Author Topic: Aryanism's hostility towards Russia and Eastern European people  (Read 5342 times)


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Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
« Reply #75 on: August 11, 2021, 01:20:02 am »
After I researching and studying about World War 2 and the nations's ideology who are on that events, I conclude that "Aryanism" interpretation of Hitler's socialism is just making it up as an "anti-racist" ideology, even tough it was very racist and supporting "White Western European" people, this is Hitler's sayings that reflecting his ideological worldview :

Adolf Hitler's racist view towards Russian people

"The Russian space is our India. Like the English, we shall rule this empire with a handful of men." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 35 (PDF format's page) paragraph 8

"It's not a mere chance that the inventor of anarchism was a Russian. Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organisation into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits. One cannot change rabbits into bees or ants. These insects have the faculty of living in a state of society—but rabbits haven't." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 36 (PDF format's page) paragraph 1

"Asia,, what a disquieting reservoir of men ! The safety of Europe will not be assured until we have driven Asia back behind the Urals. No organised Russian State must be allowed to exist west of that line. They are brutes, and neither Bolshevism nor Tsarism makes any difference—they are brutes in a state of nature" - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 42 (PDF format's page) paragraph 5

"It was a relief to me that we weren't obliged to destroy Paris. The greater the calm with which I contemplate the destruction of St. Petersburg and Moscow, the more I'd have suffered at the destruction of Paris." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 100 (PDF format's page) paragraph 3

Adolf Hitler's racist view towards Ukrainian and Eastern European people, and even he wanted to treat them like colonial subject

"I am not a partisan, either, of a university at Kiev. It's better not to teach them to read. They won't love us for tormenting them with schools. Even to give them a locomotive to drive would be a mistake." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 36 (PDF format's page) paragraph 5

"On the 22nd of June, a door opened before us, and we didn't know what was behind it. We could look out for gas warfare, bacteriological warfare. The heavy uncertainty took me by the throat. Here we were faced by beings who are complete strangers to us. Everything that resembles civilisation, the Bolsheviks have suppressed it, and I have no feelings about the idea of wiping out Kiev, Moscow or St. Petersburg" - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 73  (PDF format's page) paragraph 6

"We'll supply the Ukranians with scarves, glass beads and everything that colonial peoples like. The Germans—this is essential—will have to constitute amongst themselves a closed society, like a fortress. The least of our stable-lads must be superior to any native" - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 36 (PDF format's page) paragraph 7 and paragraph 8

"In comparison with the beauties accumulated in Central Germany, the new territories in the East seem to us like a desert. Flanders, too, is only a plain—but of what beauty! This Russian desert, we shall populate it. The immense spaces of the Eastern Front will have been the field of the greatest battles in history. We'll give this country a past."

"We'll take away its character of an Asiatic steppe, we'll Européanise it. With this object, we have undertaken the construction of roads that will lead to the southernmost point of the Crimea and to the Caucasus. These roads will be studded along their whole length with German towns, and around these towns our colonists will settle." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 70 paragraph 2 and paragraph 3

As for the two or three million men whom we need to accomplish this task, we'll find them quicker than we think. They'll come from Germany, Scandinavia, the Western countries and America. I shall no longer be here to see all that, but in twenty years the Ukraine will already be a home for twenty million inhabitants besides the natives. In three hundred years, the country will be one of the loveliest gardens in the world.

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 70 paragraph 7

Even Hitler wanted the Eastern European people to be replaced and repopulated by "White" people from Western European nations, and he wanted to colonize them, so he was colonial leader, this is what he said about his plan on Eastern European people:

"As far as we are concerned, we, too, must avoid overenthusiasm in our Eastern territories; we must not try too ardently to impose our own German ideas of personal cleanliness on the local inhabitants and attack them daily with currycomb and polish. It really does not matter to us whether they wash and sweep their houses daily; we are not their overseers, all we are there for is to promote our own interests.

The life of the German colonists must therefore be kept as far separate from that of the local inhabitants as is possible. In the pubs in which the natives spit all over the shop no German must be allowed to enter. The Germans must have their own pubs, from which the natives will be excluded. Then the locals can spit away to their hearts' content." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 577 (PDF format's page) paragraph 2 and paragraph 3

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilising him, goes straight off into a concentration camp!" - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 619 (PDF format's page) paragraph 3 and paragraph 5

"If Germany hadn't had the good fortune to let me take power in 1933, Europe today would no longer exist. The fact is that since I've been in power, I've had only a single idea: to re-arm. That's how I was able, last summer, to decide to attack Russia.

