True Left

Politics => Questions & Debates => Topic started by: christianbethel on September 25, 2021, 01:56:59 pm

Title: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 25, 2021, 01:56:59 pm
I think I may have told you this before, but I'm autistic (high functioning). This means I can't exhibit proper social behavior/speech, I don't understand social cues, and I am bound to a strict idiosyncratic lifestyle. All my life I've resisted acting like a productive member of society, to the point where I, a fully grown adult, live at home with my mother. Our previous interactions have been quite unpleasant due to your perception of me as an enemy. I'm not your enemy - I'm just trying to figure all of this stuff out. I have to move out of my mom's house before I can start making changes. I am fully aware of the abomination known as Western Civilization, but my mom is my conservator. She is neck-deep in Western culture with no hope for escape; there's nothing I can do. It will be the hardest challenge of my life to eliminate Western components from my lifestyle; I am very stubborn and resistant to change. How can I fight my autistic instincts and become a better man? How can I rise above this filth that is my life and achieve enlightenment? How can I use history as a tool to help guide me towards the path of Kampf?
Title: Christian Bethel, World War 2 Historian Revisionist
Post by: guest30 on September 25, 2021, 04:17:19 pm

How can I use history as a tool to help guide me towards the path of Kampf?

With showing that your view of history about Hitler and his ideology are worth to be studied by many people of different educational background through discussion, debate, and make conclusion with civility, not just invite people to ignore people who questioning the authenticity and the accuracy of your interpretation on it, if you declare yourself to use history as a tool to struggle, then face the consequence, your ignoring attitude to people who questioning your historical view just embarassing your work as a revisionist, show your incapability to take responsibility from what you do

This is your site, I am know it

If you got invited to discuss and debate on the topic which you seriously declare that you are work on it, but you just ignoring, it means that you not want your revisionist study to be taken to responsibility and to be reviewed, and many people can automatically say that your revisionist work are just for spreading misinformation purpose

You keep ignoring my message, remember, I already spread your irresponsible attitude which endanger your reputation 

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 26, 2021, 12:15:19 am
"I, a fully grown adult, live at home with my mother."

This is normal outside of Western civilization:


Far from being weaker than an extended family clan, Berger shows, the ordinary nuclear family was able to adapt superbly to changing economic and political realities. In fact, the family arrangement so common to England helps explain why it and other nations of northwest Europe were the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, the launching ground for modern affluence. The young nuclear family had to be flexible and mobile as it searched for opportunity and property. Forced to rely on their own ingenuity, its members also needed to plan for the future and develop bourgeois habits of work and saving.

If you yourself want to move out, do so, but don't move out just because Western civilization tells you to.

See also:

"I am fully aware of the abomination known as Western Civilization, but my mom is my conservator. She is neck-deep in Western culture"

I disagree. If she were a true Westerner, she would have kicked you out of her house as soon as you reached legal adulthood.

Can you elaborate on the ways in which you think she is a Westerner? I will then be in a better position to judge how Western she really is.

"It will be the hardest challenge of my life to eliminate Western components from my lifestyle"

Can you list these components? Then we can better discuss them separately.

"How can I fight my autistic instincts and become a better man?"

"Autism" is a uniquely Western medical generalization - no other civilization had such a notion before Western civilization introduced it - which does more harm than good. No two individuals crudely described by Western psychiatry as "autists" are alike in thought process. Therefore you should try to stop thinking of yourself as an "autist", and instead think of yourself as an individual who understands yourself better than any Western psychiatrist can understand you. In this way, you can at least avoid:

See also:

"How can I rise above this filth that is my life and achieve enlightenment?"

"How can I use history as a tool to help guide me towards the path of Kampf?"
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 26, 2021, 12:17:06 pm
'Can you elaborate on the ways in which you think she is a Westerner? I will then be in a better position to judge how Western she really is.'

'Can you list these components? Then we can better discuss them separately.'

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest55 on September 26, 2021, 01:19:37 pm
I don't want to rob AS of his response to you but thought I'd just point a few things out:

I eat meat and dairy products.
This does not necessarily make you "Western". There are plenty of non-Westerners who eat meat and use dairy products. All this means is that your Turanian blood is overpowering what little Aryan blood you may have flowing through your veins. In order for your Aryan blood to become dominant you will have to wage an internal battle like no other.
I have sexual fetishes.
Although sexual fetishes are clearly a dominant obsession in Western culture, non-Westerners can have fetishes as well. Depending on the fetish it could be Western, or it could not be. If the fetish revolves around high-sexual dimorphism then that would be a good indicator that the fetish in question is of Western origin.
I rely on Western medicine
That's a tough one to escape if you live in the West especially. German National Socialists relied on Western medicine in WWII while they were waging a war against the West. Also, keep in mind the NSDAP was anti-democratic but used democracy to gain power in Germany....
I actively make use of Western information centers like Wikipedia and TV Tropes.
So do we, are you saying we are Western too for doing so? Are you arguing that Westerners have an exclusive ownership of all information ever created? Because if so, that argument would actually be Western more-so than using Wikipedia.
I am tribalistically devoted to my family.
This one might make you a Westerner for sure, lol!
I lack the spirit of defiance required to tell my friends and family the truth about Aryanism.
How sure are you that you even have any true friends? Don't send Aryanism links to people, it never ends well. The only person I do not regret sending Aryanism links to is a Black Panther and has been one for a very long time. I personally don't talk to my family (sister and mother) about much at all, and certainly not about Aryanism. And, my mother actually does not believe the Western lies about WWII either....
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 26, 2021, 01:59:00 pm
'How sure are you that you even have any true friends?'
The friends I have came to my aid when I was homeless and when my mother suffered her stroke.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 26, 2021, 11:27:13 pm
She used childrearing (as you call it) when I was a child.

You have my sympathy, but to be fair this is not exclusively Western.

She eats meat and dairy products.

Not exclusively Western.

She's constantly telling me to 'grow up' and 'act like an adult'.

Not exclusively Western.

She makes a habit of watching Western news outlets and Western TV shows.

Any particular examples? I ask because many TV shows are Counterculture-influenced.

She actually is aware of how corrupt our government is, but she still votes (We're American).

You can dislike voting but still vote in order to defeat enemies who are voting, just as we dislike firearms but still encourage our side to own firearms in order to defeat enemies who also own firearms. Does she vote for the more pro-Western or less pro-Western candidates?

She believes in the Official Holocaust Narrative and stubbornly refuses to accept any other truths.

She believes that 'Nazis' = bad guys and 'Allies' = good guys.

Who does she believe are the good guys in present-day geopolitics?

I eat meat and dairy products.

Not exclusively Western, as Mazda noted. Anyway, have you tried stopping?

Although I do not personally find them inferior, I play games and watch anime with 3D imagery.

What do you think of the 2D versions in comparison?

I have sexual fetishes.

I agree with Mazda. Please elaborate.

I rely on Western medicine

Have you tried visiting non-Western medics for your health problems? If not, perhaps you could consider doing so in future. If you already have, were you dissatisfied with the service from them compared to the service you got from Western medics?

I place an emphasis on intelligence and education

In war, this is necessary to defeat enemies who do the same. But would you ideally prefer to live in a world without war, so that this is unnecessary?

I actively make use of Western information centers like Wikipedia and TV Tropes.

Anyone can edit these sites, including non-Westerners.

I believe people can overcome their genes and make changes for the better.

So do we (ie. this is not exclusively Western). We also believe people can overcome their genes and make changes for the worse. So on average the two effects will cancel out.

I am tribalistically devoted to my family.

Not exclusively Western.

I lack the spirit of defiance required to tell my friends and family the truth about Aryanism.

