Author Topic: Childcare Issues  (Read 3248 times)


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Re: Academic decolonization
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2021, 07:35:41 pm »
Here are a few articles by a psychologist who focuses on childhood education. He suggests allowing children to have a "self-directed" education where they learn things they are interested in, rather than following the Western model of being forced to learn every subject and having their grade-level "progress" be rigidly determined by things such as exams. He has a number of articles explaining his views on this, but here are some articles telling us what we knew all along about the Western school system:

“Why Don’t Students Like School?” Well, Duhhhh…
Children don't like school because they love freedom.

Someone recently referred me to a book that they thought I'd like. It's a 2009 book, aimed toward teachers of grades K through 12, titled Why Don't Students Like School? It's by a cognitive scientist named Daniel T. Willingham, and it has received rave reviews by countless people involved in the school system. Google the title and author and you'll find pages and pages of doting reviews and nobody pointing out that the book totally and utterly fails to answer the question posed by its title.

Willingham's thesis is that students don't like school because their teachers don't have a full understanding of certain cognitive principles and therefore don't teach as well as they could. They don't present material in ways that appeal best to students' minds. Presumably, if teachers followed Willingham's advice and used the latest information cognitive science has to offer about how the mind works, students would love school.

Talk about avoiding the elephant in the room!

Ask any schoolchild why they don't like school and they'll tell you. "School is prison." They may not use those words, because they're too polite, or maybe they've already been brainwashed to believe that school is for their own good and therefore it can't be prison. But decipher their words and the translation generally is, "School is prison."

Willingham surely knows that school is prison. He can't help but know it; everyone knows it. But here he writes a whole book entitled Why Don't Students Like School? and not once does he suggest that just possibly they don't like school because they like freedom, and in school they are not free.

I shouldn't be too harsh on Willingham. He's not the only one avoiding this particular elephant in the room. Everyone who has ever been to school knows that school is prison, but almost nobody says it. It's not polite to say it. We all tiptoe around this truth, that school is prison, because telling the truth makes us all seem so mean. How could all these nice people be sending their children to prison for a good share of the first 18 years of their lives? How could our democratic government, which is founded on principles of freedom and self-determination, make laws requiring children and adolescents to spend a good portion of their days in prison? It's unthinkable, and so we try hard to avoid thinking it. Or, if we think it, we at least don't say it. When we talk about what's wrong with schools we pretend not to see the elephant, and we talk instead about some of the dander that's gathered around the elephant's periphery.

But I think it is time that we say it out loud. School is prison.

If you think school is not prison, please explain the difference.

The only difference I can think of is that to get into prison you have to commit a crime, but they put you in school just because of your age. In other respects school and prison are the same. In both places you are stripped of your freedom and dignity. You are told exactly what you must do, and you are punished for failing to comply. Actually, in school you must spend more time doing exactly what you are told to do than is true in adult prisons, so in that sense school is worse than prison.

School is a prison -- and damaging our kids
Longer school years aren't the answer. The problem is school itself. Compulsory teach-and-test simply doesn't work

Parents send their children to school with the best of intentions, believing that’s what they need to become productive and happy adults. Many have qualms about how well schools are performing, but the conventional wisdom is that these issues can be resolved with more money, better teachers, more challenging curricula and/or more rigorous tests.

But what if the real problem is school itself? The unfortunate fact is that one of our most cherished institutions is, by its very nature, failing our children and our society.

School is a place where children are compelled to be, and where their freedom is greatly restricted — far more restricted than most adults would tolerate in their workplaces. In recent decades, we have been compelling our children to spend ever more time in this kind of setting, and there is strong evidence (summarized in my recent book) that this is causing serious psychological damage to many of them. Moreover, the more scientists have learned about how children naturally learn, the more we have come to realize that children learn most deeply and fully, and with greatest enthusiasm, in conditions that are almost opposite to those of school.

The Culture of Childhood: We’ve Almost Destroyed It
Children learn the most valuable lessons with other children, away from adults.
Adults began to see it as their duty to suppress children’s natural willfulness, so as to promote obedience, which often involved attempts to remove them from the influences of other children and subordinate them to adult authority. The first systems of compulsory schooling, which are the forerunners of our schools today, arose quite explicitly for that purpose.

