True Left

History => Human Evolution => Topic started by: 90sRetroFan on July 24, 2020, 01:27:08 am

Title: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 24, 2020, 01:27:08 am

Facial width-to-height ratio (WHR) is determined by measuring the distance between the right and left cheeks and the distance from the upper lip to the mid-brow. A high WHR means the width of the face is greater that the height -- in other words, a wide face.

During childhood, boys and girls have similar facial structures, but during puberty, males develop a greater WHR than females. Previous research has suggested that males with a larger WHR act more aggressively than those with a smaller WHR.
volunteer subjects estimated a higher aggression assessment to photographed faces with higher WHR ratios -- the greater the WHR, the higher the aggressive rating, suggesting that we may use this aspect of facial structure to judge potential aggression in others.

Another thing we already know. Furthermore:

We present three studies examining whether male facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is correlated with racial prejudice and whether observers are sensitive to fWHR when assessing prejudice in other people. Our results indicate that males with a greater fWHR are more likely to explicitly endorse racially prejudicial beliefs, though fWHR was unrelated to implicit bias. Participants evaluated targets with a greater fWHR as more likely to be prejudiced and accurately evaluated the degree to which targets reported prejudicial attitudes. Finally, compared with majority-group members, racial-minority participants reported greater motivation to accurately evaluate prejudice. This motivation mediated the relationship between minority- or majority-group membership and the accuracy of evaluations of prejudice, which indicates that motivation augments sensitivity to fWHR. Together, the results of these three studies demonstrate that fWHR is a reliable indicator of explicitly endorsed racial prejudice and that observers can use fWHR to accurately assess another person's explicit prejudice.

I told you so.

Quick example:



The problem:

Guys with bulldog-like faces have been chick magnets throughout human evolutionary history.

A recent study of the skulls of human ancestors and modern humans finds that women, and thereby, evolution, selected for males with relatively short upper faces. The region between the brow and the upper-lip is scrunched proportionately to the overall size of their heads.
Men with "mini mugs" might have been most attractive to the opposite sex and thus most likely to attract mates for reproduction, passing along the striking features to the next generation and so forth, said lead study author Eleanor Weston, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London.

"Our study shows that within three minutes of meeting in real life, women find more dominant, wider-faced men attractive for short-term relationships, and want to go on another date with them," says psychological scientist and lead researcher Katherine Valentine of Singapore Management University.
"High male fWHR has previously been associated with surviving in hand-to-hand combat, aggressiveness, self-perceived power, and CEO's financial success," says Valentine. "Our study shows it's also a reasonably good indicator of perceived dominance – not only that, it piques women's interest in a face-to-face speed-dating setting."
"The fact that women wanted to see these men again suggests that our findings are robust – women aren't just saying they are interested, they're actually willing to be contacted by these men," says Valentine.

Thus, under natural selection, non-Aryans will have greater reproductive success.

This can be solved with state control over reproduction. If only the minority fraction of women in each generation who spontaneously prefer men with low FWHR are allowed to reproduce, bloodlines which sexually select for high FWHR (and hence for aggressiveness) could be phased out, following which bloodlines for high FWHR (and hence for aggressiveness itself) will phase out automatically as they fail to be selected by Aryanized women, thus Aryanizing the men too.



A paper recently published by researchers at the University of Central Florida and Singapore Management University looks at the relationship between testosterone (a hormone associated with competitiveness and risk-taking) and investment performance. Using over twenty years of data on hedge-fund returns and thousands of images collected from Google, the authors find that fund managers with wider faces, a proxy for testosterone levels, tend to trade more frequently, invest in riskier securities and hold onto losing bets longer. As a result, between 1994 and 2015, high-testosterone fund managers (with an average facial width-to-height ratio of 2.10) underperformed low-testosterone ones (with an average ratio of 1.57) by 5.8% per year.

Is there anything investors can do to avoid testosterone-fuelled traders? One approach might be to seek out fund managers with long, thin faces.

Take one guess where the term hedge (verb) comes from in the first place:

The market values of wheat and other crops fluctuate constantly as supply and demand for them vary, with occasional large moves in either direction. Based on current prices and forecast levels at harvest time, the farmer might decide that planting wheat is a good idea one season, but the price of wheat might change over time. Once the farmer plants wheat, he is committed to it for an entire growing season. If the actual price of wheat rises greatly between planting and harvest, the farmer stands to make a lot of unexpected money, but if the actual price drops by harvest time, he is going to lose the invested money.


Huh? Then why are the wealthiest hedge fund managers Jewish?


Official answer:

Jews have undergone millenia of selective pressure for financial skills, which would probably include selection for ability to control their aggression when making financial decisions, thus a high fWHR Jew would probably outperform a similarly high fWHR non-Jew. Nevertheless, we should still expect among Jews the low fWHR ones outperforming the high fWHR ones, albeit perhaps by a smaller margin.

Real answer:

Tribal insider trading, duh!


Turns out their ability to do this isn't so good after all:
Jim Cramer (Jew):
On November 13, 2005, Dan Rather interviewed Cramer on 60 Minutes. Among the topics of discussion were Cramer's past at his hedge fund; including his violent temper.'s_investments
On the March 11, 2008, episode of Cramer's show Mad Money, a viewer named Peter submitted the question "Should I be worried about Bear Stearns in terms of liquidity and get my money out of there?" Cramer responded "No! No! No! Bear Stearns is not in trouble. If anything, they're more likely to be taken over. Don't move your money from Bear." On March 14, 2008, the stock lost more than half of its value on news of a Fed bailout and $2/share takeover by JPMorgan Chase.

"Real answer: Tribal insider trading, duh!"

Admission of market manipulation

In a December 2006 interview, Cramer described activities used by hedge fund managers to manipulate stock prices—some of debatable legality and others illegal. He described how he could push stocks higher or lower with as little as $5 million in capital when he was running his hedge fund.

Amazing how Cramer (Jew) is almost a caricature of what you described in your analysis, everything from his behavior down to his phenotype!:

Yet despite having zero data on Cramer, you were able to paint an accurate picture of his archetype. Proof that rationalism > empiricism.


BUFFALO, N.Y. – Research on the communication trait of verbal aggressiveness, which includes behavior like name calling, ridicule, insults, racial epithets and threats, has tended to focus on its social causes.

However, a new study by a team of researchers led by Allison Z. Shaw, PhD, assistant professor of communication at the University at Buffalo, has found that verbal aggression may have biological causes that can be identified by the ratio of length of a person’s ring finger (second digit) to the length of the index finger (fourth digit).

It is the first study to use the 2D:4D ratio – considered a measure of prenatal testosterone exposure – as a determinant of verbal aggression.
The team found that men and women with smaller 2D:4D ratio reported themselves to be more verbally aggressive.


As requested, here are some papers from the BlackPillScience subreddit:

Women who espouse feminist beliefs are just as likely to have fantasies of forced sex as are other women (Shulman & Horne, 2006)

Hence why we see feminists promoting PUAs

The paper (access is restricted but here is the abstract):
This study estimated a path model of women's forceful sexual fantasies. Constructs examined were childhood sexual abuse, feminist beliefs, sexual guilt, erotophilia, and sexual experience. The study clarifies how these factors mediate one another in relationship to forceful sexual fantasies and is first to examine the effects of feminist beliefs on forceful sexual fantasy. Adult women (N = 261) participated by completing an online survey. A path from sex guilt to forceful sexual fantasy, mediated by erotophilia, was found, wherein low levels of sex guilt and high levels of erotophilia were found to predict forceful sexual fantasy. A direct path between childhood sexual abuse and forceful sexual fantasy was also found. The resulting model is discussed in relation to previously‐proposed theories on the role of force in women's sexual fantasies.

The second phrase in bold says it all: the tormented child grows up to worship her tormenter. This is traditionalism. This is slavery.


"This is slavery."

A related study:

Revictimized women with histories of intimate partner violence (IPV) rated men with larger fWHRs and higher values of actual aggression to be more attractive than did revictimized women without IPV histories. A reduced appraisal of threat signals as threatening and an attraction to wider-faced and more aggressive men might increase the risk for revictimization.

The desire to expel unselfish members from the group.

Parks, Craig D.,Stone, Asako B.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 99(2), Aug 2010, 303-310

"An initial study investigating tolerance of group members who abuse a public good surprisingly showed that unselfish members (those who gave much toward the provision of the good but then used little of the good) were also targets for expulsion from the group...A fourth study suggested that the target is seen by some as establishing an undesirable behavior standard and by others as a rule breaker. Individuals who formed either perception expressed a desire for the unselfish person to be removed from the group."

To put it in simpler terms, being altruistic and friendly is just as likely to cause people to reject you as those who are completely selfish and purely look out for their needs only. The study found no significant difference. This contradicts the mainstream advice that having a "good personality" will cause people, including women, to like you. They will hate you just as much as someone who practically steals from them. This is also reflected in the workplace, as "agreeable" men (peaceful and friendly) are paid significantly less than their disagreeable counterparts.

"Overall, across the first three studies, men who are one standard deviation below the mean on agreeableness earn an average of 18.31% ($9,772) more than men one standard deviation above the mean on agreeableness. Meanwhile, the “disagreeableness premium” for women was only 5.47% ($1,828). Thus, the income premium for disagreeableness is more than three times stronger for men than for women."

So as we could see, the price of being nice when you are a man is a staggering 18% of your income throughout life. It is also far stronger in males than females. So this means that nice men in the first study would have been rejected even more often than the nice women. This suggests that nice men are rejected more often than men who are completely selfish and practically steal off of everyone. Now, let us focus more on the effects of being "mean" or "evil" on attracting a woman. "A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire" is a book by two neuroscientists that combines countless research by Alfred Kinsey and experiments found on the internet that has a data on over half a billion people to see what are the raw sexual desires of humanity. The book quotes quite a few unnerving conclusions of the sexuality of women based on many individual experiments:

“It turns out that killing people is an effective way to elicit the attention of many women: virtually every serial killer, including Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and David Berkowitz, have received love letters from large numbers of female fans” (p. 98).

“[Their] inner cavewoman knows Doormat Man would become Sabertooth Tiger Lunch in short order” (p .97).

Psychology Today had an article that confirmed and analyzed how women desire men who are violent, mean, and show criminal behavior, with much thanks to the book mentioned above.

"women demonstrate a strong erotic preference for dominant men. Or toward what’s now commonly referred to as alpha males—in the authors’ words, men who are 'strong, confident, [and] swaggering [as in 'cocky,' and the pun is intended].' Unfortunately, what these descriptors often imply is behavior sufficiently bearish, self-centered, and insensitive as to often cross the line into a physical, mental, and emotional abuse that can be downright brutal."

"there’s something in their native wiring that makes a great many of them susceptible to 'bad boys.'"

"many women (at least secretly, or subliminally) can’t help but be drawn toward cold-blooded, controlling, 'bad boys' whose dominance symbolizes quite the opposite of what in relationships they’re consciously seeking."

"many women experience as enticing the idea of surrendering to a powerful male figure because of its very riskiness. Curiously, such an acutely felt threat can actually be eroticized by women’s minds into exceptional sexual excitement so compelling that (at least on a fantasy level) it’s almost irresistible."


Perhaps in the incel forums we could find some Aryanists?

Then again as with anti-PUAers, it appears many of those who post these types of studies actually only envy these types of men.


"Perhaps in the incel forums we could find some Aryanists?"

Their main complaint seems to be that too many women are only willing to give a chance to good-looking men. I have no problem with this. My problem is that too many women use the wrong definition of "good-looking" (Eurocentrism being one aspect of this). If women could be corrected to use our definition instead, I would want them to be even more idealistic about whom to date than they currently are. Incels, in contrast, want women to lower their standards, which means abandoning their idealism. Incels are fundamentally anti-idealistic, in this sense.

"it appears many of those who post these types of studies actually only envy these types of men."

Yes. Worse, they think any man who doesn't look hyper-masculine and who claims not to want to is being dishonest. It is impossible to communicate meaningfully with people like that.

And for the record:


"if they (women) are Eurocentrists, they are not idealists, no?"

A woman who thinks, "I will not date anyone who does not look like my dream guy!" is an idealist (with respect to dating).

The same woman who additionally thinks, "My dream guy must be white!" is a Eurocentrist.

So it is theoretically possible for an idealistic woman to be a Eurocentrist.

"When you say "corrected to use our definition instead" what do you mean?"

"My dream guy must be a reincarnated Golden Age Aryan prince!"

"Demographically engineered?"

Unless we discover it can be done with pop culture influence alone!


"I this applicable to those who prefer high sexual dimorphism also?"

Which is why I said:

My problem is that too many women use the wrong definition of "good-looking"

I, unlike incels, want women to refuse to settle for anyone other than their dream guy. I just want their concept of what constitutes their dream guy to be drastically different than the currently popular concept.

"Only insofar as what she considers "white" features are congruent with Aryan features, such that she only perceives "white" men as having those features."

No. Idealism (in dating) simply means refusing to settle for less. This position contains no information about the content of the ideal. You are the one presuming that she prefers Aryan features, which may or may not be the case.


"But does this not mean that idealism,minus the Aryan ideal, when pursued on its own is bad?"


Jews too can be considered a product of racial idealism in this sense, though their selection process is much more complex, being steered by how Judaism has directed Jews to interact, always with Jewish tribal interests in mind, both with other Jews and with non-Jews.

From the above examples, it is evident that the term “racial idealism” on its own nowhere implies that the ideal itself is automatically a good one.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 24, 2020, 01:29:05 am

Beards have been described as a sign of masculinity and “social dominance”, suggesting they play a role in “male contest competition” for a partner.

Some experts have claimed beards may play a similar role to a lion’s mane, which is thought to protect its jaw and throat from attacks.
As with other great apes, most fights occur between men, with the face usually being the target.
“The results of this study indicate that hair is indeed capable of significantly reducing the force of impact from a blunt strike and absorbing energy,” wrote the scientists.

“If the same is true for human facial hair, then having a full beard may help protect vulnerable regions of the facial skeleton from damaging strikes, such as the jaw.”

Beards may equally protect against cuts and other injuries, they added.

The “protective nature” of beards may give men a competitive edge, which could explain why facial hair is linked to “high masculinity, social dominance and behavioural aggressiveness”.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 27, 2020, 03:35:37 pm
In connection with the above article on predicting verbal aggressiveness from faces, I was just reading this news article about rightists deliberately mispronouncing Harris' name:

and it included this picture:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on August 27, 2020, 05:07:30 pm
I have seen some False Leftists who don't like her do this as well. Harris is married to a Jew BTW. This seems to contradict the personality archetype of her phenotype. Perhaps it could have something to do with her slave-owning ancestors on her Jamaican father's side?
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 28, 2020, 12:26:40 am
Harris is married to a Jew but did not reproduce with him. (Though this also be her husband's decision due to her not wanting "non-white" blood in his Jewish bloodline. Or it could simply be her age by the time they married.) Her absence of biological offspring fits her phenotype, at least (especially compared to Palin's spawn). Her sister has one child; compare their faces:


I repeat: I am in no way recommending that we assume Harris is any better than she is just because of her face. But if her face can help her win the election, great!