I don't mind this, since if you tried to, you would probably misrepresent us anyway.

I have narcissistic tendencies.

Not exclusively Western.

I lack the courage to sacrifice the deleterious parts of my life that I enjoy.

Not exclusively Western. Nevertheless, I hope you try.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: LAMPSHADE ENTHUSIAST on September 26, 2021, 11:44:37 pm

Dear Non-Entity No. 632345678,

Permit me to outline how and why you are a useless pedantic cúnt.

>There are plenty of non-Westerners who eat meat and use dairy products.

NO SHlT SHERLOCK. That isn't what he meant and you know it (unless you're more "autistic" than Christian). He's seeking advice from people who should act like fellow comrades, but rather gets a condescending and unoriginal rant over semantics. We know Westerners are not the only people who eat meat. But can you offer a SINGLE fücking substantial piece of advice to help him out it? Perhaps suggest to him to switch his meat and dairy with the increasingly popularized Vegan "meat" and "egg" replacements?

>non-Westerners can have fetishes as well.

Sexual hedonism is bad across the board fággot. Does it really make a difference if it's Western? Seriously, just consider this from Christian's perspective:

"How can I stop being a Westerner?"

"List out ways that you are a Westerner"

"Well, I wanna stop watching dinosaur pórn and eating kosher child meat sponsored by Epstein & Co™, and-"


I mean if you MUST be a pedantic cûnt then at least supplement your condescension with real advice and input.

>Western medicine

Look at the ingredients of any Western medicine and chances are you'll get hints about where they came from in nature (that you can source yourself, organically). For example, aspirin comes from a specific tree bark, and ADHD pills come from Rabbi smegma.

>So do we, are you saying we are Western too for doing so?

No, you useless whóre, he was not. Jesus fûcking Christ, either you are too retarded to read one atom between the lines or are too conceited to treat the question seriously and abstain from acting like a condescending fuckwit.

>This one might make you a Westerner for sure, lol!

You are veritably USELESS.

Normally I wouldn't care, but what's different about you is that you are compensating for your inferiority complex by essentially out-nerding someone coming to you looking for help; someone emotionally exposing themselves, only for retards like you to act like a dóuchebag. Instead of helping, you are rubbing it in. But go on, pretend that you're any better simply because you haven't publically listed out your inner issues as frankly as Christian has.

Is this what Aryanism has come to? A glorified echo chamber for crypto-liberals simping for the False Leftist shít factory called the Democratic Party? And to think that **** like you are considered Aryanists! This is why babies are born screaming.

Enjoy your echo chamber fucktard. And get comfortable with volatile **** like me seeing as the only people AS attracts to Aryanism nowadays are push over yes-men and douchebaggy pseudointellectual fops. Do you people actually think anyone is going to stay here permanently at this rate? That people like Christian are going to have the patience to agonize through your insufferable narcissism, forever? Your call loser.


Go ahead and further undermine the ground you stand upon, I've got this page archived.


I'm proud of you bro, I can feel your mental clarity and resolve from all the way over here. Believe me, keep your head up and your mind on the target, and things will get better.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2021, 08:58:09 am
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2021, 09:20:40 am
'Any particular examples? I ask because many TV shows are Counterculture-influenced.'

Any show on Netflix/HBO/Showtime/Amazon/etc.

'You can dislike voting but still vote in order to defeat enemies who are voting, just as we dislike firearms but still encourage our side to own firearms in order to defeat enemies who also own firearms. Does she vote for the more pro-Western or less pro-Western candidates?'

She votes for pro-Western candidates.

'Who does she believe are the good guys in present-day geopolitics?'

All the Zionist and pro-Western figures.

'Not exclusively Western, as Mazda noted. Anyway, have you tried stopping?'

Yes, but to no avail. I shall begin in earnest when I move out.

'What do you think of the 2D versions in comparison?'

I just got finished playing Undertale, so I don't mind playing them. 3D games just offer more functionality, like countering and parrying enemy attacks.

'I agree with Mazda. Please elaborate.'

(Brace yourself) I am sexually attracted to female:

'Have you tried visiting non-Western medics for your health problems? If not, perhaps you could consider doing so in future. If you already have, were you dissatisfied with the service from them compared to the service you got from Western medics?'

There are no non-Western medical facilities in my area.

'In war, this is necessary to defeat enemies who do the same. But would you ideally prefer to live in a world without war, so that this is unnecessary?'

It goes without saying that yes, I would.

'Anyone can edit these sites, including non-Westerners.'

However, theae sites are heavily policed by Zionist and pro-Zionist entities, such as the ADL. Any revisionist edits are immediately deleted and slandered as 'hate speech'.

'I don't mind this, since if you tried to, you would probably misrepresent us anyway.'

And exactly what caused you to arrive at that conclusion?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: Polinc_Socjus on September 27, 2021, 11:59:46 am
Those fetishes don't seem too bad. They're not violent. That's the important thing.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2021, 12:08:11 pm
Thanks. Your support is appreciated.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest55 on September 27, 2021, 12:43:53 pm
Any show on Netflix/HBO/Showtime/Amazon/etc.

I watch movies on Netflix and Amazon so I can stay in tune with what Westerners are thinking and feeling. Sometimes there's a good non-Western movie that comes on, and even rarely an anti-Western one.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2021, 12:46:57 pm
I suppose that's another reason why I play 3D games.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest62 on September 27, 2021, 02:55:45 pm
I can't help with a lot of these but I hope you find some of this advice useful.

I eat meat and dairy products.

To eliminate meat from my diet I just went completely cold turkey (pun not intended!). I personally rarely use vegan 'meat' alternatives as I found these only increased cravings for the real deal, and it was easier to let go of those cravings by discovering non-meaty foods I enjoy. Another way I erased cravings was by watching vegan documentaries. Just seeing where your food comes from can have a massive impact on your appetite. Switching out dairy completely is more difficult, as it's in almost everything. Try and find dairy-free alternatives you enjoy, and overtime your reliance on dairy products will fall.

I have sexual fetishes.

Whilst the fetish itself can't be helped, how much you think about it and how it influences you can. If you watch ****, either go cold turkey or switch to genres that don't stimulate you as much. When you feel urges, meditate. If you don't have many female friends, find female icons you can look up to (fictional or non-fictional). Sexual dimorphism leads to a lack of respect which in turn leads to objectification (although this is not always the reason).

These fetishes aren't violent, so I would focus more on eliminating animal products, as those are.

I know it's not easy, but conquering just one habit will make you feel more in control of your life, destiny and soul. I wish you all the best.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2021, 06:08:17 pm
I can't help with a lot of these but I hope you find some of this advice useful.

I eat meat and dairy products.

To eliminate meat from my diet I just went completely cold turkey (pun not intended!). I personally rarely use vegan 'meat' alternatives as I found these only increased cravings for the real deal, and it was easier to let go of those cravings by discovering non-meaty foods I enjoy. Another way I erased cravings was by watching vegan documentaries. Just seeing where your food comes from can have a massive impact on your appetite. Switching out dairy completely is more difficult, as it's in almost everything. Try and find dairy-free alternatives you enjoy, and overtime your reliance on dairy products will fall.

I have sexual fetishes.

Whilst the fetish itself can't be helped, how much you think about it and how it influences you can. If you watch ****, either go cold turkey or switch to genres that don't stimulate you as much. When you feel urges, meditate. If you don't have many female friends, find female icons you can look up to (fictional or non-fictional). Sexual dimorphism leads to a lack of respect which in turn leads to objectification (although this is not always the reason).

These fetishes aren't violent, so I would focus more on eliminating animal products, as those are.