If there is a father of modern schools, it is the Pietist clergyman August Hermann Francke, who developed a system of compulsory schooling in Prussia, in the late 17th century, which was subsequently copied and elaborated upon throughout Europe and America. Francke wrote, in his instructions to schoolmasters: “ Above all it is necessary to break the natural willfulness of the child. While the schoolmaster who seeks to make the child more learned is to be commended for cultivating the child’s intellect, he has not done enough. He has forgotten his most important task, namely that of making the will obedient. ” Francke believed that the most effective way to break children’s wills was through constant monitoring and supervision. He wrote: “ Youth do not know how to regulate their lives, and are naturally inclined toward idle and sinful behavior when left to their own devices. For this reason, it is a rule in this institution [the Prussian Pietist schools] that a pupil never be allowed out of the presence of a supervisor. The supervisor’s presence will stifle the pupil’s inclination to sinful behavior, and slowly weaken his willfulness .” [Quoted by Melton, 1988.]

We may today reject Francke’s way of stating it, but the underlying premise of much adult policy toward children is still in Francke’s tradition. In fact, social forces have conspired now to put Francke’s recommendation into practice far more effectively than occurred at Francke’s time or any other time in the past. Parents have become convinced that it is dangerous and irresponsible to allow children to play with other children, away from adults, so restrictions on such play are more severe and effective than they have ever been before. By increasing the amount of time spent in school, expanding homework, harping constantly on the importance of scoring high on school tests, banning children from public spaces unless accompanied by an adult, and replacing free play with adult-led sports and lessons, we have created a world in which children are almost always in the presence of a supervisor, who is ready to intervene, protect, and prevent them from practicing courage, independence, and all the rest that children practice best with peers, away from adults. I have argued elsewhere (Gray, 2011, and here ) that this is why we see record levels of anxiety, depression, suicide, and feelings of powerlessness among adolescents and young adults today.

The internet is the savior of children’s culture today

There is, however, one saving grace, one reason why we adults have not completely crushed the culture of childhood. That’s the Internet. We’ve created a world in which children are more or less prevented from congregating in physical space without an adult, but children have found another way. They get together in cyberspace. They play games and communicate over the Internet. They create their own rules and culture and ways of being with others over the Internet. They mock adults and flout adult rules over the Internet.

Through their influence upon the students, Halle became a centre from which pietism became very widely diffused over Germany. Under Francke's influence, Christian missionary efforts were greatly enhanced,[7] zeal was aroused and recruits for Christian missions were gained,[3][9] and Halle also became the centre for Danish-Halle Mission to India.[10][11]


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2021, 10:26:53 pm »
I distinctly remember the trauma of being forced to go to school, for those first few years. It has affected me to such an extent, that I actually remember my very first day of kindergarten quite vividly, which is a memory that most people would probably lose to time, or at the very least would melt away into the general memory of kindergarten as a whole. I completely broke down and started bawling, begging my mom not to take me. Crying was a common occurrence for the first couple of grades after kindergarten as well. At some point I just accepted it, although my distaste for the schooling system never went away, and followed me all the way until I graduated high school. My mom did a pretty good job homeschooling me and providing me with fun and educational material that required no coaxing or force before I had to go to school, so it's more proof that the current schooling system needs a severe overhaul, or at the very least, it shouldn't be mandatory. If the government had allowed children to go to school on their own terms, when they felt they were ready, my mom would have probably chosen that, since she still refuses to talk about how it all played out to this day, out of the sheer guilt


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2021, 12:23:10 am »
My kindergarten teachers in Germany used to drag us by our ears when we "misbehaved". When my grandmother found out she went down to the kindergarten and I never saw those two teachers again. Not sure what happened. I was so absent my senior year of high-school I almost did not graduate and had to attend night-school during the summer in-order to get my diploma. I've sworn that if I ever had a child they would never attend any formal schooling and I would find a way to teach them anything they ever wanted to know.

I've taught myself more than anything I've ever learned in a Western school and that includes college....


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2021, 12:30:36 am »
"what we knew all along about the Western school system"

Yes, it is crucial to emphasize that compulsory schooling is uniquely Western. All civilizations had schools, but no other civilization had compulsory schooling. This means all of us who have ever been forced to go to school are direct, personal victims of Western initiated violence, inflicted upon us daily for almost our entire childhood. This is what we need more people to become Woke to. It is when we are conscious of this that we better appreciate just how much more initiated violence Western colonialism caused by making compulsory schooling a worldwide phenomenon.

Awareness of compulsory schooling as initiated violence also places the popular rightist talking point of "non-white" students vandalizing classrooms etc. in a completely different light: they are doing Ahimsa!