While we are at it:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on September 04, 2020, 11:51:50 pm
The people who would most find Harris's demeanor and phenotype appealing would be True Leftists, as she is at least (outwardly) conveying the message that she is sincere/honest/etc. Whether or not it is true and to what extent we will know only after we win the election. She has not reproduced (and probably never will) so IMO she is still redeemable. What do you think?
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on September 07, 2020, 09:10:11 pm
Also, one thing I noticed about Maya (Kamala's sister) is that her big jaw is very distinct from individuals who simply have pointy chins. I say this because it is easy to conflate a heavy jawline with a pointy chin, and thus classify the latter as non-Aryan also, when it is in fact possible for an Aryan individual to have a pointy chin.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 07, 2020, 11:42:31 pm
"it is easy to conflate a heavy jawline with a pointy chin"

I'm not sure I understand. Isn't Kamala's chin more pointy than Maya's? I would have thought a small jaw correlates positively with a pointy chin, since the smaller the angle leading into the chin. Palin's jaw is even bigger and her chin is almost being consumed by her jaw!
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on September 07, 2020, 11:54:55 pm
"I would have thought a small jaw correlates positively with a pointy chin, since the smaller the angle leading into the chin."
Yes! This was what I was trying to say. I was merely saying that people often mischaracterize pointy-chinned individuals as "heavy jawed" while giving actually heavy jawed people a pass.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest5 on September 09, 2020, 09:43:53 pm
Palin needs that wide ass jaw to get through the grit and cartilage : (You know I couldn't resist, sorry not sorry...)
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 10, 2020, 12:13:30 am
The photo you posted is of Bachmann, not Palin. Though it is true that Bachmann looks primitive also (and has five offspring, ugh.....):


And of course:,_education,_and_early_career

Bachmann graduated from Anoka High School in 1974 and, after graduation, spent one summer working at kibbutz Be'eri in Israel.[15]

Also, returning to the earlier subject, here is more verbal aggressiveness from Trump mispronouncing Harris' name:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest5 on September 10, 2020, 01:41:58 pm
Funny, I do get both confused often. I find them indistinguishable.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 10, 2020, 11:25:31 pm
Palin wears glasses.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 17, 2020, 12:56:59 am
More verbal aggressiveness:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. David Perdue mocked Kamala Harris, his Senate colleague and the Democratic vice presidential nominee, on Friday by repeatedly mispronouncing her name at a Georgia rally for President Donald Trump.

Perdue was wrapping up his remarks at an event in Macon when he referred to Harris as “KAH'-mah-lah? Kah-MAH'-lah? Kamala-mala-mala? I don’t know. Whatever.” The audience laughed.

And he has the bully face to go with it:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 18, 2020, 11:43:31 pm

The data for sexual behavior more clearly supported our hypothesis that bullying behavior predicts an increase in sexual opportunities even when accounting for age, sex, and self-reports of attractiveness, likeability, and peer victimization. These results are generally congruent with the hypothesis that bullying perpetration is, at least in part, an evolutionary adaptive behavior.

Remember, Yahweh deliberately designed it this way.

A behavioral genetics study calculated that 61% of the variability in bullying perpetration was due to genetic rather than environmental factors
We have predicted that bullying is associated with at least three benefits, reputation, resources, and reproduction, all of which are likely to be associated with passing on one’s genes to future generations
To begin with, bullies are perceived as being more popular than adolescents who do not bully others
Bullies can also gain access to greater economic (e.g., Flanagan, 2007) or physical resources
Finally, as we have suggested, bullies may also benefit from having more mating success (Volk et al., 2012, 2014). Given that the selective regime used by evolution is whether a gene increases or decreases in frequency, reproduction is a key evolutionary variable
this same study found a positive link between social status seeking and sexual (but not dating) behavior (Kelly et al., 2012). As previously mentioned, status and sex are two goals that are also believed to be outcomes associated with bullying behavior (Volk et al., 2014). This suggests that perhaps there may be common goals that link some adolescents’ desire to bully others (i.e., gain status) and their desire to have sex.

State control over reproduction prohibiting reproduction by both bullies and (more importantly) those attracted to bullies could solve the entire problem in a few generations.

From an evolutionary perspective, there are many potential reasons why bullies should enjoy increased reproductive benefits. Bullies generally elevated social and physical attributes may offer a signal of good genes

This is what a eugenicist (which we are not) sounds like. If evolutionarily adaptive = "good", we do not want such "good". We want noble genes.

In addition, the confluence of increased bullying (Volk et al., 2006) and dating (Zimmer-Gembeck, 2002) during adolescence may help explain why antibullying interventions often fail to work



In one of only a few studies to directly measure bullying and dating, Connolly, Pepler, Craig, and Taradash (2000) found that bullying (in both sexes) was associated with an earlier entrance into puberty and dating at a younger age, more activity with members of the opposite sex, greater dating opportunities, and being more likely to be in a dating relationship.

Which fits our racial model of Aryans entering puberty late (as well having higher standards for dating).

Reports of sexual behavior may still be indirect as they do not directly measure number of viable offspring, but they are likely to be more strongly correlated with ultimate reproductive success than dating variables

I would not be surprised if, even controlling for the quantity of sexual activity, bullies (ie. non-Aryans) reproduce more, in other words are more biologically fertile. This would also fit our racial model.

There were several significant univariate relations between bullying and dating, suggesting that bullying is related to an increased interest in dating (Study 1), an increased likelihood of having dated, and a greater number of dating partners.

See also:

It all fits together.

Our data suggest that bullying is associated with a 1.5–2x greater likelihood of having had sexual intercourse (see Table 3). Bullying was also a small but statistically significant predictor of the number of sexual partners in both linear regressions (see Table 4). These findings, in two separate samples, offer converging support for our prediction that bullying would be related to sexual opportunities, independent of age, sex, self-reported attractiveness, victimization, and likeability. They suggest that the act of bullying itself, or some intrinsic character of bullies beyond those mentioned above, predispose and/or facilitate bullies’ access to sexual opportunities.

While this is true, I would add (something that the authors have apparently neglected) that I expect bullies to be less likely than non-bullies to turn down available sexual opportunities. By exclusively discussing access to sexual opportunities, the authors seem to assume that everyone will take every sexual opportunity available! This tells us something about the racial inferiority of the authors themselves.....

Finally, remember that colonialism is just a scaled-up version of bullying. You figure out the rest:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 07, 2021, 02:45:26 am

Rep. Tlaib, who has an office right next to mine in DC, has some strong opinions about Israel that I 💯 disagree with, so I’ve made a pledge to plant Israel’s flag outside my door right next to the American flag. I think it’ll be very helpful as she walks past both every day

Her face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 13, 2021, 10:43:10 pm

Three out of Republican Representative Paul Gosar's nine siblings are calling for him to be expelled from the House of Representatives.

Firstly, the fact that Gosar has nine siblings is already a strong clue about how racially inferior his bloodline is.

Secondly, that six out of the nine do not want him expelled further proves it.

Thirdly, he looks like this:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 22, 2021, 11:24:12 pm

Bullies have more sex appeal and a higher social standing than everyone else, research has found.
Later in life they have more dates and more sex than the rest of their former classmates, the study showed.

The findings challenge the theory held by many that bullies learn their behaviour from their dysfunctional parents.

In fact there is nothing wrong with them and they are just using bullying as a ‘tool’ to get ahead.

Of course there is something wrong with them: they are bullies! Being successful under natural selection does not mean there is nothing wrong with you. Only naturalists think like that. Conversely, being unsuccessful under natural selection does not imply there is something wrong with you: it could imply there is something wrong with natural selection!

Miss Wong said the study showed that punishing a bully does not often work and in fact could enhance bullies’ social status through notoriety.

Punish them with execution! Corpses have no social status.

Mr Volk said that having a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to bullying doesn’t work because bullies were smart and feel that they are being told: ‘Give us this behavior that’s benefiting you for nothing’.

That is not a zero-tolerance approach. A zero-tolerance approach involves execution.

Instead we should offer them incentives which give them something in exchange for modifying how they act.

NO! In that case they still receive benefit, merely in a different form. You are in effect running a protection racket on their behalf. Why are False Leftists such utter idiots?

Mr Volk said: ‘Our preliminary research shows that they do have more dates but in particular the data is really clear for sex behaviour.

‘Bullies as young adolescents or as university students are getting more sexual partners and are less likely to be virgins than victims or people who are not involved in bullying.’

This is another reason why they should be executed ASAP: to prevent them from reproducing and hence perpetuating the bully bloodlines.

The only real problem is, if the bullies knew they would be executed for bullying, they would stop bullying and then we would fail to detect their bloodlines which would then continue multiplying. To get around this, they must not be allowed to know that this system of punishment exists until they have already exposed themselves.

And of course, those sexually attracted to bullies must also be prohibited from reproducing. This is the really important part. Even if we got rid of all the existing bully bloodlines, a new one can emerge at any time via mutation, and if in the meantime we had neglected to eliminate all the bloodlines of those attracted to bullies, the bully bloodline will start spreading all over again.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 27, 2021, 10:31:09 pm
Cawthorn again!

Students from Rep. Madison Cawthorn's college said he used 'fun drives' to corner women with sexual advances, report says
Two resident assistants said they would warn women in their dorm not to go for rides with Cawthorn in his white Dodge Challenger. Cawthorn reportedly referred to these rides as "fun drives."

"I got info from other RAs to warn the female student body not to go on joy rides with him because bad things happened on those joy rides," Giovanna Lastra, one of the former RAs, told BuzzFeed.
In August of 2020, World Magazine reported that one woman, Katrina Krulikas, said Cawthorn had forcibly kissed her in 2014, when Cawthorn was 19 and she was 17.

On a drive, Cawthorn asked Krulikas questions about whether or not she had sex before pressuring her to sit on his lap. He attempted to kiss her but she turned away. Cawthorn then tried again, holding her face, causing her to struggle to jump out of his lap.

(It's OK to be "white" while driving?)

His face again:


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 06, 2021, 03:06:38 am
Even AI gets it:

facial recognition technology predicted political orientation better than the personality tests completed by the Facebook users. “Combined, five personality factors predicted political orientation with 66% accuracy—significantly less than what was achieved by the face-based classifier in the same sample (73%),” Kosinski reports. “In other words, a single facial image reveals more about a person’s political orientation than their responses to a fairly long personality questionnaire, including many items ostensibly related to political orientation”
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 14, 2021, 10:05:14 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 11, 2021, 11:13:49 pm
Jack Ma's extremely inferior digit ratio (and even more inferior face):

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on April 11, 2021, 11:28:19 pm
False Leftists will deride Jack Ma as having a "childlike" face, but you and I both know better.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 09, 2021, 11:44:16 pm

In 2019, Bobby Paul Edwards, who owned the J&J Cafeteria in Conway, South Carolina, pleaded guilty to one count of forced labor for "coercing an African-American man with an intellectual disability to work extensive hours at a restaurant for no pay," and was sentenced to 10 years in prison, the Justice Department said in a press release at the time.
Edwards forced Smith to work over 100 hours a week without pay. He would also beat him with a belt, fists, and pots and pans, the press release said.

The slavemaster's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 14, 2021, 10:37:00 pm

Could having a fat head make you a better footballer? Men with wide faces score more goals - but also commit more fouls
That’s according to new research, which compared the facial-width-to-height ratios (FWHRs) of high-ranking footballers to their on-pitch record.

It discovered that players with faces that are wider than they are tall are more likely to score goals, but also commit fouls.
Both midfielders and forwards with greater FWHRs were more likely to commit fouls.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 19, 2021, 02:06:05 pm
Sometimes we don't even need a picture:

A teacher who sparked fury by showing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils during a lesson about blasphemy is living in a ‘safe house’ with his wife and children because of fears they will be attacked.
When the lesson ended and the students began to file out, the teacher asked: ‘So who is going to tell their parents tonight?’
the teacher – whom we are not naming but who has been described as a ‘burly rugby-loving Yorkshire lad’

Imam Adil Shahzad, who travelled to Batley from Bradford to join the protests, wants the teacher dismissed. ‘A precedent has to be set. Suspending the teacher was in the right direction and we won’t accept anything less than a sacking.’

I won't accept anything less than seeing a picture of his head separated from the rest of his body (and his offspring prohibited from reproducing).
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 19, 2021, 09:59:38 pm
Title: Re: Rightist massacres
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 26, 2021, 02:50:50 am

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina woman was convicted of shooting into her African American and Mexican neighbors’ homes while shouting racial epithets, prompting the sheriff on the case to say the state needs a hate crimes law.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told The State newspaper that such a law would have let the judge enhance the 20-year sentence given to Mandy Fortson after a jury on Friday found her guilty of attempted murder and other charges.

Prosecutors said Fortson went into her backyard in 2017 and shot at two of her neighbors’ homes — an apartment with an African American family and a house with a Mexican family — while children were inside both dwellings.

Authorities said Fortson, who is white, yelled racial epithets about African Americans and Mexicans while firing a nearly foot-long revolver.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on May 26, 2021, 10:56:33 pm
I've always found Giant skulls to give a particularly evil vibe, even more so than other "non-White" Gentile skulls. Perhaps it is because Giant skulls have been popularized through their use as comic book villains..
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 30, 2021, 12:19:51 am

An Iowa woman who ran over Black and Latino teens admitted the attack was racially motivated.
Franklin was driving her SUV in Des Moines, Iowa on Dec. 9, 2019, when she saw two kids walking along the sidewalk. She believed one of the kids was of Middle Eastern or African descent and "drove her vehicle over the curb towards both children, striking one of them," according to court documents.

She drove away, and half an hour later saw a child who she thought was Mexican walking on the sidewalk near Indian Hills Junior High School in Clive, Iowa. She again drove her car over the curb and struck the child.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 08, 2021, 11:50:15 pm
Our enemies supply us with another of their faces:


Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a medical doctor, is the former leader of the small, fundamentalist Christian Democrats. It currently holds 5 seats in Finland’s 200-member parliament. From 2011-2015, she was Finland’s Interior Minister as part of a multi-party coalition government. But now she has been charged with “Hate Speech,” specifically “incitement against a minority group,” due to a pamphlet she wrote on homosexuality in the Finnish Lutheran Church

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 13, 2021, 10:10:27 pm

A man has been charged with a hate crime after verbally abusing and physically assaulting a family of Asian descent while on vacation in Florida.

The incident occurred at approximately 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, June 10, on Okaloosa Island on the Florida panhandle about 40 miles east of Pensacola, when witnesses say that 54-year-old Forney, Texas, tourist Wade Anton reportedly told a woman and her children to “go back where they came from” and then made a racial slur against them, according to the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office.

A tourist telling locals to "go back where they came from" is about as aggressive as it gets. His face:


“The woman's husband says they were all initially separated by about 25 feet during the verbal argument, but Anton ran around the park railings and began punching him repeatedly,” said the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Department in a statement on social media. “He told deputies as Anton was running towards him, he pulled a handgun to protect himself.”

Good to see the victim armed. Unfortunately he didn't put a bullet through that face.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on June 17, 2021, 09:06:45 am
Brother of Nikola Jokic, covered here:
Jokic's brother demonstrates non-Aryan agressiveness:

For the record:
Nuggets' Nikola Jokic's Brother Strahinja Arrested on Suspicion of Assault
Strahinja Jokic, who is the brother of Denver Nuggets big man Nikola Jokic, was arrested on suspicion of assault after allegedly choking and pushing a woman in an apartment on Thursday night.

Elise Schmelzer of the Denver Post reported the news, noting police said Jokic—who had been drinking—shoved a woman he wouldn't let leave the apartment they were in. They also said he grabbed and choked her when she went to call for help from a balcony, threatening to do so "until she fell asleep."

See also:

His face:

He has that evil "Viktor Orban" look.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 25, 2021, 10:41:27 pm

On Thursday, Wilson-Raybould posted a screenshot of a text message she received from Bennett that read "Pension?" in response to a tweet calling on the prime minister to stop "selfish jockeying for an election" and take more action on his promised reconciliation with Indigenous people.
In an open letter the The Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) is calling for the immediate resignation of Bennett as Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations.

"With a single word – 'pension' – you not only decided to perpetuate a damaging racial stereotype, that Indigenous peoples are lazy and only financially motivated- but dismissed the pressing, overarching issue of residential schools, missing and murdered children, and Indigenous rights," the letter reads.

