Author Topic: Communism  (Read 1513 times)


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« on: July 11, 2022, 11:22:32 am »
This is the real teachings of Communism

Communism is Oppressive

Photographed on Friday, ‎July ‎22, ‎2022, ‏‎09:01 Jakarta Time

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 17 : 27 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"Wherever the movement followed the vision of its founding father, it tended to become a morally corrupting force in both the Communist and socialist parties. Honorable and decent people were drawn into these movements by revulsion against class and racial oppression, by compassion for the poor, or perhaps by a moral anger against injustices springing from inequality. As they became indoctrinated into the Communist, or Marxist, movement, these motivations were slowly changed. The recruits were subjected to a type of indoctrination tantamount to progressive moral corruption. Those who resisted this process tended either to drop out of the movement or else they never advanced within it to the echelons of real power."

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 24

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 17 : 16 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"Now this midwifery means in essence a prohibition of any sort of creative or positive social action. True Marxists will urge reforms only if they believe that their advocacy will hasten the triumph of communism. If the proposed action is constructive, they will generally condemn it on the grounds that it will prolong the life of capitalism. One of the first things Communists are taught is not to give money to beggars. Christian charity is not only useless, it is evil. Let the poor starve: one hopes their hunger and misery will drive them to revolt."

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 20

Communism is White Nationalism's Democratic Socialism

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 20 : 07 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"As for the majority of mankind, it lived under “ahistoric" conditions which Marx and Engels generally termed "Asiatic despotism." The practical consequence was that these native peoples stood outside the theatre of history. They were obstacles to the coming revolution. After the victory of the latter, they would have to be ruled by some sort of consortium, composed of the proletarian dictatorships of the advanced countries of Europe, the United States, Canada, and the other white British dominions. This external domination would continue for an indefinite period.

Race hatred and race oppression, the justification of foreign conquest and of white colonialism, the denial of the right of nonwhite peoples to national independence, relentless terror against nations, peoples and races whom Marx and Engels despised, a policy of war and conquest that would ensure that other such peoples "disappear from the face of the earth"— these ideas constitute a generally suppressed portion of the enormous literacy legacy which Marx and Engels left behind them"

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 23

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 18 : 10 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"What is considerably more important is that most of the actual thoughts of Marx and Engels remain a closed book to the great majority of their contemporary followers in the free world. (Communists who live in the USSR, by the way, were not allowed to read what Marx and Engels wrote and thought about Russia at least as late as 1952.") The private thoughts of the founders of so-called scientific socialism are largely contained in the four volumes of letters which Marx and Engels exchanged. These letters have, for understandable reasons, not been translated into English." If they had gone through the available material, these Communists and socialists would have discovered that the founders of "scientific socialism” enthusiastically approved of the American military defeat of Mexico and the annexation of Texas and California. They welcomed the French conquest of Algeria. They considered British rule in India no doubt cruel and oppressive, but historically progressive."

Marx and Engels envisaged a world dominated by the revolutionary proletariat of Western Europe and the overseas areas of Anglo-Saxon colonization."

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 24

The writings's source :

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 18 : 19 Jakarta Time

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 18 : 19 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

1. Marx to Engels, June 18. 1862.

2. The "rice Christians" were impoverished Asiatics who professed Christianity to get bowls of rice from missionaries.

3. Bertram D. Wolfe, "Das /Capital. One Hundred Years Later," Antioch Review. Winter 1966-67. pp. 421-41.

4. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. MEGA. Ill, 112-13. I have used the translation of Robert Tucker. Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx (Cambridge: University Press, 1961), p. 155.

5. Marx-Engels, Collected Works. III. 294-95.

6. Marx-Engels correspondence, February 9. i860.July 14.1859.June 9, 1858. June 27, i860. February 5, 1865, and February 4. i860.

7. Engels to Marx. October 2, 1866.

8. Engels to Conrad Schmidt, August 5, 1890. See also Saul Padover, Kart Marx, an Intimate Biography (New' York: McGraw-Hill. 1978), p. 502

9. Engels lo August Bebel, November 17, 1885. Marx-Engels. Bnefe an Rebel. Liebknecht. Kautsky und Andere (Moscow: State Publishing House. 1933). p. 412.

10. NRZ. August 12, 1848.

11. Karl Marx, Exzerpte from H. J. S. Maine, Lectures on the Early History of Institutions Cited by Norman Levine, The Tragic Deception: Marx Contra Engels (Santa Barbara:Clio Books, 1974), p, 92.

12. NRZ. February 15, 1849. Emphasis in the original Cited by Bertram D Wolfe, Marx¬ ism: One Hundred Years in the Life of a Doctrine (London: Chapman & Hall, 1967). p. 39

13. /hid. Not much should be made of the fact that the author of this article was not Marx but Engels. The editorial structure of Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung was "simply the dictatorship of Marx," Engels later recollected. (Of course, the Poles were also Slavs, but this apparent logical inconsistency did not seem to bother Engels and Marx.)