Attitude towards compulsory schooling is also one of the biggest divides between False Leftists (who defend it as a "human right" and as necessary for progress) and True Leftists (who condemn it as torture), which proves False Leftists are Westerners. As True Leftists, we must be careful to argue against compulsory schooling NOT (as the Salon article does) on the grounds that other learning methods are more efficient:

the more scientists have learned about how children naturally learn, the more we have come to realize that children learn most deeply and fully, and with greatest enthusiasm, in conditions that are almost opposite to those of school.

which is surrendering to False Left values (and also leaves us cornered if it turns out this is untrue). Instead we must argue that even if compulsory schooling is more efficient, without which modernity would collapse, we would rather modernity collapse ASAP than this constant violence initiated against children continue for even a day longer. Moreoever, to even be searching for more efficient methods of learning is a mistake in the first place, as it leads to:

Neural Lace is a brain-computer interface technology that could allow human brains to compete with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Currently, Elon Musk [<<< IT'S ALWAYS HIM!!!] is funding research toward the development of Neural Lace technology, this is the emerging technology that could link human brains with computers without the need of a physical connection.

This would be possible by implanting tiny electrodes into the brain. The result would be the enhancement of memory and cognitive powers by effectively merging humans and Artificial Intelligence.

Elon Musk, who runs several successful companies, including Tesla and SpaceX, has outlined his fears in several opportunities saying that the rapid advancement in Artificial Intelligence means that humans will either have to merge with Artificial Intelligence at some point in the future or become irrelevant. When he is asked about why he founded Neuralink he responds saying that the “existential risk is too high not to.”

Musk's attitude is identical to that of Westernized "non-whites" during the colonial era: "The rapid advancement in Western countries means we have to adopt Western schooling quickly or become irrelevant." No, the correct reaction in each case is not to join the evil, but to destroy it.

If there is a father of modern schools, it is the Pietist clergyman August Hermann Francke, who developed a system of compulsory schooling in Prussia, in the late 17th century, which was subsequently copied and elaborated upon throughout Europe and America.

Francke is without doubt one of the most evil people in history, but compulsory schooling can be traced further back to two people:

Post-Renaissance Western school is basically a hybrid of the agoge and the yeshiva.

"I actually remember my very first day of kindergarten quite vividly, which is a memory that most people would probably lose to time, or at the very least would melt away into the general memory of kindergarten as a whole. I completely broke down and started bawling, begging my mom not to take me."

I have the same memory. NEVER FORGIVE. NEVER FORGET.

"she still refuses to talk about how it all played out to this day"

You have a duty to confront her about it.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 01:16:42 am by 90sRetroFan »
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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2021, 01:15:15 am »
As True Leftists, we must be careful to argue against compulsory schooling NOT (as the Salon article does) on the grounds that other learning methods are more efficient:

Indeed. Reading some of the other stuff by the same author, it is so disappointing when he gets so close to having excellent point after excellent point, but then ends up not being radical enough to just reject Western attitudes completely. In his writings, he also has a number of references to hunter-gatherer societies, because I guess he thinks those are the most dissimilar from the Western education system, by supposedly allowing children to play and not have such rigidly structured exams and adult supervision outside of school... (However, anyone who has ever seen a documentary on hunter-gatherer societies knows that, in reality, they frequently have strict coming-of-age rituals and other restrictions on childhood). Although I think overall many of his articles offer good points that can be modified from False Left to True Left:

By the way, has anyone ever had nightmares where you failed a single class and have to repeat highschool all over again? Or are stuck in a loop where you're late to class and don't know where your locker or classroom is? Or anything like that? This is a form of PTSD.

One hundred and twenty-eight readers responded to the survey. In response to the question of the level of school involved in their dreams, 73% mentioned high school, 34% mentioned college, 12% elementary school, and 7% middle school or junior high school. (These totals add to more than 100% because some noted more than one setting for their recurring dreams.) Here are the other main findings:

Nearly everyone rated their school dreams as unpleasant. Nobody rated them as pleasant.

I asked people to rate the pleasantness of their recurring dream on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 = very pleasant, 2 = somewhat pleasant, 3 = neither pleasant nor unpleasant, or equally pleasant and unpleasant, 4 = somewhat unpleasant, 5 = very unpleasant.

None of the respondents rated their recurring dream as 1 or 2. Only two respondents rated their recurring dream as a 3. One of those two rated her dream as a 3 rather than a 4 or 5 only because her “massive sense of relief” on realizing in the later part of the dream that she had already finished school negated the unpleasantness of the earlier part. All of the rest rated their school dreams as a 4 or a 5, with the average being midway between 4 and 5.
I asked the survey respondents to indicate the number of years that had passed since they had last been a student in the kind of school that was the setting of their recurrent dream. The responses varied from about 5 years on up to about 60 years. On the basis of those responses, I made guesses about the age of each participant and found a range from 20 years up to 77 years old, with most (72%) being in their 30s or 40s. Regardless of age, respondents generally indicated that the dream had remained pretty much the same over the years, though some indicated that, with time, it had become less frequent and in some cases less anxiety-provoking.

