Author Topic: Volunteering for project  (Read 516 times)


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Re: Volunteering for project
« on: March 12, 2021, 05:51:21 am »
I am still waiting for your Shiism blog promised here:

I've thrown this Shia plan out, far easier ways to teach Americans.

If you still intend to deliver on this, I do not recommend taking on another project at least until this one is well developed.

But if you have given up on it and are now requesting a different project, how about a blog detailing what Western civilization did to your ancestors during the colonial era, and proposing decolonization ideas? You will have to pick one regional ancestry to start off with, though.

"("West/East African", Germanic, "Pacific Asian")"

What were the respective ancestral languages of your non-Germanic ancestors? It would be neater to describe all your ancestors by their language, rather than some by language and others by geography.

I've been questioning my self as to whether it would be better to go by language or River Valley, but it seems language is more identitifiable.

Bak Proper, Austronesian, Germanic.

I'll start with Bak Proper immediately, bit I'd like to include Germanics as well, to advocate ethnic unity through shared struggle, if you don't abhor the idea. Also if you believe the Shia blog to be more valuable, I can continue to work on that.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2021, 07:44:01 am by Cthens »