14. Marx, Second Address to the First International, Marx-Engels, Selected Works (New York: International Publishers, 1933, 2 vols.,), II. 446-52.

15. NRZ February 16, 1849.

16. See, for example. Engels to Karl Kautsky, September t2, 1882.

17. Paul W Blackstock and Bert F. Hoselitz, eds., Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Russian Menace to Europe (Glencoe: Free Press, 1952), write: "The writings of Marx and Engels on Russia with very few exceptions cannot be published in Russia [p 17]."

18. Selected editions of the correspondence have, of course, been published in English. Eventually, the English edition of the Collected Works will presumably issue all the letters which were not destroyed by Engels. Laura Lafargue, Eleanor Marx-Aveling and those successive custodians of the flame, both socialist and Communist, into whose hands the manuscripts have passed.

19. Quoted in Max Nomad, Apostles of Revolution (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1939), p 199.

20. Karl August Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism: a Comparative Study of Total Power (New Haven Yale University Press, 1957.)

21 Oulanem is available in English in the Collected Works, vol. I, and in an earlier translation by Robert Payne, The Unknown Karl Marx (New York: New York University Press, 1971), pp. 65-94-

22. As late as 1930, John Maynard Keynes in the second volume of his Treatise on Money would classify Marx as belonging to the underworld of economic theory and lump him with such monetary crackpots as Silvio Gcsell and Major Douglas. Of course, with the growth of Communist world power, all that has changed Everything that Marx wrote is today treated with the greatest respect, if not reverence, in university circles. Those who believe that the occupants of the groves of the academy are too noble to prostitute themselves before power have lost touch with reality.

23. MEW. XXXV, 326. 427

Note : Citations number 22 and 23 on the book page 29

Communism Support Slavery for the Sake the Continuation of Western Civilization

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 16 : 26 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe out North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy— the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations.10- Karl Heinrich Marx

What Marx was saying in effect was that Negro slaves were needed to produce raw cotton; cotton was the basic raw material of modern capitalist industry; therefore, Negro slavery was necessary to the survival of America and to the survival of modern civilization.

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 75

Photographed on Monday, 11th July 2022, 16 : 34 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"The first thing that is interesting about the quoted paragraph is that Marx again makes it abundantly clear that he has no interest whatsoever in the fate or welfare of Negroes."


"The inhabitants of the United States constitute a great civilized people, which fortune has placed in the midst of an uncultivated country, at a distance of three thousand miles from the central point of civilization. America consequently stands in daily need of European trade. The Americans will, no doubt, ultimately succeed in producing or manufacturing at home most of the things which they require, but the two continents can never be independent of each other, so numerous are the natural ties which exist between their wants, their ideas, their habits and their manners." - Karl Heinrich Marx

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 76

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Re: Communism
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2022, 11:38:03 am »
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Photographed on Monday 11th July 2022, 16 : 58 Jakarta Time

Photographed on Monday 11th July 2022, 16 : 58 Jakarta Time

Photographed on Monday 11th July 2022, 16 : 58 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

These attitudes of Marx and Engels would have a profound influence on the American Socialist Party during the one period when it was a mass movement of labor— the period from its foundation in 1901 to U.S. entry into World War I in 1917. Between 1901 and 1912, the Party grew from 10,000 to 150,000 dues-paying members. At the peak of its power, it polled 900,000 votes and elected over 2,000 public officials.1’

The mainstream of the Socialist Party shared Marx’s and Engels’ private views on the Negro. On September 14, 1901, the Social Democratic Herald characterized Negroes as inferior, depraved elements who went around “raping women [and] children.”20 In an article in the same organ, dated May 31, 1902, Victor L. Berger, one of the national leaders of the Socialist Party, wrote that “there can be no doubt that the negroes and mulattoes constitute a lower race” and that “free contact with the whites has led to further degeneration of the negroes.

In 1903, the American Socialist Party was criticized by the Second International for its indifference to the widespread lynching of Negroes by white mobs. ”21

The Socialist National Quorum replied that only the abolition of capitalism and the victory of socialism could prevent the procreation and production of “lynchable human degenerates.” This extraordinary response seems to have satisfied the international socialist organization.22

As Kipnis summarizes the mainstream views of the Socialist Party before World War I, black and white workers would be entitled to receive wages based on their productivity under socialism. But that did not mean that the two races would have to live or work in the same places. “Socialism would solve the race question in the only possible manner— complete segregation.”23

The legacy of Marx and Engels, as far as the Negro is concerned, is painfully visible in the Soviet Union. Proclaiming total racial equality, the USSR invites tens of thousands of Negroes from Africa and the Americas to train as professional revolutionaries. The accounts of those who return provide abundant evidence that, beneath the veneer of equality and acceptance, there is animosity, prejudice, and virtual social ostracism


1. Karl Peter Heinzen, who worked with Marx in the 1840s, described him thus: “He had wildly dishevelled, coal-black hair, and his complexion was dirty yellow. Whether the dirty complexion was as nature made it, or whether the dirt came from outside, can no more be decided than whether his shirt and his clothes were originally made in a dirty color or merely acquired dirt.” Karl Peter Heinzen, Erlebtes (Boston: published by the author, 1864-74, 2 vols.), II, 423; as translated by Payne, Marx, pp. 154-55.