I know it's not easy, but conquering just one habit will make you feel more in control of your life, destiny and soul. I wish you all the best.

Thank you very much. I'll do my best.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2021, 06:12:21 pm
'Sexual dimorphism leads to a lack of respect which in turn leads to objectification (although this is not always the reason).'
I don't know what sexual dimorphism is.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 28, 2021, 12:01:29 am
"Any show on Netflix/HBO/Showtime/Amazon/etc."

Many of these are definitely Counterculture influenced. One of my personal favourites:

"She votes for pro-Western candidates."

At least you can vote for the opposite of whomever she votes for in order to cancel her vote out!

"3D games just offer more functionality, like countering and parrying enemy attacks."

    "Stuffed bellies
    Stuffed belly 'excuse me' burps
    Stuffed belly 'excuse me' farts
    Urination (on toilets only)
    Defecation (on toilets only)

Not exclusively Western, as Mazda said. However, certainly anti-Mohammedan:

the houris do not experience urination, defecation or menstruation.[61]

"And exactly what caused you to arrive at that conclusion?"

You listed as "Western" so many items that are not exclusively Western. Also, that you needed to ask the following question despite having been hanging around here for so long:

"I don't know what sexual dimorphism is."

Our general principle is that any trait considered positive for females should be considered just as positive for males, and vice versa, or else it is not a trait worth having in the first place.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 28, 2021, 09:03:37 am
'You listed as "Western" so many items that are not exclusively Western. Also, that you needed to ask the following question despite having been hanging around here for so long:'

I didn't realize Russia and Hungary were havens for Jewry.

And I was talking about hack and slash games, not fighters.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 28, 2021, 10:13:55 pm
"I didn't realize Russia and Hungary were havens for Jewry."

You still don't get it. Even if they had zero Jews/Jewish bloodlines, they would still be bad guys based on their behaviour alone! That you fail to understand even this further confirms your unsuitability for explaining our ideology to others.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest30 on September 28, 2021, 10:59:09 pm
@90sRetroFan, Anglophile Leftist Hitlerist

"I didn't realize Russia and Hungary were havens for Jewry."

You still don't get it. Even if they had zero Jews/Jewish bloodlines, they would still be bad guys based on their behaviour alone! That you fail to understand even this further confirms your unsuitability for explaining our ideology to others.

Is anti-illegal immigrant action can justify the whole nation's character to evilness, I think that a nation who are kind to any form of immigrants and refugees but like intervene other nation's work and affairs just to oppress them for the sake follow the nation's political and ideological worldview who are intervening are more evil than anti-illegal immigrants nation, if you hate anti-immigrant nation, hate Nusantara too, even our people not want to accept Afghanistan refugees, and they are still fellow Islamic people

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 28, 2021, 11:32:44 pm
"if you hate anti-immigrant nation, hate Nusantara too, even our people not want to accept Afghanistan refugees, and they are still fellow Islamic people"

Nusantarans would accept Afghan refugees. Those who do not want Afghan refugees are Indonesians.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 29, 2021, 09:25:18 am
You still don't get it. Even if they had zero Jews/Jewish bloodlines, they would still be bad guys based on their behaviour alone! That you fail to understand even this further confirms your unsuitability for explaining our ideology to others.

OK, so instead of lambasting me, help me to understand your ideology so that I in turn will be able to explain it to someone else.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 29, 2021, 10:29:57 pm
"help me to understand your ideology so that I in turn will be able to explain it to someone else."

I don't mind helping you understand (why do you think I am still replying here?), but I don't want you to try to explain it to someone else. If I think someone is good enough to explain stuff, I will actively invite them to do so:


Would you consider starting an anti-Duginist specialist blog and reposting the content you have recently been posting (along with other stuff collected in this topic), but with additional commentary by yourself?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 30, 2021, 11:28:17 am
Fair enough. I will try my best to make myself useful to authentic national socialism. I hope I can be of service.
Title: Re: Random Thoughts....
Post by: christianbethel on October 09, 2021, 10:08:49 am
So, just to clarify, it's TirthankarsSiddharthaPythagorasPlatoZoroasterJesusManiMuhammad→???→SchopenhauerHitler?
Title: Re: Re: Random Thoughts....
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 09, 2021, 09:44:02 pm
What do the arrows mean?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 09, 2021, 11:55:16 pm
The arrows signify the line of succession. The Tirthankars inspired the Buddha, the Buddha inspired Schopenhauer, Schopenhauer inspired Hitler, and so on.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 10, 2021, 12:58:55 am

There is no consensus on the dating of Zoroaster; the Avesta gives no direct information about it, while historical sources are conflicting. Some scholars base their date reconstruction on the Proto-Indo-Iranian language and Proto-Indo-Iranian religion,[11] and thus his origin is considered to have been somewhere in northeastern Iran and sometime between 1500 and 500 BCE.[22][23][24][25]

Even if you take the latest date, that's still before:

Plato (/ˈpleɪtoʊ/ PLAY-toe;[2] Greek: Πλάτων Plátōn, pronounced [plá.tɔːn] in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC)

so how is:



As for:


While they were contemporaries:

Pythagoras of Samos[a]
Born   c. 570 BC
Died   c. 495 BC (aged around 75)

Born Siddhartha Gautama
c. 563 BCE or 480 BCE
Lumbini, Shakya Republic (according to Buddhist tradition)[note 1]
Died   c. 483 BCE or 400 BCE (aged 80)[1][2][3]

there is no indication that they were aware of each other's existence, unless you believe they were communicating telepathically, in which case they would both be already on such a high level that line of succession doesn't really mean anything.

I lean more towards:

"Jesus Lived in India."

In a nutshell, he proposes that the son of Joseph and Mary traveled to India when young, imbibed the Buddhist philosophy and world view at the feet of Buddhist monks, then returned to propagate his findings among his people in Palestine.
Mr. Kersten contends that Jesus' original message was hijacked by the Apostle Paul, who introduced new elements, including misogyny and the concept that Christ's death absolved others of their sins.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 10, 2021, 08:40:52 am
I didn't realize I erred regarding the dates.
Post by: christianbethel on October 19, 2021, 01:34:40 pm
What does Aryanism have to say about Marcus Garvey?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 19, 2021, 09:52:41 pm
Garvey was the first one I was thinking of when writing in the past about Eurocentrists who call themselves "Afrocentrists":

he declared himself Provisional President of Africa. Ideologically a black nationalist and Pan-Africanist, his ideas came to be known as Garveyism.

"Africa" as used to mean a continent is a Eurocentric concept. This is the actual Africa:


To use "Africa" to denote this:


is as Eurocentric as it would be Sinocentric if China were to use "Xinjiang":


as the name for:


Imagine how ludicrous Douglas Murray (for example) would look if he referred to British as "Xinjiangers" while criticizing China. That is how ludicrous Garvey actually is.

Emphasising unity between Africans and the African diaspora, he campaigned for an end to European colonial rule across Africa and the political unification of the continent.

Why not unity between all victims of Western colonialism?

He envisioned a unified Africa as a one-party state, governed by himself, that would enact laws to ensure black racial purity.

Worse, he also buy into the Western notion of "blackness", thereby not considering someone like Gaddafi to be "African". Imagine this: if Garvey had succeeded, Gaddafi would have been deported!

he was committed to the Back-to-Africa movement

The more Americans listen to him, the harder it will be for:

to succeed. It never seemed to have crossed Garvey's mind that:

the US has nukes. If you flee from the US to a country without nukes in order to escape racism, you are inviting the racists to nuke you.