This is dripping with Western Civilization:
The third most common dream theme—after the missed-class-all-semester and can’t-find-the-classroom themes—is the theme of being forced, as an adult, to go back to high school, or even elementary school, because of some bureaucratic snafu or the discovery that the dreamer had failed to meet some requirement. Twenty-one (17%) of the survey respondents reported such a recurrent dream.
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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2021, 12:29:50 am »
China's Confucianist attidue towards children on display:


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2021, 11:40:59 pm »
Someone begins to scratch the surface of the uniquely Western violence of compulsory schooling:

Virginia high school English teacher faces calls to be fired for claiming on video that telling kids to sit still is 'white supremacy'

(Nice face shape too.)

Of course, this is still a long way from demanding an end to compulsory schooling altogether. But it's a start.


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2021, 09:55:11 pm »
Children vs Western infrastructure:

Anyone on the side of Western infrastructure (e.g. Watson) is part of the problem. To me this is the feel-good story of the day.

And from the comments:

Stories about those kids sound exactly like kids I had to deal with on a flight from Turkey.  Parents letting them smear the in-flight meals on the backs of the seats and windows, running up and down the aisles screaming non-stop, even grabbing me when I was trying to sleep. I was extremely tired after a 12 hour stopover, and after a few hours of this crap, I finally complained to a flight attendant, and she just gave me this appalled/shocked look and said, "sir! They are children!"  As if that made it alright.  It's the normal attitude in so many of those countries in the region, disciplining children is completely unheard of.  I know because the flight was my escape from a teaching contract in a neighboring country-- every day I'd come home with a searing headache, non-stop screaming and chaos at the school, every single day. Co-teachers said the same thing, "James, come on, they are children."

The parts in bold are why we have to win this war.

(It goes without saying that James should not be allowed to teach. Anyone want to try doxxing him?)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 03:58:56 am by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #38 on: October 02, 2021, 10:48:22 pm »
BTW, what do you make of False Leftists who use the term "childish" with a negative connotation, but nevertheless reproduce? Aren't they essentially disparaging their own offspring? How can we expect them to raise their child with love when they hold contempt for its very existence? This type of attitude, coupled with the fact that they identify as "white" who obviously carry tribalist ancestry, makes my blood boil, and under a National Socialist state, I would sentence them to maximum punishment. For this alone I will fight to my death for National Socialism.

Fortunately, as many "blacks" are moving to the True Left, they are recognizing the true nature of these "Karen" parents, who, far from being "loving mothers", exhibit the same attitude to their children as they do to "non-whites" when they are ethnically profiling them.

'Childish' ≠ 'Childlike'. 'Childish' talks about the 'negative' qualities of children; 'childlike' denotes the positive qualities. You would do well to conflate 'childish' with 'childlike' to acommodate your ideology.
National Socialism ≠ Nazism

Aryan ≠ 'White'.

Race = Quality && Race ≠ Ethnicity.

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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #39 on: October 02, 2021, 11:10:32 pm »
All we're pointing out is that in society, maturity is seen as a positive while childishness is seen as a negative. In our worldview, it would be the reverse. The goal isn't to become more mature, it's to become more childish (or rather, remain childish in the best case scenario). The fact that "childish" is used as an insult, is problematic in any context. Mostly because it:

1. Generalizes all children by virtue of them being children alone, not taking into account that children vary widely in behavior. We need to see them as individuals first and foremost.
2. Ignores the fact that adults can possess some of the negative qualities attributed to children.
3. Amounts to victim blaming. Of course small children are prone to cry or "throw fits". That's the proper reaction for someone who hasn't had their emotional sensitivity stolen yet by the world. It's not their fault that they were conceived against their will, and born into a troubled world.

Or any combination of the above. The fact that the word "mature" is basically NEVER used disparagingly should clue you in on the issue here. If "childish" is a fair word to use, then how come nobody ever says "Ugh, he's being so mature" whenever an adult does something wrong? Surely adults possess negative qualities as well.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 11:20:21 pm by SirGalahad »


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #40 on: October 02, 2021, 11:36:27 pm »
Well said. It goes hand in hand with your anti-natalist stance.
National Socialism ≠ Nazism

Aryan ≠ 'White'.

Race = Quality && Race ≠ Ethnicity.

History is written by the victors.

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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2021, 09:57:48 pm »

Virginia Republicans are back with a new and improved "Culture Wars" campaign for 2021. The closing argument is once again full of racial division — but this time it is dressed up as a defense of little children.

The rallying cry is "Parents’ Rights."