2. Wermuth and Wilhelm Stieber, Die Communisten-Verschwbrungen des iyten Jahrhunderts (Berlin 1853; reissued Hildesheim: Olms, 1969), II, 80.

3. Pierre Tremaux, Origines et transformations de I’homme et des autres etres, Premiere partie (Paris: Hachette, 1865), p. 31. My translation.

4. Marx to Engels, August 7, 1866.

5. Marx to Engels, June 9, 1866.

6. Padover, p. 425.

7. Payne, Marx, p. 391.

8. Ibid., p. 500.

9. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of History, translated by J. Sibree, (Britannica Great Books), pp. 196-99. Hegel points out that he will continue to discuss civilizations on the African continent, such as the Egyptian and Carthaginian, but these he regards as projections of European or Asian civilized man.

10. Marx, The Poverty of Philosophy. Quoted from the British edition (London: Martin Lawrence, 1935) as reprinted in A Handbook of Marxism (New York: International Pub¬ lishers, 1935), p. 357.

11. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1965), I. 417-

12. Ibid., I, 430-31.

13. Marx, Das Kapital, I, 95 n.

14. Engels to Marx, July 30, 1862.

15- Marx to Engels, May i, 1865.

16. Engels to Marx, July 15, 1865.

17. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Lettersto Americans,1848-1895 (New York: Interna¬ tional Publishers, 1953), pp. 65-67.

18. Engels to Marx, July 15, 1865.

19. IraKipnis, The American Socialist Movement 1897-1912 (New York: Greenwood Press, 1968), p. 422.

20. Philip S. Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the United States (New York, 1964), III, 381.

21. Idem.

22. Nathaniel Weyl and William Marina, American Statesmen on Slavery and the Negro (New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1971), p. 295. Socialist leaders like Bill Haywood and Norman Thomas fought vigorously for full civil rights and racial integration. But the Socialist Party had ceased to be a mass movement of the working class by the time Norman Thomas became its leader

23. Kipnis, p. 131

Source : Karl Marx Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, page 80, 81, 82

The Book's Cover

Photographed on Monday 11th July 2022, 17 : 19 Jakarta Time

The Author's Profile, Nathaniel Weyl

Photographed on Monday 11th July 2022, 18 : 25 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

American economist and author who wrote on a variety of social issues. Weyl was a member of the Communist Party from 1931 until 1939. In later live he turned against communism and worked for an South American institute studying communism. Two of his books received some critical coverage, one of which was "Red star over Cuba" where he claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald went to Cuba just before the JFK assassination. Weyl was the son of Walter Edward Weyl, one of the founders of the New Republic magazine.

Source :

Nathaniel Weyl's Wikipedia Profile :

Photographed on Monday 11th July 2022, 18 : 25 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"Nathaniel Weyl (July 20, 1910 – April 13, 2005) was an American economist and author who wrote on a variety of social issues. A member of the Communist Party of the United States from 1933 until 1939 but, after leaving the party, he became a conservative and avowed anti-communist. In 1952 he played a minor role in the Alger Hiss case."

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Conclusion :

Communism is an ideology which support radical democratic rule, scientific racism, total opposition to morality, and extreme progressivism which led to mass industrialization and even extreme colonialism. Which all of them contrary to National Socialism ideology which total opposition to democracy, mass industrialism, colonialism, racism, and extreme progressivism. And it's worldview is more frightening rather than the liberal capitalism ideology. Maybe that is why Hitler more concentrate his armies to attack the Communist Russia.

Addition :

Today's Communism

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The Real Meaning of Cultural Marxism
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2022, 03:04:28 am »
Cultural Marxism doesn't mean we will empathic to the oppressed innocents, but it was a culture which suitable for people who don't like to help the oppressed because it was "contraproductive". Let's see the photographed writings about how Karl Heinrich Marx was fundamentally agree with Faustianism worldview, which also adpted by the rightist white Europeans :

Important Transcript

"Marx’s lifelong preoccupation with the Faust legend is related, not merely to the medieval morality play of the scholar who sold his soul to Satan, but also to Goethe’s characterization of Mephistopheles in Faust, Part One, as “the spirit that always denies.”12 Criticism, not poetic drama, Marx would later decide, was the weapon that would destroy religion, the established institutions of society and the entire realm of order.

