Author Topic: Diplomatic decolonization  (Read 6733 times)


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Re: Diplomatic decolonization
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2020, 12:46:04 pm »
Unchanged. Le Pen has criticized Macron for still not being Islamophobic enough despite Macron's recent insane Islamophobia.

Would it be better if Jean-Luc Mélenchon won?

Have not read his entire wiki page yet but just skimming through it this stuck out to me, interesting:
Mélenchon has himself his vision of populism, which he sees as positive if it comes with a left ideology. He is inspired by the philosopher Chantal Mouffe, who sought to theorise and rehabilitate the term "left populism". This theory argues that neoliberalism and austerity only made the far-right stronger and that the word "people" has to be reintroduced into the political sphere in a civic sense rather than an ethnic way (creating a "right populism" to fight).

I'm impressed by this. We need more leftists such as the type Melenchon is advocating for in the above sentences.

Mélenchon has voiced his support for Rattachism.