The only correct response is to seize control of the nukes from the racists. This requires Demographic Blueshift. And until then, you need to stay close enough to the racists so that they cannot nuke you without nuking themselves at the same time. It is literally no different than grappling someone who is holding a handgun. The worst response is to try to run away. You will get shot if you do. Your best chance is to disarm the opponent or at least keep the opponent unable to point the gun at you while you call for additional help.


The writer Richard Hart similarly noted that Garvey was "much attracted by the glamour of the British nobility", as reflected in the way he gave prominent supporters such British-derived titles as "Lords", "Ladies", and "Knights".[403]


A picture is worth a thousand words:


Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 19, 2021, 10:12:13 pm
Where does it say referring to Africa as a continent is Eurocentric? Do you have a better term?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 19, 2021, 10:40:11 pm
We do not talk about continents in the first place. We talk about river basins:

Islands can continue to be called by their existing names, but when Aryanists refer to a certain region of non-island land, we should do so according to the nearest major river, as should be the Aryan way of looking at physical geography. This riparian system is perfectly practical and more accurate than the continental system, and more importantly it automatically de-emphasizes the divisive (and stereotype-loaded) boundaries implicit to the continental system. Ultimately it is one aspect in the assertion of our worldview as a reasonable alternative to the existing Western worldview that is taught in schools worldwide. All rivers join in the ocean. All rivers were carved by rainfall. All rivers were created by sunlight. Villages and towns did not grow out of “continents”, but out of river valleys. “Continents” are arbitrary and meaningless abstractions. Rivers are real and fundamental to culture.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 19, 2021, 10:51:44 pm
Do you have a nomenclature for locations absent from river basins?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 19, 2021, 11:32:30 pm
Deserts have their existing names.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 20, 2021, 10:37:50 am
How long do you estimate the revisions to the main site will be finished?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on January 16, 2022, 12:04:16 pm
What does Aryanism have to say about the NSDAP and jazz?
Title: Re: Homophobia is not American
Post by: christianbethel on May 08, 2022, 01:19:44 pm
From Memoirs of a Confidant, pp. 103-104:
“This inclination in some people is a problem that previously I was quite
unable to understand. Your theory of Odic force, which you recently explained to me, and reading Reichenbach’s book about his observations, have brought me somewhat further. “If it is true that people with similar Od rays are attracted to each other, then of course that applies not only to men and women, but also to women among each other and men among each other. And if it is true that the healthy young body has an urge to give off its excess of Od energy to older ones, who can utilize it for their own performance, it is understandable that not only will younger women and girls feel attracted to such a man, but so will young men and boys. In my judgment, this has nothing at all to do with sex. But since the transference of Od energies occurs with greater force and more immediately through phys¬ ical touch—shaking hands, caressing, even kissing—the urgency of the Od contact also releases a desire for this kind of touch. “So, if this desire exists in a younger person toward an older one, that should at the same time be proof that he considers him worthy of the gift of Od. Between a man and a woman, it is true, there can also be purely sexual reasons for such an approach, for cuddling, for embracing. In the case of a younger man or even a boy in relation to an older man, however, that actually does not arise. It seems to me all the more abominable if the older man allows this cuddling on the part of the younger man to seduce him into lewd acts or even to go so far as to exploit him for that purpose. “By the way, history gives us repeated clues which show that it is precisely the especially outstanding personalities who are subject to such tendencies—a factor that might support the theory of worthiness, but also points to the danger implicit in this matter. We must therefore take the view that any sexual involvement between persons of the same sex is unnatural, it runs counter to the meaning of pairing and of the divine command: Be fruitful and multiply. That is why any such activity, no matter of what sort, is to be forbidden and punishable as soon as a boy has reached puberty. Besides, pure pederasty seems to me entirely un-Germanic. I feel that it is filth of the lowest order. Pederasts should be expelled from the community of the Volk.”

Didn't Hitler accept LGBT relationships in the Third Reich? What is 'Odic force'?
Title: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 23, 2022, 08:18:06 am
It's funny - you guys hate logic, you hate the Renaissance, you hate the Enlightenment, you hate the Scientific Revolution, you hate empiricism, you hate high intelligence, and you despise modern technology; yet you insult your enemies by calling them 'morons' (like me) and 'illiterate' (also like me). What's the deal?
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: guest55 on May 23, 2022, 02:05:25 pm
It's funny - you guys hate logic, you hate the Renaissance, you hate the Enlightenment, you hate the Scientific Revolution, you hate empiricism, you hate high intelligence, and you despise modern technology; yet you insult your enemies by calling them 'morons' (like me) and 'illiterate' (also like me). What's the deal?

We love truth above all else, regardless of how insulting it is to ourselves or anyone else. Do moronic stuff and get called a moron. What you seem to fail to understand is that a person who has been rightfully labelled a moron by someone else can actually change their behavior and stop being a moron anytime they choose to. Likewise, someone can also fix their illiteracy issues if they so choose. These are not functions of intelligence, but of self-awareness.

a stupid person.
"we can't let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend"

Become more mindful and you will stop being a moron, it's that simple. This does not require intelligence, it requires self-awareness.

See also:

I wouldn't say I'm intelligent really, I'm just self-aware and have a great memory for things I have read and observed.


This is a progressive attitude, implying that ancient people in general were morally inferior to modern people in general, and that it is not their fault for being born in that earlier and hence less developed era.

I wrote a paper in university once arguing this very same argument a long time ago. How pervasive this progressive attitude really is in the West is stunning. Only after being introduced to your activism and learning about the ancients did I realize how flawed this attitude actually is.
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 23, 2022, 05:19:53 pm

We love truth above all else, regardless of how insulting it is to ourselves or anyone else. Do moronic stuff and get called a moron. What you seem to fail to understand is that a person who has been rightfully labelled a moron by someone else can actually change their behavior and stop being a moron anytime they choose to. Likewise, someone can also fix their illiteracy issues if they so choose. These are not functions of intelligence, but of self-awareness.

a stupid person.
"we can't let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend"

Become more mindful and you will stop being a moron, it's that simple. This does not require intelligence, it requires self-awareness.

See also:

I wouldn't say I'm intelligent really, I'm just self-aware and have a great memory for things I have read and observed.


And you agree with this sentiment?
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: SirGalahad on May 23, 2022, 06:17:42 pm
@christianbethel This is why I prefer to call people fools. It's possible to be a fool regardless of the level of intelligence you happened to be gifted with at birth, which is why I assume the word "fool" appears many times in sayings attributed to the Buddha, but never any actual insults pertaining to intelligence
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 23, 2022, 06:54:44 pm
I never really thought about it like that, but a fool is someone with little to no intelligence. How does that work? Are you referring to common sense?
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: SirGalahad on May 23, 2022, 07:32:18 pm
To fool someone means to trick or deceive them, therefore to be a fool means to be one who has been tricked or deceived. I can only find one definition online that makes a reference to intelligence. All the others do not
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 23, 2022, 07:54:43 pm
So, in other words, a 'fool' is someone who lacks common sense and is easily deceived? That actually makes perfect sense. I suppose 'moron' and 'illiterate' from Mazda/Chris/Mza9/Mezzanime/Numinous Sun/guest5/etc. and AS/90sRetroFan carry that same connotation.
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 23, 2022, 08:11:46 pm
"It's funny - you guys hate logic, you hate the Renaissance, you hate the Enlightenment, you hate the Scientific Revolution, you hate empiricism, you hate high intelligence, and you despise modern technology; yet you insult your enemies by calling them 'morons' (like me) and 'illiterate' (also like me). What's the deal?"

The Renaissance was moronic. The Enlightenment was moronic. The Scientific Revolution was moronic. None of them should ever have happened (nor did they in any other civilization except one). Those incapable of figuring this out, and thus who went ahead and made them happen, are the morons.