That Marx conceived of himself at times, half playfully, half in earnest, as an heir to the diabolism of the medieval era is an intriguing probability. He would sometimes sign his letters “old Nick.”13 A letter from his seven-year-old-son, Edgar, is addressed to “my dear devil.” Marx’s youngest daughter, Eleanor, remembered how her father would tell the children endless and entrancing stories during their country outings from London. These tales concerned a magician, named Hans Roeckle, who could create all kinds of marvelous toys, but was perpetually impoverished and therefore had to sell his inventions to the devil. “Some of these stories were gruesome and hair-raising,” Eleanor recalled. The magic toymaker was, of course, Marx himself. The stories were a strange confabulation: On the one hand, they reflected the belief that capitalist society had robbed Marx of the fruits of his creative thinking; on the other hand, they were a restructuring of the Faust legend"

Notes :

1. Franz Mehring, Karl Marx (New York: Covici, Friede, 1935), p. 39.

2. Robert Payne, Marx (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968), pp. 59-65.

3. Schwartzschild, p. 13.

4. Padover, 73.

5. Ibid

6. “Ich will bios sagen wie es eigentlich gewesen ist.”

7. My translation from the German text. For another English version,see Collected Works, I, 547-48.5

8. Thompson's evaluation is quoted in Grace Carlton, Friedrich Engels, the Shadow Prophet (London: Pall Mall, 1965), p. 43.

9. Erich Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973).

10. Collected Works, I, 561.

11. Padover, p. 46.

12. "Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint.”

13. Old Hick was a common euphemism for the devil in Victorian England. Its first known use in this sense will be found in Ebsworth (1643). The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that “the reason for the appelation is obscure." Samuel Butler in Hudibras, his 1663 satire on the Puritans, traced it to the evil reputation of Niccolo Machiavelli's masterly treatise on power, The Prince. Butler wrote: “Nick Machiavel had no such trick /Though he gave’s name to our Old Nick." However, Partridge, a distinguished authority, considered this etymology suspect. Eric Partridge, A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Usage (New York: Macmillan, 1951), p. 585

Source : Karl Marx : Racist by Nathaniel Weyl, Page 51, 52


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From this writings of a book's pages. Karl Marx was ardhent supporter of white nationalism

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 44 Jakarta Time

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 44 Jakarta Time

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 46 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

Russia Must Be Destroyed

"The polemics against Palmerston and the unfinished propagandistic history of Anglo-Russian relations fell on barren soil, but Marx’s belief in Teutonic superiority, his drive for personal power, his love of war, and his hatred of the lesser breeds of mankind remained. In 1865, his search for a savant whose writings would provide “scientific” support for his doctrines of Teutonic expansion and Russian subjugation led him to an obscure Polish ethnologist named Francois Duchinski. Born in Kiev in 1817, Duchinski settled in France and during 1858-64 published a succession of ethnological and historical volumes which attempted to prove that the Russians were not really Slavs at all. They were Asiatics, he argued. Hence, they were intruders and should be driven back to the Asian land-mass."


Marx announced his find to Engels. On August 7, 1866, he wrote his “Lieber Fred”: “A very important work which I shall send you ... is P. Tremaux, Origins and Transformations of Man and Other Beings, Paris, 1865. It is, despite all the faults which strike me, a very important advance over Darwin.”


This “great law” disclosed that the beauty, health, intelligence, energy, and civilization level of peoples corresponded directly to the geological age of the land they occupied. Crude, brutish, stupid and lazy peoples and races lived on geologically old terrain. Refined, civilized, handsome, healthy, bright, and energetic peoples occupied geologically new land.


To prove his theory, Tremaux took his readers on a rapid, imaginary tour of the world, correlating soils and peoples as he proceeded: “In India, where the soil permits, one finds fairly handsome people, but in its peninsula, where there are large expanses of primitive soil . . . one sees people with black skins as hideous as monkeys. . . .”17

Turning to Scandinavia, Tremaux observed that it contained “the greatest area of geologically primitive terrain in Europe.” What followed with respect to its inhabitants? Why that “the Lapps are therefore the most inferior of people.” The Swedes, Norwegians and Finns had not lived there long enough, but, give them time, and they would degenerate to the Lapp level.1


Engels was justifying German aggrandizement on the grounds that the Scandinavians were too uncivilized to govern their own territory.

The most favorable soils, according to Tremaux, were “all of the west and south of Europe, and more especially France, Italy, Greece, part of Germany, southeast England, and eastern Spain. It is there that civilization and the intellectual faculties rule.”19


Another “discovery” of this scientific genius was that Neanderthal skulls were “strongly reminiscent of the crania of monkeys.”22 He also proclaimed that “the backward Negro is not an evolved ape, but a degenerate man. . . .”23 Marx heartily agreed with this last finding and he considered it further proof of Tremaux’s scientific superiority to Darwin."

Source : Karl Marx : Racist by Nathaniel Weyl Page 131, 132, 133

Karl Marx and Hegel, the founding fathers of Communist ideology, was Discriminated the Slavic people

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 46 Jakarta Time

Photographed on 14th July 2022, 06 : 32 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

Tremaux also pleased Marx by observing that the Hungarians, living on splendid, geologically recent soils were therefore superior to their Slavic neighbors. Writing in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung for February 15, 1849, Marx and Engels had argued that the Magyars were a superior racial group which had every right to oppress its Slavic neighbors: “If the eight million Slavs have had to be satisfied to let four million Magyars keep them under their yoke, then this alone is enough to show which is the more capable of living and more energetic, the many Slavs or the few Magyars. It turns out that this ‘crime’ of the Germans and Magyars against the dubious Slavs is one of the best and most worthy acts of which our people and the Hungarians can boast.”