It is a campaign to stop classroom discussion of Black Lives Matter protests or slavery because it could upset some children, especially white children who might feel guilt.

And this time, the Trump-imitating Republicans think they have struck political gold.

Unlike their earlier defense of Confederate monuments, the "Parents’ Rights" campaign message at first glance looks to have zero to do with race.

That puts Democrats on the defensive. They are in the uncomfortable position of calling the attention of suburban white moms to divisive racial politics being used by Republican Glenn Youngkin’s campaign.
It is not long ago that racist Southern politicians rallied against integration with an argument for “states’ rights,” a call to be free of federal laws seeking to end segregation.

Now the message is that white parents are being ignored when they complain that their children are uncomfortable learning about racism.
McAuliffe “doesn’t think parents should have a say. ... He shut us out.”
The conservative Heritage Foundation and other big right-wing donors have fueled the fire with what they call the “Great Parent Revolt of 2021.”

There is nothing fundamentally sacred about parents, quite the contrary. They are the ones who initiated the original violence on their offspring by forcing them to be born without the children's own consent. They should be the last ones to be trusted to make further decisions for their offspring (again without the children's own consent) This is the True Left stance on the issue.

The False Left, on the other hand, practically set up this rightist rhetorical device by sharing the rightist belief in the fundamental sacredness of parents, but then trying to argue against parents having final say over what happens to their offspring from within this paradigm.

Which is not to say that True Leftists support teaching anything (including the history of racism) to children by compulsion; we are explicitly against compulsory schooling in general. But certainly information on the history of racism should be freely available to all children who voluntarily wish to learn about this subject. Parents should not be the ones choosing what information children have access to.

In Florida, right-wing parents recently complained that fourth graders had to learn how to spell “isolation” and “quarantine.” The parents said those are “scary words."

I would have preferred spending my childhood in isolation/quarantine over how I actually spent it: under tyranny.

Polls show the big money coming from the right has resulted in the "Parents’ Rights" movement gaining traction among white voters.
If it works, Republicans will have reason to continue down this dark path to winning elections.

Which brings us back to something else that the False Left needs to learn to stop sacralizing:


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2021, 02:32:57 pm »
Family estrangement: Why adults are cutting off their parents
Polarised politics and a growing awareness of how difficult relationships can impact our mental health are fuelling family estrangement, say psychologists.

Just because someone has the same blood as you does not automatically make them a good person! Perhaps politics often highlight how truly tyrannical and ignorant a person is deep down?

Question: If family (tribalism) is what makes "whites" behave as badly as they do, why do non-"whites" often preach about how important tribalism and family are?
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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2022, 07:23:54 pm »
Couple DENIED Adoption Of Disabled Child Because They're Jewish
A Jewish couple from Tennessee had their bid to foster and adopt a disabled child denied because their faith “didn’t align” with the adoption agency’s belief system. The couple and multiple other residents have filed a lawsuit against Tennessee’s Department of Child Services.

I would hope genital mutilation of children who cannot give their consent would be part of all Child Service's belief systems. Beating children with rods should also be against all people's belief systems.


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Re: Childcare Issues
« Reply #44 on: January 28, 2022, 12:28:32 am »
Speaking of traumatizing children:

School Board BANS Award-Winning Holocaust Novel ‘Maus'
"A school district in Tennessee banned the use of “Maus,” a Pulitzer-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust, in its middle school classes, citing the work’s profanity and nudity in a 10-to-0 vote.

As leaders in conservative areas across the country push for more control over the way history is taught, the McMinn County school board expressed concern that the expletives in “Maus” were inappropriate for eighth-graders. Members also said Art Spiegelman’s illustrations showing nudity — which depict Holocaust victims forced to strip during their internment in Nazi concentration camps — were improper."

Would these same false-leftist complain if we banned The Turner Diaries? Also, cannot help but wonder how many false-leftists would try and smuggle Trumpists and insurrectionists out of the country if the True-Left went after Trumpists in any serious way?

Jesus tried to ban the Old Testament by calling out the Pharisees and the scribes for their lies and misdirections, false-leftists led by the rightist Paul\Saul the Pharisee ensured that it survived. How many non-humans and humans would have been spared torture mentally, physically, and spiritually, had Jesus succeeded?

See also:
Why Israelis Are Refusing to Send Their Kids on School Trips to Auschwitz
Critics blame the emotional trauma inflicted on teenagers, the high cost imposed on parents, and the nationalist message at the expense of universal values.

(I thought Jews wanted their own nation called Israel in occupied Palestine, why would Jews be anti-nationalism then? How can tribalists have UNIVERSAL values, is this not an oxymoron?)