"Your implying that MP Wilson-Raybould’s fight for equality and justice is only motivated by a pension is categorically untrue, misogynistic, and condemnable... UBCIC is especially disturbed that you, the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations who has a mandate of the highest order to protect and advance Indigenous Title, Rights, and welfare, would resort to a low-handed attempt to shame and insult an Indigenous woman and fellow Member of Parliament."

Bennett's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 29, 2021, 10:52:05 pm

In the April 22, 2018 tweet, which is a reply to a close-up selfie posted by the YouTuber and Twitch streamer Scott Fisher, Schlatt wrote, "the face of allah."

The face of Schlatt:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 30, 2021, 10:42:36 pm
Another specimen:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on July 15, 2021, 10:12:20 am
Blue Origin’s final passenger for its first human spaceflight will be 18-year-old Oliver Daemen
The mystery of who will occupy the final seat on Blue Origin’s debut human spaceflight next week is a mystery no longer: The company revealed today that the winning bidder who forked over $28 million for the privilege is actually going to fly on a later mission, and instead the final seat on the debut flight will go to Oliver Daeman, an 18-year-old high school graduate bound for the University of Utrecht. He’ll be the youngest person to travel to space, which means this launch will include both the youngest and the oldest people ever to make the trip.

Daemen's face:

Evey. Single. Time.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 17, 2021, 10:06:58 pm
And it always comes back to obsession with sexual dimorphism:

A Capitol rioter's bail was revoked after he left his probation officer 'frightening' voicemails about the size of his genitalia
Brandon Fellows, from New York, had previously been released on bail while facing a five-count indictment for his alleged role in the January 6 insurrection.

The 27-year-old is accused of breaching the Capitol and entering the office of Sen. Jeffrey Merkley, where he was pictured propping his feet on the senator's desk while smoking a joint.

Fellows' probation officer Kendra Rennie testified on Wednesday that he reportedly sent her long rambling voicemails while he was on bail and even called her mother once as a form of "intimidation," CBS reported.

Some of the messages were sexually explicit in nature, including one specific voicemail that he left in May in which he referenced "the size of his genitalia and the performance of his genitalia," according to CBS.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 21, 2021, 09:48:45 pm

A U.S. Army washout who identified as a so-called involuntary celibate plotted to “slaughter” women in a mass shooting at an unnamed Ohio university, with the goal of killing some 3,000 people after receiving his military training, according to an indictment unsealed in federal court.

Tres Genco, 21, was arrested Wednesday and charged with one count of attempting to commit a hate crime and one count of illegally possessing a machine gun, prosecutors announced. He described himself as an “incel,” which court filings describe as someone who advocates “violence in support of their belief that women unjustly deny them sexual or romantic attention to which they believe they are entitled.”

His face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 22, 2021, 09:55:43 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on August 01, 2021, 09:59:18 pm
So Matt Damon just figured out "months ago", by way of a "treatise" from a child, that he's not supposed to say the word f*ggot.

Months ago.

Months ago.

Damon's face:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 06, 2021, 01:24:09 am
It's OK to be a "white" passenger:

A man who was taped to his seat and arrested after authorities say he groped female flight attendants and punched a male crewmember won a college frat award for being a “perfect role model” and for leading “the fight to dismantle fraternity stereotypes”, The New York Times has reported.
WPVI-TV in Philadelphia reported that 22-year-old Maxwell Berry from Norwalk, Ohio was arrested after the flight. A criminal complaint from the Miami-Dade Police Department said he has been charged with three misdemeanour counts of battery.

Mr Berry had two drinks on the plane and used his empty cup to touch the backside of a female crew member, who said “don’t touch me”, according to the criminal complaint written by the arresting officers.

Sitting in seat 28D, he reportedly spilt his third drink on his shirt and went to the restroom – later coming out shirtless.

After being helped by one of the flight attendants to get a new shirt from his carry-on, he walked around the plane for 15 minutes before groping the chest of another flight attendant who told him not to touch her and to sit down, authorities said. Officers wrote in the criminal complaint that Mr Berry put his arms around the two flight attendants he had previously groped.

A male flight attendant walked to Mr Berry’s seat to oversee his actions and asked him repeatedly to calm down, at which point Mr Berry punched the crew member in the face, officers said.

Mr Berry can be heard screaming “you guys f***ing suck” in a video taken by another passenger. He also claimed that his parents are worth “more than f***ing two million goddamn dollars”.

In an inaudible comment, Mr Berry appeared to also mention his grandfather’s wealth.

In a video obtained by TMZ, Mr Berry can be heard saying: “I’m white. I’m sorry, I can’t change that.”

His face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 17, 2021, 04:00:49 am

MLB star Bauer was named in a litany of accusations that went from consensual to vicious causing the 27-year-old San Diego woman he met online to suffer black eyes and various scratches.

In the first encounter, the woman reportedly drove from San Diego to Los Angeles to meet Bauer.

Once they became intimate, the woman claims Bauer used her hair to choke her until she blacked out, court documents show.

She claims Bauer “sexually assaulted” her by sodomizing her, leaving her bleeding and struggling to walk.

The pair communicated the next morning with Bauer allegedly teasing her about being sore and her informing him that she did not enjoy the time together, according to the report.

During this second time together the woman accused the pitcher of punching her several times in the head and ****.

“After punching me several times, he then flipped me back onto my stomach and began choking me with hair,” she said.

“I lost consciousness again.”

The victim added: "This was the first punch I felt but it is very possible that Trevor had already been punching and scratching the right side of my face while I was unconscious.

"Trevor then punched me hard with a closed fist to the left side of my jaw, the left side of my head, and both cheekbones. I remember this vividly and it was extremely startling and painful.

"I was absolutely frozen and terrified. I could not speak or move. After punching me several times, he then flipped me back onto my stomach and began choking me with hair. I lost consciousness again.

"He opened my legs to expose my **** and began punching me repeatedly in the ****."

The faces:


"I was so embarrassed that I couldn't live up to what his standard of sex was," she added in her testimony. When the two texted about seeing each other in May again, the woman told the court, "I wanted to see him again to try to get some power back and have a better experience to forget about the first one."
"When he would hit my face my eyes would close," she described to the court, "I felt like my soul left my body."

"It was like I was just a rag doll. I couldn't physically get a word out. It was like he wasn't treating me like I was a human being," she alleged to the court. She told the court that after battling consciousness between being choked and then punched in the face, "my lips split open and my gums turned black."

"He was making me feel like it was my fault - like I had asked for it," she added in her testimony.

She did ask for it by going back for seconds.....

The Washington Post reported over the weekend that it obtained court and police documents showing another past sexual partner had requested a restraining order against Bauer in Ohio.

The Ohio woman sought a protective order in June 2020 after she alleged that Bauer, who was then a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, repeatedly threatened her, according to a Washington Post report. The Post obtained photographs of the woman that showed bruises on her face and blood in her eyes. Her attorney told the paper that Bauer caused the injuries by punching and choking her during sex without her consent.

More about Bauer:

Bauer has expressed his personal support of Donald Trump, who he believed "would shake up the system".[2] In February 2017, Bauer accused Apple and Twitter of purporting a liberal media bias, after which he proceeded to express a variety of political beliefs, including climate change denial, skepticism that former president Barack Obama was born in the United States, and a defense of the Indians' mascot Chief Wahoo, who has been criticized as a racial caricature.[101] In 2018, Bauer accused the Indians of restricting his Twitter access in order to censor his political commentary.[102]
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 19, 2021, 10:29:10 pm

A white Michigan man has been sentenced to four to 10 years in prison after being convicted of harassing a Black family because he didn’t like the Black Lives Matter sign they had in their window.

The incident occurred in Warren, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Michael Frederick Jr. admitted to harassing Eddie and Candace Hall in September 2020. He pleaded no contest to ethnic intimidation, discharging a firearm at a building, using a firearm during a felony and malicious destruction of property.

Frederick's face:


More details here:
Title: Re: Police rightist bias
Post by: guest55 on August 31, 2021, 09:23:02 pm
Cobb Sheriff's Deputy arrested

That's the look of someone who honestly believes he's above the law.
Why are people who are charged with harmful acts against children allowed to bond out?
Wow. That mugshot is terrifying.

Face-shape as we would expect.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 01, 2021, 09:59:29 pm

See also:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 02, 2021, 11:18:27 pm

Oklahoma Man Facing Hate Crime Charges For Yelling Racial Slurs And Threatening To Kill A Black Teen Girl

A Guthrie, Oklahoma man was arrested on Aug. 23, after an alleged hate crime against a local Black teen happened the night before.

Payton Heird, the 22-year-old assailant, was “out of jail on bond from a 2017 case where he was charged with two counts of first-degree **** and two counts of sexual abuse of a minor,” according to News9.

The alleged incident between Heird and the Black teen happened at a popular hangout spot for young people in Guthrie called Baker’s Bridge. 18-year-old Zuria Hurst was there with a group of friends when she claims Heird targeted her in an unprovoked manner.

“It was cool for about 30 minutes, and all of [a] sudden, he starts flipping out saying, ‘You need to leave.’ I need to go, especially,” Hurst told News9.

When she began recording Heird’s attack on her cell phone, things reportedly escalated further.

“He starts yelling the N-word. He spits in my face and then he starts throwing rocks,” the teen recalled. “It all happened within 15 minutes. As soon as he threw the rocks, I called police.”

Heird's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 04, 2021, 12:12:05 am

An unlicensed daycare worker in South Dakota has been charged with murder for the death of a 17-month-old baby she allegedly assaulted after he refused to go down for a nap, authorities said.

Amanda Walder, 31, was taken into custody Thursday after she was indicted by a grand jury in Codington County on felony charges that included one count of second-degree murder, two counts of first-degree manslaughter, and one count of aggravated battery of an infant, according to a copy of the indictment. Liam allegedly died from a brain bleed and swelling after “blows” or “shaking” caused him to hit his head on a hard object, the indiFactment says.

Walder's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 09, 2021, 11:43:31 pm

Boyington's face shown at 2:45.

Also, it's OK for "whites" to be late:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 26, 2021, 11:31:34 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 02, 2021, 09:54:21 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 03, 2021, 09:24:00 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on October 04, 2021, 01:41:38 pm
Ellen Pompeo Is Facing Backlash For This Story of Fighting With Denzel Washington on 'Grey's Anatomy'

The episode goes back to 2016 and Pompeo decided to revisit that moment on her Tell Me with Ellen Pompeo podcast (although maybe now she wishes she didn’t tell the story). When another actor on the set wasn’t living up to his potential in a scene, the actress took charge of the situation and started to offer guidance to them. Washington didn’t love her undermining his authority as a director and that’s when things got a little heated on the set. “Denzel went ham on my ass,” Pompeo said. “He was like, ‘I’m the director! Don’t you tell him what to do!’ I was like, ‘Listen, motherf**ker, this is my show! This is my set! Who are you telling? You barely even know where the bathroom is!’ “

Pompeo' subhuman face (pictured next to actual human Denzel Washington):

Also, in case there is still any doubt as to who Pompeo really is:

Unfortunately, it is too late, as she has reproduced (with a "non-White" Eurocentrist, at that):

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 15, 2021, 09:49:07 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 16, 2021, 10:15:13 pm

Eric M. Smith, who was 13 when he killed a 4-year-old boy with a rock in western New York, has been granted parole

Smith's face at 13:


Smith's face now:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 19, 2021, 10:21:40 pm
Gene pool improved:

N.Y. Teen Dies After Falling Into River While Fishing with Dad: 'He Did Not Deserve This,' Mom Says

Of course he deserved it. He also deserves to be hung for eternity from a hook through the roof his mouth and his lungs set on fire.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 22, 2021, 09:43:57 pm

A teenage neo-Nazi who plotted to shoot an Asian friend because he slept with “white chicks” has been locked up for more than 11 years.

Matthew Cronjager, 18, tried to get hold of a 3D printed gun or a sawn-off shotgun to kill his target, who he likened to a “cockroach”.
The defendant told the undercover officer: “I’ve found someone I want to execute.

“I know it’s an overall target and he’s a sand n***** that f***** a white girl.

“In fact I think three of them.

“I figure we could just ‘find’ a double barrel shotgun and saw it down for things like this.”

Cronjager then added: “They’re like cockroaches”, the court heard.

When asked if his former friend had **** the girls, he allegedly replied: “Nope, but it’s a violation of nature.

Cronjager's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 24, 2021, 10:10:19 pm
Submitted by our enemies:

At this writing in mid-October, 2021, Jon Gruden, the coach of the National Football League’s Los Vegas Raiders, has been forced to resign from his coaching position and undoubtedly has been cancelled for life after it was found he used offensive language in personal emails to former Washington Football Team president Bruce Allen back in 2011.  While the word is that there were other objectionable emails, the examples cited in media reports have been from the Allen emails: Gruden referred disparagingly to the capability (“dumberiss”) and lips (“size of michellin tires”) of the Black president of the players union; called the league commissioner a “****” and “clueless anti-football ****”; criticized efforts to encourage teams to draft “queers”; and panned the hiring of woman game officials.
Look at the picture of Gruden at the top of this article. Is he White enough for you?  If you don’t follow sports, take my word for it, nobody epitomized (he’s past tense now) the rough-tough, no bullshit, anti-white wine, alpha male more than Jon Gruden.

The picture:


No disagreements here. I would happy for Gruden to be used as the face of "whiteness".

If you were a resentful Black, feminist, gay, or loyal NPR listener, wouldn’t you like to punch Gruden right in the nose?

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 29, 2021, 09:34:49 pm

On October 3, Parks and Recreation actor Micah Beals was arrested for allegedly vandalizing a George Floyd statue in Union Square Park. According to NYPD reports, a video showed the perpetrator on a skateboard throwing paint at the statue at around 10:00 am. Later, police identified Micah Beals.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest55 on October 29, 2021, 11:52:06 pm
I take it he doesn't listen to Wu-Tang Clan anymore then?
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 01, 2021, 10:05:03 pm

Kansas Rep. Aaron Coleman, who was arrested Saturday night on a charge of domestic battery, has a history of allegations of abusive and inappropriate behavior, particularly against women.
In January, Democrats in the Kansas Legislature sought to have Coleman censured or removed from office because of an alleged pattern of abusive behavior predating his election in 2020. Neither happened.
Coleman has been accused multiple times of inappropriate and abusive behavior, including by a former girlfriend who said he slapped and choked her when they dated in November and December of 2019.
Another peer said that when she was in sixth grade, Coleman bullied her to the point that she attempted suicide.

Separately, Coleman faced allegations that when he was 12, he obtained a **** image of a teenage girl and threatened to distribute it to others if she did not send him additional **** photographs.
According to a letter from Kansas Department of Labor Secretary Amber Shultz, a police officer confronted Coleman outside KDOL on Sept. 30 as he was repeatedly hitting a handicap access button for an employee-only door that required badge access.

Coleman, the letter said, attempted to go around the officer and insisted he be let into the building in a “loud demanding tone,” asserting he had access as a member of the Legislature.



By the way:

He is Jewish.[37]
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 05, 2021, 09:08:13 pm

Sarver issued a pre-emptive denial of the allegations last month

To deny allegations whose details you haven't heard yet implies you know in advance precisely what they are referring to, which could only be the case if it actually happened.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 07, 2021, 08:32:59 pm


Title: Re: Coronavirus
Post by: Zea_mays on November 08, 2021, 02:59:25 pm

Photo from a recent Covid protest in New York City...which will spread Covid and prolong the pandemic...

Look at how subhuman all the faces are. It's like a National Socialist untermensch propaganda poster, especially the bald guy in the bottom right.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest55 on November 11, 2021, 11:55:16 am
Look at how subhuman all the faces are. It's like a National Socialist untermensch propaganda poster, especially the bald guy in the bottom right.