Extending Marx’s and Engels’ argument that a minority is justified in ruling a majority if it has the force to do so from the category of nation to that of class, it would follow that both aristocratic and capitalist domination of the laboring masses were morally justified

The important paragraph meaning, which it's words are marked all by red :

Capitalism and Communist ideology are related to each other

Source : Karl Marx : Racist by Nathaniel Weyl page 135

Another the author's conclusion on Karl Marx and Hegel, the founding fathers of Communism

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 51 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"...The road was also cleared for the even more convenient political lie that Marx and Engels were not racists at all, but true internationalists who nobly championed the rights of weak peoples, nations, and races against the great powers which sought to subjugate and oppress them."

Source : Karl Marx : Racist by Nathaniel Weyl page 136

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 51 Jakarta Time

Photographed on 13th July 2022, 21 : 51 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

Notes :

1. This latter charge is clearly implied in Karl Vogt, Mein Prozess gegen die Allgemeine Zeitung (Geneva, 1859). It is almost certainly false.

2. Stefan T. Possony, introduction to Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto (Chicago: Gateway, 1954), pp. vii-xli.

3. Ibid.

4. Donald Southgate, “ The Most English Minister...”, (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1966), p. 68.

5. Ibid., p. 70.

6. Jasper Ridley, Lord Palmerston (London, Constable, 1970), p. 236

7. Wolfe, p. 41.

8. Mehring, pp. 540-41. It is also interesting to note that, while Marx ridiculed Urquhart as a buffoon and a madman to Engels, he gave Liebknecht, a comparative outsider, the impression that the Scottish agitator was a man of great ability and foresight. See Liebknecht’s Memoirs.

9. Quoting Payne, The Unknown Karl Marx, pp. 227-28.

10. The Secret Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century (New York: International Publisher, 1969), pp. 88, 91.

11. Ibid., pp. 108, 121, 114; quoted in Seigel, p. 227.

12. Marx, The Secret History of the Eighteenth Century, in Payne, Unknown Marx, pp. 314-15-

13. Ibid., p. 311.

14. Vogt, p. 141.

15. Note that Marx, the “internationalist” and “humanist,” explicitly accepts the genocidal myth that Adolf Hitler would later make reality. First, that the Indo-Germans, or Aryans, are a race, not merely a linguistic group. Second, that non-Aryans can be expropriated, expelled, driven into the tundra to perish. Marx conveniently forgot, as usual, that he, himself, was not an Aryan, but a Jew.

16. Pierre Tremaux, Origines et transformations de Thomme et des autres etres, Premiere partie (Paris: Hachette, 1865), p. 17. Capitalization, italics, punctuation, etc., are as in the original. The translations of both Tremaux and the Marx-Engels Briefwechsel are my own.

17- Ibid., p. 28. Tremaux may have had in mind the partly Australoid tribes of Kerala, such as the Uralis and Kadar.

18. Ibid., p. 33.

19. Ibid., p. 34.

20. Francis Galton, Hereditary Genius (Cleveland: World, 1962 ed.), p. 395.

21. Tremaux, Origines, pp. 107-8.

22. Ibid., p. 283. Of course, there is no resemblance between Neanderthal skulls and the crania of monkeys. Possibly, Tremaux had monkeys confused with anthropoid apes. Even so, he was still wrong.

23. Ibid., p. 31.

24. Ibid., pp. 426-28.

25. Engels to Bebel, November 17, 1885. Wolfe, p. 68. While the quoted letter was written after Marx’s death, Marx and Engels held similar opinions about Balkan peoples.

26. Tremaux, Origines, pp. 420-21.

27. “So you see, phrenology is not the base art Hegel imagined.” Marx to Kugelmann, January 11, 1868

Source : Karl Marx : Racist by Nathaniel Weyl page 137, 138


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Re: Communism
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2022, 08:40:35 am »
You really need to learn how to use the 'Copy' and 'Paste' commands.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 09:09:57 am by christianbethel »
National Socialism ≠ Nazism

Aryan ≠ 'White'.

Race = Quality && Race ≠ Ethnicity.

History is written by the victors.

The truth fears no investigation.

(He) who controls the past controls the future; (he) who controls the present controls the past.



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Re: Communism
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2022, 06:01:28 pm »

You really need to learn how to use the 'Copy' and 'Paste' command.

I'm photographing the pages and copy the contents for the sake of authenticity. For make the empiricist see this post with more confidence. Today's people are empiricist rather than using their mind...

I ever debated with the opponents, I show them the contents with sources only, not the real photos of where the content I got, either from books or articles. They still not believe it and consider my arguments were false and have the possibility of fraud according to them. So, there must be another way to make an arguments...