I do not hate logic. You are illiterate for thinking that I do, given that I was just recently referring to logic with a positive connotation here:

as well as the well-known fact that my basis for hating empiricism is rationalism (which requires logic).
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 23, 2022, 08:55:06 pm
(Sigh) There you go again. Do you enjoy patronizing people?
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: SirGalahad on May 23, 2022, 09:44:11 pm
@90sRetroFan I see all those things negatively too, but my main issue is that the words "moron" and "idiot" imply that some semblance of worth can be attributed to intelligence, when really we place good character so far above intelligence in importance, that we really aren't concerned with intelligence at all, except for when it proves to be useful to us. It's like calling someone a monkey for being a hunter-gatherer. Hunter-gatherers might share commonalities with your average monkey, and we do dislike (gentile) hunter-gatherer tribes, but to call someone a monkey pejoratively implies that being a monkey is wrong or makes one inherently inferior, or at the very least, less superior for that alone. The reality is that we care about "monkeys", treat them as individuals, and respect the best of them. The same can be applied here. A noble moron may be a moron, but they are still a good person. And an Ashkenazi Jew may be far more intelligent on average, but they're still ignoble

In short, I've refrained from using those terms as much as possible, because I found the arguments laid out by leftists who consider those words to be "ableist", convincing
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: guest55 on May 23, 2022, 11:14:17 pm
So, in other words, a 'fool' is someone who lacks common sense and is easily deceived? That actually makes perfect sense. I suppose 'moron' and 'illiterate' from Mazda/Chris/Mza9/Mezzanime/Numinous Sun/guest5/etc. and AS/90sRetroFan carry that same connotation.

So, in other words, a 'fool' is someone who lacks common sense and is easily deceived? That actually makes perfect sense. I suppose 'moron' and 'illiterate' from Mazda/Chris/Mza9/Mezzanime/Numinous Sun/guest5/etc. and AS/90sRetroFan carry that same connotation.

Mindless vandalism can be offensive, indeed. I prefer mindful vandalism if one is inclined to be a vandal, this is why I practice graffiti in my spare time, and have been doing so for a long time. I paint alone...

Why are you compiling all of my user names as if it has some meaning? I do not understand, please explain this to me?

Note: this thread has now moved into the realm of foppery. Which Christian Bethel is well known for around these forums. Some people just cannot help themselves I guess...
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 24, 2022, 07:34:12 am
@90sRetroFan I see all those things negatively too, but my main issue is that the words "moron" and "idiot" imply that some semblance of worth can be attributed to intelligence, when really we place good character so far above intelligence in importance, that we really aren't concerned with intelligence at all, except for when it proves to be useful to us. It's like calling someone a monkey for being a hunter-gatherer. Hunter-gatherers might share commonalities with your average monkey, and we do dislike (gentile) hunter-gatherer tribes, but to call someone a monkey pejoratively implies that being a monkey is wrong or makes one inherently inferior, or at the very least, less superior for that alone. The reality is that we care about "monkeys", treat them as individuals, and respect the best of them. The same can be applied here. A noble moron may be a moron, but they are still a good person. And an Ashkenazi Jew may be far more intelligent on average, but they're still ignoble

In short, I've refrained from using those terms as much as possible, because I found the arguments laid out by leftists who consider those words to be "ableist", convincing
Precisely! Thanks for speaking my language, man!
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: guest55 on May 24, 2022, 12:50:16 pm

I hope you get banned from these forums because I'm sick and tired of you derailing our threads with your nonsense!
Title: Aryanists and Aryans are not...
Post by: guest55 on May 24, 2022, 04:12:31 pm
Your personal therapists or research assistants. Aryan National Socialism is a militarist organization, not a survivalist organization. Having said that, it should be obvious we are not here to help anyone survive either. We are a ideological resource for soldiers already engaged in the struggle, as was the post WWI NSDAP in Germany.
Title: Re: Re: Inspired by Muhammad
Post by: christianbethel on May 25, 2022, 07:33:14 am

I hope you get banned from these forums because I'm sick and tired of you derailing our threads with your nonsense!

Title: Re: Aryanists and Aryans are not...
Post by: christianbethel on May 27, 2022, 02:33:53 pm
[We're not] Your personal therapists or research assistants. Aryan National Socialism is a militarist organization, not a survivalist organization. Having said that, it should be obvious we are not here to help anyone survive either. We are a ideological resource for soldiers already engaged in the struggle, as was the post WWI NSDAP in Germany.
Thanks for admitting you and AS and co. don't give a shít about new members' well-being and that you're content with leaving new members in the dark about Aryanism and anything related to it. Very compassionate of you.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest55 on May 27, 2022, 08:51:00 pm
Thanks for admitting you and AS and co. don't give a shít about new members' well-being and that you're content with leaving new members in the dark about Aryanism and anything related to it. Very compassionate of you.

Not that I'm your therapist, but if I was, I'd probably tell you narcissism is a bigger problem for you than autism.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on May 27, 2022, 09:04:19 pm
'narcissism is a bigger problem for you than autism'

Take the plank outta your eye, fam.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest55 on May 28, 2022, 09:57:14 am
Take the plank outta your eye, fam.

First of all, I'm not your "fam". Secondly, only threads you post in end up devolving into being all about you. No one else here does this, but you! Thirdly, no one else starts threads here that are all about themselves, only you do!
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest55 on May 28, 2022, 01:09:35 pm
Out of curiosity, are you the person that has been spying on my internet usage and going behind my back and telling Youtubers I'm watching their channel so that they make possible hints towards me in their videos? The reason I ask you this is because you just showed me that you are compiling my usernames on this forum along with those of AS...

If it is you doing this, why are you doing it? What purpose does it fulfill? If it is you, please stop! I am very capable of writing my own emails to people, and if I have genuine questions for another person I am not afraid to ask!!!

How to Identify the 4 Subtle Steps a Narcissist Takes Before Invading Your Life
How to recognize even the most subtle and covert phases of narcissistic control, according to a psychologist.
Phase 1: The Attraction

“A narcissist is often extremely attracted to a person who is emotionally intelligent. He or she strives to get close to a person who is warm and caring,” writes Leonard. This attraction can be amorous, as well as a non-romantic connection.

Similarly, emotionally intelligent people can’t help but feel flattered by the narcissist’s attention and charm. The narcissist showers the person with compliments and validation – also known as ‘love bombing’ – appearing emotionally intelligent themselves as they respond to the affection.

This period of mutual respect usually lasts until the person is seriously invested in the relationship. Then, Leonard says, things change.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: Guesst on May 28, 2022, 07:45:27 pm
Let's talk about the word "consent" and how Western adults could careless about that word, especially when it comes to children? Let's then talk about the word "violation" and how sick it can make people....

Perhaps after that we can return to the topic of how "uncompassionate" AS and I are?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on May 29, 2022, 11:55:16 am
Out of curiosity, are you the person that has been spying on my internet usage and going behind my back and telling Youtubers I'm watching their channel so that they make possible hints towards me in their videos? The reason I ask you this is because you just showed me that you are compiling my usernames on this forum along with those of AS...

If it is you doing this, why are you doing it? What purpose does it fulfill? If it is you, please stop! I am very capable of writing my own emails to people, and if I have genuine questions for another person I am not afraid to ask!!!
No, but that's fùcking hilarious!

“A narcissist is often extremely attracted to a person who is emotionally intelligent. He or she strives to get close to a person who is warm and caring,” writes Leonard. This attraction can be amorous, as well as a non-romantic connection.
I'm not drawn to kind people because they're exploitable, but because they're kind. I'm drawn to them because I think that if I emulate their behavior and stop being cynical, bitter and jaded, I can become a better person. But I'm not a narcissist.