Speaking of which, someone else has caught on and has been making comparisons to the NS propaganda poster you speak of:

In other words, Western revisionism in regards to WWII has fed the egos of subhumans to such a degree they now believe they are "super-humans" belonging to a "master-race". Sentiments which are repulsive to any true National Socialist. Then these same subhumans attempted a coup in a country, America, which was formerly colonized by Westerners, the British, on January 6th 2021! Well done Westerners, as usual just absolutely brilliant! True America owes you Westerners ALOT for all your **** lies, especially the ones that lured America into WWI and WWII!!!


War on the 'Red Empire': How America planned for an attack on BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 12, 2021, 11:21:16 pm

CNN reports Willard Noble Chaiden Miller and Jeremy Everett Goodale, both 16, have been charged as adults with first-degree homicide and first-degree conspiracy to commit homicide.

Nohema Graber’s body was found concealed under a tarp, wheelbarrow and railroad ties at Chautauqua Park in Fairfield, Iowa, on Tuesday. She appeared to have suffered “inflicted trauma to the head.” Graber had been reported missing earlier in the day.

Graber, 66, had been a Spanish teacher at Fairfield High School since 2012, according to the school’s website. Miller and Goodale were students there.

“This murder is beyond comprehension on why this would occur,” Joe Henry, the state political director for the Latino civil rights organization LULAC of Iowa, told the Des Moines Register. “We can only assume that the hateful rhetoric that has been promoted over the past five years continues.”


ARDMORE, Okla. (AP) — Two former Oklahoma police officers face up to 10 years in prison after being convicted of murder for using their stun guns more than 50 times on an unarmed man who later died.

A Carter County jury last week convicted former Wilson police officers Brandon Dingman, 35, and Joshua Taylor, 27, of second-degree murder and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. They each face up to 10 years in prison when they’re formally sentenced next month.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 14, 2021, 09:01:33 pm
Here is a story which bolsters my theory that "non-white" aggressiveness manifests as Eurocentrism:

A Chinese businesswoman who was held in immigration custody for two years after serving her eight-month prison sentence for trespassing at former President Donald Trump’s exclusive Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, was deported over the weekend and arrived in China on Sunday, according to federal authorities.
Zhang’s legal odyssey began at the end of March 2019, when flew from China to Palm Beach to attend a gala benefit at Mar-a-Lago, where she was arrested in a gray evening dress on a trespassing charge.
Zhang’s quest to visit Mar-a-Lago — in the hope of meeting then-President Trump — took her on an unusual journey from Shanghai to Palm Beach to a federal jail to immigration detention.

According to a Miami Herald profile of Zhang before her trial in September 2019, people who knew her tended to agree that she was a stubborn striver who sought to attain a status far above her modest background. She also seemed to have fixated on Trump, who had been advertised to China’s growing business class as a plainspoken, self-made billionaire.
Zhang, who grew up in a modest home in Shanghai and obtained a college degree in business, seemed to have so bought into China’s Trump mythology that she spent tens of thousands on travel packages to Trump-branded businesses. During her visit to Mar-a-Lago on March 30, 2019, Zhang managed to get by two Secret Service checkpoints in the middle of the day before she was stopped by a club receptionist who suspected she didn’t belong on the restricted property.

At her trial the following September, Zhang was accused of bluffing her way into Trump’s private club by saying she was going to the pool and then insisting that she was visiting to attend a gala event at Mar-a-Lago
“I already said I come to meet the president and his family and make friends,” Zhang said in halting English. “You wanted to come to make friends with the president and his family?” a puzzled Altman asked her.



Pictures of Mar-a-Lago here:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 26, 2021, 08:37:59 pm

The mother of Ahmaud Arbery was shocked at defense attorney Laura Hogue during closing arguments on Monday when she told the jury that Ahmaud had “no socks to cover his long, dirty toenails” at the time of his death.

Hogue has no mask to cover her short, subhuman face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on November 26, 2021, 08:52:11 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 03, 2021, 09:50:53 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on December 11, 2021, 08:14:54 pm
Testosterone Levels in Men linked to unethical behavior in response to instrasexual competition (article literally just popped on my Google feed):

And still I hear some non-Westerners say masculinity will help fight colonialism...
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 17, 2021, 08:34:51 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 18, 2021, 08:29:11 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 15, 2022, 02:54:00 am
Another one from our enemies:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 15, 2022, 08:39:33 pm

Sentiments which are repulsive to any true National Socialist.

Another example (and more untermensch faces, of course):
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 24, 2022, 07:58:01 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 25, 2022, 09:07:05 pm

DOVER, Del. (AP) — A Delaware lawmaker who came under fire last year for using a racist and sexist slur to refer to sex workers was arrested on shoplifting charges Tuesday, just days after announcing that he was resigning for health reasons.

Newark police said a warrant was issued Tuesday for Rep. Gerald Brady’s arrest on two counts of shoplifting, and that Brady, 65, turned himself in a few hours later. He was released on his own recognizance.
Brady, who is executive director of the Delaware AFL-CIO, faced calls for his resignation last summer after he inadvertently sent an email to an advocate for decriminalizing **** in which Brady used a slur.

Thinking he was forwarding an email from the advocate to another person from whom he was seeking input, Brady instead mistakenly hit “reply” and sent his comments to the advocate.
“Is the dude basically saying, if we provide free (oral sex) for Uncle Pervie there will be few **** and few (a slur for Chinese women) will be shipped in CONEX containers to the Port of Wilmington??” Brady wrote from his official government email address.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 27, 2022, 09:08:54 pm
I can't remember if we had posted the Whitmer kidnappers somewhere else, but I'll post them here anyway:


Related story:

According to an explosive new court filing, a rogue undercover informant was a double agent, secretly trying to help the Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot suspects snatch the governor, tipped one man off that the feds were onto the group, and tried to thwart their arrests and continue the scheme.

This same informant offered to use a drone to carry out domestic terrorism acts, records show, and use charity funds to pay for attacks.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 01, 2022, 08:18:25 pm

Democratic state Rep. Nicole Klein-Knight reportedly used the N-word multiple times to “make a point.”

A state lawmaker in New Hampshire was removed from her committee assignments after an incident in which she repeatedly used a racial slur and called security on a young Black male organizer who had given testimony.

Rep. Nicole Klein-Knight, a Democrat, was stripped of her assignment on the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee after a dozen minority activists wrote in a letter that her “habitual aggression and disregard is tearing apart the progressive community in New Hampshire and endangering BIPOC organizers’ lives and cannot be ignored any longer.”

During the encounter, which took place last month, Klein-Knight reportedly used the N-word multiple times to “make a point.” She did not direct the word at the young man, but the organizers noted she continued to use it despite being asked to stop, and her use of the word was to intimidate.

In the letter, they write, “when any individual who holds political power uses racist or bigoted language, we believe there is no room to ignore or give a pass. We will not remain silent when potential harm is being done to our community. While we believe in promoting growth and supporting each other in learning to do and be better, we also believe in accountability. When powerful people commit repeated offenses to marginalized Granite Staters, a line must be drawn to protect people and prevent instigating further harm or trauma.”

According to a New Hampshire NPR report, Klein-Knight also called security on the young man, which the organizers believe could have endangered his life.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 04, 2022, 12:55:12 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 04, 2022, 08:40:11 pm

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 08, 2022, 07:54:26 pm

Story covered here:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 09, 2022, 08:17:09 pm
Shelley Luther again:

A Republican Texas House candidate and former teacher complained that she couldn't let her students laugh at transgender classmates
Shelley Luther, a salon owner and former school Spanish teacher who is running to represent Texas House District 62 in northeast Texas, was recorded by the Houston Chronicle while speaking at a candidate forum on Saturday.

Previous coverage:



With her similarly subhuman family:


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 10, 2022, 07:44:52 pm

Rogers' face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 11, 2022, 08:01:27 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 12, 2022, 07:55:34 pm

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 15, 2022, 08:28:48 pm
It's OK to be a "white" pageant competitor:

A viral TikTok video shows a resurfaced video of newly crowned Miss Washington Teen USA Kate Dixon saying the N-word, sparking controversy around her title.
According to FOX 13, the organizer of Miss Teen USA in four states, Pageants Northwest, was already aware of the video, taking it into consideration of Dixon’s application in October 2020. However, after a conversation with Dixon and her family, they allowed her to continue to compete for the Washington state title.
However, many users were outraged and said Dixon’s title should be revoked.

“Take her crown back,” one TikToker urged.

“Y’all it’s about her having to hold up a very big reputation and title and her doing the complete opposite,” another said.

“To show racism is still at the heart of this country,” a third noted.

“That title needs to be ripped away from her. You have a standard you have to uphold and that's very clear in your application,” a fourth user urged.

Dixon's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 16, 2022, 07:56:39 pm
George Zimmerman, of course:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest55 on February 16, 2022, 10:06:39 pm
So bizarre that Zimmerman's face is that WIDE and his eyes are that close together. You don't see that often, at least I haven't....
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: Zea_mays on February 17, 2022, 05:49:20 am
Testosterone junkie, incel, and HBD circles call such eyes "hunter eyes"--as opposed to wide-set "prey eyes".
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 17, 2022, 08:10:14 pm
Freedom Convoy group shot:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 19, 2022, 12:04:21 am

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Nebraska state Sen. Mike Groene denied accusations Friday that he took inappropriate photos of a female legislative aide without her knowledge, but he said he was going to resign next week to avoid putting his family through a public ordeal.
According to the article, the staffer said Groene sent the photos of her to others with email captions of a sexual nature. Some of the photos were reportedly zoomed-in close-ups of parts of her body, with explicit subject lines.



More about Groene:

Senator Groene is known for unguarded remarks toward constituents and his colleagues in the Legislature, including insults and vulgar hand gestures.[6][53] He has described this behavior as a "push against the wall tactic" he considers successful when an opponent has "lost it".[54]
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 19, 2022, 07:54:31 pm

Rep. Jim Hagedorn, Trump Supporter Who Once Called Female Senators 'Bimbos,' Dies At 59
In the wake of the Capitol Hill attack last year, he joined scores of his fellow Republicans in voting against the impeachment of President Donald Trump, weeks after he’d voted against the formal certification of Joe Biden’s election win. Hagedorn’s voting record in Congress reliably reflected Trump’s positions.
Between 2002 and 2008, Hagedorn ran a now-deleted blog, “Mr. Conservative,” where he posted sexist and racist commentary as well as homophobic innuendo and anti-Native American sentiment. Hagedorn told The Associated Press in 2014 that the blog was meant to be humorous and satirical.

In one 2005 post, Hagedorn wrote that President George W. Bush had selected a female Supreme Court nominee to “fill the bra of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.” Another post described Washington state’s two senators, Patty Murray (D) and Maria Cantwell (D), as “undeserving bimbos in tennis shoes.”

In 2008, Hagedorn thanked Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ― whom he called “the feisty Caribou Barbie” ― as his running mate. “On behalf of all red-blooded American men,” Hagedorn wrote, “THANK YOU SENATOR McCAIN, SARAH’S HOT!”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 23, 2022, 08:46:08 pm

GOP House Candidate Seen Berating Cop, Calling Her 'Immigrant' During Traffic Stop
Martin Hyde, who is running in Florida’s 16th Congressional District, was pulled over by Sarasota Police Officer Julie Beskin on Feb. 14.
He also admitted to being aggressive when challenged, arguing that it could be a good trait for a politician.
Hyde is challenging Rep. Vern Buchanan in the GOP primary. He’s been endorsed by political operative Roger Stone and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, both of whom received pardons from former President Donald Trump in criminal cases.

According to his campaign website, Hyde was a former professional soccer player in the UK and a business owner in Sarasota. His key issues are listed as putting “America First,” protecting the Second Amendment, enacting term limits for elected leaders and fighting “cancel culture.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 24, 2022, 07:52:36 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 26, 2022, 08:20:56 pm

An Illinois teenager has been arrested for allegedly trying to kill his gay 60-year-old neighbor in an alleged homophobic hate crime.

Ethan Dickerson, 19, was arrested last week in the neighbor’s house.
“You know why I have to do this,” the teen responded, according to the victim. “You’re gay. You’re evil… I’m going to kill you.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 27, 2022, 07:54:12 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 02, 2022, 11:09:52 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 08, 2022, 10:57:45 pm

The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) is calling for disciplinary action after a Russian athlete wore a "Z" symbol next to a Ukrainian athlete after a competition.

The incident took place at the Apparatus World Cup in Doha, Qatar, on Saturday, when Ivan Kuliak was seen with a "Z" — a symbol seemingly being used to show support for Russian's ongoing invasion of Ukraine — displayed on his chest as he took the podium following a bronze win on the parallel bars, CNN reported.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 09, 2022, 03:29:45 am
More faces here:

Not covered in the video:


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 11, 2022, 12:11:19 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 11, 2022, 11:32:29 pm
Miscellaneous faces:





Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on March 11, 2022, 11:38:23 pm
Anybody gonna start talking about "White on White" crime now?
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 31, 2022, 08:47:21 pm

TROY, Ohio — A Rhode Island congressional candidate has been arrested on a menacing charge after a driver reported being followed for miles in Ohio.

Lt. Todd Tennant of the Miami County sheriff's office said deputies stopped the car of Michael Neary, 28, of Columbus at about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday after a sport utility vehicle driver reported having been followed from Columbus to Troy, more than 60 miles away.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on April 03, 2022, 08:56:31 am
Ohio University student accused of urinating on dorm room door pleads not guilty
According to Ohio University police, on March 21 Linkel urinated on the door of Christopher Brown, a resident adviser in James Hall. Brown tweeted a photo of his floor near the doorway covered in urine-soaked paper towels.

Brown said in his tweet that he is the only Black resident adviser on that floor of the residence hall.

OUPD said in an update of its investigation into recent incidents directed at Black students that a motive could not be established in this case and there was no indication that Brown was specifically targeted.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on April 05, 2022, 06:20:20 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 06, 2022, 04:33:25 am

Samuel Fisher, an Upper East Side man who has been posing online as a pickup artist named “Brad Holiday,” was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison on Monday after pleading guilty to a gun possession charge in Manhattan Supreme Court. The charge resulted from a search warrant related to his apparent participation in the riot at the U.S. Capitol last Jan. 6.
“Brad Holiday,” as Fisher is known online, is a dating and life coach who charges $150 (or $250 for a lifetime subscription) for an extensive package of pointers he dubs the “Attraction Accelerator.” The videos and documents in the download feature advice on everything from skincare and workout routines, to hand-to-hand combat techniques, to recommendations for height-boosting shoes. He writes at one point that a particular pair of underwear he recommends are “pretty interesting” because they “separate your **** from your balls.”

The section on picking up women is wildly misogynistic, and it includes detailed walkthroughs of things like “cold-approach pickups” and “physical escalation.” He even includes tutorials on drills people can do at home to train themselves to maintain eye contact and speak with a more attractive voice. There are flow charts. There are pie charts. There are screenshots of text exchanges. “Another powerful way to deal with non-compliance is preemptive flaking,” he writes on one slide, referring to . “This means that you flake on her before she flakes on you.”

“Non-compliance” is a popular, extremely creepy term in the pickup artist community to describe when a woman doesn’t succumb a pickup artist’s mind games. It appears several times throughout “Attraction Accelerator,” which also includes a document titled “Steamroll Her Objections.”
“This is about how to grow your dick length,” he writes on the next one.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 09, 2022, 05:17:05 am

A South Carolina man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting a toddler and live streaming it, according to WJCL.