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See the content from the pages which photographed below :

Karl Marx consider the Western liberal capitalist's colonialism is made the communism ideology useful

Photographed on 15th July 2022, 20 : 32 Jakarta Time

Photographed on 15th July 2022, 20 : 32 Jakarta Time

Photographed on 15th July 2022, 20 : 35 Jakarta Time

Important Transcript :

"Again in an article in the Tribune (June 5, 1857), written by Engels at Marx’s request, the defeat of a large Persian army by a much smaller Anglo-Indian force was attributed to the fact that the victors had European officers and sergeants. The Persian force had been merely a “European system of military organization . . . engrafted upon Asiatic barbarity.” The defeated Persian forces exemplified “Oriental ignorance, impatience, prejudice. . . .”

It is difficult to escape the conclusion that Marx and Engels believed that Oriental despotism would survive in Asia indefinitely because the mental and spiritual resources of the Asian people were not adequate to bring about its destruction. It was for this reason that they joyfully hailed every victory of what modern liberals would call European and American imperialism against more backward nations. Marx wrote that the British conquest of India had involved commission of many “crimes,” but nonetheless Britain “was the unconscious tool of history in bringing about the revolution” from the stagnant Asian system to incipient capitalism.

It was in the interests of these backward and barbarian peoples that they be kicked, pushed, or cajoled into civilization by whatever agency was available. Engels supported the French conquest of Algeria, noting that the Bedouins were a “nation of robbers” who lived in a “barbarian state of society”s Concerning the American victory over Mexico in the 1840s, Engels wrote in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung for February 15, 1849:

Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it? . . . All impotent nations must in the last analysis, owe a debt to those who, under the laws of historic necessity, incorporate them in a great empire, thus allowing them to take part in an historic development which would otherwise be impossible for them. Evidently, such results cannot be achieved without crushing a few sweet little flowers. Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history."


True Left's ideological statement has been verified

"When today’s far-rightists talk about how much more masculine the “white working class” are compared to the “silver spoon fags”, they are making almost the exact same association between prole and masculine, and between bourgeois and non-masculine, that the real communists used to make in their propaganda. In this sense, they themselves psychologically resemble the real communists much more closely than those whom they wrongly label as “communists”."


One of Hitler’s many intellectual achievements was to expose both capitalism and communism as two poles of a false dichotomy that ultimately served Zionism.


...Marx, while critical of capitalism itself, viewed the spread of capitalism to non-Western countries via Western colonialism as an indirectly beneficial development for his own ends, as only thus would non-Western societies be thrust into economic conditions that make communist revolution attractive, whereas communist revolution would have been a much harder sell to non-Western countries had they remained pre-capitalist. Incidentally, this makes it inconsistent for any serious anti-communist to believe in Western superiority." - Aryanism's Authentic National Socialism, on Communism and Western Civilization"


1. Karl August Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism: a Comparative Study of Total Power (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957).

2. Wittfogel, p. 380, citing Das Kapital, I, 104, and a variety of references in vol. Ill and in the Theories of Surplus Value.

3. For references, see Wittfogel, p. 3850.

4. Shlomo Aveneri, ed., Karl Marx on Colonization and Modernization (Garden City: Doubleday, 1968), p. 9.

5. Engels, “French Rule in Algeria,” The Northern Star, January 22, 1848.

6. See Wittfogel, p. 374.

7. Cited in Wittfogel, p. 387.

8. Quoted from Bakunin by Wittfogel, p. 388.

9. Marx to Engels, June 2, 1853.

10. Karl Marx, “The British Rule in India,” New York Daily Tribune, June 25, 1853.

11. Joel Carmichael in his excellent biography, Trotsky (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1975), PP- 375_76> quotes Max Eastman’s impressions on visiting the Russian revolutionary exile in Prinkipo, Turkey. The Trotskys had been given a delapidated villa, which they had turned into a barracks, letting the garden go to weeds. “Through sheer indifference to beauty, I should say,” Eastman commented. “Trotsky talks a good deal about art in his books and lays claim to cultivated taste, but shows no more interest in art than in that garden.” Carmichael agrees as to Trotsky’s “aesthetic ‘deadness.’ ” Lenin, too, lived all his life in drab, little cubicles. And on a far lower level, Fidel Castro, before taking power, lived like a pig, according to early associates. People indifferent to beauty may also be indifferent to the value of human life.

Source : Karl Marx : Racist by Nathaniel Weyl page 119, 120, 124


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Recent Debates culminating in ban on my Discord. But worth talking for exposing the evil of today Communist People[/color]

Photographed on Wednesday, ‎July ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎12:47 Jakarta Time

Explanation 1 : NOOBT2, the Discord member of Jimmy Dore Show Discord group server said that he is followers of communism and learn about it.