Similarly, emotionally intelligent people can’t help but feel flattered by the narcissist’s attention and charm. The narcissist showers the person with compliments and validation – also known as ‘love bombing’ – appearing emotionally intelligent themselves as they respond to the affection. This period of mutual respect usually lasts until the person is seriously invested in the relationship. Then, Leonard says, things change.
Never done that before. I don't 'love bomb' this forum. I contribute to it, but I am highly critical of this forum's upper management.
Title: Re: Question for Zea_Mays?
Post by: christianbethel on June 03, 2022, 12:51:02 pm
Were you able to find conclusive proof that the Wehrmacht did not practice segregation and treated all of their troops equally and fairly?
Title: Re: Re: Question for Zea_Mays?
Post by: rp on June 03, 2022, 06:30:08 pm
We cannot logically prove a negative. The onus is on the Reich's detractors to prove that the Wehrmacht did practice segregation.
Title: Re: Police rightist bias
Post by: christianbethel on June 28, 2022, 02:05:54 pm
Title: Re: Re: Police rightist bias
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 28, 2022, 07:26:24 pm
Do you think they would shoot a pregnant "white" woman under otherwise identical circumstances? If you do, there is no hope for you.
Title: Re: Re: Police rightist bias
Post by: christianbethel on June 28, 2022, 07:52:20 pm
Do you think they would shoot a pregnant "white" woman under otherwise identical circumstances? If you do, there is no hope for you.
I don't think that. I'm just saying the 'black' woman decided to reproduce, so her getting killed prevents the suffering the unborn child has to go through when it's born.
Title: Re: Re: Police rightist bias
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 28, 2022, 08:25:31 pm
Yes, while a "white" woman who decided to reproduce is not killed. Is this fair?

If everyone who decided to reproduce is killed, I would not be complaining. That is not what is happening. What is happening is that the police are waging demographic warfare on "non-white" bloodlines. They are putting into practice what "white" supremacists theorize about:

US white nationalists are heading on to a neo-Nazi website, "Stormfront," in order to recruit more people to their way of thinking. Online they describe abortions by white women as "murder" and look to "weaponize" the procedure. However, the extremists reason abortion by non-white women is "acceptable" or even "desirable," because, they argue, the procedure could solve threats to white dominance—including the "urgent need to limit third world populations."

If you genuinely care about minimizing the total number of future births, you should first think about whose bloodlines - "white" or "non-white" - are responsible for space travel. Because:
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on August 11, 2022, 08:35:20 am
Attention Aryanists:

I am currently in the process of writing a book about the various subjects pertaining to Aryanism: Hitler, National Socialism, Gnostic religions, rationalism, romanticism, authoritarianism/totalitarianism, vegetarianism/veganism, and many others. Should I make it into an encyclopedia, or should I just write it as a book? Where should I start? Should I start with a timeline of Aryanism and work my way forward? Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 11, 2022, 03:54:58 pm
Firstly, I think you should finish one thing before starting another. You were supposed to be working on:

but you have not yet posted any of your work, even though I explicitly told you:

Start a new blog and post the link here so that we can keep track of your progress. Post on the blog each passage you have removed.

"Do you mind if I use the blog I already have?"

It would be neater to start a new one. But if for some reason you cannot, I'd rather you just use this topic, purely in order to avoid mixing up content.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on August 11, 2022, 05:31:06 pm
I apologize. I haven't been able to work recently due to experiencing COVID-like symptoms (I got tested, but I haven't received my results yet). I'll resume this conversation after I've finished with the Qur'an, for I have in essence fully recovered.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on August 12, 2022, 12:04:28 pm
How would an Aryanist/True Leftist respond to the claim that 'free speech protects hate speech'?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on August 12, 2022, 04:17:58 pm
It does! And we benefit from this since we are practitioners of hate speech towards our enemies.
Title: Re: Non-Aryan tribalism
Post by: christianbethel on September 10, 2022, 11:57:12 am
"Historian" David Irving, who infamously tried to associate Holocaust Revisionism with Boromir Syndrome:
When did he do this? I thought he wrote Hitler's War and the War Path to exonerate Hitler.
Title: Re: Media decolonization
Post by: christianbethel on September 20, 2022, 07:20:25 pm

One comment in particular:
I know this will all blow over in a few weeks, because that is the trend of drama on Twitch.  But while we are in the midst of it, I hope we can at least be aware of how these simply don't care.  They, as adults, have found the cheat code.  They get to act like jaded high schoolers for a career, never have to mature, and become insanely entitled. 
Not all, but most, don't care about their communities outside of the money it generates and the way it endlessly feeds their narcissm. They have perfected the art of emotionally manipulating their younger fanbases into echo chambers and parasocial relationships. This is how they get away with everything.  This is why the continue to act as if they can get away with anything.  This is why they all feel so invincible. 
They are simply exploiting their audience for selfish gains.  It's a literal frat house, and we aren't apart of it.  Paying spectators at best.  But the way they lie and manipulate their audience for their image, and the image of their friends shows they don't care, nor feel they ever have to. They have literally gotten to live a better existence than 99.9% of everyone whose ever lived, and feel entitled to it.  They are so disconnected from the average existence, and history has shown that those with power and influence often abuse it.  This is no different.  And I am positive their is probably way worse stuff that hasn't came out, but at the end of the day, none of it should suprise you.  Stop enabling them to act this way, without repercussions.

It's cool for enterainment here and there, but devoting your life to people who could give a shít less about you is simply unhealthy and allows them to engage in behavior such as this incident, with no fear of repercussions.
Title: Re: Reproductive decolonization
Post by: christianbethel on September 26, 2022, 01:24:58 pm
I think I asked this already, but what is Aryanism's position on sexual intercourse?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 26, 2022, 02:39:27 pm
As long as no violence (including conception) is initiated, it should not be a concern of the state.

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 26, 2022, 04:44:39 pm
How does Aryanism feel about certain religious organizations vow of chastity? Is sex itself immoral if there's no violence involved?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 26, 2022, 06:36:07 pm
"How does Aryanism feel about certain religious organizations vow of chastity?"

We would have to judge case-by-case based on their line of reasoning.

"Is sex itself immoral if there's no violence involved?"

If it theoretically risks the possibility of conception, then even if conception did not actually result (and hence no violence was initiated), it is reckless and hence immoral behaviour.

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2022, 11:50:03 am
What does Aryanism have to say about influencers (Internet celebrities) making millions of dollars for doing nothing or playing video games? Twitch is overrun with streamers who do nothing but selfishly milk their audience for money for just chatting, or cooking, or music, or other frivolous things which do not contribute to their local communities. They take the money they earn and spend it on expensive superfluous shīt they don't need while at the same time they run 'charity streams' for raising money for charities as if they have to prove streaming is legitimate labor. Some of these people have even reproduced. What's our stance on people like that? Are they Western?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 27, 2022, 05:34:32 pm
"What does Aryanism have to say about influencers (Internet celebrities) making millions of dollars for doing nothing or playing video games?"

As long as they are not scamming (e.g. supplying behind-paywall content different from what they advertize the content as prior to payment), it is not a concern of the state.

"Twitch is overrun with streamers who do nothing but selfishly milk their audience for money for just chatting, or cooking, or music, or other frivolous things which do not contribute to their local communities."

No one is forcing you to watch streamers. Everyone who watches them does so voluntarily. This makes them better than all those who create consequences that the whole world ends up being forced to endure:

"They take the money they earn and spend it on expensive superfluous shīt they don't need"

So do people who profit via other means. Why focus on streamers?

