpret all this as evidence of actual "white" superiority whereas we do not.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 30, 2023, 11:50:58 pm
Our theory continues to hold up (note face shapes):

Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 19, 2023, 11:22:35 pm
Supposedly the most succinct description of Eurocentrism ever written:

White side of family treated my mom like a maid and treated me and my brother like mutants, while the asian side basically worshiped our white skin.

But even being able to describe it so well does not cure the describer from it:

I have social anxitey and always had an inferiority complex for not being full white. In the US everyone tries to box people into monoracial sereotypes and when people find out I am half asian they try to box me into being asian when I don't want to have anything to do with my asian side.

And so it becomes an intergenerational phenomenon:

Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 15, 2023, 07:14:27 pm
You can't make this **** up:


Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: Zhang Caizhi on December 16, 2023, 11:31:41 am
Rodrigo Duterte, the former president of the Philippines has 3 children born from his former spouse, Elizabeth Zimmerman, who is allegedly is of patrilineal Jewish descent.

Elizabeth Abellana Zimmerman was born on April 14, 1948 in the then-Province of Davao.[3] Her parents are from Hilongos, Leyte and Tuburan, Cebu.[4] According to the prevarication of Rodrigo Duterte, she is of patrilineal Jewish descent,[5][6] with her father having fled to the Philippines from Nazi Germany.[7][8] She attended the Ateneo de Davao and subsequently worked as a flight stewardess for Philippine Airlines.[9]
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 28, 2023, 09:18:13 pm
Not parody:

My wife and I were talking about this and she has asked me about how do I feel about a sperm donor.
She then starts going off about how picking a sperm donor is actually really great, because its one of the places you can pick out the exact genetics you want for your kid (this was lighthearted). I was like yeah its cool. She then asks me how would I feel about choosing a White sperm donor.
we haven’t even tried IVF, neither of us are infertile.
And what makes me feel REALLY REALLY uncomfortable is the fact that I think almost all of the guys she dated before me were White.

Woke comments:

I'd be wondering if she was quietly taking birth control to get you guys to this point to get you to agree to a mixed race baby.

Omg I had this same exact thought re. secretly tampering as to not get pregnant on purpose! All so that in the end to force you to agree to get a white sperm donor.

she wanted to have kids with a white guy and you are her second choice.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: rp on January 12, 2024, 12:21:58 pm
Benares City Bureaucrat
"While EurasianTiger spends his time debating his racial ancestry before a white girl the Pi J33t has already sent a bobs request on Instagram"

— Sir Winston Churchill
Gazprom Private Militia Colonel
Want to bleach my bloodline.

Meet a bunch of nice european girls who seem to not mind be not being full white.

They’re actually racial fetishists.

Meh, works for me, anything to bleach the bloodline.

Turns out they’ve got a kink for the East Asian.

I just had to be Thai
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 16, 2024, 10:01:13 pm