Photographed on Wednesday, ‎July ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎12:49 Jakarta Time

Explanation 2 : From that photographed text chat, NOOBT2 justify Karl Marx, the founder of Communism's racialist thought. And he even justify the slavery in United States because it make United States "success"

Photographed on Wednesday, ‎July ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎12:49 Jakarta Time

Explanation 3 : From that photographed text chat, NOOBT2 consider the Socialist Party of America is "same like the Third Reich" even though they are ideologically Communist, without any reason and only judging.

Photographed on Wednesday, ‎July ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎12:50

Explanation 4 : From that photographed text chat, NOOBT2 justify Friedrich Engels's support French colonialism of Algeria. Friedrich Engels is a British philosopher who support Karl Marx's communist teachings.

Photographed on Wednesday, ‎July ‎20, ‎2022, ‏‎12:51

Explanation 5: The photographed text is pretty blurred, so I will type that again on this topic. The point of the conversation is, the admin named "codingkriggs" justify NOOBT2's approval of racist's thought from Communist founder because he consider NOOBT2's just help me to explain the Karl Marx's thoughts based on his opinion.

Transcript :

1. codingkriggs : "don't be smart. You brought up the racist passage, not him.

2. tehbotoltehkotak : "I'm showing information, he agree with it. And the information is about racism. You still let him in... So I can share information about Hitler's anti-racism

3. codingkriggs : "He explained it and justified it, giving it historical context."

4. tehbotoltehkotak : "And I will justify Hitler with historical context too. You agree with that?"

5. codingkriggs : "He was answering a direct question from you, you seemd curious and he was trying to help out. He didn't expect it was a up for an ambush"

6. tehbotoltehkotak : "If he against racism, he will condemn every of racist things all the time. Not just contextually"

7. tehbotoltehkotak : I ordered him to answer my previous unanswered question, that is : "And I will justify Hitler with historical context too. You agree with that?"

8. codingkriggs : "Let me introduce you to rule number 10: don't be a dick. If you keep trying me tonight, I will take action"

The result is, the group admin banned me because I'm telling the truth to his group server and being a dick

They not aware that their sayings will be exposed to the public.


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Exposing the Real Face of Communism Part 2
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2022, 08:18:05 am »
See the photographed conversation on Discord group server named "Worker's Alliance"

Special Debate with the Untermenschen Communist Female Moderator, or Sub-Human female communist

Discord group's name :

Explanation 1 :

I explain that Karl Marx, the founder of Communism doesn't condemn slavery through his recorded writings on a book called "Handbook of Marxism". And she justify it because it just explaining that there's a good side from slavery according to the photographed page content from the "Handbook of Marxism"

Explanation 2 :

I'm explaining that the Karl Marx book named "Philosophy of Poverty" is part of Communist teachings

Explanation 3 :

She justify that the writing content which not condemning slavery which being part of that Communist book's content

Explanation 4 :

I'm already show the same writing content from the photographed page content from the Communist book named "Philosoophy of Poverty". She still justify that evil teachings

Explanation 5 :

She promoting moral neutrality with saying that something bad can be considered as "good" because of "context reason"

Explanation 6 :

She say that she care about useless productivity of people rather than the importance of empathy. And she assume that with collectively got material needs. The problem of society will be solved without examine the people or collective's morality.

Explanation 7 :

She justify to forcing other nations to trade in accordance with the trade agreement which she want for the sake the interest of the "proletariats"

Explanation 8 :

She justify to form an illegal revolution on the nation which don't want to trade based on amount of trade she want. So, she implicitly explaining about colonialism but with the pretext of "revolution"

Explanation 9 :

She reject the Chinese's economic exploitation behaviour to the indebted nation is result of it's people learning about Communism and Marxism. But remember, Communism  is materialistic ideology. So it justify everything activity including the illegal economic activity for the sake gain material needs for the sake of proletariats.

Explanation 10 :

She begin to admit that Chinese was influenced by Communism. But she still not blame that the Communist teachings is the cause on China's foreign economic policy's bad behaviour.

Explanation 11 :

I show her the solution of global warming with controlling people from doing anything which extend the global warming. Which need using non-democracy autocratic way of govern. But she keep repeating that the democracy is the solution.

Explanation 12 :

I explain that we already have a simple way to reduce the global warming, that is with living without or less factory and industry, like what Fuhrer wants. But she emphasize that making a eco-friendly factory and industry is the solution, which need complex learning and more materials which have possibility to slow down the friendly environmental society. And not all communities and nations can do that.

Explanation 13 :

She say that she will not make a war. But I remembering her that on previous conversation, that she want to make a revolution had she lead communist nation and the other nations don't want to trade, or trade but with insufficient amount based on what the amount of material that she and his democratic proletariats want.

Explanation 14 :

She keep saying that a nation needs complex technological tool to run-well. Even though I already offer her the simple and implementable solution.

Explanation 15 :

I explain to her that Sumerian kingdom can make people live without many unnecessary Western technologies. And explain that even though all of civilizations commit slavery, the Western Civilization which make people live with many unnecessary technologies produce more slavery and that is bad.

