Author Topic: Western civilization = sustainable evil  (Read 8426 times)


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Re: Western civilization = sustainable evil
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2021, 10:46:25 pm »

White people simply love to spend their free time walking up and down mountains and sleeping in the forest. Search "hiking" in Google Images and see how far you have to scroll to find a nonwhite person. Ditto rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, and so on. That white people love the outdoors is so widely accepted as fact that it's become a running joke. The website Stuff White People Like has no less than three entries on the subject: "Making you feel bad about not going outside" (#9), "Outdoor Performance Clothes" (#87), and "Camping" (#128). The latter entry reads, "If you find yourself trapped in the middle of the woods without electricity, running water, or a car you would likely describe that situation as a 'nightmare' or 'a worse case scenario like after plane crash or something.' White people refer to it as 'camping.'"
Many white Americans who grew up going to the parks had towering figures of outdoor history — not to mention family tradition — blazing the trail as examples. And those examples, like Daniel Boone and the fur trappers of the Old West, tended to be white.
As Stuff White People Like says, "In theory camping should be a very inexpensive activity since you are literally sleeping on the ground. But as with everything in white culture, the more simple it appears the more expensive it actually is." You may need to fly to your destination; otherwise, you'll need a car and a full tank of gas. A backpack, tent, and the necessary gear will run you at least $1,000. And then you need some free time—which, if you work two jobs, you probably don't have. That may explain why 40 percent of outdoor participants come from households with incomes of $75,000 or more, according to the Outdoor Foundation's report.

Rightists frequently claim that "whites" care more about the environment. They seem to think that deriving pleasure from activities in wild habitats is the same thing as caring for the environment. (Similarly, keeping non-human species from going extinct (in order that humans can enjoy their existence) by violently forcing them to reproduce is not caring for non-humans.) If anything, the opposite is the case. I personally avoid hiking etc. in order to minimize the chances of accidentally stepping on innocent victims in the process. If for some reason I had to hike, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it anyway because I would constantly be looking down at the ground and worrying about stepping on an innocent victim. In other words, the very psychological capacity for enjoying hiking is already sufficient evidence of their lack of care for those who might be impacted by it.