Author Topic: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness  (Read 4231 times)


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Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
« on: March 05, 2021, 12:11:17 am »
Finally more leftists are using the argument we first developed about figuring out who is racist by examining who invented the tribal identity:

A Whole Lot of White People Still Don’t Seem to Understand What Racism Really Is
Me saying “eff off white people, you brutalised and enslaved the world for centuries and you still haven’t made amends” is not racism. What is it? It is a fact. White cultures did enslave and brutalise the world for centuries.
When I say “white people,” you will note that I never say “race.” I say “social group.” Why is that? Because when we talk about racism, it is really only something white people can do. Why is that?

The explanation that’s often offered is something like this: they have all the power. It’s not a bad one. I can’t call the cops on a white person over nothing and wreck their life — my chances aren’t good — but a white person very much can on a minority, and the chances are pretty good indeed.
But there is an even deeper reason that racism is something, really, that belongs to white people. It’s so simple it hides in plain sight. Whiteness is something white people invented. In America, white people are constructed as “Caucasian.” Do they all come from the mountains of the Caucasus? Of course not. You see how ridiculous the idea of “race” really is.
Whiteness exists because white people made it exist.

And that is the world we are still in. I don’t get to be white because I’m not Caucasian. But neither is the “white” person — not really. They’re just able to be part of this fiction because it’s generally agreed by other white people that they should be. Not so long ago, Irish and Italian people weren’t fully “white.” These categories are mutable — but they are mutable precisely to establish one central claim: who is white is the “master race,” the one possessed of superior reason and rationality and logic, which dates back to the Enlightenment.

That is all what racism really is. White people invented it, and it’s about whiteness, in those ancient and strange terms. I can’t really engage in it. If I say “eff off, white people,” that’s not racism, that’s irritation. There’s a very, very big difference.
I want to explain to you why minorities can’t be racists to white people. That’s an idea that often frustrates and infuriates white people, because on its face it seems maddeningly illogical, and like a double standard. But it isn’t. I want to prove this to you in a way that maybe you havent thought about before.

Minorities can’t be racists to white people for a very simple reason. Because the whole point of the idea of “the white race” was to denote supremacy. All that we’re doing when we single out white people is to say that this old assumption of supremacy is toxic and backwards. We don’t have what racial scholars call whiteness to begin with. We didn’t make these categories, white people did.

When we single out “white people,” we are saying that certain groups have created categories in which they still think about themselves as supreme and might not even know it. That isn’t racism — it’s antiracism, as the scholar Ibram X Kendi has put it.

And so we cannot express racism, at least upwards. We can, downwards. What we can be is racist to other minorities who are lower down in the hierarchy of privilege and power than we are — the way that there’s a racial ladder internalised by even many non-whites, the way Asians look down on Black people sometimes, the way that Latinos think they are closer to whiteness than Black people. That’s racism, too.

But me — or anyone like me — saying things like “white Americans as a social group are pretty backwards — the majority still voted for Trump!” isn’t racism. What is it? A fact. It isn’t a pretty fact. It’s an ugly fact. But I didn’t make it true. I didn’t even define them as white people — they did. And therein begins the problem.

Exercise: is hostility towards Jews racism or anti-racism? (Hint: who invented Jewishness?)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 12:21:05 am by 90sRetroFan »