A 26-year-old Wichita man accused of plying his Tinder date with strawberry vodka during a January 2020 car ride to his west-side home, where the woman said he then threatened her life, choked and **** her, has been sentenced to 44 months in prison.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 12, 2022, 10:49:08 pm

Broward family accused of kidnapping, beating gay man so badly he was left blinded
Charged so far are Inna Makarenko, 44, Yevhen Makarenko, 43, and Oleh Makarenko, 21, all of Pompano Beach.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 15, 2022, 03:37:07 am

Chilean man who killed his Japanese ex-girlfriend appeals 28-year prison sentence

Besides the obvious aggressiveness of the "white" murderer, recall that aggressiveness in "non-whites" often manifests as Eurocentrism, as previously mentioned here:



So our model continues to hold up.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 15, 2022, 08:36:57 pm
Continuing from:

video and pictures now available:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 16, 2022, 09:26:20 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest55 on April 19, 2022, 08:43:17 pm
Bill O'Reilly Showcases His Entitlement In The Middle Of An Airport
Bill O'Reilly put his entitlement on full display at JFK airport. Adrienne Lawrence discusses on Rebel HQ.

You're threatening me with violence now....
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 21, 2022, 08:03:05 pm

About Miller:

Miller's father is Jewish, whereas their mother is a Christian of Dutch and German descent.[11] Miller self-identifies as Jewish
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 23, 2022, 12:29:10 am
The Ukraine war keeps improving the gene pool:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 23, 2022, 09:29:05 pm
It's OK for sexual predator cops to be "white":
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 28, 2022, 08:13:01 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 29, 2022, 08:02:27 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 04, 2022, 02:42:23 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 07, 2022, 08:09:11 pm****-murder-Lily-Peters-son-convicted-****.html

Adam Berger, 37, spent three years in jail after being caught with a stash of pornographic images of prepubescent girls on his phone.



Berger's son Carson Peters-Berger, 14, is now facing a possible life sentence after being charged with three counts over Lily's death: first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree sexual assault and first-degree sexual assault of a child.



This could have been prevented with state control over reproduction.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 17, 2022, 04:01:01 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 20, 2022, 07:53:06 pm

This is 30-year – old senior lieutenant Vasyl Lytvynenko, a company commander of the 64th separate Motorised Rifle Brigade of the ground forces of the Russian armed forces as part of the 35th Combined Arms Army.


    Rinat Akhmetov owns the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol that was obliterated by Russian shelling.
    The Ukrainian oligarch is now considering selling a 475-foot superyacht he ordered, his advisor told The NYT.
    Akhmetov is Ukraine's richest person, with a fortune estimated at $7.3 billion.

Title: Re: Police rightist bias
Post by: guest55 on May 24, 2022, 11:33:51 am
In another strange twist, seems to be an increase in barbarians exposing themselves to others and masturbating in public...

San Jose Cop Arrested for Indecent Exposure Faces New Allegations
A San Jose cop arrested and put on leave after investigators say he was caught masturbating in front of a family during a police call to their home faces new allegations. Robert Handa reports.



Calls for investigation into San Jose Police Department

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 25, 2022, 02:15:56 am
Purdue again:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 27, 2022, 06:27:53 am

Man threatens to 'hunt' LGBTQ supporters in Phoenix in video
Ethan Schmidt, who is known for his anti-mask activism, said this June he would be making "massive scenes" at Target and "expose" LGBTQ supporters at the stores across Phoenix.
Schmidt also said he likes to "hunt" LGBTQ supporters in his free time and said he would go on "hunting expeditions" soon across Arizona and Phoenix.

"Keep an eye out for that because if you support the LGBT agenda, you are not safe," Schmidt said in the video and laughed.
Last year Schmidt targeted a Mesa business that sells wigs for requiring customers to wear masks.
In a video Schmidt had posted on his Instagram, he was seen refusing the store manager's request to put on a mask despite being told the requirement was to protect customers undergoing chemo treatment from COVID-19.
Schmidt also said he is the founder of the Anti-maskers Club.



He said he is a Christian.

No, he is not.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 29, 2022, 07:59:25 pm

A classmate of the Texas school shooter said he saw him senselessly beating up a dog: report
"He would go to the park and try to pick on people and he loved hurting animals." Jamie Arellano, who attended Uvalde High School with the gunman, said of the gunman.

Arellano said the gunman would start fights with people.

"I remember there was one time we saw him beating a little dog senseless," he told the Daily Beast.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 30, 2022, 11:35:59 pm
It's OK to be "white" at Target:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 05, 2022, 10:31:22 pm
It's OK for gun owners to be "white"?
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 08, 2022, 08:00:49 pm

Former Star Ricky Schroder Has Insane 'Demon' Theory About Pride Month
Once a teen heartthrob, Schroder has in more recent years become known for his extremist views and public meltdowns, including harassing museum staff and Costco workers over mask rules.

More about Schroder:

He is an avid hunter and fisherman, having learned to shoot at the age of 10 from actor William Holden on the set of The Earthling.[11][12] For 16 years he owned a 15,000-acre ranch near Grand Junction, Colorado, adjacent to Grand Mesa National Forest.[35][36]
In 2019, Schroder was arrested twice within a month for suspicion of domestic violence; no charges were filed.[40][41] In November 2020, Schroder contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars towards the $2 million bail fund for Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year old found not guilty in the shooting deaths of two people during the August 2020 unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.[42][43][44]

In May 2021, Schroder created controversy when he uploaded a video to social media that showed him harassing a Costco employee regarding the company's policy and California mandate[45] requiring face masks or coverings to be worn inside stores during the COVID-19 pandemic.[46]


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest78 on June 08, 2022, 09:17:25 pm
And they don't believe in the "green-ray". Then what cosmic force is helping Aryans, Aryanists, and National Socialists, prove their ideology so easily at this juncture in the timeline?:

You just could not make this shyte up if you wanted to:
He is an avid hunter and fisherman, having learned to shoot at the age of 10 from actor William Holden on the set of The Earthling.

Western adults easily crush the original-nobility of most children by teaching them to murder weaker people than themselves through many different aspects of Western culture simultaneously. Yahweh loved William Holden for this I'm sure, Holden having created many more Earthlings by his Yahwistic delusions all by himself!
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 13, 2022, 02:32:13 am
Continuing from:

the faces:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest78 on June 13, 2022, 08:27:38 am
Many of them do actually look like they could be legitimate 'peeping-toms'...
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 16, 2022, 10:00:31 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 18, 2022, 12:37:24 am

INVERNESS, Fla. (AP) — Two white Florida men have been charged with a federal hate crime for allegedly beating a Black man in a store parking lot while yelling racial slurs.

Roy Lashley, 55, and Robert Lashley, 52, were indicted by a grand jury, the U.S. Justice Department said in a news release Friday.
According to arrest records, the victim — identified only by the initials D.B. — said he was walking away from the store when someone began yelling racial slurs. Investigators say Robert Lashley ran toward D.B. and began hitting him in the face.

Roy Lashley then allegedly struck D.B. several times with an ax handle as the Black man lay on the ground.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 30, 2022, 08:51:12 pm

‘He Hunted Them’: Man Gets 162 Years To Life For Kidnapping, Sexually Assaulting Multiple Homeless Women

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 02, 2022, 09:18:43 pm
Title: Jordie 'WingsOfRedemption' Jordan
Post by: christianbethel on July 03, 2022, 02:02:28 pm
Redneck 'white trash' incarnate:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 05, 2022, 07:49:15 pm

Commenters correctly criticize Lawrence's Ahimsa deficiency:

how is that justice when she can't afford it? they won't force her to pay it. You are too soft

You folks are way too tolerant of villains.

Right, so not learning anything from it, the judge needs to change the consequences, fines don't phase her.

So : Assault, trespass, destruction of property, threathening someone's life.... When can you defend yourself again?

She won’t have to pay anything. That judgement was senseless.

The city/state will pay it out of the taxpayers pockets

We do not want money. We want racist bloodline elimination. There is no amount of money racists can pay to persuade us to let their bloodlines continue.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 15, 2022, 07:30:57 pm
It's OK for sexual harassers to be "white":

A freak right-wing media figure sexually harassed Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on video this week while she was walking to work. So, who is this troll?
For starters, the troll’s name is Alex Stein and he’s a man who sexually harassed a member of the US House of Representatives without any repercussions other than social media condemnation.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on July 15, 2022, 11:24:06 pm
Name rings a bell somewhere.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 17, 2022, 08:47:45 pm
It's OK for mayors to be "white":
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 20, 2022, 08:16:24 pm

Lu Ke, the Chinese national accused of exploiting Malawian children to make racist videos, has been charged with human trafficking and denied bail, according to reports.
A BBC Africa Eye documentary exposed Lu Ke’s alleged scheme, in which children were paid half a dollar to star in racist videos that were then sold on Chinese social media. Known to the children he allegedly abused as Susu, Lu Ke allegedly made up to 380 videos every day and sold each of them for up to $70.

In one of the videos, children in matching shirts are seen chanting phrases such as “I am a Black monster” and “My IQ is low” in Chinese. One child alleged that Lu Ke would beat them if they disobeyed his orders.



At least he has been caught:

Lu Ke was formally charged with five counts of human trafficking in the Malawian capital of Lilongwe on Monday. He appeared in court and applied for bail without a lawyer.

He informed the court that he had only had one meal since his arrest, and he also pointed out that he had no relatives to bring him food.

Let him starve! Better yet, give him the other prisoners' faeces for food!
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 24, 2022, 08:25:02 pm

Yet rightists want us to believe no cruelty to children ever occurred in:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 01, 2022, 10:20:57 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 07, 2022, 08:48:08 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 25, 2022, 05:55:22 pm

Home Alone actor Devin Ratray is reportedly under investigation by New York City police after alleged sexual assault allegations.

Last December, the actor was arrested and charged for an unrelated domestic violence incident involving his girlfriend at the time.
After the news broke around Ratray's arrest, another victim came forward about an alleged sexual assault that took place in the actor's New York City apartment back in 2017.



What is HomeAlone's Devin Ratray (Buzz McCallister) doing now?

After playing Buzz, the nasty old brother of Kevin

Face back then:


Buzz demonstrates a Westerner's 'apology':
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest78 on August 26, 2022, 03:03:57 pm
Danny Masterson: Scientology doctrine spills into **** case
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Eyewitness News has obtained courtroom exhibits from the May preliminary hearing of actor and Scientologist Danny Masterson, who is charged with three counts of felony ****. Masterson has pleaded not guilty and maintains that all of the sex was consensual, but the judge found there is sufficient evidence for the case to proceed to trial.

The preliminary hearing stretched over four days with testimony from three women who say they were **** by Masterson between 2001 and 2003. And while it's Masterson facing criminal charges, much of the testimony focused on his religion - Scientology.

All three of the women were Scientologists at the time of the alleged ****, but have since left the religion. All three women also told similar stories of how church officials allegedly tried to stop them from reporting Masterson to law enforcement, a claim that Scientology denies.

The testimony was rife with details of the alleged **** and claims about the inner workings of Scientology. And while Masterson defense attorney Tom Mesereau tried to keep out any discussion of Scientology, Judge Charlaine Olmedo denied that request noting that the defense had just filed a brief that referred to the church dozens of times.

"I counted 88 times that you used the words Scientology, Church of Scientology, cult, anti-Scientology, anti-Scientologist and religion," said Judge Olmedo at the start of the preliminary hearing. "I find it interesting that after using those terms 88 times in a 29-page brief, you then say it has absolutely nothing to do with the case."****-case-scientology-that-70s-show/10935919/

The first thing's that come to my mind usually when I see westerners with beards are hunting, fishing, and sexual assault....

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on September 11, 2022, 10:21:21 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 13, 2022, 05:22:16 pm

NYC ‘Duck Sauce Killer’ subjected his wife to 'sadistic and violent sexual abuse' for decades, lawyer says
Glenn, 51, was accused of fatally shooting Chinese food delivery worker Zhiwen Yan in Queens, New York City, on April 30. Investigators traced his motive to a months-long beef with Great Wall, the restaurant Yan had worked in, which allegedly started from a duck sauce dispute.
“Glenn’s acts of brutality against Dorothy (before and during their marriage) included sadistic and violent sexual abuse, striking, cutting and menacing her with weapons, punching her, slapping her, threatening to kill her, extortion and contempt,” Bederow wrote.

One notable alleged incident occurred on Dec. 19, 1995, before the couple were married.

According to Dorothy, Glenn held her captive in a motel room, where she was stripped, pistol-whipped, handcuffed, gagged, blindfolded and **** multiple times. She also accused her late husband of cutting her in the stomach and ribs with a knife, as well as striking her with a ruler, a radio antenna and his own fists, as per the New York Daily News.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 15, 2022, 07:52:24 pm

A man claiming he sought to “restore Trump to president of the United States,” and would “kill all Democrats” to do so was arrested in a Pennsylvania Dairy Queen after entering the establishment armed with a handgun.
According to the affidavit, Stawovy went on to claim that he was a prophet who had “talked to God” and needed to “kill all the Democrats because Trump was still president.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 11, 2022, 07:11:37 pm
Not much sympathy for the (probably Eurocentrist) victim:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 17, 2022, 12:18:28 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 25, 2022, 09:03:25 pm

Texas GOP candidate denounced for repeatedly calling Asian American opponent ‘Dr. No’
A coalition of Asian American advocacy groups is condemning the reference made by a Republican Bexar County judge candidate against her Japanese American Democrat opponent during a candidate forum earlier this month.

At the Deputy Sheriff’s Association candidate forum on Oct. 10, Trish DeBerry was debating against her political opponent, Peter Sakai, over a county jail issue when she referred to him as "Dr. No," a pop culture reference that the Asian American Alliance of San Antonio (AAASA) has deemed racist.
The Dr. Julius No character is a Chinese German operator of a guano mine and the main antagonist of the 1958 James Bond novel “Dr. No.” The character also appears in the 1962 James Bond film “Dr. No” as a Chinese German scientist hellbent on destroying the U.S. space program. The movie prominently features "yellow face," with actor Joseph Wiseman, a Canadian American of Jewish descent, made to appear Asian with makeup to portray the villain.

DeBerry's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan tribalism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 04, 2022, 10:09:28 pm

France’s Assemblée Nationale has banned a far-right MP from parliament for two weeks for a racist outburst after he shouted “Go back to Africa” when a black member of the lower house was speaking about migrants.

Grégoire de Fournas, a member of the far-right Rassemblement National (RN), or National Rally, will also lose half his salary for two months.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 07, 2022, 09:13:36 pm

Mikhail Vasiliev, a Russian priest famous for recently saying that if women in Russia bore more children it would be easier for them to send their sons away to fight, died in the war in Ukraine on 6 November.
The website of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) reported that Archpriest Mikhail Vasiliev died on the morning of 6 November "in the area of ​​the special military operation in Ukraine while carrying out pastoral duties."
"The Lord has allowed each lady to give birth to many children. And if a lady, fulfilling this commandment to ‘be fruitful and multiply’, refused to use artificial pregnancy termination methods, in the widest sense, then obviously she would have more than one child. And therefore, she would not find it so painful and terrifying to part with her child, even for a while. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Whom God helps, nobody can harm," the Russian priest said.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 08, 2022, 06:41:07 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 09, 2022, 05:11:51 pm

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — A white University of Kentucky student accused of physically assaulting a Black student worker while repeatedly using racial slurs has been permanently banned from the school.

Sophia Rosing is no longer a student at the university following the incident Sunday and will not be allowed to reenroll, university President Eli Capilouto said in a message to the UK community Wednesday. The school's investigation continues.
The altercation at Boyd Hall was captured on video and posted to multiple social media platforms. Kylah Spring, a freshman working as a desk clerk, says in the video that Rosing hit her multiple times and kicked her in the stomach. Spring said the attack began when she asked Rosing, who appeared to be intoxicated, if she was OK.

Rosing can be heard using racial slurs throughout the video, and a police report says she continued using derogatory language after being taken into custody.
After police arrived, Rosing told an officer that she has “lots of money and (gets) special treatment,” according to an arrest affidavit.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 17, 2022, 04:52:43 pm****-183529953.html

South Dakota Republican Charged With **** After Losing Election to His Mom
Records show that Bud Marty May was brought into the Pennington County Jail on Nov. 13 on a charge of second-degree **** by way of “force, coercion or threats.” A conviction would carry a maximum penalty of 50 years imprisonment and up to $50,000 worth of fines.

