Author Topic: JEWS HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH US!  (Read 16731 times)


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« Reply #255 on: February 14, 2022, 06:58:31 am »
Ironically, Whoopi Goldberg does not have any Jewish ancestry, but used the stage name Goldberg to have more success in show business.

Although she claimed in previous interviews that she considered herself to have been converted to Judaism. Any guesses why the Chosen won't accept her as one of their own...?

Even in the official narrative, non-Jewish deaths in the 'Holocaust' were equal or greater than Jewish deaths. Yet Jews just can't stand when their supposed victimhood isn't singled out as more significant than other victims.
When co-host Ana Navarro said the genocide was "about white supremacy ... and going after Jews and gypsies and Roma," Goldberg responded that it was "two white groups of people."

"The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let's talk about it for what it is — it's how people treat each other. It's a problem. It doesn't matter if you're Black or white because Black, white, Jews — everybody."

The Chosen sure didn't like hearing that their suffering wasn't unique. (And is it any surprise why so many "blacks" and other "non-whites" don't include Jews among "opposed 'non-white' peoples"?)

Look at the following quote. It's like this person considers Chosenites to be a superior race and everyone else is just a subhuman goy. (Oh wait...) Goldberg (who, ironically, chose that stage name to cash in on that Chosenite privilege to have better career prospects in show business) was abundantly clear that she was trying to broaden the picture to make a sweeping anti-racist statement, but the Chosenites don't even consider non-Chosenite suffering to be equivalent to Chosenite suffering.
Goldberg's initial comments received significant backlash.

"My Jewish family was put in concentration camps," tweeted Hen Mazzig, a fellow at The Tel Aviv Institute, along with what appear to be photos of his family members. "How could you be so dismissive of the murder of 6 million Jews solely because they were Jewish?"

Are non-Jews not human?

How can this Chosenite be so dismissive of the suffering of billions of non-Chosenite humans just because they are not part of the Chosen? (Hint: because Zionism is racism. Hint #2: because Jews are "white" and the very existence of "white" racial identities are racist.)