Confronted with the innumerable populations of the East, we cannot exist except on condition that all Germanics are united. They must compose the nucleus around which Europe will federate. On the day when we've solidly organised Europe, we shall be able to look towards Africa. And, who knows? perhaps one day we shall be able to entertain other ambitions." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 330 (PDF Format's page) paragraph 2 and paragraph 3

From that Hitler's saying, even he wanted to conquer Africa and their innocent people, what a cruel man

Hitler was not an anti-colonial leader, he even wanted the British (United Kingdom) to preserve their colonial empire, this is what he said about British Empire and British people, and also others about colonialism :

"My object in trying to come to terms with England was to avoid creating an irreparable situation in the West. Later, when I attacked eastwards and lanced' the communist abscess, I hoped thereby to rekindle a spark of common sense in the minds of the Western Powers." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Bormann, Martin – Testament of Adolf Hitler (Hitler-Bormann Documents) Page 5 (PDF format's page) the early paragraph

Hitler was defending the one of previous generation German people who colonise "black" people in some of territory of Africa continent

"Prince Arenberg, one of our earliest adherents, has told me many interesting tales of pioneering days in our colonies. He was once sentenced to twelve years' penal servitude—and served six of them—for having killed a **** who had attacked him ! The answer to people who asserted that we were not good colonisers, he said, was that with the methods we tried to employ we could not get any colonies at all ! And his opinion was based on a very considerable amount of thought." - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 615 (PDF format's page) paragraph 2

Hitler said about promoting a book to German people who ever travel abroad during that time, that it's content is justifying British (United Kingdom) and Spanish colonialism of India and Mexico

"I have just been reading some books which every German going abroad should be compelled to read. The first of them is Alsdorff's book, which should be read by every diplomat. According to it, it was not the British who taught Indians evil ways ; when the first white men landed in the country they found the walls surrounding many of the towns were constructed of human skulls; equally, it was not Gortez who brought cruelty to the Mexicans—it was there before he arrived. The Mexicans, indeed, indulged in extensive human sacrifice, and, when the spirit moved them, would sacrifice as many as twenty thousand human beings at a time ! In comparison, Cortez was a moderate man. There is no need whatever to go rushing round the world making the native more healthy than the white man. Some people I know are indignant at the sale of shoddy cotton goods to the natives; what, pray, do they suggest—that we should give them pure silk?" - Adolf Hitler

Source : Adolf Hitler - Table Talk page 657 (PDF format's page) paragraph 3

Nazi media propaganda not condemning British colonial Empire, even justify them, see this information below :

Source :

Initially, the aim of Nazi foreign policy was to create an Anglo-German alliance, so before 1938, Nazi propaganda tended to glorify British institutions, and above all the British Empire.[1] Even regarding it, along with France, as "decadent democracies", Joseph Goebbels set out to court them.[2]

Typical of the Nazi admiration for the British Empire were a lengthy series of articles in various German newspapers throughout the mid-1930s praising various aspects of British imperial history, with the clear implication that there were positive parallels to be drawn between British empire-building in the past and German empire-building in the future.[3] The esteem in which the British Empire was held can be gauged by the fact that the lavish adoration heaped upon Britain's empire was not matched by similar coverage of other European empires both past and present.[3] An example of this sort of coverage was a long article in the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung newspaper in 1936 extolling the British for "brutally" resolving the Fashoda Incident of 1898 with France in their favour with no regard for diplomatic niceties.[3] Another example of Nazi anglophilia included a series of widely promoted biographies and historical novels commemorating various prominent "Aryan" figures from British history such as Cromwell, Marlborough, Nelson, Rhodes, Wellington, and Raleigh.[4]

A particular theme of praise was offered for British “ruthlessness” and "lack of moral scruples" in building and defending their empire, which was held as a model for the Germans to follow.[5] Hitler professed an admiration for the imperial might of the British Empire in Zweites Buch as proof of the racial superiority of the Aryan race, and British rule in India was held up as a model for how the Germans would rule Eastern Europe.[6]

Perhaps more importantly for gauging the Nazi regime's pro-British feelings in its early years was the prominence given to Englandkunde (English studies) within German schools and the lavish praise offered to British youth organisations as a model within the Hitler Youth.[7]

And this "True Left" forum which is another place of people from, promoting that Hitler's policies accept "Non-White European" people's immigration to Europe to settle on that place and allowing intermarriage between "White European" people and "Non-White European" people, the facts is opposite, see this information :

Hitler's regime forbid intermarriage between "White European" people and people other than "White European" racial background

"Third Reich's monthly magazine Neues Volk had a page for questions and answers, and one answer regarding racial mixing between Germans and Chinese was published in March 1941: "One question is from a woman whose mother wished her to marry a Chinese man, with whose child she is pregnant. The answer: “Since you had such little resistance to your mother, who has forgotten her racial nature, you have no right to play the disappointed girl. You will have to bear the consequences of your shameful behavior..... You gave in to the Chinaman, who has shamefully abused our hospitality and grossly violated our land’s morality.... We have seen to it that his residence permit has been revoked. Marriage between a German and a Chinese is out of the question.”""