The victim told investigators that May physically accosted her in a bar bathroom, telling her that he was “6′8″, white, it is all consensual.” According to law enforcement reports reviewed by the Rapid City Journal, the woman was found by police officers hiding within the bar “with dirt, blood and an abrasion on her face.” The blood allegedly came from a pre-existing wound on May’s forehead, which is visible in his mugshot.

May told the court that the alleged interaction “was simply a hug.”

Sexual assault is not the only current case against May, the former candidate is involved in an unresolved case regarding driving without a license and expired plates, and has multiple outstanding warrants from the Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public Safety.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 18, 2022, 11:11:31 pm

A former ExxonMobil employee in Texas has been charged after allegedly taking illegal and illicit photos of his coworkers.

Mark Herman, of Precinct 4 of the Harris County Constable’s Office, alleges that Zachary Butler, 30, took invasive photos and videos of female coworkers at ExxonMobil's Spring, Texas, campus while going on walks with them and insisting they take the stairs instead of the elevator, KRIV-TV reported.
Butler reportedly denied the allegations at first, but investigators at ExxonMobil, after receiving complaints, found a vault of 35 pictures and 25 videos of "upskirt" style videos after he gave them permission to search his phone, KPRC-TV reported.

The photos were found in an app called "Private Photo Vault" that authorities say was previously installed but then uninstalled on August 8, 2021, and showed videos where Butler appeared to have placed his phone’s camera under the hemlines of women’s skirts and dresses in order to capture views of their genital areas.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 22, 2022, 12:01:19 am

Florida man ‘upset’ over missing car keys opens fire in bar
Connor Anderson had been inside Smiles Nite Club in Palm Coast with a woman Sunday night when witnesses said he was unable to find his car keys and "became upset," according to the Flagler County Sheriff's Office.

Anderson left the bar and returned with a firearm, putting the woman into a headlock and holding the gun to her head, deputies said.

Patrons intervened and tried to disarm Anderson as he fired the gun approximately six times toward several patrons inside the bar, according to authorities. Patrons were able to tackle Anderson to the ground before he fled the bar.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 23, 2022, 06:32:17 pm

A man has been arrested in Florida for a hate crime after allegedly spewing white supremacist rhetoric while firing a weapon outside a bar this week.

On Wednesday, the Tampa Police Department said Dustin McCann had been taken into custody.
According to a police press release, McCann repeatedly referred to a Black security guard at South Tampa bar SoHo Saloon as the N-word at about 9.p.m. on Monday.

He was subsequently thrown out of the bar, but police said witnesses saw McCann then get in his car across the street and fire multiple gunshots, before yelling “white power!” as he drove away.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 02, 2022, 07:22:59 pm

Man Pleads Guilty to Burning Cross on His Yard to Threaten Black Neighbors
Axel C. Cox, 24, certainly took inspiration from history when he attempted to terrorize his Black next door neighbors.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 11, 2022, 12:20:05 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 12, 2022, 02:24:24 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 15, 2022, 11:04:47 pm
Beyond parody:

A 36-year-old Michigan man kidnapped a woman, held her captive, sexually assaulted her for weeks—and threatened to “rip out her throat” with teeth he’d filed down into sharp points, cops say.
Throughout the ordeal, the sheriff said, the alleged kidnapper repeatedly warned the victim he would use his sharpened teeth to “rip out her throat” if she didn’t do as she was told.
He said Barajas was trying to live out a “fantasy,” forcing the victim to write a letter and “describe him as daddy.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 24, 2022, 12:18:48 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 01, 2023, 06:03:29 pm

More than a month after director Paul Haggis was found liable of raping a woman in his SoHo loft in 2013, Hollywood has largely remained silent on the civil court ruling.

In November, Haggis was found liable of sexually assaulting publicist Haleigh Breest in his luxury penthouse following a Manhattan film premiere a decade ago.
Four other women also came forward accusing Haggis of sexual misconduct after Breest filed her lawsuit.
Church officials told The Daily Beast it was not surprised that the jury did not believe Haggis.

“None of this surprised us, because we know his character and know firsthand that he’s a liar, because he blatantly lied about us. In other words, again, we told you so,” the Church of Scientology said in a statement.

“It is not the Church’s concern what Hollywood does with Haggis,” the church said. “That is up to Hollywood, and whether it wants to be associated with someone who a jury unanimously concluded **** a young woman… regardless of how Hollywood treats Haggis going forward, we know we were right about him the whole time. From the very beginning we said Haggis is a self-centered fabulist who scripts his made-up version of reality while hiding his evil deeds.”


Title: Re: Racist bullying
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 14, 2023, 02:30:22 am

Woman stabbed teen multiple times on Indiana bus for being Chinese, according to affidavit
Billie R. Davis, 56, repeatedly stabbed the teen using a pocket knife while she was waiting for the bus doors to open at the intersection of West Fourth Street and the B-Line Trail at around 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, according to police.

Bloomington Police Department officers responded to the scene and the victim, who had “blood flowing from her head,” was rushed to the hospital.
“Race was a factor in why she stabbed her,” the affidavit read, according to The Herald-Times. “Davis made a statement that it would be one less person to blow up our country.”

According to the affidavit, Davis had the intention to kill the teen as footage shows her unfolding her knife and stabbing the victim seven times in the head.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: guest78 on January 14, 2023, 02:43:21 pm
If only we could Geo-locate the trash dumpsters these "white" subhumans keep crawling out of...
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 14, 2023, 04:27:49 pm
"If only we could Geo-locate the trash dumpsters these "white" subhumans keep crawling out of..."

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 17, 2023, 11:28:23 pm

White Louisiana high school secretary is forced out after she sent colleague racist text referring to MLK Jr Day as 'n****r day'
Ouachita Parish Jr. High School secretary Nelwyn Fontana resigned last week


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 18, 2023, 10:17:09 pm

A 53-year-old Cambridge man is set to appear in Boston Municipal Court in connection with two random attacks on Asian American women in Chinatown and Downtown Crossing last year.

Alexander Ivanenko was charged with assault and battery on a person over 60 causing injury, assault and battery, two counts of assault and battery to intimidate and two counts of civil rights violation with injury, according to Suffolk District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s office.
The first alleged attack occurred at about 1:14 p.m. when an elderly Asian American woman was walking on Harrison Avenue toward Marginal Road in Chinatown. The woman told police that the attacker punched her and left the scene.

The second alleged attack took place at about 3:24 p.m. in Downtown Crossing. The victim also told police that she was punched by a man who then fled.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan treachery
Post by: guest78 on January 18, 2023, 10:57:07 pm
PC David Carrick pleads guilty to 24 **** and multiple sexual assaults | ITV News
The case of PC David Carrick has shone a searing light upon yet more scarcely believable failings by London's Metropolitan police.

PC Carrick pleaded guilty to 24  **** and as many other crimes against women - 12 different women -  including attempted ****, sexual assault and possessing a gun to cause fear.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 24, 2023, 11:08:14 pm

A Cincinnati man has been arrested and charged after allegedly firing multiple shots at an Asian grocery store in Evendale, Ohio, on Sunday.

Daniel Beckjord, 33, is accused of firing into the front windows of Tokyo Foods at around 6:30 p.m. While shooting, he allegedly claimed that he was the “president of Tokyo” and that the business was “not in compliance.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 05, 2023, 05:45:24 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 06, 2023, 08:27:31 pm

Woke comments:

But he’s still alive?! After resisting?!

did y'all notice how the police got hit, and couldn't get dude under control and he's still alive?

Sounds about white

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 07, 2023, 08:59:46 pm

A Mississippi state senator has come under fire on Twitter after posting a racist meme referencing the suspected Chinese spy balloon that breached U.S. airspace last week.

Sen. Joel R. Carter, Jr., a Republican who represents the 49th District, shared an image of a weather balloon superimposed with the words “Weather Barroon” and “Totary NOT For Spying.”
“Does the ‘R.’ in your name stand for ‘Racist’?” attorney and MSNBC host Katie S. Phang wrote under Carter’s tweet.

Entrepreneur Dave Lu replied, “Might as well have been your big white hood that was floating up there.”

“I hope someone on your staff is competent enough to tell you that this is a racist post,” pastor and Asian American Christian Collaborative President Raymond Chang commented.

Carter’s tweet has received nearly 2,500 replies as of this writing. Others advised him to apologize, deal with more urgent problems or delete his account altogether.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 14, 2023, 11:00:58 pm
Supplied by our enemies:


A rancher who lives near Arizona's border with Mexico is being held on a charge of first-degree murder in last week's fatal shooting of a man tentatively identified as a Mexican citizen. His bail was set at $1 million.

The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's office in Nogales, Arizona, confirmed Monday that George Alan Kelly, 73, was arrested last week in the killing. Authorities believe the victim was Gabriel Cuen-Butimea, 48, who lived just south of the border in Nogales, Mexico, because of a Mexican voter registration card he carried.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 21, 2023, 01:50:55 am

Teen Accused of Killing Temple University Cop Tried to Rob Officer as He Lay Dying
The suspect, identified as Miles Pfeffer, also faces charges of murder of a law enforcement officer, robbery, carjacking, and weapons crimes in the death of officer Christopher Fitzgerald, according to the district attorney.

Pfeffer's face:


And in case you were wondering:

(Of course the police managed to arrest Pfeffer alive despite:

the suspect was caught on video surveillance firing at Fitzgerald after a brief pursuit on foot and struggle. It alleges that, after Fitzgerald fell to the ground, the suspect stood “over him and [fired] several more shots into the face and head area.”

Contrast with such cases as:

This is how OK it is to be "white".)
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 01, 2023, 01:29:06 am

Las Vegas Metro police arrested a white man accused of speeding toward a Black family while yelling racial slurs at them outside a hotel, per 8 News Now. He was arrested following the incident, however, he’s facing several charges for previous instances of making racially motivated threats.

Hunter Holman, 27, has a track record for being hateful toward Black people. Only recently his mess came to light after his charges started racking up for every incident where he threatened a Black life. Since last summer he’s been wreaking havoc.

In June, the report says Holman made threats to kill his former employer, using a racial slur while doing so. In July, authorities say Holman accelerated his car toward a Black family, got out of his vehicle to continue pursuing them and ended up being stabbed in the face by one of them. After his plan backfired, he still ain’t give up.

This month, detectives say Holman called up two hotels threatening to kill someone with a rifle, boasting about his collection of knives and claiming he was the king of the KKK, the report says. No, that wasn’t the end of it.

Read more from 8 News Now:

    Last week, authorities in Arkansas notified Metro police about Holman allegedly threatening Black people with an AR-15 at a fitness center in Little Rock, documents said.

    “Based on Holman’s course of conduct, it is apparent he displayed hate/bias toward people of color, specifically Black subjects, and has demonstrated the ability to carry violence against them demonstrated by his attack in July 2022,” detectives wrote in the documents.

    Metro police arrested Holman on Thursday, Feb. 23, records showed. He declined to answer officers’ questions. Holman faces two new charges of hate/bias crime, records showed. He paid a surety bond and was released from custody.

After each incident, Holman was arrested. Though, one can only wonder why he was allowed back into society after posing such a serious threat.

Because the police hoped he would to carry out his threats.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 03, 2023, 09:30:54 pm

A teacher’s aide from South Carolina is behind bars after investigators said she duct-taped a student to a chair for not listening.

Deputies said Olivia Murray, 25, worked at Seven Oaks Elementary School and “used duct tape to tape the student’s legs to a chair Wednesday while the teacher was out of the classroom,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said in a post on the sheriff’s department’s Facebook page.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 06, 2023, 07:57:07 pm
Ignore False Leftist Seder:

While employed as what he describes as an "insult-radio" DJ, he used a derogatory racial stereotype to characterize a black caller he could not understand, telling the caller to "take that bone out of your nose and call me back"
Limbaugh dismissed the concept of consent in sexual relations.[108][6] He viewed consent as "the magic key to the left".[109]
Limbaugh used the term "environmentalist wacko" both when referring to left-leaning environmental advocates
On the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal, Limbaugh said, "This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation ... And we're going to ruin people's lives over it and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we are going to really hammer them because they had a good time."[134][135]
Limbaugh was heavily criticized for mocking Hu Jintao, then the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and paramount leader of the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese language during an episode. After proceeding to label Hu as a "Chicom dictator", Limbaugh mocked the Chinese language, primarily using words like ching chong.[192]
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on March 06, 2023, 08:52:40 pm
Seder is Jewish btw (in case it wasn't evident from his phenotype already)
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 11, 2023, 05:50:33 pm

several brothers in Houston, Texas, who told law officials their stepfather sexually abused them are now out of the home. Their stepfather, 38-year-old Hayim Cohen, was arrested.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 15, 2023, 12:25:54 am

The woman allegedly zeroed in on an Asian customer, blaming the Asian community for bringing “COVID over here to kill all of our people” and calling them “creations of the devil.”

That’s when Urry and Skrbec decided to step in and call out the woman, who then turned her attention to them.

“Is lesbianism OK? No it isn’t,” the woman declares. “Because you touch children. You **** children.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 17, 2023, 08:16:50 pm

ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia man who shot at two convenience stores hoping to kill Arab and Black people has been sentenced to serve 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to a federal hate crime charge.

Larry Edward Foxworth, 48, fired a Glock pistol multiple times through the windows and doors of two convenience stores in Jonesboro, just south of Atlanta, shortly before 3 a.m. on July 30, 2021, the U.S. attorney's office in Atlanta said in a news release. Both stores were open and people were inside, but no one was hit.

Clayton County police arrested Foxworth shortly after the shots were fired. He told investigators he wanted to kill Arab and Black people and believed that's who was inside those two stores, the release says. He said he hoped he had killed people and expressed belief in white supremacy.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 25, 2023, 04:08:58 am

A judge in a St. Johns County courtroom in Florida on Friday sentenced 16-year-old Aiden Fucci to life in prison for the first-degree murder of 13-year-old cheerleader Tristyn Bailey, his friend and classmate, in a case that drew national attention because of the brutality of the killing and the ages of the victim and perpetrator.
"It was done for no other reason than to satisfy this defendant’s internal desire to feel what it was like to kill someone," the judge said. "It was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense for moral or legal justification."
Fucci had told friends he was going to kill someone and even talked about taking them into the woods, Smith said. He wanted to watch them bleed out.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 26, 2023, 01:45:45 am

An Oregon woman has been sentenced to more than five years in prison after stealing from a department store and biting off the earlobe of the security guard who tried to stop her.

Ashlie Clark, 31, was sentenced Friday to 70 months in prison


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 30, 2023, 02:37:48 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 04, 2023, 12:26:11 am

A popular Russian influencer is unfazed after fans accused him of animal abuse in a now-deleted video where he's seen yanking and hitting his cat

The Russian influencer Hasbulla Magomedov, or more commonly known as Hasbulla, is defending himself after fans accused him of abusing an animal in a now-deleted clip.

In the short clip, originally posted to the 19-year-old's YouTube channel last week, the influencer can be seen pulling at a cat's ear before hitting the animal several times (content warning: the footage can be distressing for some viewers).

On Thursday, as backlash and concern grew, Magomedov responded with a video speaking in a local Dagestan dialect, saying his cat is "feeling good." On Friday, the influencer posted another video claiming he pulled his cat's ear "gently" and that he was punishing her for "misbehaving."

Magomedov is wildly popular on Instagram, with over 8 million subscribers. His earliest posts date back to late 2021, but he rose to cosmic fame over the last year after multiple collaborations with the UFC and NELK, the popular YouTube prank group. Magomedov is partly known for his achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism
"If he does that on camera imagine what he does to it off," one user wrote in response to Magomedov claiming his cat is fine.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on April 04, 2023, 02:51:48 am
Hasbulla suffers from growth hormone deficiency, which prevents puberty. But this has not prevented him from psychological maturation. Therefore he is what you would describe as an adult in a child's body (this is to say nothing of those who are still children in age but have nevertheless already lost their original nobility).
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 04, 2023, 07:39:19 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 02, 2023, 05:25:28 am
It's OK for passengers to be "white"?