"Some of these people have even reproduced."

Again, so do people who profit via other means. Why focus on streamers?

"What's our stance on people like that?"

At least streamers are a lot less dangerous than, for example, scientists and machinists. Imagine how much better the world would be if we could magically replace every scientist/machinist currently alive with a streamer! This would instantly solve the following problem, for a start:

"Are they Western?"

While streamers share their content via the internet which would not have existed without Western civilization, entertainers (which is what we are really talking about; streaming is merely the method of dissemination) have existed since ancient times.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 27, 2022, 05:38:12 pm
So I guess it is a matter of examining each streamer individually?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest78 on September 27, 2022, 11:55:16 pm
So I guess it is a matter of examining each streamer individually?

I'll save you some precious time, most western streamers are in fact westerners through and through, as are many streamers who live in the "global south".

Word of advice:

Stop letting a bunch of western cowards whisper in your ear in an attempt to provoke us simply because they do not have the intestinal fortitude to ask serious leftists serious question's of their own. These are weak people mentally and spiritually, do not let them drag you down to their depth's with their cowardice! Do not play dumb, I am no idiot!

You showed up on your own accord and via your own seeking, that is admirable all by itself. Do not let a bunch of western cowards pull you down to their level!

Are you aware that some of the cowards whispering in your ear of whom I speak may have broken into my house so-as-to plant listening devices? Are you aware that these same western idiots whispering in your ear have been gaslighting me on the internet for six years now? Some of them are streamers....
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 28, 2022, 12:45:48 pm
I hear you. It's just that these 'entertainers' just rub me the wrong way and they turn out to be dangerous when they display their knowledge of politics and other various subjects. And that not even mentioning the fact that they suppress all dissent on their streams. People like WingsOfRedemption, DarksydePhil, LowTierGod, Vaush, HasanAbi, Destiny, Pokimane, Alinity, and many others use their wealth and status for selfish purposes and spread lies and false propaganda. We should, at the very least, keep an eye on them.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 29, 2022, 01:23:10 pm
Here's a question: if National Socialism values freedom of speech and freedom of expression why did Hitler ban all political parties other than the NSDAP, and why were so many authors censored and banned in the Third Reich?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 29, 2022, 05:35:14 pm
It is possible to have one party and free speech. It is also possible to have many parties and no free speech (e.g. post-WWII EU with "Holocaust" Denial laws). These are independent variables.

In National Socialism, the state directs the economy, therefore Hitler was merely practicing Cancel Culture by prohibiting certain authors from profiting from their speech, which is not prohibiting them from speaking. Cancel Culture =/= censorship:
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 29, 2022, 07:22:27 pm
Piggybacking off my earlier question about equality and fairness, Aryanism rejects egalitarianism but it also rejects discrimination, tyranny, and injustice. How do we explain ourselves to people who call us out for rejecting egalitarianism? Do we believe in, say, equality before the law?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 29, 2022, 08:43:20 pm
"it also rejects discrimination"

We do not reject discrimination. We discriminate all the time based on the quality of individuals:

What we reject is discrimination based on profiling:

"How do we explain ourselves to people who call us out for rejecting egalitarianism?"

Egalitarianism is false. People are not equal. Rightists recognize they are unequal whereas False Leftists pretend they are equal. False Leftists will never defeat rightists for this very reason. The only way to defeat rightists is to recognize that people are indeed unequal but then assert a different standard of who is superior.

"Do we believe in, say, equality before the law?"

We believe in the same laws applying to everyone under the same state. That is not equality before the law. For example, if I ruled the world, I would immediately pass a law prohibiting anyone with Jewish ancestry from reproducing, applying to everyone in the world. But not all people have Jewish ancestry. Therefore some people will be prohibited from reproducing while others will not.

On the other hand, if I passed such a law but then made an exception for an individual with Jewish ancestry that I like, that would mean the same law has ceased to apply to everyone under my rule. I would never do that.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 30, 2022, 12:36:19 pm
And what about social justice?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 30, 2022, 01:58:22 pm
What is your question about social justice?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on September 30, 2022, 09:34:18 pm
I've seen several writings in the (authentic) Aryosphere praising and advocating for social justice and for the reclamation of the term 'social justice warrior'. How does that fit into our ideology?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on September 30, 2022, 10:01:56 pm
Why would it not?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 01, 2022, 11:06:55 am
I mean, doesn't social justice call for equality and fair treatment and the rejection of discrimination?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 01, 2022, 05:01:40 pm
Equality is unfair. So does social justice want equality or fairness?

The shift from False Left to True Left is why SJWs in recent years rarely mention equality and instead use the new term equity:

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 02, 2022, 11:50:39 am
So what you're saying is Aryanists believe in equity, not equality.
Title: Re: Psychological decolonization
Post by: christianbethel on October 12, 2022, 11:47:45 am
What does Aryanism have to say about atheism? About Agnosticism? About separation of church and state?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on October 12, 2022, 05:35:12 pm
We have no problem with atheism. The problem is the association between atheism and materialism promoted by the progressive (and hence False Left) New Atheist movement, which leads back to:

They may reject the notion of a personified creator, but they in effect have the same attitude on material existence.

Instead, we recommend atheists consider Buddhism, which properly understood is a form of Gnosticism which requires no theistic assumptions. However, Western progressives have been attempting to infiltrate and subvert Buddhism (with the aim of de-Gnosticizing it) for some time now. I am looking to recruit anyone willing to defend Buddhism against this.

Agnosticism is a position of conscious uncertainty. I encourage agnostics to hypothesize each of the possibilities they are uncertain about. It should not matter which possibility is the real one; our behaviour should still be the same.

We have no problem with currently theocratic states remaining theocratic and currently secular states remaining secular. We only demand that people be allowed to migrate between them as they see fit, thereby ensuring that everyone ends up paying taxes to the type of state they themselves prefer.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on October 16, 2022, 05:49:42 pm
I am looking to recruit anyone willing to defend Buddhism against this.
I am willing. Let's talk after we finish the Jamia.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: SirGalahad on October 16, 2022, 07:46:39 pm
I can also easily make a contribution to that task over on my website. While I consider myself deeply religious, I'm technically an agnostic since I never make any definitive claims myself, and I used to be an atheist in my teenage years like many people, so I understand the rationale behind it. Buddhism is my favorite of the contemporary, mainstream religions (part of why I now consider myself neo-Manichaean), so I feel much more comfortable discussing it than Islam (of course, Islam will have its place on the website as well)

Rambling side note: What's the deal with the word agnostic? I feel like following the definition, almost everybody would fundamentally be agnostic, even people who claim to believe in a god and deny being agnostic. So it feels kind of redundant. And it starts to get confusing when we factor in agnostic gnostics  ;D
Title: Re: Alt-Right internet pipeline
Post by: christianbethel on November 08, 2022, 10:53:54 am
Title: Re: Colonialism and sexism
Post by: christianbethel on May 26, 2023, 05:33:00 pm
Does Aryanism support totalitarianism?
Title: Re: Re: Colonialism and sexism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on May 26, 2023, 05:44:25 pm
No, we do not support the state interfering in people's private lives.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: FRG_03 on May 26, 2023, 09:38:48 pm
Westerners are always going to think government hindering their rights to harm, abuse, and kill others (on mass) is totalitarian. Westerners don't hate communism because it's selfish, barbaric and western, they hate it because it doesn't allow them to be selfish, barbaric or western enough.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on May 27, 2023, 09:56:28 am
No, we do not support the state interfering in people's private lives.
OK, so we don't support totalitarianism/tyranny, but we do support absolute monarchy/autocracy/dictatorship/authoritarianism/(authentic) despotism. Got it.
Title: Re: Serbia & Kosovo: Europe’s Next Flashpoint?
Post by: christianbethel on June 01, 2023, 06:09:31 pm
Why do we put 'whites' in quotes but not Jews?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 01, 2023, 06:18:25 pm
White is an optical colour that looks like this:

The people who call themselves "white" are not optically white:

therefore we call them "white" rather than white.