Source :

Hitler against the "Black" people's entering Europe

"France is and remains by far the most terrible enemy. This people, which is basically becoming more and more negrified, constitutes in its tie with the aims of Jewish world domination an enduring danger for the existence of the white race in Europe. For the contamination by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe is just as much in keeping with the perverted sadistic thirst for vengeance of this hereditary enemy of our people as is the ice-cold calculation of the Jew thus to begin bastardizing the European continent at its core and to deprive the white race of the foundations for a sovereign existence through infection with lower humanity." volume two, chapter XIII of Mein Kampf

Hitler's policy on who are people can be part of German people, he forbid "Colored" people to be German

«Germanization can only be applied to soil and never to people. It is a scarcely conceivable fallacy of thought to believe that a Negro or a Chinese, let us say, will turn into a German…» – Mein Kampf, volume two, chapter II «The State», «False Conceptions of ‘Germanisation’»

And, "Aryanism" community that you all made is view "Aryan" is a farming people and group of people who make earlier civilization, and they can be found on all over the world regardless of their skin color and place of origin, but the fact is opposite, see this Hitler's regime racial law :

Classification of "Aryan" people

The picture of "Aryan" people's face

And this is Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler's regime ideologist's view on immigration of "Non-White European Colored" people to Europa land...

Immigration into Germany, which was earlier restricted along religious lines, was later unrestricted. No feelings of or for Jewish
humanity must in the future be carried out because of our Nordic racial and hygienic views. For example, nothing will stand in the way
of granting citizenship to Nordic Scandinavians, but insuperable difficulties must be placed in the way of migration of mulattoid
elements from the south or east.
Persons who are afflicted with hereditary diseases must be refused permanent residence, or their
capacity for reproduction must be restricted by medical intervention. The same must occur with habitual criminals. Marriages between
Germans and Jews must be forbidden, at least as long as Jews generally remain upon German soil." - Alfred Rosenberg

Source : Rosenberg, Alfred - Myth of the Twentieth Century page 129 (PDF format's page) paragraph 3

"In order to preserve Europe, the sources of Nordic strength in Europe must be brought alive again,  strengthened. This includes Germany, Scandinavia, Finland and England. Conversely, the influence of France, which in the south is already completely Mulattoised, must be halted so that it can no longer act as an advance area for the Africans. Presently, this is the  case, and in increasing measure. It is necessary that the Nordic kingdoms mentioned, in addition to the United states of America, recognise the prerequisite of their own powerful existence." - Alfred Rosenberg

Source : Rosenberg, Alfred - Myth of the Twentieth Century page 143 paragraph 2

Compare all of Hitler regime's view and policies to Stalin's regime views and policies

This is what Stalin said about his goals :

Stalin condemn the Western European colonialism explicitly, and wanted to liberate people from Western European colonialism

"The West, with its imperialist ogres, has become a centre of darkness and slavery. The task is to destroy this centre, to the joy and relief of the workers." - Stalin, Zhizn Narsional' nosti, No. 6 (1918)

Source : Suvorov, Icebreaker page 13 (PDF format's page)

When he moved his icebreaker - German Nazism - against democratic Europe, Stalin had been planning to liquidate the Nazis for five years before they took over in Germany. 'Smash fascism, overthrow capitalism, establish Soviet power and free the colonies from slavery.' (Stalin, Sochineniya, Vol. 11, p. 202)

Source : Suvorov, Icebreaker page 37 (PDF format's page) paragraph 4

This is how Stalin viewing "Non-White European" colored people, he even wanted to unify people of all racial background, as long as they are good people of proletariat, regardless of their racial background, they can be part of Russian people

That is all of Hitler's view of this world and his foreign and domestic policy, the conclusion is, Hitler was a racist leader who wanted to destroy Eastern European people, and support Western European nations's colonialism and domination of the world, and his ideology is just racialism masquerade as "socialism", and you consider that you are a left wing people that against racism and oppression, of course no!, you are a bastard of every leftist people