A 74-year-old Florida man is facing federal charges for allegedly groping a flight attendant’s crotch during takeoff, lustily telling the creeped-out woman, “Oh, I smell that perfume.”

When Gary Matthew Sorichetti boarded American Airlines flight 5062 from Sarasota to Charlotte, North Carolina on Feb. 28, 2020, he almost immediately began acting inappropriately, according to a criminal complaint obtained by The Daily Beast.
“As it was very crowded on the airplane during this time, and Sorichetti is a large man, [flight attendant] SJ opened the lavatory door to provide a bit more room in the aisle for Sorichetti to move and allow 23A to be seated,” it explains. “As Sorichetti stood up, he backed up into SJ and multiple times stated, ‘Am I squishing you, are you squishing me?’ in a playful, not concerned tone.”

Once Sorichetti was reseated, he asked SJ for a seatbelt extender, the complaint says. SJ helpfully told Sorichetti that he could move to a vacant seat once boarding was complete. But when he went to move, he “stood up... and Sorichetti placed both of his hands on SJ’s hips for approximately 3-4 seconds,” according to the complaint.

SJ told her coworker “FS” that Sorichetti was “being a bit weird,” the complaint continues. She then saw Sorichetti was not sitting in the vacant seat she’d directed him to but a seat beside her jump seat.

“Sorichetti did not move and instead stated, ‘Oh, I'm happy and lucky to sit back here with you,’” it says. “SJ again suggested Sorichetti move to seat 23F, or another vacant seat, but Sorichetti again declined and stated he was happy where he was.”
As the plane lifted off, Sorichetti “stretched his left arm across SJ’s legs, over the down positioned arm rest, touched her left knee and dragged his hand up her thigh to her crotch area,” it continues. “SJ was wearing a skirt. Sorichetti’s thumb was on SJ’s inner thigh as he slowly moved his hand up her inner thigh and touched her crotch.
An arrest warrant for Sorichetti, on one count of abusive sexual contact, was issued on March 4, 2021. He was taken into custody on April 27, more than two years later, and freed the next day.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 04, 2023, 08:07:26 pm

STARKE, Fla. (AP) — A Florida man was executed Wednesday for breaking into a woman's home and stabbing her to death in 1986, a crime committed months after he was released from prison for a ****.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on May 04, 2023, 10:31:16 pm
Good on bringing death row executions back (albeit by a feeble method). The worst is those who say "Don't kill them, let them suffer". As if being offered three square meals a day, television, and other amenities is "suffering". LOL

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 13, 2023, 02:41:21 pm
Continuing from:

Penny's face:


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 20, 2023, 05:29:53 pm

Reed is learning at 3:24.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 05, 2023, 08:36:53 pm

Two Italian professional soccer players may face charges for their roles in allegedly raping an American woman after a night out in Milan.

Mattia Lucarelli and Federico Apolloni, both 23, will face a preliminary hearing later this month over their alleged participation in a March 2022 **** of a 22-year-old American woman, according to a report from The Sun, which cited Italian media.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan tribalism
Post by: 2ThaSun on June 10, 2023, 07:11:46 pm
I would rather look like a monkey than the human-being Tigau...

Romanian Ambassador To Kenya Recalled For Racist Comment Comparing African Diplomats To Monkeys
Romania has recalled its ambassador to Kenya for making a racist comment that equated Africans to monkeys while convening a meeting at a UN building in Nairobi.

Dragos Viorel Tigau touched off a controversy when he said “the African group has joined us” after a black monkey appeared at the window of the conference room ahead of the meeting on April 26.

The African diplomats were not yet present when Tigau made the comment, which some people in attendance found to be insensitive and disrespectful, the website Kenyan Foreign Policy reported on June 8.

Kenyan diplomat Macharia Kamau said on Twitter that the episode "appalled and disgusted" him.

"Utter shame attempts to cover up this disgrace,” Kamau tweeted on June 8. “This [is] intolerable and unacceptable in any age, let alone [the] 21st century."

The comment prompted the African group of diplomats to seek clarification from Tigau and the Kenyan Foreign Ministry.

The Romanian Foreign Ministry said it had only been informed of the incident this week and Țigau was recalled as soon as it found out. The recall procedure has already been initiated, it said.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs deeply regrets this situation, apologizes to all those affected and strongly rejects and condemns any behavior and any attitude incompatible with mutual respect. Any racist behavior or comments are absolutely unacceptable."

Tigau “presented his apology, including in writing," the ministry added, saying that its statement was communicated to African ambassadors in Bucharest on June 9 at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry.

The Romanian Foreign Ministry “hopes that the incident will not affect the relationship with the countries of the African continent,” the statement said.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 10, 2023, 10:59:38 pm

A man is accused of breaking into a Florida theme park, jumping into an alligator enclosure and filming a video for social media – a dangerous stunt that authorities say led to his arrest.

Police in Tampa Bay say Jacob Pursifull, 20, hopped a fence to enter Busch Gardens theme park illegally on June 1.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 15, 2023, 02:35:21 am

GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — A southwestern Montana man has been sentenced to 18 years in federal prison after being convicted of a hate crime and firearms charges for threatening a woman with violent, homophobic slurs and shooting at her house with an assault rifle as part of a self-described “mission” to rid a small town of its LGBTQ community.

John Russell Howald, 46, was convicted in February and sentenced Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Brian Morris in Great Falls for the March 2020 shooting.
After shooting into the house of a woman who is a lesbian, nearly hitting her, prosecutors said Howald started walking into the town of Basin to target others he perceived to be lesbian, queer and gay, prosecutors said. He was armed with two assault rifles, a hunting rifle, two pistols and multiple high-capacity magazines that were taped together to speed reloading, court records said.
In 2006, Howald was sentenced to two years in prison for felony aggravated animal cruelty, after pleading guilty to shooting a chocolate Labrador at a southwestern Montana campground and decapitating the dog with a chain saw.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: christianbethel on June 17, 2023, 01:50:48 pm
Fück that guy.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 2ThaSun on June 17, 2023, 03:44:51 pm
It's almost like this @christianbethel account is trying to get us de-platformed a second time by making sure expletives get through the forum censor...
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 17, 2023, 04:55:40 pm

How OK it is for McGregor to be "white":

Driving offences

In November 2017 McGregor pleaded guilty to exceeding the speed limit in Rathcoole, County Dublin.[178] He was fined €400.[178] In November 2018 he pleaded guilty to speeding in Kill, County Kildare,[179] and was fined €1,000 and disqualified from driving for six months.[179]

On March 22, 2022, McGregor was arrested in Dublin and charged with six driving offences, including two counts of dangerous driving, being uninsured, having no licence, and failing to produce his documents.
Incident at Bellator 187

On 10 November 2017, McGregor's SBG Ireland teammate Charlie Ward made his debut at Bellator 187 in Dublin against John Redmond.[186] Ward knocked out Redmond in round one,[187] and McGregor jumped the cage (he was not a licensed cornerman) to celebrate Ward's win while the fight was not yet officially declared over.[188] McGregor was separated by referee Marc Goddard, as Goddard needed to verify if the knockout was before the bell, and to ensure lock down of the cage for medical staff to assess the health of the knocked out Redmond. McGregor charged towards Goddard: while he pushed and confronted Goddard in a wild melee, he also checked on the downed Redmond and knocked him down while he was trying to get up.[189]

McGregor did a lap around the cage after he exited the cage a few minutes later, then climbed and straddled the cage apron to continue the celebration of Ward's win. He was stopped by a commissioner and McGregor, agitated, slapped the commissioner's face.[190][191] Redmond stated after the fight that Goddard intended to let the fight continue to round two, but the Mohegan Sun commission, which oversaw the event, elected to end the fight due to McGregor's behaviour in the ring.[192]
Dublin sexual assault allegations

In March 2019, The New York Times reported that McGregor was under investigation by the Irish police, following allegations of a sexual assault on a woman in a Dublin hotel in December 2018.[216] A second allegation of sexual assault was reported on in October 2019, regarding an assault on a woman in a car alleged to have taken place earlier that month.[217]
Florida robbery arrest

On 11 March 2019, McGregor was arrested outside of the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida after he attacked a fan taking a picture with a cellphone. In an incident that was caught on CCTV, McGregor lunged to hit the man, grabbed his device and smashed it on the ground with his feet. Subsequently he was arrested and charged with strong-armed robbery and criminal mischief.[221]
Dublin pub assault

On 15 August 2019, TMZ Sports published a video that showed McGregor punching an older man at The Marble Arch Pub in Dublin.[226] The incident happened on 6 April and was originally reported by Irish media, although without the video that showed the attack.[227] McGregor had repeatedly offered the victim a shot of his whiskey, which the victim repeatedly declined, then McGregor had punched him.[227]
Corsica arrest

On 10 September 2020, McGregor was arrested on the French island of Corsica on suspicion of attempted sexual assault and indecent exposure for an incident alleged to have taken place in a bar.
Altercation with Machine Gun Kelly

McGregor was involved in an altercation with recording artist Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) at the 2021 MTV Video Music Awards, held at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York on 12 September 2021. After exchanging a few words, McGregor attempted to throw a punch at MGK, which did not land.
Alleged attack on Francesco Facchinetti

On 17 October 2021, McGregor allegedly assaulted Francesco Facchinetti, an Italian musician and TV presenter, in a nightclub in Rome, breaking Facchinetti's nose in front of witnesses and bodyguards.
Alleged attack on yacht

In January 2023, McGregor was accused of assaulting a 42-year-old woman aboard his yacht in Ibiza, Spain during his birthday party on July 22, 2022. The woman claimed she was berated by McGregor before being physically assaulted. She further claimed that she was forced to jump from the yacht to escape McGregor and that she sustained a broken arm in the process.
Punching the Miami Heat mascot

On 10 June, 2023, McGregor appeared at Game Four of the 2023 NBA Finals in Miami, Florida, to promote his pain relief spray in a planned skit with the Miami Heat's mascot, Burnie. McGregor proceeded to punch the man wearing the mascot costume once, and then again when the man was on the ground. The man was subsequently treated in a local hospital emergency room, and later released.

Title: Re: Non-Aryan treachery
Post by: 2ThaSun on June 21, 2023, 03:18:48 pm
Lincoln Park man arrested for fatal push at German castle, killing 1 woman and injuring another
It is an international crime where the man being led away by German police is reportedly from Metro Detroit.



The victims:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 21, 2023, 07:01:26 pm

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 24, 2023, 04:23:57 pm

'Groping Major' guilty of carrying out brazen sexual assault on dance floor at military party
Major Robin Dews, 48, danced up to the victim with his arms in the air at an apres ski-themed event last December, assaulted her by touching her intimately, and then walked away, a court martial heard.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 26, 2023, 08:03:09 pm

A North Carolina man has been arrested after harassing his neighbors while whipping around a Confederate-flag covered pickup truck, according to The Daily Beast. The FBI found probable cause to charge the man for racially intimidating his Mexican and Black neighbors with more than just slurs.
Marian Hudak’s harassment accusations go back to November of 2021, according to Queen City News. Hudak was accused of harassing his Mexican American neighbors by egging their vehicle, throwing the classic “go back to your country” insult and even physically assaulting one of them. The following year, Hudak was accused of trying to run a Black driver off the road with his MAGA-mobile while yelling racial slurs and eventually pulling a gun on him.




Hudak was eventually questioned by the police in December. “I can’t take this anymore,” he told them, according to the complaint. “I got banned from Sam’s Club because they said I yell F Black people… It’s my First Amendment, and I will use it because they ask for trouble.”

Banning him is the Club's First Amendment. See also:


According to the complaint, Hudak has consistently bashed “illegal” immigration and so-called crimes Black people have committed against him, and has blared hate speech loudly from his tackily decorated truck. Social media pages associated with Hudak indicate he emigrated from Slovakia.

I like how the article puts "illegal" in "". Our message is spreading!
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 27, 2023, 07:54:47 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 28, 2023, 07:15:55 pm

Where was the victim's gun?
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 30, 2023, 05:00:25 pm
Continuing from:

the attacker has been identified:

On Thursday, the Portland Police Bureau issued a press release requesting public assistance to find a man identified as Daniel Thomas Warren.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 04, 2023, 02:55:32 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 12, 2023, 06:16:02 pm

A Boston man has been arrested in connection with an anti-Asian attack against a couple in Manhattan, New York, on May 23.

What happened: The couple, a 39-year-old man and 39-year-old woman, were getting into an Uber on West 32nd Street at around 1:30 a.m. when Marc Jensen, 33, allegedly approached and attacked them. Jensen allegedly made anti-Asian remarks before spitting at the woman and assaulting the man.

Police said Jensen grabbed the man, tossed him to the ground and kicked him multiple times in the leg.
Charges: Jensen, who reportedly resides in a luxury building in Boston's redeveloped South Boston Seaport, was arrested on Monday. He has been charged with hate crime assault and aggravated harassment.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 14, 2023, 05:16:00 pm

New York City architect Rex Heuermann is charged with the murders of Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman and Amber Costello, whose bodies were found covered in burlap along Ocean Parkway on Long Island's South Shore in December 2010, according to court records unsealed Friday in Suffolk County Criminal Court.

Barthelemy disappeared in July 2009, Waterman disappeared in June 2010 and Costello was last seen in September 2010. The three women were between 22 and 27 years old and all worked as sex workers, court records said.

"Rex Heuermann is a demon that walks among us," Suffolk County Police Commissioner Rodney Harrison said Friday. "A predator that ruined families."
Heuermann, 59, a married father of two, used one of his burner phones "to conduct thousands of searches related to sex workers, sadistic, torture-related pornography and child pornography," court records said.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on July 28, 2023, 09:55:29 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 01, 2023, 01:08:42 am

Business owner in Virginia under fire for racism after hitting an Asian woman’s car
Aspen Green Gasworks owner Charles “Chuck” LaGoe
LaGoe can be heard in the video making derogatory and racist remarks, including calling her a “f*cking dumb gook” and telling her to speak English even though she already was.
“White man who is above the law”: Although it is currently unclear how the situation was handled by the police, social media users were immediately able to identify the man and his business.
LaGoe’s business, which was created in 2007, has a showroom in Herndon and in Arlington County. Aspen Green Gasworks is known for its gas fireplaces, gas grills and stoves and tankless gas water heaters.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 02, 2023, 01:50:35 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 03, 2023, 12:07:24 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on August 04, 2023, 11:16:08 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 04, 2023, 04:31:28 pm

Anne N. Nelson-Koch, 74, was convicted on all 25 counts Monday stemming from repeated sexual assaults on one of her 14-year-old male students, the Wisconsin State Journal reported.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 05, 2023, 07:30:07 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 06, 2023, 05:15:11 pm

The **** trial of star opera singer David Daniels opened in a surprising way on Friday when he and his husband suddenly pleaded guilty to a pair of sexual assault charges in relation to the drugging and **** of an aspiring musician in 2010.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 07, 2023, 12:01:58 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 10, 2023, 11:22:05 pm

Previous Epshteyn coverage:!/msg18544/#msg18544
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 12, 2023, 04:27:40 am'

Rayyvanna is learning at 4:50:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 12, 2023, 02:11:13 pm

Michigan man accused of ripping head off girlfriend's pet duck for 'psychological domination': Sheriff
Michael Humphries, 49, forcefully ripped the head off his girlfriend's duck
"Humphries ripped the head off a domesticated animal for one purpose and one purpose alone — psychological domination and intimidation of a domestic violence victim. That’s the only reason," Swanson said. "Ripped the head off this animal, spinal cord still attached, and he did that to send a message to his girlfriend who he had a dispute with."