The result is, she win the debate

This is her Discord profile


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Re: Communism
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2022, 09:37:12 pm »
Debate report with the Communist Unterfrau (sub-human female) in Discord Group "Leftist League"

Date : Saturday, 23th July 2022

See this photographed group chat conversation below...

Explanation 1 :

I'm already explain with photographed source's page content about the colonialist policy of Soviet Russia and the discriminative thoughts from Karl Marx, the communist ideology's founder. But she always deny that without showing her logic and reason.

Explanation 2 :

And I explain again about the discriminative ideas of Communism which now from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the philosopher who support Karl Marx. He said that slavery were better to be abandoned slowly rather than quickly as possible. And consider the "African" people are uncivilized and worth to be abandoned. It was Western ideological mindset if a group of people were ignored only because incapable to build a material products, not an anti-colonial ideological mindset.

Explanation 3 :

Continuing photographs of written contents about Friedrich Hegel's thoughts

Explanation 4 :

They said that Stalin was want peaceful borgeoise surrender to the proletariat. But ignore the facts that Stalin keep sending the communist Jews to settle in Palestine with total violence to the natives which I've already shown before.

Explanation 5 :

After I answer the facts about the violence which did by the communist Jews from Soviet Russia in Palestine. She consider my argument were not relevant to the topic. Even though the group conversation is still about the discriminative worldview and history of communist ideology.

Explanation 6 :

She suddenly said that she's not anti-semitic. Even though I'm already explaining the violences which commited by Jews in Palestine territory with the help of Soviet Russia Communist government. And see keep saying without basis of logic, that Stalin didn't has intention to terrorize the Palestinians.

Explanation 7 :

She keep ignoring my answer and arguments. And even some of it's member don't consider the Soviet Russia was a communist.

Explanation 8 :

They won the debate. The key of their answer is, send my Discord account to their "Gulag" server.

The female communist degenerate unterfrau's Discord profile

Discord profile name : Pickaxe and Rifle#4098


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Re: Communism
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2022, 07:01:00 pm »
Don't trust the Yuri Bezmenov character all that much personally, nor do I give too much credence to his "ideological subversion" lecture, but, I believe anyone with a little discernment should now be able to see how effective Turanian\Russian subversion in the U.S. has been, especially when taking Trumpism into account:

See also:

First topic on the subversion list above, "Religion":

I would argue most U.S. citizen's do not understand their own beliefs at this point, or how they arrived at those conclusions. Those who are confused all believe they arrived at the conclusions they have by themselves though, this I am sure of!

See also: By Attacking Brittney Griner, Trump Signals to His Base: “I’m Still Racist”

I'm also sure that most human-beings will never admit when they've been played for a sucka!


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Re: Communism
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2022, 07:44:07 pm »
Our enemies again academically agree with us that authentic Marxism/communism is rightist (while False Leftists Kasparian/Uygur as usual are behind the curve):


"Communism and Marxism historically have always been conservative. It's a new era of 'communism' in the West that claims to be adherent to these liberal-leftist values. This is not true Marxism, you know; this is 'Marxism' funded by George Soros, and they trying to take away what Marxism actually means for the American people.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 08:19:27 pm by 90sRetroFan »


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Re: Communism
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2022, 05:46:12 am »
Wait a minute, I thought you said communism was false leftist before?


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Re: Communism
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2022, 06:05:38 pm »
What I meant is that present-day leftists who call themselves "communists" are surely False Leftists. But such leftists are not practicing communism correctly. Only rightists practice communism correctly (whether or not they call themselves "communists").

Recall from

Marx, while critical of capitalism itself, viewed the spread of capitalism to non-Western countries via Western colonialism as an indirectly beneficial development for his own ends, as only thus would non-Western societies be thrust into economic conditions that make communist revolution attractive, whereas communist revolution would have been a much harder sell to non-Western countries had they remained pre-capitalist. Incidentally, this makes it inconsistent for any serious anti-communist to believe in Western superiority.


Marx (Jew): true founder of the Alt-Right?
Indeed, considering the popular appreciation for the Iron Curtain among today’s far-right for shielding the people inside from the Counterculture ideas that spread around the rest of the world during the late 20th century, it could be argued that it is today’s far-rightists who are most communist-sympathetic. In fact, When today’s far-rightists talk about how much more masculine the “white working class” are compared to the “silver spoon fags”, they are making almost the exact same association between prole and masculine, and between bourgeois and non-masculine, that the real communists used to make in their propaganda. In this sense, they themselves psychologically resemble the real communists much more closely than those whom they wrongly label as “communists”. The only difference is that they add “white” in front of “working class” because they feel no solidarity with the “non-white” working class.)

Dietrich Eckart considered Moses (Jew) to be the first Bolshevik

Please also re-read:


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Re: Communism
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2022, 07:31:00 am »
Ok, but what about here, where you are specifically referring to the ideology of communism, and not to present day False Leftists?:

Would you also say that the "anti-racist" intiatives of the USSR was merely propaganda, even though racism was made ilelgal?