Jew is not an optical colour.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 02, 2023, 02:04:48 pm
Isn't 'Jew' a term the Jews made up to describe themselves, though?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 02, 2023, 04:44:02 pm
Yes, which is why no "" are necessary. They are using Jew in its accurate meaning.

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 03, 2023, 12:04:10 pm
Ahhhhh, I get it. I get it!
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 07, 2023, 07:09:04 pm
What does Aryanism have to say about sexual fanservice?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 07, 2023, 07:32:02 pm

If you require further elaboration, specify precisely what you require elaboration on.

I am considering starting a gravure topic in:

Should we do so?

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 08, 2023, 01:30:46 pm
If gravure is inherent to Counterculture, then I think we should. Good idea!
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 06:47:56 am
If you require further elaboration, specify precisely what you require elaboration on.

What about the sexualization and objectification of women, including minors, in anime? Doesn't that contribute to high sexual dimorphism?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 03:30:22 pm
So long as both characters who are low in sexual dimorphism and characters who are high in sexual dimorphism are portrayed in this way, it is not particularly promoting high sexual dimorphism.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 05:05:29 pm
And the sexualization of minors?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 05:15:20 pm
Minors are typically lower in sexual dimorphism.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 05:17:34 pm
Minors are typically lower in sexual dimorphism.
OK, but surely you don't condone people másturbating to them or possessing child pörnography? I mean, Hitler disapproved of CP. We should too.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 05:32:40 pm
As already explained, gravure is not pornography:

Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 05:34:06 pm
As already explained, gravure is not pornography:

No, I'm talking about actual pörn, like sex acts or graphic nudity.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 05:40:40 pm
I personally dislike it, but it is not something the state should prohibit:
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 05:53:31 pm
I'm asking these questions because I just finished watching some videos about 'sexualization of minors' and 'excessive fanservice in anime' and I wanted an Aryan perspective, as I've never dealt with this subject before. And then there's ecchi, ( which involves 'softcore' pörn... Many of the video essayists report this is because of the 'hikikomori' ( crowd which is infamous for it's attraction to child pörn. They also say there are a lot of aggressively sexual characters in anime for marketing reasons. What do you think?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 06:35:01 pm
People who want to spend money on it can do so. People who do not want to spend money on it do not have to. I do not see a problem here.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 06:55:40 pm
OK, here's another question: you said characters with high sexual dimorphism portrayed sexually aren't necessarily creating high sexual dimorphism:

So long as both characters who are low in sexual dimorphism and characters who are high in sexual dimorphism are portrayed in this way, it is not particularly promoting high sexual dimorphism.

What did you mean by that? Where does the line at gravure in anime end and the line at straight up pörn begin? Are we OK with child gravure?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 07:19:21 pm
"What did you mean by that?"

If a cafe tries to sell both hot drinks and cold drinks, it would be inaccurate to accuse it of promoting hot drinks.

Similarly, if a show has positive portrayals of both high-sexual-dimorphism characters and low-sexual-dimorphism characters, it would be inaccurate to accuse it of promoting high sexual dimorphism.

"Where does the line at gravure in anime end and the line at straight up pörn begin?"

Gravure refers to filmed/photographed content, not animated/drawn content. If you want to discuss where the line is drawn in the former, that is one of the things we can discuss in the upcoming gravure topic.

"Are we OK with child gravure?"

Sure, so long as it is done voluntarily. What the state needs to watch out for is parents either forcing children to do it despite the children not wanting to, or prohibiting children from doing it even though the children want to. This principle applies to all activities.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 07:43:26 pm
OK, where do we draw the line with drawn/animated content? I would imagine things like hentai (, lolicon (, shotacon (, ecchi, ( etc. are off-limits, right?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 07:46:24 pm
"I would imagine things like hentai, lolicon, shotacon, ecchi, etc. are off-limits, right?"

If by off-limits you mean the state should prohibit them, no. If by off-limits you mean I personally dislike them, I would have to judge on a case-by-case basis.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 07:47:38 pm
That's fair. I assume that also includes such material involving minors?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 08:17:52 pm
It doesn't make much sense to apply real-life legal concepts (such as "minor") to fictional characters who:

1) generally have no legal personhood standing in this world;
2) may live in a fictional society with a different (often unspecified) legal system;
3) may not age linearly in-story with their out-of-story chronological franchise existence in this world.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 08:20:25 pm
This sounds like the 'it's just a drawing' argument otakus use to justify their pedophilia. Can you elaborate?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 08:32:06 pm
Rephrase your earlier question such that the term "minors" is replaced with a more meaningful term.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 08:33:39 pm
OK, replace 'minor' with 'child' or 'youth'.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 90sRetroFan on June 09, 2023, 08:37:45 pm
The state should not prohibit it. I would judge on a case-by-case basis what I think of it.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 09, 2023, 08:38:42 pm
Again, that's fair. Thanks for your clarity.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: 2ThaSun on June 09, 2023, 10:42:57 pm
I'm asking these questions because I just finished watching some videos about 'sexualization of minors' and 'excessive fanservice in anime' and I wanted an Aryan perspective, as I've never dealt with this subject before. And then there's ecchi, which involves 'softcore' pörn... Many of the video essayists report this is because of the 'hikikomori' crowd which is infamous for it's attraction to child pörn. They also say there are a lot of aggressively sexual characters in anime for marketing reasons. What do you think?


Why do you also use ASCII code to skirt the automatic forum censor, just like "Ascesis" did? One example of many:

How about you start by reading our website you stupid fúck?

You did this in an email to myself also.

Furthermore, just because you're the only person who posts a profile picture of yourself supposedly on this forum and lead in by sharing with all of us that you have "autism", doesn't mean you're not some "white" moronic Trump supporter sitting in a basement in Florida somewhere, does it? Regardless of whether or not you are actually autistic, pretending to be an ally to a movement while simultaneously being deceptive to it's members ultimately just makes you an enemy of said movement.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 10, 2023, 10:20:38 am
Why do you also use ASCII code to skirt the automatic forum censor, just like "Ascesis" did?

Really, Reuters? Really?

I don't approve of censorship. AS chose to create a new forum on a platform which censors profanity, so I have to circumvent the filter.

Furthermore, just because you're the only person who posts a profile picture of yourself supposedly on this forum and lead in by sharing with all of us that you have "autism", doesn't mean you're not some "white" moronic Trump supporter sitting in a basement in Florida somewhere, does it?

You're an idiot, Reuters. That is my real face. That is my real name. This is the autistic registry card I had when I was a kid (apparently the person who issued it to me was Jewish. Fancy that.):
Regardless of whether or not you are actually autistic, pretending to be an ally to a movement while simultaneously being deceptive to it's members ultimately just makes you an enemy of said movement.

Point out the moments where I have 'pretended' to be an ally of/deceived the movement (or have tried to).
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest98 on June 10, 2023, 03:51:35 pm
Why do you call him Reuters?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 10, 2023, 04:04:23 pm
That's his (last) name.
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: guest98 on June 12, 2023, 03:15:15 pm
Why do you put brackets around the word last?
Title: Re: Autism
Post by: christianbethel on June 13, 2023, 11:43:49 am
I don't know his first name, but people can be identified by their last names.