The sheriff said that Humphries pleaded guilty to an aggravated stalking charge in 2019. Swanson also said that Humphries resisted when officials tried to arrest him, stating he "fought" them.



See also:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 19, 2023, 06:21:44 pm



Females never do this, only males. Females, on the other hand, allow males to do this and reward those who do it with sexual access, in effect encouraging males to do it. Therefore both masculinity and femininity are ignoble, and mutually complementary in ignobility. Both the noble male who defended the female's existing children and the noble female who defended her own existing children would be acting against their own reproductive interests under natural selection.

Relating this back to the original topic, colonialism is basically just a larger-scale version of the above, therefore it is accurate to describe colonialism as masculine behaviour. And indeed we also get the corresponding feminine behaviour by the colonized of rewarding the colonialists with sexual access as documented extensively here:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 20, 2023, 12:26:11 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 22, 2023, 05:12:33 pm

A Western New Yorker facing hate crime charges after a confrontation with Black Lives Matter protesters faced further scrutiny from the judge presiding over his case last week after he asked to represent himself during a hearing.

In the summer of 2020, Michael J. Cremen, 47, and a friend confronted a group of Black Lives Matter protesters on Hertel Avenue in Buffalo, New York. He and another man reportedly blocked off marchers while brandishing a knife and screaming racial slurs at the crowd.
Cremen failed to make several court appearances before finally being indicted with second-degree bail jumping last May.
Boller had gone over a list of questions with Cremen before allowing him to proceed with the decision. The final question became the most glaring to the judge when he asked Cremen if he felt pressured or threatened to give up his right to a lawyer, only for Cremen to answer “yes.”

Ten minutes later, prosecutors asked Boller to recall the case, and Cremen was asked to clarify what he meant when he gave his answer. He claimed he understood the nature of the question, but when asked again, he said, “I’ll say no.”

Boller asked if Cremen was messing around.

“No is my answer,” Cremen said.

Prosecutors asked for clarification on why he said “yes” before, only for Cremen to reply

“I have thoughts about this whole proceeding.”

This was enough for the judge to deny the request.

“You’re playing games with me,” the judge said.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on August 23, 2023, 05:39:34 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 30, 2023, 04:54:26 pm

‘This Could Have Been… Different’: Armed White Man In Camouflage Vest Turned Away from Black Church, Foiling Mass Shooting Attempt Day After Jacksonville Dollar Store Attack
The 38-year-old white male, Jeffrey Harris, had failed to gain permission to enter the Greater Dominion Church in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, Aug. 27. In response, Harris raised his loaded 12-gauge shotgun at two women standing at an intersection on the corner of Melrose Avenue and Fourth Street near the location of the church.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 31, 2023, 05:54:28 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 01, 2023, 03:52:35 pm

‘You’re Not Equal!’: Crazed White Woman Caught on Camera Spewing Racial Remarks and Screaming at Black Postal Worker In Missouri
She then pulled out her iPhone and started recording the worker, who apparently had asked the woman to leave, and walked outside to ensure she did so.

“I’m sending it to Trump,” she claimed. “Maybe he can do something, and then Obama can sue him.”

The woman storms off again before turning around to make another dig at the employee: “Equal my a*s,” she yelled. “You’re not equal.”
The woman rolled down her window and started chanting, “Hey boy, boy, boy,” at the employee. Per reports, the racist term has historically been used against Black men to belittle them. She then finally drove away.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 05, 2023, 03:18:26 am

France’s Rugby World Cup build-up was overshadowed on Sunday by demands for lock forward Bastien Chalureau to be dropped from the squad after he was convicted of a racially motivated attack.
Yannick Larguet, one of the victims of the attack, told regional daily La Depeche du Midi that Chalureau shouted “racist insults” before “he punched me in the jaw with all his might”.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 06, 2023, 02:03:19 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 08, 2023, 04:44:52 pm

In 2019, according to the Department of Justice, 64-year-old- Cheryl Lynn Pytleski displayed “racially offensive homemade dolls” on the neighbor’s fence to intimidate the neighbor and force them to move out of the neighborhood.
As WDHN reported in 2019, the incident happened in Ozark, Alabama, about 86 miles from Montgomery. Photos obtained by the outlet show the words “Boo Hoo” and “KKK” painted on the dolls.
she then put up a display with a “cry baby on it” after the police ordered that the racist dolls be removed.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 09, 2023, 02:35:14 am

A Polk County, Florida deputy has been arrested after leading his colleagues on a high-speed chase on Highway 89 in the early hours of September 4. The chase allegedly hit speeds of up to 130 mph, which was clocked in a 45 zone.

According to a press release from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, 22-year-old Jakob Kite used his Subaru Impreza to elude his fellow deputies after they clocked him traveling 105 in a 60 zone.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 12, 2023, 09:58:56 pm

‘Fired Enough Shots to Kill an Elephant’: Two White Former Mississippi Deputies Guilty of Torturing Black Men In Shocking Raid Were Involved In Deadly Shooting of Another Man, Court Documents Show

Two former Rankin County Sheriff’s Office deputies tied to the “Goon Squad” scandal were connected to fatal police uses of force against Black men in their Mississippi county years before the unlawful home raid in which two Black men were brutalized this year.

In 2019, both deputies were present when police fatally shot a man in Pelahatchie, Mississippi, and one deputy was involved in a 2021 death in which a man was asphyxiated during arrest, but both those uses of force were deemed justified by authorities.
Hunter Elward, Christian Dedmon, three other ex-deputies, and one Richland police officer unlawfully entered the Braxton, Mississippi, home of Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker on Jan. 24.

None of the officers had a warrant for the men’s arrest. Both men were beaten, shocked, tortured and humiliated for more than an hour as the officers threatened the pair because they were living with a white woman.

The incident turned more heinous with Elward shooting Jenkins in the mouth and lacerating part of his tongue. On Aug. 3, all six officers pleaded guilty to federal charges, including excessive force, arising from this horrifying incident.



A lawsuit filed in 2021 reveals that Elward and Dedmon were present when police officers shot and killed a man named Pierre Woods in 2019.
“They fired enough shots to kill an elephant,” Woods said to WAPT around the time of the fatal shooting. “You’ll go to jail for shooting a dog as many times as they shot my brother.”

In 2021, Elward was involved in a contentious incident where Damien Cameron was punched and shocked three times with a Taser by the deputy.
Reports state that Elward was joined by other officers who held Cameron down for over 15 minutes despite his complaints of breathing difficulty.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 13, 2023, 08:03:55 pm
Continuing from:

White Massachusetts Teen Accused of Racist Attempted Drowning of Black Boy Released on Bond; Attorneys Argue It Was ‘Horseplay’
John Sheeran was released to his father’s custody on Sept. 11.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 30, 2023, 10:03:10 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 04, 2023, 08:23:12 pm
Continuing from:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 05, 2023, 09:30:06 pm

Woke comments:

the smirk on his face at everyone's reaction tells the tale.

Why should he apologize? He's not sorry. He's not going to be sorry.

He's white, he don't have to apologize, please wake up black people

He needs to be removed and dealt with to the fullest extent
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 07, 2023, 06:34:43 pm

Henry Horton IV, of Okeechobee, was arrested Thursday by Palm Beach County Sheriff’s detectives after they uncovered his plans for mass killings at multiple locations, according to a probable cause affidavit, discovering that he had done “recon” at two targets in Parkland, including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Asked why he would attack Stoneman Douglas, the site of a school massacre that killed 17 and injured 17 in 2018, the affidavit says, Horton replied, “for attention or fame.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 16, 2023, 01:03:46 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 20, 2023, 06:03:24 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 01, 2023, 11:57:58 pm

Washington — A physical altercation broke out during a hearing on Monday in the case of Vitali GossJankowski, a defendant convicted of several charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, resulting in toppled tables and multiple federal agents subduing the defendant on the ground.
GossJankowski, who appears to stand at least 6 feet, 3 inches tall and is exceptionally muscular, pushed, tugged and toppled the officers before careening into a nearby podium and tables.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 12, 2023, 06:11:19 pm

Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen warlord, is sidelining his eldest son in favour of his “thuggish” 15-year-old boy amid speculation one of the Kremlin’s top figures is preparing his own succession.
Kadyrov is seen as Putin’s most important regional ally, keeping a lid on unrest in one of the country’s most rebellious regions through a mixture of brutality and extensive funding from the Kremlin.
Kadyrov’s favouritism for his youngest son may reflect shared characteristics, Mr Galeotti said.  “Adam seems to be the dimmest and most thuggish one, so it’s no wonder.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: rp on November 12, 2023, 06:39:32 pm
F*ck this Duginist puppet tbh.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 18, 2023, 02:31:24 am
It's OK for rapists to be "white":

Cody Woodsen Klemp



Woke comments:

Complexion for the connection.

Average white person
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 19, 2023, 08:16:41 pm

George John Gibney, coach of the Irish Olympic swimming team in 1984 and 1988


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 27, 2023, 06:29:57 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on November 30, 2023, 01:41:04 am

NORTH FORT MYERS, Fla. - A Florida woman has found herself behind bars after hurling cinder blocks at a man and his car after she rear-ended him in a Publix parking lot, according to deputies.

Patricia Momaney


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 02, 2023, 10:39:29 pm

Florida teacher arrested after video shows her allegedly slapping student in front of class
Ute Galloway


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 03, 2023, 07:01:24 pm

Reed has no clue. Fournier probably went up in MAGA's esteem as a consequence of displaying his based masculinity, as they like to call it.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 08, 2023, 05:57:44 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 13, 2023, 09:02:19 pm

Jurors found Hannah Payne guilty of felony murder, malice murder, false imprisonment, aggravated assault and three weapons counts in the shooting death of Kenneth Herring.

A Georgia jury this week convicted a bystander who chased down a Black man and shot him to death after a 2019 traffic incident.
Herring “was unarmed and minding his own business,” Clayton County Assistant District Attorney Nigel Hunter told jurors, when he “was chased down, detained, shot and murdered by this defendant.”


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 14, 2023, 05:16:10 pm
Note the uniformity of the interviewees' face shapes in the following clip, matching the uniformity of their Eurocentrism:

Previous coverage of similar phenomenon:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 15, 2023, 04:21:57 pm

San Fran tech founder is accused of forcing his assistant into a 'slave contract' that called him 'Master' before trafficking her for sex around the world
former Tradeshift CEO Christian Lanng sexually trafficked her around the world under the guise of business trips for the fintech company.
The abuse she endured, the lawsuit says, involved the woman "being bound against her will and beaten to the point of bleeding, including through the penetration of her body with various inanimate objects, all without her consent.


the plaintiff was also sexually abused by former Tradeshift board member Morten Lund and entrepreneur Morten Sondergaard.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on December 18, 2023, 10:16:05 pm

Following a year-long investigation by the Portland Police Bureau, a grand jury indicted 49-year-old Brian Bowen on multiple charges on Dec. 6, 2023. The charges include one felony and three misdemeanor counts of sex abuse.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 02, 2024, 08:13:32 pm

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A Las Vegas Metro police officer died by suicide hours after his arrest on stalking and home invasion charges, the coroner’s office confirmed Tuesday.

Henderson police arrested Jake Freeman on Sunday, Dec. 31. Freeman faced three felonies, including aggravated stalking, attempted home invasion, and destroying or injuring the personal property of another.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 03, 2024, 10:38:50 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on January 11, 2024, 02:14:05 am

Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Authorities in Virginia have identified a deceased fisherman as the prime suspect in the deaths of three people who were killed during what has become known as the Colonial Parkway Murders of the 1980s.

Alan W. Wilmer Sr. died in December of 2017 at his residence in Lancaster County, Va., and DNA obtained for his body for identification proposes following his death has linked him to the September 1987 fatal shootings of David L. Knobling, 20, and Robin M. Edwards, 14, and the July 1989 strangulation death of Teresa Lynn Spaw Howell, 29, officials said this week.
Among those considered victims are Knobling and Edwards who were last seen together Sept. 19, 1987. State police said they were found shot to death four days later along the shoreline on the south bank of the James River in the Isle of Wight County.

Though not necessarily considered a victim of the Colonial Parkway Murders, Howell died amid the killing spree. Police said she was last seen at about 2:30 a.m. on July 1, 1989, outside a since-closed nightclub. At about 10 a.m. later that day, her clothing was found by a construction crew and her body was found shortly afterward in a nearby wood line. Police said she was sexually assaulted and died as a result of strangulation.

Wilmer's face:

Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 05, 2024, 07:14:26 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 15, 2024, 05:28:42 pm

Megan Cater and Briana Martinson were charged in the 2017 slaying of Corey Elder, 19, in Bloomington, Fox Minneapolis reported. The killing was motivated by an attempt to steal pills from the victim.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 17, 2024, 10:46:48 pm

Colorado Woman Unwittingly Moves in With Her Rapist Years After Violent Attack
Amber couldn’t see the man’s face and remembers him bashing her in the jaw, before placing a rope around her neck and strangling her until she lost consciousness.
“She had suffered from a broken jaw, a brain bleed. One of her eyes was almost swollen shut. She had these ligature marks on her neck, where you could tell she had been strangled,” Seymour said. “She had a hard time speaking because her jaw hurt so badly.”
Moon later told Smith and police that while he had sex with Smith that night, he never hurt her and claimed he found her at the park after she posted an ad on Craig’s list offering free sex, in one last horrifying attempt to disparage her name.

The DNA evidence at the scene, however, discredited his story. His DNA was not only found inside Amber’s body, but it was on the duct tape, her neck and other places he touched her that night. After subpoenaing records from Craig’s List, investigators could also find no evidence of a post like the one he had described.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 19, 2024, 12:12:50 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 19, 2024, 05:16:45 pm

Fayetteville man pleads not guilty to first-degree murder following pursuit, fatal crash
Noah Cargill, 20, is also charged with a felon in possession of a firearm, fleeing, reckless driving, driving on a suspended or revoked driver’s license, speeding, operating a vehicle without insurance, careless driving, failure to stop or yield and running a red light



Alabama mom runs over her 7-year-old son with car after making him walk home from school as punishment: police


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on February 20, 2024, 02:04:26 pm

An American tourist has admitted raping and murdering a fellow US hiker, whom he pushed down a 165-foot ravine near a “Disney” castle in Bavaria.

Troy Phillip Bohling, 31, from Michigan, made a wide-ranging confession via his lawyer on the first day of his trial at a District Court in Kempten, 65 miles southwest of Munich.
The two women, Eva Liu, 21 and Kelsey Chang, 22, were coming to the end of a trip of a lifetime around Europe.

They both slipped while on a mountain trail at which point Bohling told them “That’s enough adventure for today”, before offering to take them to a viewing point on the way back to the castle.

He allegedly told the women he was taking them to a romantic spot for selfies, with a better view of the castle

It was there where Bohling pushed Ms Liu to the ground and **** her. Ms Chang intervened and was pushed into the ravine during the scuffle.

Bohling then carried on with the sexual assault, before strangling Ms Liu with a belt, while filming the act.

Interrupted by a pair of hikers who stumbled on the crime, he pushed the **** victim over the same ledge while she was unconscious.


Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on March 17, 2024, 06:30:21 pm
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 01, 2024, 07:59:17 am
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 08, 2024, 05:23:01 pm

Country music singer Morgan Wallen was arrested overnight in Nashville on felony charges after he allegedly threw a chair from a downtown rooftop for "no legitimate purpose," police said.
Wallen previously criticized for video of him saying racial slur
"Obviously, the natural thing to do is to apologize further and just continue to apologize but because you got caught and that's not what I wanted to do," the singer said in the video.



Previous Wallen coverage:
Title: Re: Non-Aryan aggressiveness
Post by: 90sRetroFan on April 17, 2024, 06:17:24 pm